The Courage To Go On

by Meilha

Friend from the past

After another day of walking my provisions ran out. My stomach growled like a rabid diamond dog. And what made matters even worse, I had run out of bits when I purchased my last items back in Saddle Arabia. I would have to steal some food once I got to the next town. Over the years I had become pretty good at stealing, but it wasn't something I was proud of. It reminded me of how sad my life really was, that I had to stoop so low as to steal from others.

Celestia's sun shined down from above, sending rays of light through the treetops. The forest was so peaceful, yet I still couldn't help feeling a bit lonely. Although that was a feeling I've been feeling everyday since I lost my family to the cursed blazing inferno. Having a friend would've helped.

I had never made a single friend. Sure I used to have my family, but that's different. I had convinced myself I didn't need a friend, but the feeling of loneliness was still there. However, I had long since gotten used to it.

I stopped walking and perked my ears. A faint clopping noise echoed through the trees. I looked behind me to find a wagon down the road being pulled by somepony. I started walking again, but this time slower. After several minutes the wagon pony caught up with me. He turned his head towards me and stared for a few seconds. He wore bandages on most of his body. His mouth was covered, but I could still see his eyes. They looked tired and elderly. After sizing me up he spoke.

"Hello there, didn't expect to see anypony traveling on this road. What's your name?"

"Fang" I replied.

"Fang?" His eyes looked bewildered. "I've heard that name before...I can't remember...ah well It'll come to me eventually." We turned our heads forward as we continued to talk.

"You see I've been forgetting a lot of things lately. I couldn't even tell you my name, much less where I'm headed. You can call me Richard though. So, what's your destination?"

"I'm going to Ponyville, but I need to stop at the next town for food." I answered.

"Ah, well if memory serves I believe there's a city close by here. But I'm not one to be trusted when it comes to remembering, let me tell ya."

"Thanks Richard." I said.

"Richard? Who's Richard?" He asked.

"You told me to call you Richard," I replied.

"That doesn't sound like something I would say. Call me Will."

"Okay, Will."

My stomach growled again. Will looked at me and smiled.

"You hungry?" He inquired.

"Uh...yeah. I ran out of food earlier today."

"Well I believe it's about time for lunch," Will said as he pulled his cart to the side of the road. "Sit right over here and I'll share some of my biscuits and jam with you."

I sat down and he gave me a large biscuit slathered with mounds of strawberry jam. I took a huge bite and my eyes became as big as dinner plates.

"This is really good!" I exclaimed with my mouth full. I started to devour my biscuit, savoring every last morsel.

"Heheh, you like em? I made them myself," He said. "And I used jam from Canterlot. Actually, jam that was supposed to go to the princess herself."

"The princess? How did you get jam that was supposed to go to her?" I asked in astonishment.

Will grinned, "Once I learned about the shipment of jam going to the castle, I found the pegasi that were delivering it and stole some while they were resting. I trust you won't tell anyone,"

"No, I steal things myself. But I've never even considered stealing from the princess!" I exclaimed.

"Who cares if they would've caught me!" Will said, "I don't belong anywhere anyways. Besides, Celestia deserves to be stolen from. Her and all of those living in the castle have the good life. They can all sit in a recliner eating this premium jam and not have a care in the world."

"No," I said, "I disagree. Celestia might have more wealth than the rest of us, but she has other things to worry about than her bills. She has to keep everything together, without her there would be no order."

"No order? We would get along just fine without her. All she does is sit on her thrown enjoying life's luxuries, while the rest of us suffer. She's never had to lift a hoof in her entire life. The same goes for all the unicorns. Us earth ponies grow them food. And what do they give us?"

I put down the hood of my cloak, exposing my horn. "I'm a unicorn Will. And I've suffered almost all my life. Unicorns get along with earth ponies just fine. My father was an earth pony, and my mother was a unicorn. They were happy how it was, my father did the work, and my mother helped him with her own magic any way she could. She didn't have to do much, but they were both happy. Never once did my father wonder how much easier her life must be, because he was the one making it easy. He was happy to help, even if he didn't get anything in return. He would never think as selfishly as you."

He looked impressed, and replied, "So, we just go along with whatever card we got dealt, huh? The unicorns sit on their comfy chairs, drinking their fancy cider, and the pegasi fly freely in the sky. And then the earth ponies have to work in the fields and make a living by the sweat of their brow. It's not right. We cannot live in a world where everypony is not equal. Sure Celestia can try to keep peace. Equestria has stayed in peace for centuries. But it can't stay like this forever. It will come to an end eventually."

His words made sense. But if I were to accept them my world would become even worse than it already was. "Will, you may be right. But if everypony thought like you, the peace would be broken much sooner. Sure everypony isn't equal, but we've all learned to live in peace despite of it. Celestia might get the better things in life, but if she knew there was somepony in need, she would help them in an instant. You might not have a life as easy as a unicorn might, but dealing with that would be much better than any type of conflict."

" may be right. Besides, I suppose my life could always be worse. Well It's starting to get late. We should get going if you want to reach the city," Will said.

"Yeah, I guess so. And thank you for sharing the biscuits with me." I said.

Will smiled and said, "Well I guess you were right. If you're not going to help others in this world then you're not worth the air you breath." He said.

I looked at him. "That's what my dad always told me." I said. "That was his motto, his way of life. He never went a day without reminding me what it means. But now I guess I've forgotten..."

"Well I suppose we've both been reminded of this life lesson today," He said.

I smiled, "Yeah, you're right."

After we finished eating the last of the biscuits Will packed his things back into his wagon and we started walking again.

"Will, do you have any family?" I asked him.

"No, I lost them a long time ago...except I can't remember how. No friends either, I've been traveling for so long I never got to know anyone I guess."

I almost smiled. "Well I guess we have a lot in common. I suppose that means I can call you my friend, then?"

He faced me and smiled. "Yes, I would like that. I would like that a lot."

We came to the edge of the forest and broke out of the trees. "Finally a change of scenery," Will said.

We walked down a large hill and came to a fork in the road. "I think if you go right for a couple miles you'll find a large city." Will said. "And, that also means it's time to go separate ways."

"I hope our paths will cross again one day," I said. We shook hooves, and then I started down the road.


I stood there and waved at Fang until he was far away. I smiled, and a tear rolled down my face. So, Fang, you're still alive. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you for all of these years. But it looks like you turned out okay. I hope I'll get to see you again, before my time is up, so I can tell you that I love you.


I waved back at Will one last time before turning around a leaving for good. Finally, somepony I could call friend. Somepony I could relate with. It felt so nice. I know I still have to get to Ponyville, and I still don't want to. But somehow, it hurts less to think about it now. Maybe I can finally move on.

No matter how lonely you might feel, there will always be a friend waiting around the corner.