//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Long Dead // Story: My Little Pony: Worlds Collide // by The Grimm Reaper //------------------------------// My Little Pony: Worlds Collide Chapter 2: Long Dead Year: 1009 A.L (After Luna) It had taken half the day for the team to find the ruins of which Luna spoke. While the colossal object looked destroyed beyond repair, the metal had been cleaned regularly. One panel even reflected the shine of the sun as the moon rotated them from the edge of its dark side. Some strange symbols were written on the surface of the object. “What is it?” Spike asked, eyeing the ruin as if it had come to life and revealed itself to be a dragon made of metal. “Given the shape and structure of what remains, it appears to be some form of ship designed to travel amongst the stars.” said one of the archaeologists. Pinkie and the others except for Twilight and Luna seemed fascinated by the description. Applejack caught this and addressed Twilight on it. “Somethin’ wrong sugarcube? Ya’ll don’t seem to agree with the doctor.” she said. The others went quiet, waiting for Twilight’s response. “Of course she wouldn’t. Younger minds are often too excited to see what’s clearly in front of them.” the doctor argued. “No, I agree with you, only I think you’re half right.” Twilight replied. “What do you mean?” the pony asked. Twilight took another moment to examine the ruin. She spotted another line of symbols, some of them different, others the same, but placed in different locations. “I mean, it looks like the ship you described may have crashed on a stationary construct built on the moon.” she replied. “Or in it.” Luna added, looking to the others who had confused looks all over. “Look at the rounded area there, see how it looks as if it’s moulded into the ground? I think what we’re looking at is a space ship which has crashed into the entrance of an underground Ancient facility.” There was some slight murmuring as everypony discussed how to proceed with the information given to them. "Do you think the ship could belong to a race other than the Ancients?" Pinkie asked excitedly. "No, the constructs look similar, and some of the symbols on the ship match the ones on the station." Twilight noted. "Well, we're not gonna learn anything by standing outside. Come on!" Dash urged, flying ahead. With caution, the team followed Dash's lead and approached the ruins. Within the ruins, the ponies found themselves overwhelmed by what they saw and felt. An artificial atmosphere rendered Luna's spell redundant. Symbols covered the walls like art in a museum. Images of the Ancients revealed to the ponies that they were indeed right about their assumptions. "It's true then; the Ancients were bipedal animals of all kinds. Look, there's a Zebra, and a cow... and a dog." Twilight pointed out. "That ain't like any dog I've ever seen." Applejack commented. The dog in question looked more ferocious, despite it's body. "Maybe that's the direct ancestor of the Timberwolves?" Rarity pointed out, noticing the elongated snout. Everypony looked at the Ancient picture in awe. "So that's a Timberwolf Ancient? Amazing, they had fur like us." one of the archaeologists commented. "Makes you wonder what our Ancients looked like." said another. As the party ventured on, Luna mistakenly walked past a red light. It flashed once and a sound began to blare from all corners of the corridor. *bzzt, bzzt, bzzt, bzzt! Achtung! Achtung! Unbekannte Arten in Hauptkorridor erkannt. Stufe fünf defensive Maßnahmen umgesetzt werden (Warning! Warning! Unidentified species detected in main corridor. Level five defensive measures will be implemented). Unfamiliar words were spoken by an unknown source. Everypony panicked, including the Princess. This was new terrain, even for her. The ponies scattered, not thinking to stay together. Amongst the alarming sounds and the voice from within the walls, another kind of sound could be heard. It was whirring. Something in the Ruins was moving, using mechanics more advanced than the locomotive. Luna found herself running alongside Twilight. At least she could still fulfil her promise to her sister. "Princess, what's happening?" Twilight called over the noise. "I'm unsure! I think we've alerted the guards!" she called back. "What guards, everything should be long dead!" "Perhaps, but I wasn't talking about living guards!" Those words chilled Twilight like nothing she'd ever felt before. Did the Princess mean non-living as in undead, or were the guards constructs like the facility they found themselves in. Rainbow Dash flew alongside Applejack who ducked and weaved through obstacles that barred her path. "This is crazy! Ah'd prefer to be runnin' through Ghastly Gorge instead of this nightmare." the cowpony commented. Rainbow Dash spiralled through a hole in the wall, just managing to fit through. "I know what you mean. Even I'm scared right now... Don't tell anypony I said that!" the cerulean pegasus replied, landing beside her friend to run with her. "Where d'you think the others are at?" asked Applejack. "I dunno. We never set a meeting point for this kind of situation. If we can get to a map, we can find out where the best meeting place would be. We'd have to think like Twilight to make sure we got the right place." she said. "It'd have to be the safest place possible. After all, Twilight's got Luna to think about. She'd wanna take her out of harm's way." the cowpony said. "Yeah." "Come on Fluttershy, stay with me, don't freeze up or you'll never make it." Rarity said, trying to scare her friend into moving. It was working. Fluttershy was moving faster than ever before. "Do you think the others will be okay?" Fluttershy cried over the alarm. "I'm sure they'll be fine, darling. Right now, we have to worry about us. Where's Pinkie, I thought she came with us?" The two of them looked around as they ran. "Over here, girls! I found a safe place!" Pinkie said excitedly, waving her hoof to help the others point out where she was. The two mares, too scared to think, took refuge in the room that Pinkie had found. As they entered, Pinkie pulled the large door closed and locked it in place with the rotary. "Thank you, Darling. How did you find this place?" Rarity asked, letting Fluttershy cling to her and shake with fear. "I read the map." she replied. "But Pinkie, the map's in Ancient. You can't read Ancient. So how do you know this is actually a safe place?" asked Fluttershy. "The map was colour coded. Well, it really only had one colour in certain areas, the rest was black and white, and when you've got a map like that, the coloured areas are always safe zones. I learned that a long time ago in school. Didn't you?" replied the jumpy pony. "But... darling, the Ancients might not think like we do. I mean, sure colouring areas on a map to designate safety zones is common sense for us, but it could have meant something completely different to them." Rarity argued. "Are you saying the Ancients didn't use common sense?" Pinkie challenged. Rarity paused. "No, not at all... I'm just saying that those coloured places could have been danger zones instead." "I checked that. There were danger zones, but they had diagonal lines through them, so i chose one that didn't have diagonal lines, but was still marked with green." Pinkie replied. "Wait, the zones were marked green? Oh, alright then. Sorry darling, I thought the maps were red." "Over here, everypony!" shouted Lucky Charms. He'd managed to corral as many of the team as he could. Among them were Spike, the archaeologists and his soldiers. He'd chosen the most strategic area to take cover and found the medical ward. Everypony, including Spike managed to get in before Lucky closed the door and locked it. As soon as the door was locked, the alarm stopped. This frightened everypony even more. Lucky looked through the porthole and saw that the corridor they'd run down was still flashing red. Before anything could see him, he moved away from the door and joined the group huddled up together. "What happened to the Princess?" one of the guards said. "I saw her run in the opposite direction with Miss Sparkle. She'll be safe with her, I'm sure of it." said another. "As long as we all live, we'll be able to find her and defend her. The initial shock should vanish soon and we'll be more prepared to take on whatever comes our way. said Lucky, sitting beside Spike who was close to petrified. Luna and Twilight leaned against the closest wall along the corridor. Peeking around the corner, the two spotted something that confirmed Twilight's worst fear. A mechanised guard emerged from the wall. It was a spidery thing with its main body being the weapon. It had an eye that acted as a laser sight for the weapon. "Those are the guards?" Twilight asked. "At least one type of guard. The Ancients wouldn't have settled for something so small." replied the princess. She looked around for a way to get past the drone and spotted a doorway. She pointed Twilight to it and the little unicorn nodded. "Why do you think the noise stopped?" Twilight whispered. "I'm not sure. Perhaps whatever was making the noise lost sight of everypony." she replied. "Oh, I hope they're okay." As the drone turned away from the two, Luna and Twilight took the opportunity to try the door. With a little effort, it opened. The pair stepped through as quietly as possible. "Wait for us!" cried the familiar voice of Rainbow Dash. The drone heard her and turned back around as quickly as possible. It spotted the two mares running across the corridor into the room Twilight and Luna were in. It aimed carefully and took a shot. The laser collided with Rainbow Dash's leg, disabling her. "Rainbow Dash!" the others cried. Twilight used her magic to erect a shield around the pegasus while Applejack pulled her the rest of the way inside. "Don't. you. go. dying. on. us. now!" Applejack said as she pulled and pulled. Once inside, Luna slammed the door shut just before the drone could get to it. She locked the door and turned to Rainbow Dash. Her cutie mark had been shot. "Dash.." Twilight began to cry. Rainbow Dash regained consciousness with an agonised cry. Her leg was burning to the bone. "Quick, get her on one of these benches!" Luna ordered. Applejack and Twilight carried Rainbow Dash onto a soft, cushioned, bed-like table, where she continued to cry out in agony. "Oh my gosh, Twilight, what happened?" asked another familiar voice from behind a wall Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy emerged after realising their friends were the intruders. "Dash got shot before she got to the door." she replied. "Stop explaining the situation and help me!" Dash cried out, her pain causing her great anxiety. "Sorry, sorry." Twilight replied, trying to use her magic to soothe the pain. It worked slightly, but Dash was still in a lot of pain. "Rarity, Princess, can you help me out? The more magic we use, the less pain she'll feel." Twilight explained. "A temporary solution at best. Perhaps the others could look for something to help while we're doing this?" Luna replied. The ponies nodded and began their search. Luna and Rarity poured their magic into Dash's wound, earning a sigh of relief from the pegasus. "Thanks, guys. That felt like acid." she said. "I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it was." Twilight said, observing the wound. Pinkie looked aimlessly for anything that could help. She spotted a button on the wall next to Rainbow Dash's bed. Hoping it would help, she pressed it without considering the consequences. "PINKIE!" everypony scolded. A panel opened up beside Pinkie and a table much like Dash's emerged, already containing something within. Unlike Dash's table, this one had a glass cylinder over the top. "Ooh, maybe this can help!" she exclaimed. Suddenly, lights appeared above the table and more symbols scrolled down on one side while an image of some sorts moved slightly on the other. Was wollen Sie wissen( What do you want to know)? a voice rang out within the room. "What did it say?" Pinkie asked. Her voice was suddenly repeated throughout the room and then the first voice spoke again. Language recognition verified; dominant language, English. What do you want to know? it said, speaking their language. "Who are you?" Luna demanded. Invalid question. I am not an individual entity, but a verbal index designed to answer all questions and provide suggestions in whatever area you require aid in. "Our friend was shot, is there anything in this room that could help us repair her leg?" Twilight asked. Negative. This room was not designed for medical purposes. The med-bay is on level two, section six. the voice replied. It then revealed a holographic representation of the station's layout, highlighting the Med-bay. "That doesn't help us now. We can't leave here because your guards see us as hostile." Twilight argued. You are not designated as hostile, you do not have clearance to be in this facility. "I am Princess Luna of Equestria." the Princess spoke up. Irrelevant. Your name was not recorded in this facility's database, therefore you do not have clearance. the voice replied. "Who's in this tube?" Pinkie asked. The other ponies looked at her with annoyance. General Bardock Igneel said the voice, showing what the ponies assumed was information on this Bardock igneel. "How do we get clearance for this facility?" Twilight asked. Only a Senior Officer aboard the facility can allow access to unidentified entities. "Could the General give us access?" Pinkie asked. Affirmative. "How do we wake him up? We can't exactly read your language." Twilight asked. You may give a verbal command, alternatively; press the green button at the foot of the stasis chamber. Pinkie chose the latter option. The button lit up and sounds began to emerge from beneath the table. The tube opened up and retracted back into the bedding, revealing the being within. It was one of the Timberwolf Ancients. It had black fur with a patch of white in the centre of its forehead. Its right limbs were made of metal, much like the metal the drones were made from. Everypony, except for Rainbow Dash gathered around it. "It's an Ancient... We found a real live... ANCIENT!!!" she cried excitedly. A bang against the door alerted the ponies to the guard outside. The dent came from something much bigger than the drone. "That's not good." Dash said as she tried to sit upright without agitating her leg. "Come on, wake up, wake up, wake up." Twilight began to pat the Ancient on the shoulder, harder and harder every second he wouldn't move. "Twilight, that's a Timberwolf Ancient! How do you know he won't eat us instead of help us?" Rarity argued. "Which would you prefer, Rarity? Would you rather get eaten, or burned to an agonising crisp and then eaten?" Twilight growled, smacking the Timber wolf even harder. Something caught her hoof. She looked back, as did everypony to see that the Timberwolf had caught her hoof in its real paw. It opened its eyes slowly, revealing one of them to be green, and the other red. The red one glowed, indicating it was artificial like the right limbs. The fake eye glowed red in the shadows. "Wie lange habe ich schon hier?" he asked. The ponies found this to be yet another problem altogether. Before anything else could be said, the drones banging on the door managed to break through. One of them was revealed to be like a small metal golem with a single red eye on the head. It stepped through, with the spidery drones crawling between its legs out towards the ponies. Everypony began to scream, Luna grabbing onto the black Timberwolf for dear life. "HIER IST GENERAL IGNEEL. HÖREN STUFE FÜNF ABWEHRMASSNAHMEN SOFORT (THIS IS GENERAL IGNEEL. CEASE LEVEL FIVE DEFENSIVE MEASURES IMMEDIATELY)!" the wolf barked at the drones. As if by magic, the drones ceased all activity and just stood where they were. "Thank you! We thought we were gonna die for a moment." said Luna. "Oh, you speak English? Thank god, I was getting sick of German." the wolf said, stretching his arms. The ponies were somewhat shocked to hear him speak like them almost instantly. "How did you do that?" Applejack asked. "Do what?" he replied. "Learn our language." she said. "This is my primary Language. All others are secondary to me." he replied. The wolf hopped off the stasis table and set foot on the ground for the first time since he'd gone to sleep. "Ooh, that feels good. Granted, I'd much prefer carpet, but I get more grip on metal surfaces... with one leg at least." he said, patting his mechanical leg. Luna noticed that unlike his real leg, the mechanical one had an inverted knee. "Name's Ingeel by the way." he said, walking across the room. He spotted Rainbow Dash and walked over. He then began to inspect her leg. "I'm... Princess Luna, this is Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. There are others, but they're probably running from your drones like we were when we found you." said Luna, pointing each pony out. "Uhuh... that's nice. Why hasn't anyone treated this girl's leg?" he demanded, looking around the other ponies. "The help thing said there wasn't anything we could do to treat her." Pinkie replied. Igneel looked up at the roof. "Did she now? Naughty girl." he muttered, walking over to a wall and lightly smacking it. He then touched another part of the wall and a hologram emerged. He tapped his fingers against it and the hologram responded. A compartment in the wall opened up revealing an Ancient First Aid kit. "There's always an emergency kit near the entrance. I'm afraid the Computer's developed a bit of a mind set during my absence." he said, placing the kit on the table near Rainbow Dash. Opening the kit, Igneel pulled out a wooden stick. "You're going to need that soon." he said, sticking it in her mouth. Dash gagged on it. "Ack! What for?" she asked? "To stop you from biting your tongue when I do this." He adjusted the stick in her mouth before taking the needle in the box and stabbing her in the centre of the wound. Dash bit down on the wood, digging into it as she screamed. The experience was less than pleasant. After a few seconds, a cool feeling began to reach her burning wound and she soon felt nothing. She let the wood and her tongue fall out of her mouth in a massive sigh. "There you go. Numbed the pain, increased the healing rate, and made you as high as a kite all in one go. Boy, I'm glad that worked. I didn't even get the chance to test this stuff on my own kind, let alone genetic descendants from other species." he said. "Wait, what?! You just tested an experimental drug on one of my ponies, from a medical box in the wall?!" Luna fumed. "Yeah. I was hoping to test on my co-workers, but you work with what you're given, right? Don't worry, the drug became the standard on this station. I'm rarely wrong and so everyone kicked normal medical procedure because they trusted me. Though, usually,I'd test this stuff on myself before administering it." he said. Luna was speechless. "Relax! She's perfectly-." Dash began foaming at the mouth. "That'll go away after a while. Just give her some mouthwash and she'll be right as rain." he concluded, throwing the needle away. "You're not what I expected an Ancient to act like." Twilight said. "Expectations are often wrong when involving people. For example, i wasn't expecting your kind to evolve into unicorns, Pegasi and a hybridisation of the two, yet I am pleasantly surprised." he replied, grabbing a bandage from the first aid kit. He then began to wrap the bandage around Rainbow Dash's leg, taking care not to touch her inappropriately. "So you're a Timberwolf?" Dash asked. "Well, I'm a Wolf. I originated from Europe, but grew up in America." he replied. "I've never heard of those places." said Dash. "Well it makes sense that their names would have changed since then. But given your accents.. I'd say you were all American. Even the fancy talking one. I always hated when Americans tried to sound sophisticated." he said. Rarity gasped. "I'll have you know that I am sophisticated. I'm a fashion designer." she argued. "That's no excuse. Mimicry of another accent would be considered racist unless you spent a great deal of time around those who grew up with the language." he stated. Rarity decided to shut up, lest she insult him further. "Anyway, I'm assuming since you recognise my race, or at least a subspecies of it, that wolves have evolved?" he asked, turning back to Rainbow Dash. "They're wild animals to at hunt and kill us." she replied. "Oh, that's a shame. I'll have to fix that when we get home." he replied. "Yes, my sister would undoubtedly be as excited as I am to meet an Ancient, even if you did threaten the life of one of my ponies." Luna said. "You're still on about that? She's stopped frothing at the mouth, I doubt she even remembers a thing." Ingeel whined. "Wait, what?" asked Dash, looking confused beyond belief. Igneel finished binding Dash's leg, tying off the ends. "There we are, good as n-." without warning, his mechanical limbs failed and broke into pieces. He fell back into Luna who caught him in time. "Ah, crap! That's what happens when you don't have enough time to store mechanical limbs. They freeze up in cryo stasis and... well here we are. Nice catch by the way, thanks." he said. Everypony looked horrified. "Are you alright? Didn't that hurt?" Luna asked. "No, that didn't. Putting new ones in on the other hand... That's gonna hurt." he replied, hopping over to his stasis chamber. "Alright, let's make new ones... Think I'll go for the Void core this time." he said. He snapped his fingers and a holographic display popped up in front of him. He typed a few things out and a 3D display of a new pair of limbs exactly like his old ones appeared, rotating in different directions. "Computer, use the Adamantium casing with the Void core, and design the arm plates with Titanium instead of steel. The extra weight will help me get fit after so long in stasis." he said. The voice the ponies had heard before spoke up. Warning: Titanium Augmentations require the limb bases to be made of Titanium also. Your current bases will have to be replaced. "Damn... now that's gonna hurt." he said, lying down on the stasis chamber. He touched the holographic leg and began to inhale deeply through his nose and exhale through his mouth. "You guys are gonna want to look away. This process can get pretty... sickening." he said. Fluttershy immediately looked away, as did Pinkie and Rarity. Luna, Twilight and Rainbow Dash remained where they were, watching him. "Oh and cover your ears. A screaming wolf is not for the faint of heart." he added.