//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: What Once Was // by crescentmoon //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle walked into the Canterlot castle. She had been in here many times before, but never for something so casual as tea and lunch. She walked down the long hallway towards the back, where she was to find her teacher, Princess Celestia. When she walked into the room, she saw the room was empty. She looked at Spike, “Are you sure that the invitation said today, Spike?” She asked. “Positive Twilight. See?” Spike handed her the small scroll, which Twilight saw had seen she was in fact on time. “Where do you think she is?” Twilight became nervous. Had something happened to the Princess? Couldn’t be…wouldn’t she have called all of Twilight’s friends too? Maybe it was unexpected? She’s never late… “Maybe she’s in the garden Twilight. I hear some laughter.” Spike reassured. Twilight ran, while poor little Spike struggled to keep up, “Well Gee. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.” He huffed. Twilight got to the balcony, and looked down to see the Princess, well, both Princesses, as Luna was there as well. They had smiles on their faces, and seemed to be laughing. Twilight then noticed a draconequus off to the side, who seemed to be making odd things materialize out of thin air. Twilight ran down the stairs, “Princesses?” She asked, bowing. Celestia looked startled, “Hello, Twilight Sparkle!” Luna smiled. Twilight smiled back. “Twilight? Is it time for our lunch already?” She asked. “Yes Princess.” Twilight said, as she gave her mentor a hug. “I apologize Twilight. I guess we just lost track of time, we were supposed to enjoy a simple breakfast out here in the garden this morning…I guess Discord’s silly antics distracted us.” “Silly? Antics? Oh please Celestia…cut me a break. I may be nicer now, but you seem to be passing me off as a common clown.” Discord rolled his eyes, and popped into a clown outfit. Luna giggled. “Are you not a clown?” Celestia smirked. Discord smiled softly. “Oh, Discord! Do the flower thing again!” Luna laughed. “Oh Luna…that’s the 3rd time, Discord is probably-” Celestia started, when all of a sudden the beautiful palace gardens began to sing and dance around. Luna laughed, and Twilight was about to burst out as well, as the flowers sang funny lyrics and made silly noises for the music. Celestia smiled as Luna danced around with the flowers, “You make her feel young again, Discord.” “Just like old days, eh, Tia?” He smiled. She looked down as her smile became softer, “Maybe not exactly.” “Princess? Are you okay?” Twilight asked. Celestia perked her head up, “Of course, Twilight. Now, how about we get to that lunch? The kitchen is preparing something quite fine! And we can catch up on how your flying lessons went with Rainbow Dash.” Discord seemed to look disappointed, and Luna stopped dancing. “Can Princess Luna and Discord join us, Princess?” Twilight asked, she felt guilty she had interrupted their fun. Princess Celestia seemed slightly confused, but she looked at Discord and her sister. “If Celestia herself is okay with it.” Discord said. “Of course.” They all continued to laugh, as Discord continued his fun tricks during lunch, causing Spike to turn blue while tasting the delicious soup, and Twilight hiccup bubbles when she ate a muffin. “Princess, I don’t mean to intrude, but may I ask something?” Twilight questioned, finally having stopped hiccupping bubbles. “Sure, Twilight!” Celestia said, smiling. “Well…what happened before? Before Discord became…bad.” She hesitated, she didn’t want to offend anyone…especially at the risk of being turned into something…unmentionable. The atmosphere became slightly uncomfortable as Celestia took a sip of her tea and bowed her head. Twilight fidgeted in her seat; she knew she struck a nerve. “Oh COME ON! No need to hesitate Twilight Sparkle. Is that really what you wanna ask? Or are you curious how I became the LORD of Chaos?” He smiled, putting his head on his hands and batting eyelashes that he grew comicly sized. “Well, I guess I am a bit curious about that…” Twilight chuckled; a bit more nervous than she was an hour ago. “It happened over 1,100 years ago.” Luna started; her voice trembled as she spoke. Twilight looked surprised, and turned to Princess Celestia, whose head just remained bowed and solemn, while Discord summoned himself a couch, and proceeded to sit down, blowing a pipe that shot bubbles out.