//------------------------------// // The Next Morning // Story: Confessing My Love // by Sparkle Fire //------------------------------// ~~~ Small instance of violence and coarse language, you've been warned! ~~~ I could hear the workers' bell ring as I crawled out of my bed like a snail, the only thing motivating me my new-found love for the Great Leader. I couldn't wait to tell everypony at breakfast time about the night before. This also presented an opportunity for me to introduce him to all my friends, especially my faithful student. Once everypony was ready, we made our way to the hotel's buffet-style restaurant. The Great Leader was already seated at the large table at the center of the room with several Socialist Party officials, tossing around small talk. I immediately ran up to him at the first sight, swinging him around once before kissing him. My sister was the first to notice. "Wow, you're in quite the happy mood today, 'Tia." "Thanks. You noticed?" Twilight, seated across from the man of my dreams, had a slight problem with my throwing him around like a ragdoll, voicing "Umm... why did you do that to the Great Leader, of all people? You could have snapped his neck, and then you'd be in very big trouble!" "My apologies, Twilight, but did you notice my amorous mood?" "Well, yes," Twilight responded with a chuckle, "but that still doesn't answer my question as to why you just threw him in the air." I gave the Great Leader a passionate kiss before Rainbow Dash decided to interrupt, bringing out her rude and crass side. "Ugh! Why did you just kiss a communist?!" Twilight intervened. "Dash! What was that little discussion that we had before coming here about Cosarara not being a communist country and all about?" "He can get angry and kill people," Dash groaned, apparently annoyed. "Good girl." "I still don't get it." Rarity, rather shaken by the insult, demanded an apology. "What was that?! A political insult of the highest degree! You, Rainbow Dash, need to drag your stuck-up carcass up in front of them and apologize. And I'm not talking about any run-of-the-mill passive apology, oh no - I'm talking about a ROYAL APOLOGY - ON YOUR KNEES!" The cyan-coloured pegasus, flaming with rage, bucked her chair onto the floor before letting out a high-pitched squeal, almost like a little filly in a horror movie that was trapped in a closet with a monster inside. As she fumed in anger, she went on with her apology. "Your Highness, I am sorry for insulting you and your friend - " "Boyfriend!" I corrected, in my harsh tone of voice. "Boyfriend," Dash continued, "and to you," her tone of voice turning into one of displeasure, "I hope you break up with Celestia, because you are a FILTHY, STINKING CORRUPTED COMMUNIST!!! At that remark, the Great Leader flipped out, screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs before grabbing the Wonderbolts wannabe by the neck and head and smashing it against the wall, attempting to break her skull as if it were an egg. He paused to continue with his rant. "You will treat me with the same level of respect you give my girlfriend on a daily basis! You will also listen to me and stop running your goddamn fat mouth! Got that, you ten-dollar harlot?!! Rainbow Dash retains her tough-girl physique. "Okay communist." The Great Leader blew his top. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" He yells. He rants about Rainbow Dash at the top of his lungs. He throws plates and knocks down tables and chairs. In the heat of it all, he pulls out his handgun and begins firing at the giant windows in the front of the restaurant. At times, it seemed like he was cursing more than ranting, with every second or third word being a curse-word. He drew a handgun at his light-blue opposer. "You little piece of - " He was interrupted by my sister's bawls for mercy. I had to calm her down as he finally collapsed from lack of energy. I used my magic to pick up the exhausted Great Leader and set him down on my back. Everypony else trotted up to a tormented and bloodied Rainbow Dash, taking care of her injuries. The sluggish Great Leader managed to open his eyes for a few seconds. "I cannot believe the nerve of that rebellious rocks-for-brains. Come tomorrow, her ass is either in a jail cell or out of our country." He fell back asleep as I tried to calm Luna's fears. "Listen, little sister. My boyfriend has expressed a turbulent side to his personality. It's just the way that he decided to bring that out was very unacceptable - and dangerous. Just look at it - threatening to kill somepony; ranting at the top of his lungs; cursing like a sailor!" I started breaking out in tears. "It's just that I don't want to see him in a jail cell or in the hospital because he was in a fight!" Twilight trotted up beside me, making an attempt at consolation. "You can't blame him. He's always like that towards opponents of his ideas and opinions. Oh, and just you wait until you've seen him at the Party headquarters, especially towards the Nationalists. He can't go three hours without yelling at one." "I've heard about those rants... but I feel that he needs to change the way he manages his anger, after the way I saw him shouting at Rainbow Dash." "But he knows better - " "He needs to change," I interrupted. I directed my attention to the love of my life who was sleeping on my back. "But right now, I just want to hold him close. Everypony just... go back to our room. Allow me and Luna to be there with him, and don't enter our bedroom at any cost." "You can count on us, Your Highnesses." ~~~~~~~~~~ Once we reached our room, my sister and I laid next to him on my bed as we both tried our very best to soothe him. Luna was mainly worried about his threat to extradite or imprison Rainbow Dash, while I was concerned about his well-being. I initiated the conversation. "Great Leader, if you can please listen to what we have to say, that would be the best thing in the world. Just this once! Please!" Luna started. "Great Leader, are you truly considering forcing Dash to leave your nation or rot away in a jail cell? I understand why thoughts of communism and dictatorship rose in her mind, but is that agitation - that rage - enough to possibly stain her reputation? Please stroke my leg a few times if you heard." My sister was relieved as his arm reached out to stroke her. "Thank you! Thank you so much!", she replied as she gave the apple of my eye, the Great Leader, a small kiss on the cheek. I then took my turn speaking to him. "Sweetie, please listen to me!" He turned to lie on his back, resting his head on my heart. "Honey, are you okay? I don't wish to hurt you. "First of all, you need to find ways of managing your anger that doesn't involve taking it out on something or some other person or pony, okay? Nopony deserves to be a target of somepony else's anger. "Secondly, I wish to know whether everypony will accept me now that I love you so much, and whether the Party will accept your love for me. Will they?" The Great Leader replied with a simple nod of "yes". "I also want us to trust each other, and promise that we won't do each other wrong. Can I trust you? You can trust me, can you not?" Another nod. "And finally, I want our relationship to have plenty of communication, and for the most part, lots of respect between us. Can we manage that?" Another nod. "Because I think that we love each other very much and I most definitely want our relationship to last, you know what I mean? To stand the test of time." The Great Leader arose from his half-slumber and mustered enough strength to reply to everything with words. "I love you." His voice grew stronger. "I want out friendship and our love to last forever." "Go on..." was my reply. His voice, in a final crescendo, grew more tense. "I want to spend the last years of our lives together, you know, get married, travel the world, have a big, happy family. "To sum everything up - " "Yes, my love?" "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" The bellow in his voice as he said that seemed to echo across the room. And with that, he broke down crying, and we both tried to calm him down. Luna offered a concession. "You know what? You both may simply be the best of friends in the eyes of the world, but your love for each other is deep. This is beyond contestation." Reassured by hearing my sister's words, our longing for each other grew, before finally culminating in a giddy, but passionate kiss, one that I will never forget - even in my final years of life.