A Well Kept Secret

by Moniker

It's kind of personal (Oh...Oh my)

A Well Kept Secret
By Dancing With Discord

It's kind of personal

"What ta wear?" Apple Bloom shuffled through her dresser.
Applejack opened Apple Bloom's door. "C'mon Apple Bloom Apple Stem ain't goin' ta care what ya’ll are wearin' there is no need ta go all around, ya know like Bab Seed," Applejack grabbed the filly's arm.
"But he's from Fillydelphia, that's makes me even more nervous," Apple Bloom groaned.
"Well, ya'll need to settle down, don't get frustrated," Applejack sighed. Apple Bloom managed to slip out and try on a few more pieces clothes. "C'mon Apple Bloom, Ya'll have one thing in common, ya’ll don't have yer Cutie Mark" Applejack sighed as she spoke.
Apple Bloom jumped up and rushed outside. No doubt, she is getting Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Applejack sighed as she picked up some clothes Apple Bloom left on the floor.

Apple Bloom smiled excitedly. "Oh, I'm just so excited!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.
"I know, do you really think he wants to join?" Scootaloo asked.
"Well, yeah, of course she's stayin' with us forever," Apple Bloom jumped up high.
"Is that the train?" Apple Bloom asked.
Applejack simply nodded in response. "So this cousin of yours is a blank flank?" Scootaloo wanted to clarify.
"Yep, a blank flank," Apple Bloom grinned.
Apple Bloom looked around for any-pony that looked like him, forgetting that she never met Apple Stem. A pale blue colt walked off the train. As soon as he sighed the Cutie Mark Crusaders jumped in front of him, nearly giving him a heart attack. "Hi I'ma yer cousin Apple Bloom and this is Sweetie Belle and that's Scootaloo!" she introduced voice was raising higher every word.
Apple Stem gave a Fluttershy like whimper. "Apple Bloom, what did I tell ya'll about personal space?" Applejack snorted.
"Right, sorry," Apple Bloom apologized.
The colt gulped. "T-That's fine," Apple Stem voice broke.
Apple Bloom looked back. "So, yer a blank flank right?" Apple Bloom asked.
Apple Stem whimpered and slowly nodded. "Y-Y-Yes," he struggled to say.
Apple Bloom jumped right up in front of him. "Would you like to become a Cutie Mark Crusader?" Apple Bloom asked grinning ear to ear.
"The w-what?" Apple Stem asked shyly.
"We're the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" Apple Bloom yelled into the shy colt's ear.
Apple Stem rubbed his throbbing ears "S-So you want me to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Apple Stem asked extremely shyly.
Apple Bloom nodded "Yeah, me, my cousin Babs Seed, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are its first four members," Apple Bloom smiled
"Well, technically we're its only four members, but we're always on the lookout for blank flanks!" Sweetie Belle said with a voice crack
"Y-Yeah sure why not," he sighed a bit.

It's the next day and Apple Bloom picked up her saddle bag. "Are ya ready for yer first day of yer new school?" Apple Bloom asked.
Apple Stem slowly nodded. "Yes," he said shyly.
"Wait Apple Stem, be careful, we do have bullies," Apple Bloom warned.
Apple Stem blew hair out of his eyes. "Of course," he sighed.

After the bell rang Apple Bloom and Apple Stem walked in. "Well, hello young one, who are you?" Ms. Cherilee asked.
Apple Stem gulped and tried to say something though all that came out was. "I-I-I-I-" he felt his heart skip a beat. He had never had this many ponies watching him at the same time. Diamond Tiara's first sight she saw was his flank. She had just come out of a quick nap. "Ha, look every-pony it's a blank flank!" Diamond Tiara started laughing.
Apple Stem gasped at the voice. "D-Diamond Tiara?" he asked.
Diamond Tiara then let out a shocking gasp as well. "Uh, ya two know each other?" Apple Bloom asked.
Diamond Tiara nodded not willing to say how. "Yeah, we know each other," she let a bit of silence sweep the air away.
"Well how?" Apple Bloom asked.
Apple Stem sighed and closed his eyes. "I-it's ki-kind of personal, you mind if I-I don't answer?" Apple Stem said.
"But I wanna know," Apple Bloom moaned.
"I-It's kind of personal," Apple Stem repeated.
"But-" she cut herself off.
Ms. Cherilee cleared her throat. "Okay, now class, open your text books to page ninety," Ms. Cherilee ordered. "And, what's your name?" Cherilee asked in a soothing tone.
"M-My n-name is A-Apple Stem," he said.
"He's extremely shy," Apple Bloom cut in.
Ms. Cherilee nodded with understanding. "Alright, take a seat," she smiled.
Apple Stem looked around for a seat. There seemed to be an empty seat next to Diamond Tiara. He smiled and walked up to the seat. He sat down comfortably. Or as comfortable as the hard spruce wood seat is. The class sat down motionless for hours. Apple Stem looked at the math problems in front of him. He looked around. The sound of rain drops could be heard hitting the glass. It was only first period. The bell rang symbolizing normally lunch. "Sorry every-pony but due to the weather I'd like you to eat lunch indoors," she told her class.
Apple Stem smiled at Diamond Tiara. Apple Stem leaned to her ear slightly. "So, how's it been since you left Fillydelphia?" Apple Stem asked comfortably.
"It's been great, my daddy has been making twice as much money as before," she returned a smile.
Apple Stem nodded. "I see, it's...it's been slightly boring," he sighed.
"So you moved here?" she asked.
Apple Stem nodded happily. "Hey, my aunt Applejack is alright with me sleeping in the spare bedroom next to Big Macintosh," he looked around the class; every-pony was around on their desk eating. "Well, I guess I better eat too," he chuckled.

The bell rang again, symbolizing class is over, "Alright, class, be careful while going home," she called out. The class all in unison said. "Yes Ms. Cherilee."
"So, see you tomorrow Apple Stem," Diamond Tiara waved.
He waved back. "Bye," you walk with Apple Bloom to the farm.
"Hey ya two how was class?" Applejack asked meeting them at the door.
Apple Stem shrugged. "I-It was alright," he shyly said.
Apple Bloom looked at him. "Are ya kiddin' me you can speak ta Diamond Tiara jus' fine but can't speak ta yer aunt what's up with ya?" Apple Bloom asked slightly annoyed.
Apple Stem cleared his throat. "She was a friend of mine two years ago, I-I grew up with her, since last grade," he faintly explained.
"Yeah, and who'd you meet?" Apple Bloom asked practically begging.
"L-Look, I am not going to tell you," he hissed out of his shy voice.
Apple Bloom grumbled. "Fine," she gave out a weak yet hearable sigh.
"Now I'm going to sleep, g-good night," he said voice still weak.

He closed his door. He exhaled and pulled out a notebook. He wrote on it.

Dear journal,
I saw some-pony I haven't seen in two years. My dear friend Diamond Tiara, she was always there for me, if the day was bad, good, or even if I just wanted to talk. I feel as if I should have told Apple Bloom about eh...things we did even though we were underage. I remember details; I still have a rope burn from the last time. I still have pains in my flank from where she did other things. I even recall blacking out, (It was her idea to use chloroform). I even remember the first time; that was a crazy time, I didn't expect it. I hope Apple Bloom doesn't find this, it would scare her.
~Apple Stem

Apple Bloom poked her head into Apple Stem's room. "Is he asleep?" she asked herself.
She saw a shift in the covers. She also heard some odd moans as if he was moaning for joy or something. She as well heard mumbling in her sleep couldn't make out any of the words. (That might be a good thing). She quickly saw a notebook sitting on his desk. She crept up to read it. She read it in her mind. She lowered the book. She would never see her cousin the same again. Ever, Apple Bloom gagged. She rushed out of the room, leaving the notebook on the desk as it lied.

The next day Apple Bloom was wide awake. She couldn't sleep after what she saw in written format.
Apple Bloom felt sick to her stomach. "Are ya serous? You did that when ya were younger than me," she said to herself.
"H-Hi A-Apple Bloom," he said slightly less shy.
I can' believe he would write that, and act normal. Apple Bloom awkwardly met his eyes. "Good mornin'" Apple Bloom said.
"Is-is something wrong?" Apple Stem asked.
Apple Bloom shook her head. "Yeah, everythin' is alright," she responded.

Apple Bloom and Apple Stem walked to the school house. It was right now recess. Apple Bloom saw Diamond who seemed to like that Apple Stem was there. Apple Stem gave a happy grin and walked to Diamond Tiara. He met her gaze. "Hey, Diamond, I...I was thinking, maybe would you like to, I don't know, reclaim old memories?" he asked.
Diamond Tiara's pink coat slightly grew a dark shade of red. "I...I don't know, could we just start at level one?" she asked hoping to get a yes.
He looked at her. "Level one?" he was confused.
She rolled her eyes. "You know, kissing first," she added.
Apple Stem groaned. "I guess," he sighed disappointedly.
"Now, don't be like that, before we start, we might want to find someplace maybe over in those woods," Diamond Tiara pointed.
He shrugged. "Alright, lead the way," he said. Finally the two foals found a spot. It was secluded. That's what they thought. The two started to kiss. "Did you change the shampoo?" Diamond Tiara noticed a new musk on him.
"Yes, it was the shampoo that was in the shower already," he explained.
Diamond nodded. "I like it," she smiled.
Apple Stem had a smile grow on his face. "Good," he said.
The two started to kiss again. "I admit it smells better than what was it? I think 'Pony Mist?'" she couldn't remember.
"Where did you get that, 'Fountain Springs' that was the original, this is 'Apple scent'" he explained.
Diamond Tiara blushed at the obvious mistake. "Sorry, I don't know much about the shampoos that you or those blank flanks use, no offence," she quickly added.
He shrugged. "It's alright," he kissed her cheek.
Diamond blushed even harder. "Alright," they started to not speak but just kiss.

Apple Stem walked out quite fine just some up right hairs because of Diamond brushing his mane. Diamond leaned in who was perfectly normal looking. "You're cute when you stutter by the way," she added.
She heard a voice. "C'mon class its school time!" the voice called.
"C'mon we better get to class," Diamond Tiara chuckled.