Just a day in Equestria

by dave89898989

41 - A new relationship

I walked up behind the slow-moving Fluttershy, and uttered a hesitant “hello” to her. I regretted the decision of talking to the back of her, forcing the frail-looking pony to grip to floor with most of her now trembling body.

She turned her head reluctantly to face me. “Oh gosh, it’s you! I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“It should be me that’s sorry, I startled you and I shouldn’t have.” I offered her a hoof to get up, but she didn’t take it as she stood. I could understand why. I changed the subject. “So what are you doing out here today?”

“Oh, I’m...I’m going to the market for some groceries. I’m getting quite a lot of stock, for the animals, you see.” Her coyness remained as charming as ever. Ugh, I can’t have the thoughts of affection in my head still, can I?

“I see. Would you like some help carrying things? I’ve got nothing else to do so I might as well be useful,” I happily offered her my strength for the apparently heavy load she will be buying.

“Um...sure...that would be nice...” the pastel yellow filly responded shakily. I then walked with her to the bustling market up ahead.

Why this didn’t feel more awkward I could not think. It seemed like there had been nothing wrong between us, almost. I wanted to ask Fluttershy about the situation, but I feared of making her break down; I didn’t want to cause a scene. It wouldn’t be healthy for her.

I took some spare saddlebags from the pony’s back carefully, and placed them on my back. I insisted that I carry the bulk. I watched my comrade buy these fruits and vegetables from the stalls, rather nervously albeit, but she did get the ingredients needed. Most of them were loaded into my bags as necessary. I enjoyed doing this good thing for her, carrying the weight that she may not have been able to do alone. I trivially wondered how Fluttershy earns her bits around here, as she had been too occupied to talk to me at the time. It’s funny, I've never had a job; I’ve never really wanted one. And yet I’ve managed to survive this long. I’ve also only seen her smile, but never heard her laugh. Is there some sort of hidden sadness residing in Fluttershy as well? Everypony has a story to tell, and almost every time I hear them it’s of a depressing escence. But all I see are happy faces and no downsides to life showing in these ponies’ lives. Nopony would ever truly be happy, it seemed. There’s only so much of a level of sanctity to be had, it cannot stay perpetual. Trivialities. I had suddenly been brought back to the real world as the rose-maned filly signalled me to go back to her home. I naturally followed her in the steady pace which she walked in.

The heavy bags were weighing me down a little, but at least they weren’t as bad as the bricks I had to deal with in training. I didn’t know what to say for once. I just kept quiet in Fluttershy’s company. It felt tranquil though. She didn’t speak either, as expected. For the longest time, everything seemed like a never ending conversation until now. Walking down a winding path at noon with the birds still proudly singing in the trees, breathing softly while taking in the scent of a brilliant summer’s day; flowers in bloom and the breezy humidity. The pure effect of peace hit me, and it definitely identified as good.

We approached the humble cottage, Fluttershy opened the door suspectedly. She knew that there were some hungry animals anticipating their next scheduled meal, leaving her able to deliver that premise. I stoically stood outside, not waiting for any invitations; only listening to the near-silent ambience and feeling at one with myself. Then I had the thought of asking her the question of the relationship between us.

“Fluttershy, I need to talk to you about something...” I perked up in my former silence.

“Y-yes, what is it?” she cautiously asked me.

“It should be in private,” I added.

“Oh...we can go to my room, if-if you’d like.” Her voice became slow. At this point in time she didn’t exactly want me to go into her bedroom again, it seemed. The event happened anyway.

I faced some mild hostility while being observed by the groups of animals scattered around the cottage interior as I followed the uneager pony up the stairs. I made sure to keep my distance, I wanted to avoid coming off as confrontational, especially to her.
We now stood facing each other’s left shoulders, askew of our faces as both of us couldn’t bear looking at the other directly.

“So...what, what did you want to say to me?” I noticed that she had been against using my name.

“I know you probably don’t want to discuss this, but...it’s about us. What will become of us? Why did it end so abruptly?” I gave a soft barrage of accusation.

“I...I didn’t want to be with someone evil. And...I wasn’t ready. To be truthful, it was almost like I was controlled into forming a relationship with you. I didn’t know you at all, but at the same time, I did. I apologise,” she confessed, becoming puzzled near the end of her statement.

“I see...at heart I am technically evil, but I’m trying to turn that around. Have been for a while now. We met when I had major amnesia, so I didn’t know if I had knew you prior or not. And you say you were controlled? That’s...strange. To say the least.” I quickly looked at her face then down at the floor in less than a few seconds. She might have done the same afterwards.

“B-believe me, I want to be friends with you, but nothing more. I’ve never wanted anything more than that. It was unlike me and I’m sorry for that,” Fluttershy added, which I accepted.

That came across an interesting thought, how we just got together immediately when I first met her. It could have been the work of my former author, who had the power to do anything to my story. She broke up with me as well, on peculiar circumstances as I recall. Maybe Rose played a cruel trick? I wouldn’t think any less of that. All of that time felt strange; these monsters came out of nowhere, and I took over the town for a while. I felt like I had no control of myself either at the time. I’m just glad that I cut myself from outside writing, so I can go my own way instead.

I changed the topic circling my head quickly. I wanted to know more about everypony’s lives now, seeing as each went through a tough time before, as far as I know. “Fluttershy, this may sound a bit weird, but I’m doing an investigation. What were your parents like?”

“My parents?” she questioned immediately. “They...my parents were okay.”

“Just ‘okay’ and nothing more?” I had a feeling the naturally nervous pony kept the details from me.

“Yeah, they were. Would you like a drink, Blue?” she offered in a slightly harsh voice.

“You’re dodging the question, I can easily tell that. How were they? Good or bad to you?” I conducted my interrogation further.

She had a visibly angry look on her face now. “I...don’t...want to talk about it. Please, let’s move on.”

“I just wanted to know...why can’t you tell me?” I regretted this question.

“Just, stop it Blue! Stop it!” the shyness removed from her persona to be replaced with rage for me, shocking me to the core.

“Whoa, whoa, settle down. I’m sorry,” I called back, trying not to push her over the edge any more.

She stormed off into the bathroom adjacent from our standing position, leaving me alone.

“I just wanted to help,” I shouted, but got no answer in return. My time to leave had come, I gathered. I caught a glimpse of Fluttershy staring at the mirror in sadness as I went down the stairs. The animals hissed at me as I walked on through the open door.

Why did I even think to push her that hard? She’s sensitive, and so must be handled with care. The curiosity got to me back there, as it usually does. I have a hunger for wanting to know things, so sometimes I go too far when trying to get information.

Sitting in my home, I realised that I had forgotten how to entertain myself. The things I do are usually with others. I stuck a jazz record from my collection onto the player, and lay on the sofa, beginning to ponder upon what had just happened today. I met Fluttershy, she seemed uneasy around me, then I went too far. That about sums it up. The curse of my matter-of-fact nature. I am cold and I want answers. I have always had social problems; I can’t always talk to somepony without becoming angry at them for no reason. It’s like the world owes me something, which it doesn’t. But that implanted thought from my teenage years stayed there at the front of my mind.

I thought about my winged friend, the memories of us sharing a moment here and there whirled around my head until I wiped them away with my hoof casually. There could be nothing left for me now. I had no chance of rebuilding the relationship I and the yellow filly made. Moving on had to be the only answer, or I would face more suffering than I need. I wished that I still owned some alcohol. It seemed to help universally.

A quiet knock sounded at the door which went on twice only. I just managed to hear it and notice who stood there. I rolled off of the sofa onto my hooves, and let Fluttershy in. Her face seemed to be somewhat tear-stained, but the streams were drying.

“Fluttershy, I’m so sorry that I asked you for what I did,” I immediately reacted.

A solemn voice spoke. “It’s...it’s okay. I feel ready to tell you; I trust you enough to understand.”

We sat on sofas facing towards each other, this time making eye contact. It didn’t feel as awkward no, especially with the background music.

“You don’t have to tell me everything if you don’t want to, you don’t have to say anything really. Please, take your time though,” I consoled her, choosing my words wisely this time.

“T-thank you, Blue. Here goes...My parents, they...tried too much. I never had too much confidence, but they made it worse. My father didn’t like the fact that he was wingless; he got angry because it. Too angry at times. My mother...she became an alcoholic...and she just couldn’t take care of me and him well. They beat me sometimes...but put me down more than often. I hated my life for a long time, having no friends and all. I was never taught how to fly either. I’ve always had the weakest wings. Rainbow Dash gave me some hope though, she was my first friend you see. I refereed a race for her against some nasty bullies once, but I got knocked over and fell to the grounds of Equestria. I discovered this whole new place, and I felt some hope in my life come back to me. After that, Rainbow took me back up to Cloudsdale when I wanted to go with her. I met my parents a few times more, but they weren’t happy to see me as I tried to be each time. One day they’ll see that their daughter is much more important than their own problems, I guess...I’m sorry that I spoke so much.” Fluttershy had delivered the longest speech she may have ever said.

“There’s no need to be sorry, Fluttershy. Having abusive parents is probably the harshest thing you could ever face. The most important ponies that can exist in a life can’t just squander their positions like that. I want to help you set them straight. Can we do that?” I asked the pony trying to hold back more tears.

“One day...” she shakily replied.

I put a hoof on her shoulder. “You can grow strong, believe me. Confidence is very important to have. Stick by me and your friends and we can all grow stronger together. I wish I could help you with your flight as well...maybe a friend of mine can fill in for me. If I win her friendship back, that is.”

“Thank you again. You’re the only one I’ve said this to, by the way.”

“Really? Why would that be?”

“Because you still mean something to me, a little more than everypony else does. We-we had something once, and I don’t want that to slip away completely.”

“Aww...that means so much to me. Thank you. Thank you, Fluttershy, a pony I could have complete faith in.” My lips trembled a bit and she blushed.

The record had finished going around its grooves, and I offered my guest to change the music, as well as a drink from the earlier proposal. She accepted and I went to the kitchen to find something good for drinking. Lo and behold, the cupboards were bare. The fridge stood empty. I couldn’t just expect ingredients to turn up in a no-income home at this point.

“Turns out I don’t have anything to drink! Or eat, or anything else for that matter,” I called out to the pegasus, showing her the lack of stock I had.

“It’s alright, we...can go out if you like, I have some bits to spare,” she told me, and I gladly agreed. Not to take advantage of her though, paying her back became definite, the same went for everypony else.

We got a soda for me and a smoothie for her at a walk-thru restaurant place, sipping happily on each as we strolled to a park together. This local park received quite a recent development, introducing a sizeable pond for ducks and other wildlife to inhabit, and allowing a place of relaxation for ponies of all ages. We were more than happy to be in each other’s company now, not talking much but that didn’t matter. We were friends, but we had one of those special bonds that can’t be gotten easily. A bit like best friends but in a different sort of light. Our conversation turned to how I and Destiny had been friends for all this time, all the adventures we went on, and how we split up. We talked about our parents without fear, and observed how everypony’s parents affected them. I asked where my foster parents had gone to, but she didn’t seem to know. I also asked her about what she does for a living, she told me that her job is working in a wildlife rehabilitation clinic, which doesn’t get much as it is a donation-driven business, but she gets by. She avoided asking me about my military background, which seemed fair enough, I didn’t want to go on about it much longer myself. She wanted to know how life kept up back on Earth before all the fighting started and I gave the answer of it being average or gloomy, but my family kept me going. They still do, even if they are departed.

Funnily enough, Destiny and Braeburn happened to be in the park. Why were they hanging around Ponyville at this time? We approached the couple cautiously.

“Hey, it’s her,” Braeburn mumbled with a furrowed brow. They both assumed an angry face out of their former leisurely expressions.

“Hey Destiny!” I cheerfully cried. She looked away, as expected. “Still not over it, I see...”

“What you did was unforgivable.” I could hear the hatred in her voice. Why did it go so wrong so fast?

“Listen, I’m sorry. I would apologise a thousand times over and keep going, because I never wanted this to happen. I just want it back the way it was. I said what I said because I thought you were ready, but was I right? I didn’t think so. I couldn’t just hide the truth from you forever though.”

“I wondered where my family was every day, and then that’s how it happens, you tell me that fateful time.”

“All I wanted was to-”

I suddenly had been interrupted by Fluttershy becoming confrontational. “All-all she wanted to do was protect you from harm! All her life she had to live with her lost family, and so did you, but she didn’t want your life to be shattered and broken like hers was! She wanted you happy and carefree so she could take the weight of the world without you having to share the burden. She was your only friend for a very long time, and you can’t keep that going because of one thing? To all of us here, parents don’t mean as much as friends do now, especially for me. Especially for Blue. They’ll never leave her, as much as yours won’t leave you. Think about that, why don’t you?”

Way to go Fluttershy, my inner voice shouted. “Please Destiny, your family will always be there in spirit. Your friends are here to support and guide you, as well. I’ve been here for the longest time, and it’s been all for you.”

“I...I...I still need some time. Braeburn, you can stop giving them mad looks. There’s no need for you to be angry in the first place, it’s not your problem. Let’s just to go now. Blue, I’ll be back. We’ll see what happens when I return.” Destiny’s face still turned away with her eyes closed, but she faced me that ever so much more. They soon left us alone.

“Thank you Fluttershy for telling it how it is, but you didn’t have to defend me, really,” I told my newly-courageous companion.

“I’m your friend though. That’s...what friends are for. I only wish the best for you, seeing as I’m one of your closest friends.” She gave me a great smile. The sun’s setting rays were showing now, and the long-haired pony had to tend to her animals. We gave each other a goodbye hug, and went our separate ways home, as we lived pretty opposite from each other. That short encounter with my old friend shook me up a little, but maybe it sparked some hope of fixing the damage. Just maybe.