The Orbs

by twilightsparkle13

A series of events involving Rainbow Dash and other characters of importance

Well this is unexpected.

Just last week I was head of the weather team in Cloudsdale, now I'm an Alicorn.
The last few days have been really busy...

Well, before I go on I should probably explain a few things to all you non-pony folk out there.

For starters; I'm Rainbow Dash, the faster FORMER Pegasus in all of Equestria.
Equestria is what you humans would call a "country".

Our faithful rulers are Princess Celestia; Goddess of the Sun, and Princess Luna; Celestia’s younger sister and Goddess
of the Night.

My five friends and I, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, are the Elements of Harmony.
That pretty much means our friendship is so strong we can kick some flank to save Equestria.
The six of us live in Ponyville, a small farm town in the middle of Equestria. We've had to save the town countless numbers of times.

It's a good thing we live here though or else everypony would be in BIG trouble.

Well, enough back story, let's get back to the situation at hand.

So it all started a few days ago when Celestia noticed one of the royal guards was hanging around the statue that housed Discord. At first she thought nothing of it but by the time anypony realized what was going on, it was too late.

So, apparently Chrysalis had been using her powers to disguise herself as a member of the Royal Guard, and had been casting numerous spells on Discord's stony prison to weaken it enough to be broken by one final spell.

On the day she almost freed Discord, the captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, noticed Chrysalis casting a spell on Discord's prison and alerted Princess Celestia.
Luckily by the time she got there she was able to stop Chrysalis from freeing Discord but Chrysalis still got away.

She immediately sent a scroll to Twilight Sparkle via Spike, her dragon assistant, telling her to come to Canterlot and to bring the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight sensed something urgent, alerted the rest of us, and we boarded the next train to Canterlot; Equestria's gleaming capital.

When we got there we knew something was wrong right away. Every member of the Royal Guard was standing guard
around the castle.

When we got to the throne room Celestia told us what was happening.

When she had finished Pinkie piped "Don't worry Princess, we'll catch that meany and put her back in her place."

"Yes Princess, do not worry about our ability to...”

"Can we just get a move on?" Applejack said, interrupting Twilight.

"Sorry Sugarcube but ain't nothin' gonna get done with us sitting around jabbering." apologized Applejack.

"Yeah, let's get a move on." I agreed.

As we set out to find the villain, we came across a strange old pony who said

"Beware the changing and not right, it will take the Orbs of Day and Night."

None of us had a clue what they were talking about so we just glanced at each other and kept walking.

Suddenly Fluttershy said "What is that? It looks like Princess Celestia." We all galloped down the path, and as it turned out it WAS the Princess.

All at once we asked "Princess? What the hay are you doing out here?"

She replied, "I got a bit of information from one of the Royal Guard members that I sent to look for Chrysalis that she was spotted in this area of the Everfree Forest."

"B-b-but Princess there are lots of dangerous creatures in this area." squeaked Fluttershy.

"Do not worry Fluttershy, I am fully capable of protecting myself from any threats that may present them-" suddenly Celestia was cut off by a large black shape ramming into her side.

When the dust settled it revealed Queen Chrysalis sitting atop Princess Celestia and her black muzzle just mere inches away from the Princess's.

Chrysalis hissed "You've foolishly fallen for my trap Celestia and now you'll pay for what you've done to me and my Changeling army."

As she spoke she lowered her head so that her horn was pointing to Celestia.

As she did this, I realized what she was planning to do and flew as fast as I could towards them.

Just before I crashed into her, Chrysalis whipped her head around and hit me with an immobility spell and I fell to the ground.

I watched in terror as Chrysalis shot a steady stream of magic at Celestia.

Suddenly there was a huge flash of light and we were all thrown backward.

When we could all see again, Celestia was gone, and in her place as a glowing, white and yellow orb.

It hovered in the air for a few seconds before falling to the ground.
Chrysalis used her magic to levitate it towards herself.

As I laid there I noticed Twilight come up next to me and cast a spell on me. When I went to ask her what she was doing I realized I could move again.

The six of us started to back up slowly, watching Chrysalis, and before we knew it she started to draw power from the Orb. As she did this, her wings grew longer, her mane and tail lengthened and she turned a grey/white color.

Once we were far enough away from her we turned tail and ran with Chrysalis's menacing laughter ringing behind us.

We regrouped at Fluttershy's cottage and discussed our plan.

"I think that I should go and warn Princess Luna." I said but I was met by a chorus of "No way!" and "That's too dangerous!"
As I sat there mumbling to myself, the others devised a plan.

It was decided that Twilight would cast a spell on all of us that would be used to protect us from most evil magic that Chrysalis would try to use on us.

Then Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy would go back to the Everfree Forest to search for Chrysalis while Rarity, Pinkie Pie and myself would protect Princess Luna in Canterlot.

We separated into our groups and started on our way.
When we got to Canterlot we were given a position directly outside of Luna's bedchambers.

After we had been sitting there for a while a Unicorn chef came trotting by, a platter of cupcakes suspended by magic in the air in front of him.

Pinkie Pie bounced off after him saying "Wait! Slow down! I need to make sure those cupcakes are safe."
"Pinkie, wait! We have to stay here." I called up but stopped, realizing she was too far away. A few minutes later a mare in a fancy dress came strutting by and Rarity, being the fashionista that she is, galloped off after the pony.

So I was left there.


A while later Princess Luna said to me "Rainbow Dash, do you suppose we could take a walk through the Royal Garden? I've been stuck in here for several hours and wish to stretch my legs."

"Well I guess that we could Princess but I think we should get a few members of the Royal Guard to come with us." I replied.

"Okay I shall summon the most loyal guards to escort us." Luna said. With that she summoned a few guards and we proceeded to the garden.

As we were walking I noticed a sudden lack of hoofsteps and turned around. What I saw was shocking. The Royal Guards were all lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. All but one, who was standing directly over Princess Luna.

As soon as I saw this I knew what was going on. In the few seconds it took me to cover the distance between them and myself, Chrysalis had changed back to her normal form and had started to shoot magic at Luna.

I was only a second too late.

Just as I crashed into Chrysalis there was a flash of light, and then Luna was gone but I could still her hear talking to me.

I heard "Rainbow Dash, you must get the orb! It is my sister and I's only hope."

I got up and shook my head, trying to get my ears to stop ringing. As my head straightened out I saw the Orb.
I dove at it and missed.

It started rolling off towards the river. I raced off after it and grabbed it.

As soon as my hoof came into contact with it I started to transform; I grew taller, my legs lengthened, my wings got larger and most surprising, I grew a horn.

I felt Luna and Celestia's consciousness pulling at me and realized what had to be done.

I focused, took a deep breath, and fired a beam of magic at Chrysalis. As it hit her she turned a blinding white and vaporized.

I then focused on Luna and Celestia's consciousness and cast a spell. As I did this the Princesses materialized in front of me.

Luna walked up to me, extended a wing, put it across my back and said
"Well done Rainbow Dash, but you must come with me. You have much to learn, being a new Alicorn and all."

So, as you can tell, the next week or so should be interesting,