
by pony ink splot


Rarity was freaking out! She was braying like crazy, started sweating and running frantically at the mirrors. She attempted to escape, but the only thing that happened was she got a throbbing felling on the top of her head and a great migraine. She pulled out her notebook and flipped to the page that she wrote what all the movie people did to escape from places like they did it every day. (That was a note in Rarity's notebook.) She stopped in awe and looked amazed at the note.
It was the most used strategy in all of the movies she had ever seen. The note was, they would try to distract the enemy and get away.

She put the notebook away. She looked around at the mirrors like she was a spy on a secret mission. She jumped around and did lots of cart wheels and fist pounded the ground. She sneakily went next to one of the mirrors and acted real casual. She stood there waiting for the right time to attack the enemy. Suddenly she attacked the mirrors with one powerful kick that she spun around to get to all of them. Her head hurt and everything was very blurry. She had escaped! she got up and sashayed all the way to her house.

She snuck into the house and checked the time. Oh no! It was ten o' clock. She was supposed to present her gift to her mother now! She pulled out a piece of printer paper from the "junk drawer" and wrote this: Dear mom, You are amazingly talented at making pancakes and bacon, I could eat it forever! You also take really good care of me, I am very lucky I have you and not someone who doesn't care for me or help me with anything! I love you mom! Thank you for everything you do for me! Love Rarity. Her mom really loved her gift she even put it on the display table.