//------------------------------// // Son of Liberty, Father of Freedom // Story: Xero's After-the-Final Fight // by The P Co //------------------------------// Waking up tense, Xero looked at his medical ward's main computer. 'Restorative Surgery Started: 8/6/1003 13:37' 'Restorative Surgery Finished: 9/6/1003 7:06' "Okay, almost a whole month of surgery, what in the holy fucking hell was wrong with me?" Xero was confused and more than a little scared. Then he remembered 2 things; 1: this did NOT mean 'August 6, 1003 - September 6, 1003' no, it meant '8th of June - 9th of June', he was still british enough to use the date orientation 2: more importantly, his last clock check read '1/6/1003' He had been standing in front of his mirror for a whole week, and it felt like a minute. That would explain his beard growing so much, and his weakness. DIsconnecting the tubes and needles stuck inside his body, he stood and went to the armory terminal. Creating a new set of weapons, ditching the Wolverines and the Catalytic Lens, his copy of the weapon of a hero with the same name, and a gold-plated handled red lightsaber. Trashing all of his weapons, actually, he needed an ENTIRE new set of awesome killing tools. Sephiroth and Steven were re-made, Sephiroth being 15 feet by 6 inches, made of mithril. Steven being the diamond sword from Minecraft, the pixelated blade translating into very heavy serrating. Letting the ideas come to mind, entertaining them, and selecting whatever he felt would be the most useful. He decided to play with voltage and amperage, voltage translating into piercing power, and amperage translating into stopping power. Next weapon, the Na'Ja'To, a ninjato (straight bladed asian sword) sheathed in a rather oddly shaped scabbard. When drawn, via 1 of 2 methods, the full power was unlocked. Method 1 was to draw the sword like a sword, revealing the blood alloy blade (a combination of medium hardness steel, titanium, lead, copper, and bromine), the 'scabbard' turns out to be a short barreled laser cannon, firing a medium voltage medium amperage cone of laser energy, the blade of the ninjato could withstand the blast, but most all enemies could not. Method 2 was to draw the sword like a bullet, firing it at break-neck speed hilt first at the enemy, bouncing off and back to him to hold. The 2 parts, the Nato and the Jato, gun and sword, are meant to be dual wielded. Next weapon, the Shadow Tears, another ninjato, it was -50 degrees celsius, why? The blade was made of mercury, and mercury freezes at about -39 degrees celsius, it forms the soldified mercury blade in a pre-determined super sharp form, then, when stabbing or slashing an enemy, it left behind mercury to poison the enemy, it was highly effective. Next weapon, the Le-Lob, short for Leonardo's Lobotomy, a rapier made of a highly explosive substance. Strike the enemy and an explosion would assault them, only other detail was that the hilt was an italian one, nothing else. Next weapon, the Justice, made of a gold-titanium alloy, with some carbon thrown in for lattice corrective hardness addition, it had a thick plastic scabbard, as the blade was mainly gold for a reason. It was a taser sword, modeled in the form of a british saber. He remembered seeing an original model somewhere, and replicated it. Next weapon, the Gravity Hammer, copy of the Halo weapon of the same name, his old one didn't work properly, but the new one did. Next weapon, the Pincer, a copy of the Halo energy sword. Next, the hardest to obtain material, even more than dark matter, was Uru, some extremely dangerous science went down for him to obtain it, seeing as how it can only be obtained from collapsed stars, he made the Mjolnir, or at least, a copy of it, and in axe form, he had no ability to enchant it with the awesome powers that Odin did, but hey, Mjolnir in axe form. Next weapon, the Hand of Death, a simple weapon, the blade was like a war scythe, a slightly concave edge with a portion of the back sharpened to allow more stabbing power, the whole blade measured about 10 inches long, the handle, and most importantly the pommel and crossbar, were in total 8 inches long. Not very deadly, if it weren't for the blade, which was made of a very hard solid crystal form of HCN, more commonly known as Hydrogen Cyanide, the deadliest form of cyanide of them all. He still had the Joy Colt, with its Omni-rounds, which is incendiary+explosive+high power tracer+armor piercing+full metal jacket+taser modifications. Given that most of those modifications would conflict with one another, sufficiently advanced technology was required. Luckily, he had a surplus of that. Last weapon, the Binary Sword, a 3 feet 16 inch (4 feet 4 inch) long blade, the inscription '100111100' was engraved into the blade and filled with obsidian, he didn't know why that message, he didn't know binary, but a 13 inch katana grip wrapped around dogwood blocks, a thick, black bullion for a crossbar, and a cross for a pommel, an adamantium blade with a mithril finish, the kanjis 光の息子 were painted onto the light grey wrapping with sheep's blood. The memory of where he had gotten the sheep's blood evaded him, he knew how, of course, from killing a sheep, but where was he when he killed it? He decided to forget about it. A strange thought that he could not dismiss, a set of 4 giant nails, each 1 inch thick and 9 inches long, he made them, though he had no idea why, they were dubbed the Immolaters, for some reason. Another whole day had passed, the time-consuming process of using matrix-type software to send his envisionments to a 3D modeling program and science processor, but he had a new set of weapons to show for it. He needed to talk with his friends, it's important to be on good terms with the heroines of the land, wielders of the Elements of Harmoy..... ....An idea struck, luckily he had not terminated the connection with the programs. One last weapon, The Elements of Harm; Loyalty, a 6 barrel gatling gun, small, though, about the size of a 3 inch barrel .357magnum revolver, though with 6 barrels and 1 chamber, rather than vice versa, but firing 7.62 NATO rounds. Each barrel was a different color of the rainbow, the frame was cobalt blue finished shadow alloy (carbon nickel iron steel, lead, and titanium) metal, the grip was a cut lapis lazuli gemstone. The cutie mark was taser modified bullets, taser mod basically electrocutes the enemy at the same time it pierces them. Kindness, a pink wood gripped balisong with a gold colored blade of crystal HCN, the specialty was that the handle looked very innocent and harmless until the blade was revealed. The cutie mark was that it was a balisong, more commonly known as the 'butterfly knife' Laughter, a tonfa-style held rocket launcher, based on the Party Cannon, launching 90mm SBHVC, or Smooth Bore High Velocity Cannon, rockets, (the stuff that the Scorpion from Halo fires), using a bit of bleach+roses and raspberries for the finishes. The cutie mark was the engraving on the front of the muzzle, 'Smile, wait for flash'. Honesty, a SHMHP sledgehammer, which meant Super-Heated Metal Hitting Part, copper tungsten alloy head, gold wiring transmitting high amp/low volt electricity from the Fi-Fu battery to the head, which meant high heat and low shock. The cutie mark was the apple wood grips Generosity, a kunai launching ballistic knife, , with mithril blades and a peltogyne (purple wood) handle, a simple 'press button to launch' system, he would be generous to his opponents and give them blades at very high velocities. The cutie mark was the diamond shape of the blades. Magic, a completely straight plasma cannon, 15 inches long, a grip with a button trigger in the middle, one end held a black pearl, the other held a concentrator, which allowed the firing of straight, 1 centimeter thick, magenta beams of high power plasma. The cutie mark was the concentrator being in the shape of a burst star, the main part of Twi's cutie mark. It was done, he had a whole set of weapons, his old ones put into retirement. Setting out, he needed to go to Canterlot. Breathing deeply of the crisp, warm air outside, he flared his wings and flew from the site. He had to recover his Lunar Zanbato, and maybe get something else. <> Touching down on her highness's balcony, pushing the ornate door open with ease, he found his blessed weapon floating in a pillar of light, above it was a thin, white disk, marked with many grey splotches. A message, magically recorded, it said. 'Take this, my disciple, the mystic disc of the prince, it holds more power than even you could imagine.' he majesty's beautiful voice said, Xero followed the instructions and took the disc. It was odd, it weighed practically nothing, floating down like paper, but the texture was metal, it wasn't mithril, for it was too plain silver to fit the bill, as mithril is metallic white. Taking a few minutes to stretch his still tense muscles, maybe he would get a massage or something, that would be nice. Looking at himself in the mirror, his beard had grown to a few inches long over the course of that 1 week, it looked nice when it was this long, proportional to his hair, and blending in well, like an old master. The white ends of the hairs were still present, forcing Xero to remember that he was once an old man. Thinking long and hard, he flew back to Ponyville with his massive sword and floaty disc in tow. Dubbing it the 'Jebediah', for the sole reason that the name was the first thing to come to mind, he linked it to his teleportation system and dismissed it. Landing next to Twilight's library, he pulled out a ring of keys and opened the locked door. He looked at the ring of keys as he walked inside, he had forgotten when he had received these, but he had a key for everypony's door, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and.... well, Rainbow Dash lived with him, so the last key was his own. For his convenience, each key's opposite end (the end that doesn't work the lock) had a symbol of each mare's cutie mark, a pink star, a blue gem, a yellow balloon, a red apple, a pink and blue butterfly, and a dark blue X with cyan wings. It was still quite early, but Twilight was used to going with little sleep, working late and waking early, so it was possible that she was already up. Kitchen, empty, side rooms, empty, loft, empty, where was she? Logically, the next step was her bedroom, opening the door carefully, oiling the hinges (don't ask why he had oil on standby) before he opened it, he used his velvet tread to walk inside. Twilight was just opening the blinds when he was about to scare her awake. The lavender archmage turned around to see Xero standing at the side of her bed. She blinked, he unseeably blinked, she just stared at him. "What the bloody hell are you lookin' at?" the brit asked after almost a whole minute of silence. "What the fuck are you doing?" the unicorn mare asked, suspicious. "I was about to scare you awake, but you're already up." the cyborg answered. "Make me some breakfast, and we'll talk." the sleepy pony commanded. Xero gave a bow and walked down to the kitchen. Making tea, eggs, muffins, onigiri, and chestnut paste filled mooncakes. Twilight trotted into the kitchen, her morning routine had transformed her from a messy.... well, mess, to her normal looking, studious self. "Mmmm, looks delicious." she observed, sitting in one of the chairs as Xero placed down the plate. "That's what happens when you let a brit cook." the soldier informed, piling up his own plate and sitting down. The 2 sat and ate in silence. Xero was about to bite into a muffin when Ditzy Doo burst through the door. "HELP, OH DEAR LUNA HELP US!" the grey pegasus shouted dramatically. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, I'M TRYING TO EAT A MUFFIN!" Xero scolded, taking a bite of his muffin. "Ooooh, muuuuffffffiins." the wall-eyed mare said in awe, taking one of the muffins and practically inhaling it. "So, what's wrong?" Twilight querried. "Oh, yeah, TWILIGHT, YOUR FRI-" the straw maned mare was cut off. "Library!" the lavender unicorn reprimanded. "Ooooooh, right, Twilight, your friends are acting really wierd, and their cutie marks are wrong." the grey pegasus explained. "That, doesn't make sense, how are their cutie marks 'wrong'?" the archmage was confused. "I just don't know...." the wall-eyed pony said apologettically. "I'll be right back." the ninja of the group dismissed himself, shoving 2 whole eggs, half an onigiri, the top of a muffin, and a third of a mooncake into his mouth and running off. Returning a few minutes later with all of the Elements of Harm equipped, he looked to his intelligent friends. "So, Applejack is an animal carer and is having lots of fun, Fluttershy is a fashionista producing high quality outfits that everypony is pining for, Rarity is a party mare and is running a rather successful nightclub, Pinkie Pie is a weather pony and is brightening everypony's day, staying afloat with balloons and using her tail as a propellor, descending upon the sad and making them happy, and probably worst of all, Rainbow Dash is a highly efficient farmer, I saw her take 20 trees in 9 seconds, and move the apples back in half the time. Everypony is living a life not their own, and they're DOING GOOD AT IT!" the exasperated man ranted. "*gulp* I need to find that book, oh, here it is, okay, the last page, spell, shit." Twilight had fucked up badly. "S-H-I-T, Twilight, I thought you were smart enough to know that, AND WHAT SPELL?" Xero was frustrated. "I maaaaaaaay have accidentally cast an extremely powerful magical spell, which was also quite dangerous." Twilight started. "How powerful?" Xero was no expert on real magic, but he had a basic idea of how it worked. "Enough to alter reality and changer my friends' cutie marks, pay in mind that the cutie mark is embedded into the magical structure of the possessor, one must defy the whole planet's magical aura to do this, not only that, but I've also altered the Elements of Harmony, nigh indestructible and unalterable artifacts that possess more power than every single creature on the planet combined." Twilight explained the direness of the situation. "That is a horrifyingly amazing feat, I'm both proud and scared of you, Twi, but how do we restore normality?" Xero caught a patch of black energy flaring up in the corner of his eye, he snapped his head to look directly at it, but it was gone, all that was there was a small table. "We can't just use the Elements, because the Elements themselves have changed to comply with the current state of reality, so we need to restore their memories of how things are supposed to be." the bearer of the EoH of magic was nervous. "Did I mention that they're all doing exceptionally well, better than the original possessors, we can just let them be who they are now." the ninja suggested "XERO, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, you're saying that just because they're all slightly more successful in their new roles than the ones who are SUPPOSED to fill those roles, that they're better off just staying like this." Twilight was upset that her friend would suggest something like that. "Okay, I get it, let's just-" Xero was cut off. "Imagine if you and your friend Omega were switched!" Twilight half-shouted. Xero raised his finger to provide a counter-argument, but the thoughts ran through his mind. 'Fuck, how the hell do I reload this bloody thing? OMEGA!' the power suit wearing ninja complained, comm-linking to his professional gunner of a teammate. 'You retard, have you never handled a gun before? Just open the damn thing and put the bullets inside! And by the way, where should I slash at with these things?" the speed suit wearing gunner rebuked his ninja teammate. 'Hypocritical cunt, telling me off for asking for help, and then asking for help yourself, oh yeah, any unarmored parts.' Xero still had enough sense to not risk his friend's life by stalling info. 'I don't know if you realize this, Xero, but swords are a lot harder to use than guns, they require skills, skills that I don't have and you do, sure shooting takes some skill, but not as much as swords do.' Omega explained, brutally decapitating his foes. 'Whatever man, let's just not die until we can regroup.' the englishman assessed. 'Agreed, let's rendezvous at the train station.' the american ordered. And they went through 28 different types of hell to get there. "Okay, I get it." Xero said suddenly. "Well come on, we need to fix our friends." Twilight insisted, rushing outside. "Alright, I have these, by the way, I guess we could use them like a checklist." Xero showed his scholar companion the Elements of Harm. "Nice, I suppose, I'm still not entirely comfortable with you being in possession of weapons of destruction." the lavender mare admitted, still leading the charge. "Oh come on Twi, only half inch thick projectiles and larger are weapons of destruction, so only these 3 things are an issue." Xero corrected, bringing out the Laughter, Magic, and Joy Colt. "Okay, let's stop debating and start fixing things." Twilight effectively stopped the minor arguing to tackle the big problems. This was going to be hard. <> Mission: Reality Restoration Hard mode: Activated ENGAGE! Finding Applejack galloping through the fields adjacent to Ponyville, a small crowd of critters with her, they were having a good bout of fun. Xero and Twilight had agreed, Xero would work as a distraction, Twilight would cast the spell. "HEY AJ!" the brit shouted to the orange mare, coming into line with her. "Oh, heya Xero, how're ya doin'?" her accent had surprisingly stayed the same. "Just doing some running, and being a distraction." the cyborg was honest, if nothing else. "Distractin'? Fer what?" the former farmer asked in befuddlement. "HIT HER NOW!" the soldier dived to the side to dodge the blast of memory restoring energy. Applejack tumbled over and groaned, everything came back in full force, memories of her real life her cutie mark was restored. "Come on, we need to get Fluttershy taking care of these things." Xero insisted, leading Twilight and leaving Applejack behind. The confused farmer shrugged and walked home. <> Calmly entering Carousal Boutique, Xero found Fluttershy working tirelessly at a sewing machine, she hadn't even moved in a whole ten minutes. "Hey, Shy, it's me, Xero, how goes it?" the cyborg started casually, sitting on the staircase. "It goes splendidly, I'm ahead of schedule, like usual, so I'll have some good ol' me time when I'm done." the yellow mare replied, smiling, looking a bit tired, but happy nonetheless. "Good, good, BLAST HER!" Xero commanded to his out-of-room ally. The bolt of magic flew through the air, striking the quiet pegasus directly. The truth burst forth, restoring the former animal to a... current animal carer... Shut up. "Clear out, we've got more to deal with." the soldier commanded, taking off with Twilight to their next destination. What would the parties hold? <> "Okay, this one, we can take some time with." Xero redacted his commands. Alcohol, surprisingly quiet wubs, probably drugs, and definately sex. "You just want some drinks." Twilight saw past his apparent ruse. "Yeah, let's go with that." Xero eyed a few of the female party-goes, why anypony was here, when it was 8 am, was a mystery, one that Xero would not be a patriotic Sherlock Holmes for. Though a syringe full of pyschoactive drugs couldn't do much harm. Snagging a syringe and pocketing it, grabbing a drink and downing it, and grabbing a set of headphones that were on a table by the stage, he instantly knew why the music was so quiet. It actually wasn't, it was just coming from the speakers, through the air on a radio wave, and out of these headphones, wireless transmission was something he was not foreign But the song was old, at least to him. Tossing the headphones, he set off to find the hostess. Finding the marshmallow-like treat, Xero grabbed it. Gobbling the twinkie whole, he set off to find the MC. Finding the white-coated mare, Xero caught her attention. Giving a smile and a thumbs up to Vinyl Scratch, he set off to find the party's creator. Finding the pony in question, Xero contacted her. He didn't actually know who the hell invented the party, so a quick prayer to Dionysus was enough to sate his curiosity. He turned and walked over to Rarity, who was standing near the bar of the 'Night' Club. More like 'Any fucking time you feel like joining, 'cause we're always partying like whenever-the-hell' club. But that name was MUCH too long, so 'Night' Club was sufficient. "Hey, Rarity, nice place, and nice party." Xero complimented, downing another drink. "Thank you, Xe, I was actually really worried that the place wouldn't pay for itself, or that it would go out of busines, but ponies really like parties, not nearly as much as me, but enough to pay to enter my ever-going party hall, I even got Vinyl Scratch to set up several 24 hour looping soundtracks, all I have to do to change the disk, which is easy, they're even labeled, Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday, I make plenty of money to pay the bills, lucky for me, *flares up magic and moves a section of wall paneling to reveal a capacitor* at least 10 give or take a few unicorns are in here at a given time, which powers up the big ol' batteries that power the music stand, the pretty lights, everything, I hope you like the liquor, I had to ask Scootaloo what a fancy addict like you liked, because I'm not much of an alcoholic myself, though some of these fruity drinks are really tasty, try one *force feeds Xero a glass of bright red liquid*, it's good isn't it? I thought so, wait, did you come here for more than the party? Did you want a see me? *cute smile* awwww, Xero, I would love to chat, but I have so many ponies to talk to, I'll be sure to talk to you around 9, that's P.M. by the way, see ya!" she had said all of this in one breath, her voice may have still been the same, though a bit less refined, but her speaking patterns were exactly like that of Pinkie. Xero de-equipped his armor and ripped a large section of flesh from his chest in pure agony and suffering, patching himself back up when the alabaster demon finally shut the bloody hell UP! "GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" he ran at Rarity, fists ready to strike. The purple maned party mare turned around just in time. Xero DECKED HER ACROSS THE WHOLE PARTY HALL! That's about 70 feet, by the way. "BLAST HER LUNA-DAMNIT STOP ALL OF THIS HAPPINESS I CAN'T TAKE IT I NEED SOMETHING TO BRUTALLY MURDER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" it was necessary to scream at the top of his lungs and his voice amplifiers. Twilight blasted Rarity out of fear of her insane friend. Xero flew through the ceiling, taking off towards the Everfree Forest. A 1-minute massacre and incineration of almost HALF of the forest, and he felt sane again. Speeding off, away from the animal corpses and burning trees, he flew to where Pinkie Pie was clearing clouds by bouncing on them. "Pinkie, follow me you raspberry maned.... thing." the brit was mentally tired, but not too much so. "Okay Xero, just let me clear away this section of the sky." the pink.... pink..... all pink mare replied. "Really? Pinkie Pie? Wanting to do work? I don't believe this for a second." he had figured out the algorithm, the base personality was still there, but the motives and goals had been changed. "Oh come on, dude, I do my job, sometimes." the former party mare informed. "BLASPHEMY! HERESY!" Xero shouted, his voice went uninterrupted throughout the airwaves of the sky. "But-" Pinkie was cut off by another bout of shouting. "LIES! SLANDER!" he yelled, not letting up in his verbal assault. "Please stop-" the earth pony was cut off by yet another round of screams. "BULLSHIT! MAJOR BULLSHIT! AN UNBELIEVABLY LARGE AMOUNT OF BULLSHIT!" he proclaimed to the heavens. "Okay, I'll follow you, just stop being so DAMN LOUD!" the all pink mare caved in and followed Xero, who had 'miraculously' cheered up and began leading her to the ground where Twilight was waiting. "Alright, BLAST HER!" he ordered, diving out of the way of the arcane effect. Pinkie's true memories came in, and she knew what she needed to do. Another cutie mark restored, 4 down, 1 to go. Xero didn't sprint this time, rather, he desperately ran, like the situation was completely different. Like Rainbow Dash was travelling by train, and he needed to get to the train station, as he wanted to see her as soon as she arrived. Like.... train.......... He ran faster, like she was waiting for him at the train station. Her revolver loaded, blood-stained skin..... Ready to get his friend and get the hell out of dodge. Then... them...... Those automaton bastards, ruining Xero and RD's only chance at escaping peacefully. A *shing* of Xero's blades, a *chik-chik* from Omega's shotgun, and the battle would be on. But Rainbow Dash was the smarter of the 2, using his Longinus knife to detonate her automaton. Xero's mind was losing coherency, images of Rainbow Dash and Omega blended together. Why did Dash want to fight XV by herself? How did Omega fly when he weighed 3 tons? Did Rainbow like guns because of the excellent combination of aerial movement and ranged attacks? Did Omega...... Xero stopped and threw up at the last though, it barely got past his stream of consciousness when his scumbag brain imagined the implications. At that moment, Rainbow Dash and Omega's images separated by miles. Twilight and Omega were actually more compatible, now that he really though about it. Sprinting again, his mind entertained the thoughts. Omega and Twilight had a lot in common, they were commanders, intelligent types, preferred ranged combat (though the latter preferred it for less badass reasons), and strong of mind and body. Xero and Rainbow Dash, well, he didn't have to think about that one, the thoughts had become a front-of-mind entity by this point. He raced towards Sweet Apple Acres, he needed to fix her as soon as possible. <> Xero saw his spectral maned beauty before he could shout her name. "RAINBOW DASH!" better late than never, he supposed. The farmer pegasus looked around for him, comically looking everywhere except where he was coming from. Tackling her in a classic glomp, which meant; Grab. Latch On. Maintain Pressure. He took her down to the ground. "I need to fix your mind, this isn't you, you're the main one that I care about." he admitted, standing up while still holding her. Willing himself into pony form for no particular reason "Okay, Twilight, blast her." the happy stallion requested, rather than demanded. The magical blast struck Rainbow Dash directly, bringing back her memories and restoring her cutie mark. Xero collapsed. also hit by the spell, though it's effects on him differed. His ears where filling with high pitched beeping and static, the cyborg was quickly losing consciousness. "U--------Twi----t." the voice was Rainbow Dash, but it sounded like it was 2 acres away, rather than 2 feet. "Wh-----ron--------ro?" Twilight this time, she sounded even further. "Shi------Xer---------rry----------we'l-------dical------tion." the voices were becoming less distinct. "Do------------------eetie-------------------ine-----------------trus----me--------rythin-------------be okay." the soothing voice assured, it was the last thing he heard as the static and beeping faded away, as did his consciousness. He dreamed, magic, and astonishment, and feathers, a metric shit-tonne of feather, Slendermane's blacker-than-black ones, Nightmare Moon's black ones, Discord's pale blue ones, Xero's midnight blue ones, Luna's royal blue ones, Scootaloo's bright orange ones, Rainbow Dash's sky blue ones, and then, a few drops of blue were added to the mix, purple wings, bleach was added, light purple, almost like...... Lavender...... Lavender wings...... Lavender flowers. Flowers..... Of the trees.... Mahogany..... Apple....... Birch....... Cherry....... Dogwood......... Dogwood? Hatred, blood, betrayal. These things can be forgiven. Forgiven through death. Purge.... Purge them all! <> Awakening with a refilled energy and power, his mind rested and all memories clear as pure glass, he sat up. Looking around, he was the main medical ward in Canterlot Castle. To his left was the Lunar Zanbato, the grip glowed slightly, a spell placed on it, probably to heal him, or make him feel less tired. He was so tired. 'Bleeding for 8 hours straight will do that to you, I guess.' the thought was a bit morbid for his tastes, but he stood up, summoned his black jacket with his plain grey shirt underneath, feeling a bit thin, he brought out some white belts to strap the jacket around himself tight, not wanting a lack of aerodynamicism. Grabbing the Lunar Zanbato, the sensation was like a small jolt of adrenaline, dismissing it, he summoned the Joy Colt, flicking the chamber out to confirm that all 12 chambers were loaded. Sending it away, he prepared a song, and summoned the Immolaters, the giant nails. 2 in his hands, but the other 2 could be held, so, in a bit of lacking pain, absent minded logic, he stabbed them through his feet. 'It is time to purge the pure.' his mind raced with the chaotic thoughts. 'This impious peace must end.' the strife-bringing actions that this would invoke. 'It had gotten out of hand' the lust for death was strong. 'I shall be the instrument of armageddon' the was that this all would cause would be too good. Bringing in the Jebediah, his strange moon disc, he looked at it for a few seconds, before falling forward, standing up after a few seconds. "The end has begun." his fatherly voice sounded louder than he spoke due to a godly reverberation.