//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Meeting New Friends // Story: Gang Aft Agley // by The Phantom Man //------------------------------// After escaping the country known as Inter Terra, our "heroes"... did he notice? It doesn't look like it. Okay, good. Our "heroes"- "Quotation marks." Oh for the love of- we're just starting a new chapter, Jay, and you're already pointing out these kinds of things "Well, putting quotation marks around the word 'heroes' doesn't seem very nice. It's actually kinda mean." Well how about we refer to you as 'the four main characters'. How's that? "That's a bit better actually." I'm glad we came to an agreement, now get back in the story. "Okay." Our four main characters were- "You know, now that you say it out loud, it doesn't have the same ring to it. Why can't you just get rid of the quotation marks?" If I do, will you stop interrupting the narration? "Maybe." *sigh* Fine. "Thank you." Our four heroes were wandering aimlessly around a forest after escaping their home country. As Clever was reading a map, looking for a way out, all four of them were enjoying each other's company "Are we there yet?" Jay asked. "No," Steel replied "How about now?" "No." "Now?" "Jay, I swear, I will choke you out if you ask that one more time." A devious grin grew on Jay's face. "Are we there yet?" "That's it!" Steel started chasing Jay. The both of them weaved in and out of trees. Steel was just about to catch Jay before he crashed into a forcefield created by Clever's unicorn magic. "What do you say we just rest up and calm down?" "Hmph, fine." "That's good, I was getting tired of running anyway." "Can we just have something to eat? I'm hungry." "Robin, you're always hungry. You need to get out more, get some exercise." "Nah, too much effort." Steel sighed. "Look, there's a clearing over there. Let's build a camp-fire, have something to eat, and then get some rest." The four of them walked over to the clearing and observed their surroundings. "Well, this is a conveniently sized clearing," Jay said. "Indeed," said Clever. "Okay, you three prepare the food, I'll go fetch some wood," said Steel. "Hey that rhymed, you should be a poet or something," Robin said. "I hope you're not being serious. I hate poetry." With that, Steel trotted off into the woods. Leaving the bag of money he had been carrying all that time. "Alright, let's get everything ready." With that, Clever pulled out four chairs that were conveniently sized for each of the four characters. "How the hell did you manage to fit those in your bag?" Robin asked, surprised. "Shrinking spell." "Of course." "What is it with you and the word 'conveniently', seriously." Jay, shut up and go along with it. "Okay, I'm just saying. You should vary your vocabulary more." Y'know, he does have a point. Whose side are you on?! Whichever side does have a good point. *sigh* Anyway, Steel returned from his trip of gathering firewood. "Y'know, this forest is weird. I could swear that on more than one occasion, I saw wood moving. How crazy is that?" "Yeah, yeah, very crazy. Now can you just set the wood down so we can have something to eat and then go to sleep," Robin said. "Jeez, somebody's impatient." Steel set down the firewood, and Clever set it on fire with some magic. Steel then noticed the chairs. "Where did these come from?" "Shrinking spell," Robin replied. "That doesn't answer my question." "Well, I think it's safe to assume that his Cutie Mark won't have anything to do with being smart, that's for sure." "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" "He can't even understand what I mean by that." "That's enough, Robin. My big brother might not be the smartest, but he could kick your feathery backside any day of the week." "Of that, I have no doubt." The meals were prepared for each of the characters. Steel and Jay had apples prepared for them, Clever had kiwis, while Robin had an assortment of...gryphon...food. Really? That's the best you could come up with? Well, how am I supposed to know what gryphons eat, they're mythical creatures. Fair enough. Fine, you want me to change what he eats. Here you go. "Has anyone got any cheese?" Robin asked. "What are you? A mouse?" Steel asked, sarcastically. "No, he's a chimera. Haven't you noticed?" Clever replied. "Once again, my sarcasm is lost on you. And also, what the hell is a chimera? Robin's a gryphon." "They're basically the same thing." "So, why didn't you just say 'gryphon'?" Robin and Jay watched as they ate their food. Entertained by the two bickering siblings. The plume of smoke that was created by the camp-fire rose above the trees in the forest, visible for any onlooker to see. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for letting me help you out with your animals, Fluttershy." "It's no problem, Pinkie Pie, I needed somepony to make sure that none of the chickens ran off while I was cleaning out their coop." Pinkie Pie was just coming away from her friend, Fluttershy's house. Fluttershy enjoyed visits from Pinkie when she was calm, which was almost never. As Pinkie said good-bye, she noticed a plume of smoke coming out of the Everfree Forest. "Hey Fluttershy, look." Fluttershy looked over and noticed what Pinkie was pointing out. "Let's go have a look, it'll be fun," Pinkie said, bouncing up and down in her usual fashion. "Oh dear, what if it's a forest-fire. Oh my, the animals could be in trouble. Oh no, oh no." Fluttershy rushed into the forest to investigate the cause of the smoke. Pinkie Pie bounced after her, somehow managing to keep up with her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the camp, Steel and Clever had stopped fighting, and both Clever and Robin had went to sleep. "So, Jay, when do you think we're going to stop wandering around?" "Whenever the authors feel like it." "...what?" "Nothing...wait do you hear that?" "Hear wha-" Steel was interrupted by Jay shoving his hoof into his mouth. Boing Boing Boing "That," Jay said, as he took his hoof out of Steel's mouth. "Really? You really just did that?" Steel said as he spat out the taste of Jay's hoof. "It's probably just a frog of some sort." "No, no. The sound of the boing wasn't right to be a frog." "So, what, you're a frog specialist now?" "Well, no." Just then, a pink pony with a curly, pink mane popped out of a bush, Another yellow pony with a pink mane followed suit. "Hey, look Fluttershy! Ponies!" "Oh my, where's the fire?" Jay quickly moved his back hoof to extinguish the fire. "I don't know what you're talking about. It's only us here," Jay said, as the last of the flames went out. "But, there was a plume of smoke, and..." Fluttershy's voice trailed off as Steel and Jay began to whisper to each other. "Dude, I think the ancestors have blessed us today," Steel said. "I know. We need to move quickly, before the other two wake up." "Agreed, I call dibs on the yellow one." "I thought you might do that. The light-voiced ones have always been your type." Steel and Jay high hoofed one another, and went in to make their move. "...and so we came in here to make sure that everything was okay." Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie then noticed that the two stallions were making their way over. "Well, now that you know that there is no fire, how about you mares tell us your names." "I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is one of my best friends, Fluttershy." "Pleased to make you acquaintance Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. I am Jay, and this is one of my best friends, Steel Blade." Steel then moved over towards Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, eh? That is quite a cute name, if you don't mind me saying." Fluttershy began blushing. "Well, n-no I don't mind. Th-thank you for the compliment Steel Blade." "Please, call me Steel." "O-okay, Steel." Steel continued flirting with Fluttershy, while Jay did the same with Pinkie Pie. Or at least tried to. "So, you must be the kind of mare who knows how to have fun." Pinkie Pie giggled. "Of course I do. I throw awesome parties. Oh, that reminds me, I need to throw a party for you, Steel, and your two friends back there." "What for?" "I always throw parties for new ponies here in Ponyville." "Ponyville? Is that what this forest is called?" "No, silly. Ponyville is the name of the town that this forest is near. This forest is called the Everfree Forest." "The Everfree Forest, well, at least we know where we are now." "Oh, if you want, I could show you and your friend around." "Uh, thanks, but we really should get going." "Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase. I promise it'll be lots of fun." "I guarantee we don't have the same ideas of fun." "What?" "Oh, nothing, I didn't say a word." "Well, you can at least let me show you what Ponyville is like. I'll introduce you to the rest of my friends. My friend, Twilight, she's a princess. But, she chooses to stay in a library instead of a castle, I don't know why. Maybe because Ponyville is just that great. So, if a princess staying in Ponyville doesn't make you want to come, then I've still got a party planned for you. So, please." Just then, a shadow started looming over Jay's head. How a shadow is visible in a forest with a dark background, I have no idea. It was Clever. "Excuse me, but did you just say 'library'?" Jay gulped. "What have you done?!" "Yes, I did." "Library? Library?! Libraryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" "Um, what's going on?" Pinkie asked as Clever continued screaming the word 'library' in the background. "That's one of my friend's, Clever Dodge. He's absolutely obsessed with books, and anything else that involves words on paper." "Oh, I know what you're talking about. My friend Twilight is the same." "Really? The princess you mentioned earlier?" "Yeah. Why do you think she lives in a library, silly?" Jay and Pinkie continued to have a surprisingly calm and sane conversation. While Robin woke from the sound of Clever's shouting and began complaining. Unperturbed by the noise in the background, Steel continued flirting with Fluttershy. Well, it wasn't so much flirting as a one-sided beating of compliments, but that's beside the point. Clever ran up to Steel. "Steel, can we go into Ponyville?" "In a minute. I'm kinda busy here right now." "No you're not, you're just talking." "Clever, have you learned nothing about this sort of thing?" "About what thing?" "About stallions and mares..." Fluttershy's face started turning red by the mention of that. "Of course I have. I've read plenty of books on the subject." "In that case, you should leave me alone for now." "But Steel, there's a library in Ponyville." "Oh, well that changes everything." "Really?" "No." "Aww, why not?" At this point, Steel was getting fed up. "If I say we can go, will you stop pestering me?" Clever violently nodded his head. Steel sighed. "Fine, we'll go into Ponyville." Clever bounced up and down with joy. He rushed in and hugged Steel, and then zipped over to Jay to tell him where they were going. Steel was slightly embarrassed, as he didn't want to seem soft. "Yeah, that was my little brother, Clever Dodge." "Oh, I wasn't aware that he was your brother." "Well, he's my half-brother." Fluttershy gave Steel a look of curiosity. "Yeah, story for another day." "Oh, okay. Don't worry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "Yeah, let's just say that he's the only proper family I have." "Aw, you sound like a nice big brother." "Why thank you, Fluttershy. That's the first time I've heard that. Do you live in Ponyville, Fluttershy?" "Why yes, it's a really nice place to live in." Just then, groaning was heard. "Do I have to move?" Robin complained. "Listen, I said we're going into Ponyville, and I meant it," Steel shouted. "Ugh, why?" "Because these mares have been kind enough to show us around town. Now get up." "What is it with you and mares?" "What are you talking about?" "Every time there's a mare involved in a situation, you always try and do your best to help them and then bed them." "Robin, shut up." "Is that what your trying to do with this mare?" Steel grabbed Robin by his red plume. "I said, shut...up." "Oh my, I seem to have struck a nerve." Steel threw Robin to the side. "Just get up and get ready to move." "Okay, fine." The four of them packed away their stuff and followed Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy out of the Everfree Forest and on the road to Ponyville. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in the skies above the Everfree Forest, the cyan coloured, rainbow maned pony known as Rainbow Dash was lying back on a cloud. The only company she had was one of the instalments of the Daring-Do book series. The peacefulness of the evening made sure that nothing pulled Rainbow Dash out of the book. She had just finished reading a chapter of the book when something caught her eye. Six figures making their way out of the Everfree Forest, two of which she recognised. The other four were unknown to her. Upon closer inspection she discovered that one of the creatures in the company of the four strangers was a gryphon. She put the Daring-Do book back into the bag she had with her, and lifted herself up off the cloud. "Oh no you don't, Gilda." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, Pinkie Pie, what's Ponyville like?" Clever asked. "Well, it's probably the mostest, bestest town in Equestria." "Um, 'mostest' and 'bestest' aren't real words." "Well duh. Of course I know they aren't real words, but I use them anyway." "May I ask why?" "Because, the words that aren't real are the funnest ones to use." "That's not a-" "Clever, just leave it be," Steel said. Clever sighed. "Hey, do any of you guys hear like wooshing sound?" Jay asked. "A wooshing sound?" "Yeah, you know, like woooooooosh. Like that." Just then, shouting was heard. "Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy! Get down!" The whole group looked up and saw Rainbow Dash heading straight towards them. "Does that pony...have a rainbow coloured mane?" Steel asked. "Oh damn, watch out guys, it's the pride parade," Robin chuckled. Rainbow then dashed through the group and tackled Robin to the ground. "What do you think you're doing here?!" "Well, tagging along with my friends. What are you doing here?" "Don't play dumb with me Gil-" Rainbow was interrupted as a frying pan hit her on the side of the head. "Um, Jay, where did you get the frying pan?" Clever asked. "Uh...plot device?" Jay replied. "O...kay." Steel rushed towards Rainbow Dash as she was getting up. Steel jumped on her, dislocated her wing and pinned her on the ground. "Don't you ever touch my friends again." The pain from Rainbow's dislocated wing was unbearable, however, she didn't make any sound, as she didn't want to seem weak. "What the hay do you think you're doing?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I should be asking you the same thing. Why are you attacking my friend?" "Your 'friend' happens to be a massive jerk." Steel turned to Robin. "Hey, Robin, have you two met before? She seems to know a lot about you already," Steel chuckled. "Oh ha ha, you're so funny." "Wait...Robin? That's her name?" "Wait, 'her'? Robin's a 'he'." "But I thought that was Gilda." "Who the hell's Gilda?" "Um, maybe we can talk about this once we get to Twilight's library?" Fluttershy suggested. "I think that sounds like a favourable idea," Clever agreed. "You're taking these guys to go see a princess?! You barely know them!" "Yep, then we're going a tour, and I'm going to throw them a party!" Rainbow Dash sighed. "Can you please get off me now?" "Only once you promise that you won't try anything stupid." "Ugh, fine." "I want to hear you say it." "What?!" "I want to hear you promise that you won't try to harm my friends." Rainbow Dash hesitated. Making a promise to Steel would basically be like admitting defeat. "Ugh...I promise I won't try to harm your friends..." Rainbow said, reluctantly. "There's a good mare," Steel taunted. Rainbow Dash growled. Steel merely laughed. "Can we go now?" Robin said. "Lead the way Pinkie," Jay said. "Okie dokie lokie." The group then continued to make their way over to the library. Rainbow Dash had to walk on the ground, on account of her dislocated wing. "Was dislocating her wing really necessary?" Clever asked. "I wanted to make sure she didn't escape," Steel replied. "That's kind of cold, Steel." "You of all people should know that anyone who does anything to hurt my friends, gets shown no mercy." Clever was about to say something in retort to that, but decided against it. He knew his brother was too stubborn to accept criticism over past actions. Clever looked back at Rainbow Dash. She seemed pretty upset about not being able to fly. "Listen, I'm sorry about that situation earlier," Clever said. Rainbow Dash said nothing. "I can understand if you're mad. You love flying don't you?" "How do you know?" Rainbow asked. "Well, the speed at which you swooped in on Robin was pretty impressive." "Well, what can I say? I'm the best flyer Equestria has to offer," Rainbow boasted. Clever chuckled. "By the way, what's with the black stallion there? He doesn't seem to be the nicest guy around." "Yeah, he's my big brother." "Heh, I feel sorry for you." "Well, he can be a pain sometimes, yeah. But he has good intentions. Chances are, if you hadn't attacked Robin, he would've been a lot more friendly with you." "What do you mean?" "Well, he does have a habit of being more friendly towards mares than stallions." "Is that so?" "The only time he's unfriendly towards anyone, is if they attack any of his friends or family." "So, he's over protective?" "Well, not really. He's just protective. He'll go to any length to protect those close to him." "Any length? He's even prepared to kill somepony?" "Yeah...he is." "That's not just protective kid." "Well, I wouldn't know any better." "How so?" "I've been stuck in a castle my entire life." "Wait, so you're some sort of noble?" "I guess so. My father is the steward to the king of our home country." "So, why did you four come here?" "Long story." "I see. Well, thanks for talking to me. I'll admit, I didn't feel like talking to anypony after that whole kerfuffle with your brother." "No problem. By the way, my name is Clever Dodge." "Nice to meet ya, Rainbow Dash." Clever and Rainbow shook hooves. "We're here~!" Pinkie shouted. Steel, Clever, Jay and Robin stood staring at the massive treehouse, which was the library. "Nice architecture," Clever observed. "Wow, definitely didn't see this coming," Robin said, surprised. "That is one biiiiiig tree," Jay said. "It's just a tree. I don't see what the big deal is," Steel said with a lack of interest. Pinkie Pie zipped forward and rapidly knocked on the door. "Coming," a voice said. The door then opened to reveal a lavender alicorn. "Seriously, all that's missing is a mysterious glow and a choir and we're all set," Robin said. Steel began to step forward. He was then stopped by Clever rushing into the library. "Books!" Everyone just stared at Clever. Twilight noticed that there were new individuals in amongst her friends...and in her library. "Greetings, I am princess Twilight Sparkle." Steel then stepped forward. "Hello, Miss Twilight. My name is Steel Blade, but you can call me Steel." "Easy there, lover boy. It's too late in the night for that," Robin said. "What are you saying? It's never too late to greet a beautiful mare." "He really does have a weakness for mares," Rainbow Dash thought. "Steel, from what we've heard, she's the princess of this country. You mess up with her, we could easily get flung out," Jay said. Steel thought for a moment. "Y'know, that's the most intelligent thing you've said all day," Robin said. Steel then stepped back. "I'm sorry, your majesty. I wasn't thinking." "It's quite alright, the complement was not unwelcome. It is a refreshing change for somepony to treat me like a regular mare." "That's what I'm here for. Steel Blade, mare-pleaser extraodanaire," Steel chuckled. Twilight laughed. "Anyway, is there a reason you're all here so late at night?" "Well, we found these guys in the Everfree Forest. We said that we'd bring them to you so that they could explain their situation," Fluttershy said. "Well, come on in you guys. Make yourselves comfortable." The group entered the library and Steel got Clever to sit down...eventually. Clever then explained the entire prologue to Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. "I see, so you escaped your country because your king was a tyrant. And now you are looking for a place to settle down," Twilight said. "Precisely," Clever said. "Now that that's explained, you mind telling us if there's a place we can crash for the time being?" Steel asked. At that moment, a white unicorn with a stylish, purple mane made her way into the library. She was closely followed by an orange earth pony wearing a hat. "Good evening, Twilight, darling." "Howdy, Twilight." "Ah, Applejack, Rarity, perfect timing." "Oh, ancestors, I must be in heaven," Steel thought to himself. Steel zipped forward and shook hooves with the two mares who had entered the room. "Good evening, ladies. A pleasure to meet you both. My name is Steel Blade, but you two can call me Steel." "A pleasure to meet you Steel, my name is Rarity." "And am Applejack, howdy." "Well, I must say, you two mares look absolutely amazing tonight." "Why, thank you. I do try my best to look my best. I'm actually quite glad you noticed," Rarity said. "You sure know how ta make a mare feel special don'tcha?" Applejack said. "Well, I aim to please." "This has got to be a new record. Steel has successfully complemented four mares in one day," Robin said. "And he was wanting me to calm down about the books in this library," Clever said. "Anyway, as I was saying. You two have perfect timing, these guys were looking for a place to stay," Twilight said. "I suppose I could clear up a room. I'd be more than happy to accomadate such a gentlecolt." "Okay, so, I guess Steel's staying with Rarity. Robin, you'll stay with Rainbow Dash." "Oh joy," Robin said. "Jay will-" "Ooh, ooh, I know, I know. He can stay with me!" Pinkie said, while bouncing up and down. "You'd think there was a trampoline at her feet or something. But I'm in." "And as for Clever..." "Y'know, if it's alright with you, I'd prefer to stay here at the library," Clever said. "Of course you can, I'd be more than happy to let you stay," Twilight said. "So, that's us sorted?" Steel asked. "Yeah, I guess so," Clever replied. "It's getting late, so I think we should just go to our new temporary homes and get some rest." "Sounds good to me. Robin, you'll have to give Rainbow a lift up to her home." "Ugh, do I have to?" Robin protested. "Yes, you do. In case you've forgotten, her wing isn't exactly in any condition to flap," Clever said. Robin sighed, but agreed to give Rainbow a lift. They both walked out of the library, Rainbow hopped onto Robin's back and the two of them made their way to Rainbow Dash's house. "I guess that's our cue, c'mon Pinkie." Pinkie and Jay then began literally bouncing over to Sugarcube Corner. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Clever," Steel said, as he and Rarity walked out the door. Twilight and Clever were left alone in the library. Twilight led Clever upstairs to where there was a spare bed in her room. "Sorry I don't have a spare room, all I have is a spare bed." "It's okay Twilight, it's no problem. This is perfect." "I've got a few more things to take care of, so make yourself at home." "Okay, thanks, I will." With that, Twilight walked back down the stairs and walked out the library. "Well, this turned out better than I expected," Clever said to himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, on the road towards Carousel Boutique. "...and so that's how I gained the respect of Hoity Toity." "Wow, it sounds like you really love what you do." "But of course. Fashion is more than just my hobby. It's my passion, my way of life." "I don't think any of the clothes you make will match up to your beauty, Rarity." Rarity began blushing. "Why thank you Steel. I must say, you do know how to make a mare feel special. I'm surprised you don't already have a marefriend." The pair then arrived at Carousel Boutique. "And here we are. Carousel Boutique." "Looks like you put a lot of time into designing it." "If you think the outside looks great, wait until you see the inside." As soon as Rarity opened the door, a filly jumped up and greeted her. "Hi Rarity!" "Sweetie Belle! What are you still doing up? I told you to go to bed while I went and visited Twilight." "But I don't wanna go to sleep." "That's too bad, you have school tomorrow and I will not have you being tired." Sweetie Belle then turned her attention to Steel. "Who's your friend?" "Sweetie Belle, this is Steel Blade. He is going to be staying with us until he can get a place of his own." "So, is he your coltfriend or something?" Rarity's cheeks began turning red. "No, he is not. He's just a friend, a real gentlecolt mind you, but a friend nonetheless." "It's nice to meet you Sweetie Belle," Steel finally said. "I take it your Rarity's little sister?" "Yep," Sweetie Belle replied, cheerfully. Steel smiled at the young filly. "Now, Steel, allow me to show you where you'll be sleeping." Rarity led Steel through to a spare room that was right next to Sweetie Belle's. The walls were pure white, there was a cupboard on the far side of the room, the bed was on the right wall, a window was positioned just shy of left corner, accompanying the window were lovely white curtains. Not to mention the white floor was so clean Steel could almost hear it squeak when he dragged his hoof across it. The bed itself looked like it had been waiting for someone to sleep on it. It was a double bed, there were two pillows, one white and one that was purple. The same shade of purple as Rarity's mane. The blanket had that same shade of purple facing up, and had a white underside. Everything in the room was so neat and tidy, Steel was almost afraid to sleep on the bed, fearing that Rarity would yell at him for making the room look messy. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to finish up a few more dress designs, so if you need anything, just let me know." "Thanks Rarity, will do." "Rarity?" "Yes, Sweetie Belle?" "Can I stay up and talk to Steel?" "Sweetie Belle, I don't think-" "Pleeeeaaaase?" Rarity looked over towards Steel. "It's okay, I don't mind. She can stay and talk to me if she wants." "Very well, but no more than ten minutes. Do you understand Sweetie Belle?" "Yep." Rarity then walked out the door, and Sweetie Belle turned to Steel. "So, what do you want to ask, kiddo?" "Where did you come from?" "I came from a country that's between Equestria and the Gryphon Kingdoms. A land called Inter Terra, ever heard of it?" "Not really." "Well, you're one of the lucky ones." "How come? Is it a bad place?" "Yeah, it's really bad." "What kind of things go on there?" "It's not something that a filly of your age should hear." "Awww." "Maybe I'll tell you when you're older, if you haven't already found out by then. It really isn't something that I should speak about to young fillies and colts." "Well, what about your Cutie Mark?" "What about it?" "How come you don't have one?" Steel looked at his flank. "To be honest with you, Sweetie, I don't know." "Well, you could always-" "Sweetie Belle! Time to go to bed!" "Aw." "Don't worry, I'm sure what you have to say can wait until tomorrow." "I guess." There was look of disappointment in Sweetie Belle's eyes. "Tell you what, I can walk you down to your school tomorrow, and you can tell me then." "Really?" "Yeah, sure. I am going to be living here for a while. So, we might as well get to know each other." "Thanks Steel." "No problem, Sweetie. Now run along to bed, wouldn't want you to get in trouble with Rarity." "Okay." Sweetie Belle walked out the room, leaving Steel alone. "Man, I'm beat," Steel said to himself. Steel walked over to the window, pulled over the curtains, jumped onto the bed, and made himself comfortable. He almost didn't feel right, messing up a perfectly laid-out bed. Nevertheless, Steel eventually fell asleep. Waiting for the dawn of the next day to arrive. "Or at least until the next chapter." God dammit Jay!