//------------------------------// // Pokey's Peril // Story: Noblesse Oblige // by vazak //------------------------------// Princess Luna Equaestris let out a relieved sigh as she leaned back into her dark blue throne. Not even twelve thirty PM and she was ahead of herself. Normally she worked at night but she intended to get through everything early, she had plans after-all. 'I could take the time for an extra long lunch, maybe some pasta, or even a moon pie?' she debated. Luna loved Administrative Professionals Day, she'd created it after all. Luna snapped out of her daydream, feeling the familiar tingle of raw Alicorn magic, fluttering ever closer to the royal pony. 'Took you long enough' she thought smiling as a sparkling trail of living star dust seeped it's way up through the floor like living shadow and light melded into one. The star dust slithered through the air like a snake before floating above the Princess' already half-full box of scrolls. The star dust coiled and twisted upon itself, transforming into a sparkling maelstrom from which, as if from the ether, a neatly wrapped pile of scrolls emerged and was politely deposited by dark blue telekinesis in Princess Luna's "out" box. Luna knew most of her nobles did not enjoy this holiday the way she did, but it really did give her the chance to play with her powers. Besides, Paperweight, and all the other page, deserved such a break after all their good work. Luna considered it something of a tribute to all her previous "good" assistants and aids, besides it reminded her nobles of the importance of their assistants and to take their work more on their own withers. Bringing her quill up to her muzzle Luna tapped it against her chin, steadily re-adsorbing the information from her clone as it's form melded back into hers. 'I wonder how Trixie is coping today?' "I hate this holiday!" Trixie cried out scattering her papers to the floor. Moving to retrieve her work Trixie began muttering, "What is Pokey doing that is so important anyway?" her voice tinged with bitterness over a day long since lost. 'On second thought, i'd rather not know.' Luna decided. Instead allowing her mind to drift to Paperweight. 'I wonder what Paperweight is doing today?' she idly questioned, allowing another piece of herself to be absorbed. "They want how much of a tax break!?" Paperweight rolled over in her bed, letting out a light snore as she continued snoozing; she had a late night planned so she needed to be well rested. Her dreams drifted to what other ponies might spend their time off doing. Pokey cantered down the winding streets of Canterlot, shaking off the cold autumn wind as he went, idly wishing he had some more coffee, or perhaps some mittens. His hooves clicking against the cold cut stone road as he navigated his way around nobles, commoners, everything in between and the generally confusing layout of Canterlot. He'd only been there once or twice before and it never seemed so crowded, evidently he wasn't the only pony enjoying his time off. Once again he levitated the small invitation in front of him; nopony but he could understand it's significance, well him and probably any other pony the note had been sent to. To any outsider it would just look like a random jumble of numbers and letters. Pokey himself had almost dismissed it as such, but curiosity and stubbornness made him plow head long into deciphering the mysterious note. The letters and numbers actually stood for markers in a filing system, one he'd been forced to memorize since he started working for Trixie, in this case it was laid out confusingly almost disjointedly, but upon research, he'd found them to be directions. 'A pretty round about way of getting me a message though ain't it?' he asked nopony in-particular. 'There it is' he thought, the alleyway that would lead to his destiny! It wasn't that impressive, it wasn't even really dark or dirty, just sort of tidy and grey, thinly wedged between a hat shop and a suit shop as if the two buildings weren't on speaking terms and had created the alleyway so they wouldn't have to touch. After all most of the other building had gardens or paths between them. Glancing side to side, Pokey then flung himself down an alley -in a calm, subtle way- steadily the unicorn edged his way further down the oddly deep alley way, occasionally hiding behind boxes or pressing himself up against the wall to avoid being seen, by who he had no idea, but he didn't want to take any chances His ears twitched slightly, he could hear the murmurs of conversation a low beat of music, just in front of him, bedecked in shadows was a small wooden door, a tiny sign hanging above it reading "legitimate business" "Well that's comforting" he muttered, half worried and slightly amused as he approached the door, the sound of conversation and clinking glasses becoming louder as he neared the entrance. Before he could so much as raise his hoof to knock the door was thrown open with a mighty swing and he was practically dragged inside, he would later insist that he did not shriek, but instead let out a very mighty yell in order to scare his assailants off. "Pokey Pierce, assistant of Dame Trixie, Representative of the Night Court to Ponyville, we welcome you." the oily voice said sinisterly. 'This is her fault isn't it? I knew she'd get me killed one day!' he thought, his eyes flickering form side to side as he debated escape routes. Only upon further inspection the pony speaking to him was a small Pegasus mare, and he appeared to be in a bar filled with relaxed jovial looking ponies, many wearing professional attire that was in a mild state of undress: hats had been discarded, ties loosened and shirts unbuttoned; assuming they were wearing clothes at all, obviously. He caught sight a bespectacled pale white mare sipping coco by the fire place, 'wait isn't that the mare that works for?' Pokey knew the name was on the tip of his tongue, 'Blueblood that's it, right?' he wondered, slowly taking in more of his surroundings. It looked like a bar, light brown hard wood floors, a roaring fire in the corner where someponies were toasting marshmallows, an unattended bar surrounded by half occupied stools, the liqueur cabinets and ice boxes were filled to the brim, he could also make out the faint odor of various delicious food stuffs, including cake. Scattered around the oddly large and windowless bar there were wooden tables, covered with board games, magazines books, card games and generally filled with happy relaxing ponies. Giving the whole location a very relaxed air, like being on holiday at a ski resort. His nervousness forgotten the moment his sensitive nose detected his most beloved food, rock candy, he asked. "What is this place?" The sound in the room seemed to dull for a moment, the clinking of beer and wine glasses ceased as the various ponies glanced at him. "This, Pokey Pierce is the Assistant Bar." the small pegasus replied simply before smirking. "Now Everypony shut up and dance!"