//------------------------------// // A tactical reunion // Story: Patty the Pegasus: A Griffon's Tale. // by TehAussieGriffin //------------------------------// Patty the Pegasus. By: Aussie Griffin. Chapter 3: A tactical reunion. After a long, cold and dirty war the survivors returned to often empty homes, facing long days recycling materials, locating next-of-kin and grim burials. For one soldier a bottomless well of scouting and bounty hunting jobs numbed the pain of his loss. Then a mare showed him a better way. Seeking the whereabouts of a stallion who'd fled his new foal, she was initially just another Merchant Guild client yet he showed unnatural flair, praising the client’s motherly virtue. Declaring that a single mother’s virtue was worth defending, his acceptance bore his full name and title. Fully dispensing with his usual stoic mannerisms he sent her updates wherever he went, comparing what he encountered to what he’d seen during peacetime, slowly, one letter, one secret at a time, opening up to the mare in Cloudsdale. Soon she began to write replies, one letter, one secret at a time, disclosing details about the sire of her foal, what happened between them and his flight. Letter by letter the pair learned about each other. Letter by letter the griffon’s sorrow over his loss began to lift. Letter by letter the mare in Cloudsdale began to appreciate the foal she had and the confidant she was gaining. Eventually, months later, his investigation came to an end. Sadly the stallion had died in a bar fight near Saddle Arabia. Writing with a heavy heart, he asked if there were any traditions he should carry out in the mare’s absence. The stunning reply took so long the griffon worried that she'd taken offense at his offer. The mare requested a security escort within the territories. She wanted to meet him! Granted she had to verify the stallion's death, (her father and legal council would help finish the last of the paperwork) and she was long-overdue for a holiday with her foal (her mother was busy with a large bridal party), yet she wanted just to meet him! He was floored! She wasn't chasing up money, or skeptical about his work, she wanted to meet him! Suddenly giddy, youthful hope bloomed and soon he gathered his old Fourth Guardian Squad as an honor guard to meet them near the clan’s canyons... only to find almost total tragedy had been waiting. -_==========_- Several furlongs before from the rendezvous point Princess Luna had left the party to chase down suspicious reflections of sunlight, trusting Maudlin Makeover to safely approach the canyons. Slightly before Maudlin heard the greeting song from its bluffs she saw the great griffon that slowly rose to meet them singing: “You've been lost and felt alone. Now you navigate the globe, Finding what I hope for too." "And the way we fly and float, Circumnavigating hope. Trying to keep control With you...” That was when the rest of the greeting party and their Guardian squad on the ground began chorusing to back him while rhythmically beating the ground to accompany his voice. “Every one of us was hurt, Every one of us was scarred, Every one of us was scared With you...” He looked earnestly in the eyes of his guests above the chorus' crescendo. “Our eyes closed, Our heads hurt, We were all brought low...” Suddenly the music below him stopped and he sang in mid air amidst the sound of beating wings. “Every one of us is scared, Every one of us is hurt, Every one of us has hope... ... For you.” Meeting his earnest gaze, Maudlin Makeover flew beside him toward the canyons. As they landed the greeting party, including a naga and a wingless griffon began to lead them to refreshments set out for Ruby Dream, her filly Lofty and Maudlin Makeover. As they were introducing themselves and finding paperwork for their status as hired guards, Luna approached from the desert skys. The greeting party took one look at her mane before their leader roared. “Guardians! To the walls!” -_==========_- Coming next: Hello's and lullabies.