The Mages Journey

by LunarLocket

Chapter 7

Connor awoke to the sound of someone knocking loudly on the door and dragged himself up to answer it. He moved slowly down the stairs and towards the door. He opened the door to the sight of one of the guards with the golden armor that had been with him on his train ride to Ponyville. He looked to its side to see one thing that this guard had that none of the others did, a satchel.

“You have a letter from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I strongly suggest that you respond as quickly as you are able. That is all.” The guard handed Connor a white envelope with gold trim around the edges and flew off.

Connor looked down at the envelope in his hand. It was simple at first glance, but on closer inspection was actually very intricate. The gold trim had many inlaid patterns that were only visible if you looked closely. there was a large red wax seal keeping the letter closed with the insignia of the royal sisters as its shape. Connor broke the seal and opened the letter.

‘To Connor:

My sister and I have been hearing many things about you and wish for your presence as soon as you are able. Gather the elements of harmony and head to Canterlot. We will speak when you arrive.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’

He read over the letter twice more to make sure that he didn’t miss something then folded it and placed it on the table. He walked upstairs to wake up Twilight. He entered his room and saw her sitting there underneath a small heap of blankets and snickered to himself before walking up to her and giving her a small shake.

“Ugh... what do you want?” She said with a groan.

“Time to get up Twilight, I have important news.” He explained.

“What is so important that it had to interrupt my sleep?”

“I got a letter from the princesses. We need to leave for Canterlot as soon as possible.”

Twilight seemed to spring awake at the mention of the princesses. She untangled herself from her blankets and looked at Connor with a stare of what seemed to be a mix of fear, excitement, and suddenly onset stress.

“What did the letter say?! We have to pack!” She said with panic as she hustled past Connor. “Connor! You go get the girls! I need to pack my things!”

Connor left the library with a slight amount of confusion and bewilderment. He thought to himself about who he needed to find. ‘Well, I know where Rarity lives, so I’ll go get her first.’ He thought with determination then set off for Carousel Boutique. After a few minutes of walking he arrived at the front doors to the business he visited only yesterday. He walked up to the door and knocked three times.

“Come in!” Rarity said in her usual sing song voice.

“Good morning Rarity.” Connor said happily.

“Oh hello dear! Your new robes are finished! You simply must come see them!”

“Well, I have something to tell you first.”

“Nonsense dear, it can wait. now let’s go!” She squealed while dragging Connor to the back of the shop. They entered the back room and connor looked and saw a completely new set of robes and the clothes to go with them. The robes were white with gold trim around the edges. It seemed like a simple, but somewhat regal design. He walked up to the robes and felt the fabric. It had a feeling similar to silk. He turned back to Rarity, who was looking at him with eyes full of expectation and hope.

“So what do you think?!” She asked excitedly.

“They’re great! One question though.”

“Yes dear?”

“What is their durability like? They felt like they were made of a fabric that would rip and tear easily.”

“Don’t you worry dear, I put some basic enchantments on them. They have resistance to tearing and damage and are mostly fireproof.” She said with a confident smile.

“That is fantastic! Thanks so much Rarity. Now for the reason I came here in the first place. I received a letter from the princesses, we need to get to Canterlot as soon as possible.”

“Why didn’t you just say so earlier dear? I’ll start packing.” She said happily as she trotted out of the room and up to her bedroom.

Connor left the shop with his new robes on and began walking toward the nearby bakery, Sugarcube Corner. He looked up at the building and again marveled at how much it looked like a gingerbread house, almost like a small hungry child designed it. He entered the building and saw a familiar pink ball of fluff and energy behind the counter wearing her work uniform.

“HI CONNOR!!!” She screamed.

“Hello Pinkie. I have something to tell you.”

“What is it Connor?” She said with a small head tilt.

“I got a letter from the princesses, we need to pack for Canterlot. We leave later today.”

“Okie dokie loki!” She said happily.

“Hey Pinkie?”


“Can you tell me how to get to Sweet Apple Acres?”

After receiving long and overly complicated instructions from Pinkie, Connor began walking towards the farm. He looked around the orchard with awe at how only four ponies could manage such a large farm. He continued walking until he saw a small, humble looking sign.

‘Sweet Apple Acres’

‘This is the place.’ He thought as he entered the gate and walked towards the farmhouse. He walked up onto the porch and knocked. The door was opened by a rickety old green pony.

“Who’re you?”

“I’m Connor, may I speak with Applejack?”

“I’ll go get her.” She said as she slammed the door in Connor’s face. Connor stood there awkwardly for a few more seconds before he heard hoofsteps coming towards the door. The orange pony that he met when he came to this town opened the door.

“Howdy Connor, what brings you here?”

“I got a letter from the princesses, we all need to pack our things, we need to leave later today for Canterlot.”

“Gotcha, thanks Connor.”

“Can you tell me where Fluttershy’s cottage is?”

Connor left to Fluttershy’s cottage at a brisk walk. He wanted to get this over and done with so he could go home and eat. He walked over one of the many hills that seemed to surround the orchard and saw a humble cottage that looked very similar to a tree in the distance. He began jogging to get there faster. He arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage doors and knocked. To Connor’s surprise, Rainbow Dash was the one to answer the door.

“Oh Connor. Sup dude?” She said as she hovered up to his eye level.

“Hey Rainbow, is Fluttershy here? I have something that I need to tell you two.”

“Yes, I’m here.” Said a timid voice from behind the door as Fluttershy peeked out from behind Rainbow.

“Great! You two need to pack your things, I got a letter from the princesses. We leave for Canterlot later today.”

They both agreed and Connor began his walk back towards the library that served as his home. He Saw the edge of town in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief. He entered the town and turned the last corner before getting to the library. He walked inside to see Twilight with two suitcases sitting near the door on one of her many couches.

“Connor you’re back! When do we leave?!” She asked impatiently.

“Calm down Twi. I only just got back. Let me eat something first and then we’ll talk.”

“Uggghhh. Fine.” She pouted slightly as she sat back down. Connor went into the kitchen and saw the bread. He grabbed what may as well have been half the loaf and began to eat. He scarfed down the bread then grabbed some water. His hunger satisfied, he walked back into the main room of the library. Twilight’s ears perked up as she looked towards him.

“So Twi, when do we leave? I have no idea when the trains leave here.”

“We actually can leave right now. I had Spike send a message to all the girls and they all know to meet at the train station in ten minutes.”

“Fantastic, let’s go!”

They began walking to the train station in silence. Connor looked ahead and saw the outline of the station, as he got closer he saw all the other elements waiting there for them. He walked up to the train station.

“Hello girls.” Twilight said with a grin. They began talking about things that Connor didn’t care about and he quickly lost interest. while waiting for the girls to load their luggage onto the train he looked at the horizon. The sun was setting. He smiled to himself, he always liked sunsets.

“ALL ABOARD!” The conductor called out.

Connor walked onto the train and picked one of the bunks that was far too small for him and lied down. He then shut his eyes and tried to get some sleep on the long journey to Canterlot.