A Royal History Lesson

by crazyjw18

Stressful Encounters

"You have a mighty fine day as well, sugar!" Topsoil cheerfully called out over his shoulder as he headed out of the village's sole bakery. "Oh!" he exclaimed as he nearly ran into another pony coming in. "Sorry about that."

"You'd see where you're going if you weren't so busy flirting with the baker's daughter again," Amber Waves observed. "That's just plain shameful. Sweetberry's half your age!"

"Just being neighborly," he replied with a sly grin. "Besides, you know you're the only filly I have eyes for."

"Tell me another one," Amber said with a roll of her eyes. "You're the biggest lecher in town."

"You wound me to the quick, my dear," Topsoil said with a look of mock sadness.

"Somepony ought to, you old goat."

Topsoil flashed his favorite mare a playful grin as he leaned lazily against the doorframe. "Anyhow, Miss Town Gossip, what's new in Equestria today?"

Amber frowned at his playful nickname for her. "Maybe I don't feel like gossiping with you."

"Oh, come on," Topsoil teased. "I know you're just dying to. I can see it sparkling in those beautiful blue eyes of yours."

Amber slightly smiled despite herself. "You might be an old goat, but you do have a way with words," she admitted. "Fine, I guess I'll forgive you."

"I'd be much obliged," he chuckled.

"Well, I heard from that old tinkerer that passed through yesterday that a new contender for the throne has cropped up," she announced eagerly. "This one claims that he's Queen Galaxia's nephew. Several times removed, of course."

"Of course," Topsoil chuckled.

"His name is Astron, and they say that he's already got quite a following in Canterlodunum."

"What about that advisor fellow you were talking about the other day?"

"Silver Gild? Rumor is that he's laying low for the moment. He's a high ranking member of the court, but he doesn't have enough support to actually make a move yet."

"I'm not convinced any of these silly unicorn ponies are fit to lead ants to a picnic, let alone lead the country."

"Well, they'll have to decide on somepony sooner or later," Amber retorted. "We can't go on without a ruler forever."

"Why not? It's not like any of them really cares about us earth ponies. Besides, I'm still not convinced Queen Galaxia's not coming back someday."

"I can't imagine she would have let things go this far if she was still around," Amber argued.

"Maybe this is all just a test. Like a big elaborate trap to lure out all the rats in the court."

"Somehow I just can't believe that," Amber disagreed.

"Excuse me," a soft voice said from just behind them.

Both ponies nearly jumped out of their skin as they turned around to find a white winged unicorn waiting patiently for them to move out of the doorway.

"Oh, sorry about that," Amber said hastily as she moved to the side. "How are you doing today, Celestia?"

"I'm doing well," Celestia replied politely. "And yourselves?"

"Oh, we're doing just fine," Topsoil answered. "And how's that cute little sister of yours?"

A distressed look momentarily appeared on Celestia's face. "She's also doing well," she replied in a neutral tone.

Topsoil nodded. "That's real good to hear," he said kindly.

"Are you here to pick up some bread?" Amber asked.

"That, and a big cupcake for Luna," Celestia revealed. "She's been begging me for a treat."

"Just make sure that you don't spoil that little filly," Amber cautioned. "Else she'll think she'll always get her way."

"I think it's ok if it's just once in a while," Celestia protested. "Besides, Papa…. He already spoiled her rotten."

Amber nodded, not knowing what to say to the suddenly depressed looking filly.

"Say, Celestia," Topsoil suddenly asked, "what do you think about all these silly ponies arguing over who gets the throne?"

Celestia's eyes widened for just an instant. "Sorry, but I really haven't been keeping up with it," she hurriedly answered.

"Oh, you haven't?" Topsoil stubbornly pressed on, ignoring the warning look that the tan mare was giving him. "Well, there are several unicorns saying that they should be the one to rule Equestria now that Queen Galaxia's gone. Word is that they might even start a war over it."

"Oh, that's terrible!" Celestia exclaimed with a horrified expression. "Do you really think that will happen?"

"It's a possibility," Topsoil replied in a casual tone.

"I really hope it doesn't come to that." Celestia's eyes widened again. "You don't think anything will happen way out here, do you?" she demanded. "We're awful far from anywhere important."

"I sort of doubt it," Topsoil responded. "Most likely they'll settle all this without any trouble."

"I really hope so," Celestia murmured.

"Hey, by any chance have you ever been to the royal palace?"

"I can't say that I have," Celestia replied nervously.

"Ah, I haven't either," Topsoil said with a touch of boredom in his voice.

"Is that so?" Celestia replied a bit too quickly. "Well if you'll excuse me, I really need to be getting back to my shopping," she said as she squeezed past the pair.

Amber waited until the door had closed behind Celestia to smack Topsoil on the shoulder. "You oaf," she hissed.

"What?" he protested as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Don't put her on the spot like that," she scolded him.

"She can't go on keeping things a secret forever," he argued.

That's for her to decide," Amber replied as she turned to leave.

Celestia glided slowly back towards her home, her thoughts still stuck on Topsoil's words. What had he meant by that royal palace comment? Did they know? Even though the two fillies had mostly been kept out of the public eye, more than a few ponies had seen them around the palace during their brief stay. It wasn't like winged unicorns were a common sight either.

Celestia was certain that she hadn't said anything to anypony about their absence from the village. She had made Luna promise to keep quiet as well, but it was always possible that her younger sister had slipped. Of course Amber Waves was famous for always knowing the latest gossip. The white pony grimaced as she realized that if Amber knew, then everypony else in the village probably did too.

"Um, hello there," a hesitant voice called out from just ahead. "Nice weather toda…"

Honestly it was a bit surprising that nothing had come up before now. To the best of her knowledge no one except for herself, Luna, and Spike knew exactly what had happened to Tirek and her parents. It seemed odd that no one from the royal court had come looking for her, but perhaps it was assumed that they had all perished in the battle.


Spike had moved her parents to a pleasant meadow untainted by Tirek's poison before cremating them, so it wasn't like there had been any bodies left to count. Between the palace fire and all the confusion, perhaps it just hadn't been a high priority to go hunting for two lost princesses. As insulting as that seemed, it was exactly as Celestia wanted it. Everfree was her home, not that stuffy old castle full of haughty ponies.

"Good afternoon!" the voice practically shouted.

Celestia gasped as her magic imploded, sending her bread and Luna's cupcake spiraling towards the ground.

"Oh my, I am so sorry!" the one who had startled her apologized as he dove nimbly to catch her groceries. "I was just trying to get your attention. I certainly didn't mean to scare you."

Celestia was speechless for a moment as she stared at the unfamiliar greyish-brown pegasus hovering before her. "Wh-who are you?" she finally asked.

The colt's face turned bright red as he gazed into Celestia's violet eyes. "My name's Golden Apple," he answered shyly as he held out her fallen items.

Celestia carefully used her magic to take them from the colt. "Oh, are you kin to the Apple family over in Neighberry?" she asked as she caught a glance of the shiny apple gracing his flank. "I didn't know there were any pegasi in their family."

"Oh, um, I'm a distant cousin," he answered.

"I see," she replied. "Are you here to help Gala and Honeycrisp sell their apples? I didn't think they were coming back to town until next week."

"Oh, no," he responded hastily. "No, I'm here on my own. Just visiting. Sightseeing."

"We don't get a lot of people just visiting," Celestia said as she gave him a nervous smile. "There's really nothing to see."

"I must disagree," he replied while keeping his golden eyes firmly fixed on her face. "The view here is quite breathtaking."

It was Celestia's turn to blush. "Yes, well," she replied, not sure how to take his intense stare. "It's really not that different from anywhere else in Equestria."

"I've traveled both far and wide," Golden Apple revealed, "but never have I seen anything that compared to your exquisite beauty."

Celestia's eyes shot wide open. "Oh, well, th-thank you," she stuttered helplessly. Her eyes flittered back and forth as she wondered what to say. He was actually flirting with her! None of the local colts had ever shown any interest, so saying that she was at a loss for how to reply was an understatement. "That's very nice of you to say."

"I speak only the truth," he continued. "Your majestic wings, your lovely white coat, your gracefully flowing pink mane; truly you are an enchanting mare."

"That's… quite flattering," Celestia murmured as she tried in vain to collect her thoughts. Realizing the attempt was futile, she gave up. "Well, it's been very nice meeting you," she said, the words tripping over themselves in her haste to get them out, "but I really have to get going now!" Without another word she sped away, making a beeline towards her home.

Golden Apple stared after her until she disappeared from sight beneath the trees. The moment she was gone, his bright smile abruptly shifted into a bitter scowl. "You are such an idiot," he berated himself. ""You are an enchanting mare! All that did was creep her out!"

The wave of intense self-loathing instantly faded away as he shifted gears again. He swept a trembling hoof across his damp forehead as a smile snaked its way back across his muzzle. "Still, I finally did it. I talked to her! And she talked back! And she even smiled at me!" With a whoop he took off and spiraled higher and higher in the air, feeling like his chest would burst at any moment.

An itchy feeling in his hooves brought Golden's exuberant flight to a sudden halt. After taking a quick look around to make sure no one was watching, he flew like an arrow towards the concealment of the nearby forest. As the colt plunged into the treetops there was a bright flash of light that illuminated the murky depths for just a moment before fading away.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Celestia gasped as she practically busted down her front door down in her haste to get inside.

Luna dropped her pencil at the sight of her sister red-faced and out of breath. "What happened?" the little filly demanded as she hopped up, her studies completely forgotten.

"Um, well, there was this colt," Celestia tried to explain, "and he said…. he said….." Her face grew even redder. "Oh my gosh!" she murmured as she started pacing back and forth across the room. "I can't say it!"

"Huh?" Luna replied as her eyes locked on the blue icing topped cupcake floating forgotten behind the older filly. "Big Sister, are you ok?"

Celestia shook her head as she continued her frantic pacing. "I don't know. No colt's ever said anything like that to me before. How are you even supposed to respond to something like that?" Her eyes went wide as she skidded to an abrupt stop. "What if he's still in town tomorrow? What if I run into him again?"


"Um…." Celestia frantically tried to push aside the chaos in her head so she could remember. "Apple. Golden Apple!" she blurted out.

Luna cocked her head to the side, her eyes not leaving the tantalizing treat obediently hovering behind her sister. "Who's that?"

"He's a pegasus, I just ran into him on the way home."

"Really?" the younger filly said without much interest as she crept slowly carefully behind her distracted sister and made a grab for the cupcake.

"Not until after dinner," Celestia scolded as she deftly floated the treat right out of Luna's hooves. "Yes, really," she continued as if nothing had happened. "He said he was here sightseeing. Then he started giving me all these compliments and I didn't know what to do. I just ran for it!"

Luna pouted as she sat down. "That's not very neighborly," she replied sullenly.

"No, it's not," Celestia murmured. "Now he probably thinks I'm rude."

"You are rude," Luna sniffed.

"Do you want me to eat the cupcake?"

"No, you can't! It's mine!" Luna shrieked. Seeing her sister's stern expression, her indignity immediately disappeared and her ears drooped. "Isn't it?" she asked meekly.

"Go wash up for dinner," Celestia replied, her no nonsense attitude back in full force.

"Yes, Big Sister," Luna said as she scurried from the room.

The moment her sister was out of the room, a small smile crept across Celestia's face. "I wonder if I'll see him again," she whispered as she started to blush again.