//------------------------------// // Preface: The Highest Level Unicorn // Story: My Littlest Pet Shop: Escape from Equestria // by Drizzle Quill //------------------------------// My Littlest Pet Shop: Escape from Equestria Written by Drizzle Quill With much help from nyc2dragon Preface The Highest Level Unicorn She was humble; she was apologetic. But she was still determined to learn new spells; new ways to prove herself in the world of unicorns. Just because she had lost the magic duel against Twilight Sparkle didn’t mean that she couldn’t continue to practice her unicorn ways, did it? The pale blue unicorn steadied herself on top of the box she was perched precariously atop and first narrowed her eyes before proceeding to close them. Her horn sparked with a pale pink energy, which flickered for a heartbeat and then died down. The unicorn opened one eye and sighed. She leapt off of the box and trotted a few steps further, looking up at the dark blue sky. It was a full moon, a night many claimed full of magic. If that was so, why could she not complete even a simple spell? It was as if the Alicorn Amulet had drained all of her energy magical-wise, and now she was left as defenseless as a filly. Her silver mane seemed to glow in the moonlight as she stared up at the sky. So many stars sparkled above, taunting her with their magical glow. The unicorn sighed; she would just have to keep trying to make magic. Suddenly her horn flared with a pink glow, a glow unlike any that had ever come out of her horn before. The unicorn’s eyes widened as a large spiraling vortex appeared out of seemingly nowhere, her eyes flashing to a bright red, as if she still had the Alicorn Amulet on. The unicorn yelped and darted backwards as the portal expanded in front of her. When she finally got over her initial shock, the pale blue unicorn took a few careful steps forward, squinting from the pale light disseminated from the vortex. It really was very beautiful, all swirled with blues and purples and deep, deep greens. Small sparks flew from it every heartbeat or so. The unicorn took a few hoof steps backwards nervously as a bright yellow spark landed in front of her. Her ears lowered backwards warily, the unicorn continued her cautious advancement forward and, when about three feet in front of the portal, peered at it carefully, trying to see something, anything, that could tell her what she had created. Nothing but darkness and swirling, beautiful colors. The pale blue unicorn tossed her silver mane, a smug smirk creeping up the side of her face. “I suppose Trixie is the highest level unicorn,” she whispered to herself, pulling her hat up over her brow and grinning. “But of course, she is still the most humble in all of Equestria.” Trixie Lulamoon watched the portal for a few more heartbeats, to see if it would do anything. Nothing. The unicorn sighed; perhaps she had hoped too high of herself. Perhaps this was just an illusion, a trick of her mind and horn. “Very funny,” she mumbled under her breath. “Very funny indeed.” Irritation creeping throughout her tone, Trixie tapped her horn and sighed, her silver tail flicking as she turned away from her creation. “The Great and Apologetic Trixie must be on her way now,” she conceived, turning one last time to glance wistfully over her shoulder at the portal. It was, by far, the most beautiful thing she had created, but there was no way to take it with her. It had to be left here, on the outskirts of Ponyville, until it shriveled up and disappeared. It would be for the best. Lowering her hat once more over her brow in shame, Trixie sighed and galloped away towards the direction of Fillydelphia, her next location in the practicing of magic. But unbeknownst to her, the portal didn’t disappear. It stayed right where it was, swirling in its sparks of reds, blues, greens, purples, oranges, yellows, aquamarines, any color one could imagine. And, unlike Trixie’s belief, it didn’t lead to nowhere. It lead to the place where nopony would ever believe, not in a thousand years, it could ever go… xxxxxxxxxxxxx Blythe Baxter hadn’t had a very exciting day so far. She had failed her history test (she had never liked that subject much anyways, so it wasn’t too much of a loss) and her dad wasn’t very pleased with that. She had unintentionally knocked over one of Mrs. Twombly’s shelves while trying to catch a robotic toy mouse. The only place Blythe could go was down to the back of Littlest Pet Shop to escape with her animal friends: Zoe Trent, Russell Ferguson, Minka Mark, Vinnie Terrio, Penny Ling, Pepper Clark, and Sunil Nevla. Sometimes it was the only place she felt she could really think. Of course that was silly, as there was always some kind of crazy going on. But Blythe didn’t really care. On this particular day she was leaning up against the windowsill, looking out at the passing people, while the pets played around her. She didn’t bother to look to see what they were doing—she could guess without even thinking about it. “Blythe?” The concerned voice of Russell broke into her thoughts. The girl looked down in surprise to see the hedgehog standing next to her, tapping his paws together anxiously. “Yeah, Russell?” “Well…you seemed a little preoccupied, so I thought I’d ask what’s going on.” Russell tapped two of his tiny fingers together in almost a nervous fashion. Blythe couldn’t hold back her smile. That was Russell. Always looking out for everyone. “Aw, Rusty. I’ve just had a tough day at school, is all.” The girl turned back to the window. “Nothing much.” “Oh.” They both turned and stared out at the surrounding area. Slowly the other pets crept up to join them—Penny’s ribbon dancing coming to a complete halt, Minka slowly swinging above the others, Vinnie tapping his feet in place, Zoe humming a song under her breath, Sunil waving his magic wand, Pepper juggling a few bowling pins, and Russell just sitting there. They all looked out at the world around them, so large but so small. None of them could explain what happened next. Blues and greens, lilacs and reds, oranges and aquamarines, all of these colors and more, burst in front of their eyes like an explosion of fireworks. Where the colors touched it burned the pets’ and Blythe’s eyes like a strong fire. As they screeched and struggled, it felt as if a magnetic pull was tugging them into the vortex of beautiful, burning colors. Blythe squinted, still emitting a shriek that blended with the pets’ perfectly. At first all she could see was the colors, swirling and twisting around them like rainbows of energy. And then the world went black. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx