Prophecies and Poems of Equestria

by LesserSpottedBrony

The Ancient Book

"Spike? Where are you Spike?" called Twilight, awaking the baby dragon from his deep slumber. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he threw back his blanket and went to join the purple unicorn.
"Have you ever seen this book before?" she asked, showing him the front cover. It was old, brown, and very dusty, but the glint of gold shone through. A moon within a sun was emblazoned on the book, along with the words: 'Prophecies and Poems of Equestria'.
"Nope," answered Spike, "Never seen it. Why?"
"I just found it. It was behind a panel of that bookshelf." Twilight raised a hoof, indicating a large wooden piece of furniture. One of the back panels was indeed open like a door, revealing a dark cavity beyond.
"It looks old," the dragon observed.
"You're probably right. Canterlot Library doesn't have a copy, which means it's also very rare. Personally, I've never read it"
Spike rolled his eyes with a mutter of "I can see where this is going..."
"Oh, don't be like that. We can read it together, it'll be fun!"
He knew better than to argue.

Three tribes there are of ponykind
And though it has been this way since ever we have known
Differences caused the spread of unease.
Argument flared like the flames
Of fires burned bright by hatred.

Three tribes, each could not live without the others
But they wished it would not be so
For the softness of the pegasus feather
Did not match the hardness of their tongue,
For the sharp of the unicorn horn
Proclaimed their pointed jibes,
For the skill of the earth pony hooves
Clashed with their lack of great power.

"I think this is the story about the founding of Equestria!" exclaimed Spike.
"Yes, although it has a rather different narration style to yours..." said Twilight affectionately.

Magic raised the Sun and Moon
but demanded the fruits that grew in the light
As did the wings which brought rain-laden clouds
So the earth-bound ponies had no choice but to oblige.
It was perhaps a fair system, though some argue not
As tensions grew between the tribes
So wars began, although not wars of weapons
But wars of harsh words spoken unto each-other.

As anger drove forth the concerns of each tribe
So came knife-like wind that cut through the air
And first flurries of snow before gales and blizzards
A blanket of white over an unhappy land.
Each clan blamed each other for the wailing storm
Though the blame did nothing to calm the tempest;
It seemed to rage stronger still.

A meeting of leaders was called to be held
So the three were sent to argue their cases
But above the howling whirlwind was nothing but shouts
Shouts of futile accusation that made the snow fall quicker.
Commander Hurricane, with a temper to match her name,
Princess Platinum, dazzling but cold as if precious metal,
Chancellor Puddinghead, perhaps aptly called so,
They refused to listen to what had to be done
And went their separate ways, the summit done in vain.

"Huh, I never knew Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow played their parts so well." Twilight murmured. Her friends' portrayals of the characters were more realistic than she had expected.

Clover the Clever, a wise unicorn
Smart Cookie, a truthful earth pony
Private Pansy, a gentle pegasus
Each hoped for peace, though it did not come
As they reasoned with their leaders.
But they were set firm in their beliefs
To find new pastures was to find respite
From the freezing winds outside.

So two from each tribe set out in the cold
Unaware of the others that mirrored their movement
Or the things that followed behind.
After travelling far, there was chance at last
The sun shone down as a ray of hope
Illuminating land so fair and far-reaching
Green fields, and not a snowflake found.
Until each discovered their rivals there too.

Though the land belonged not to just one pony,
Each leader wished for it themselves
Each believed it was their right alone
Arguing at every turn to make sure it was theirs
As once again feuds began to rage,
So thunderclouds drew near.

Snow claimed the land from green to white
A blizzard came and with it a truce,
To retreat to a cave and wait in the dark
Whilst the storm raged all around.
But the leaders could not coexist long
Without marking out their territory
So causing the cold to creep inside
And take hold within the cavern's depths.

Spike began to snore gently, leaning against Twilight's back.
"Ahem..." she cleared her throat, startling the dragon.
"Shhh! We're getting to the good part!"

Fuelled by the hate in the hearts of the ponies,
The wind swirled into a terrible storm
As the leaders three hurled insults in circles,
Ice grew quickly upon their coats
Froze looks of loathing upon their faces
Unable to move any longer.
The three remaining ponies stood
Looking up at the violent clouds
Finally seeing what created the anguish
The pale forms of the Windigoes.

Eyes glowing a menacing, winter blue,
Their manes and tails flew back in the wind
And their moans chilled the ponies to their very souls.
In their terror they stepped closer together
And promised they would be friends.
As they did, the Windigoes faltered.
At their laugh, they bayed and howled
Suddenly, magic burst into the air
A pink flame, drove the spirits back screaming
Defeating the snow and the cold.

Water flowed freely as the great thaw began,
It melted the hearts of the leaders and the ice
Their differences put aside.
The sun shone down as a ray of hope
Illuminating land so fair and far-reaching
A flag was raised for all to see,
Proclaiming the land as Equestria.

"Wow. I never thought that story was like that." pondered Spike.
"Yes, it is a change from the Hearth's Warming Eve play, isn't it?" The purple unicorn peered at the page, noting the author's name. "Alpha Centauri...he must have lived a very long time ago."
"Can we read more soon? This book seems quite good." the dragon was surprisingly enthusiastic.
"Why not?"