//------------------------------// // Just Like One of the Family // Story: Ultra Combo: Brother, Gamer, Pony // by UltraCombo //------------------------------// "Uuuuugh...so...hungry..." Joystick moaned. "What?" remarked Ultra, raising an eyebrow, "How are you STILL hungry? You had plenty to eat already!" The two siblings were making their way to Sweet Apple Acres, just as Ultra promised last night, and Joy had been eating like a maniac for the past few hours, trying to satisfy a powerful hunger. "It was a VERY long train ride. And I didn't have THAT much to eat today." "Oh, really?" Ultra said with a smirk, "Well, lets go down the list. You ate the eggs and toast I made you this morning, THEN we went down to Sugarcube Corner where you ate FIVE muffins-by the way, you're lucky Pinkie gave us those on the house. THEN..." "Okay, okay. Maybe I've been eating a little more than usual. But, I'm still really hungry! I can't help that!" Joystick got all pouty, and Ultra laughed. She always thought she looked cute when she did that. Finally, the two arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. The orchard was even more beautiful than Ultra remembered, stretching out for as far as the eye could see. Joystick was entranced by the beauty of the orchard. "Wow...there's so many trees! It's amazing!" "Hey, Applejack! How goes it?" At the sound of Ultra's voice, Joystick turned and faced the orange earth pony. "Well, howdy there! Not too bad I have 'ta say..." Applejack responded. She trailed off when she noticed Joystick standing next to Ultra. She peered down at her with a friendly smile. "An’ this must be yer sister y’all were talkin’ about! What’s yer name, lil’ sugarcube?" Joystick gasped and hid behind Ultra's flank. Oh, not this again. Ultra thought to himself. I thought she would stop being so shy since SHE wanted to come meet her. I guess old habits die hard. Joystick was never the social type, always sticking to her brother and not interacting with many other people. Ultra assumed that after he left, she would have to kill this shyness. He assumed wrong. "Oh, come on out!" Ultra said reassuringly. He turned to Applejack. "Sorry, she's a little shy with ponies she doesn't know." Joystick gulped and peered around Ultra's flank to make eye contact with Applejack. Her eyes were warm and welcoming. After much struggle, Joystick managed to push out some words, "I-I'm Joystick." she said in nearly a whisper. Applejack reached into the basket she had slung over her back and pulled out a fresh, bright red apple. "Howdy, Joystick. Yer bro is a lot of fun to shoot the breeze with. Aren't y'all just the most adorable thing?" She turned her gaze to Ultra. "She looks just like ya!" Joystick giggled, flattered by Applejack's compliment. She reluctantly came out from behind Ultra, blushing. "Thanks!" All of a sudden she remembered the apple given to her. FOOD!!! She immediately took a huge bite out of the apple, so happy to revisit that taste. And this time it was even better because it was fresh! "MMMMMM! That's yummy!!" Ultra and AJ chuckled at Joystick's delight. "I had told Joy about you," Ultra explained to AJ, "and she said she wouldn't stop pestering me until I introduced you. Plus, she was REALLY hungry." "Mmm-hmm!" Joystick confirmed. Applejack smirked. "It seems like he brought ya at the best of times then!" she exclaimed, giving Joystick a pat on the head, "A hungry belly won’t go like that fer much longer if’n yer with a member of the Apple family! If y’all would like, we were just about to sit on down and have a nice lunch." Ultra thought for a second. "Well, I guess we could-" Joy had already made up her mind. "WE'D LOVE TO!" she yelled cheerfully, and ran around their general area in excitement. "Uh...yeah. What she said." Ultra laughed. "Okay then, if y'all could just follow me." Applejack then led them to the farm house. It was small, cozy and had matched the country feel of the rest of the farm. "Well, this is it! Welcome to our humble abode!" As they approached the house, Ultra and Joystick noticed an elderly pony in a rocker on the porch. As they approached, she suddenly woke up. "Issat you, Applejack?" she called over to the cowpony, her voice jumbled and hard to understand, "Did ya do that jibberwhatsit that I asked ya ta do earlier today?" Applejack looked confused. "Uh...Ah’ll have ta give it another lookover later, Granny. Ah’ve got some guests over fer dinner!" AJ pointed her hoof towards Ultra and Joystick. "This here’s Ultra Combo, an’ that's his lil’ sis Joystick!" Joy waved her hoof awkwardly, and Ultra cleared his throat to speak. "Hi! How are you?" Granny Smith brought a hoof up to ear. "Whazzat ya said? Mah hearin’ ain’t as gewd as it used’ta be, sonny! Come a bit closer an’ say it again ta Granny, won’t ya?" All of a sudden AJ yelled loudly, making Ultra and Joy jump slightly. "HE ASKED HOW Y’ALL ARE DOIN’, GRANNY!" She took a deep breath and looked at Ultra, laughing awkwardly. "Oooooooh…" Granny responded, "Well, besides this dern saggy hip o’mine, I’d say I’ve been fine an’ dandy." "That's great to hear, Granny!" Ultra said, a bit louder this time. He was about to continue talking, but was cut off by a loud growling sound. Ultra turned his head to see Joy holding her stomach, and when she noticed everyone looking at her, she started laughing awkwardly. "Whoa. When you said you were hungry, you weren't kidding!" "Landsakes!" exclaimed Granny Smith as she got up off her rocker, "I heard that from here jus’ fine! AJ, go set the table fer our guests an’ get yer brother and sister in here too!" AJ shifted her hat on her head and walked up to the downway before turning around to face Ultra and Joy. "Seems I gotta go runnin’ about fer a second! You two go ahead and make yerselves at home in the kitchen there, pick any seat y’all like!" AJ then ran into the house to get things ready. "So..." Joystick said, "Do we just go in?" "I guess so. Come on, we're no strangers." Ultra and Joy entered the house and their nostrils were instantly filled with the smell of apples. They looked around the humble little farmhouse. Many photos and portraits hung on the walls and another one of Granny Smith's rockers sat in the corner. Ultra noticed the door to the dining room. "I guess we'll go in and take a seat." The two entered the dining room. It was empty and the table was set nicely. Ultra and Joystick sat down at the table, and remained there in silence until Applejack returned, this time with a few more ponies with her. Of them was the big red stallion that Ultra remembered putting up the sign in the market yesterday, and the other was a little yellow filly with a big red bow in her mane riding on Applejack's back that Ultra didn't notice. Ultra was happy to see another filly though. That meant that Joystick would have someone her age to talk to. Applejack immediately got to introductions. "This here’s my bro Big Macintosh, and the lil’ filly is Apple Bloom!" As Granny Smith began approaching the table with her walker, Apple Bloom jumped down and approached to two. "Any friend of my big sister is a friend o’mine!" said the little filly joyfully as she spit in her hoof and extended it for a hoofshake with a big smile on her face. Applejack wasn't amused. "Apple Bloom! What did I tell ya about yer manners in front of guests, especially at the dinner table!" she scolded as she furrowed her brow slightly. Apple Bloom shrunk in shame, but still left her hoof extended, awaiting a hoofshake. Ultra and Joystick got up and walked up to her. Ultra was the first to accept her waiting hoof. "Hey!" he said, grasping her hoof and giving her a hoofshake before going up to AJ and Big Macintosh. Joystick then shyly approached Apple Bloom, feeling very welcome around her. "Umm...hi. I'm Joystick..." she said quietly, almost a whisper. She had kept her eyes glued to the floor, but when she looked up, she was happy to see a huge smile on Apple Bloom's face. "Hi! Nice ta meet ya!" A smile broke onto Joy's face, when all of sudden Apple Bloom bonked her on the forehead. "TAG! Yur it!" She ran away laughing, leaving Joystick confused as to what just happened, but when the game became appearent to her, she laughed and playfully chased after her new friend. Meanwhile, Ultra, AJ, and Big Macintosh had been watching to two little fillies, playing about. AJ turned to Ultra and asked, "So, still been enjoyin’ yer time here in Ponyville?" "Ponyville is great." Ultra replied, not breaking his gaze on the two fillies. "I always wanted to live somewhere like this, so when I was old enough, I packed up and went on my way. Joystick wasn't too happy about it, but I told her that when she was old enough, she could come and live with me." Apple Bloom ran past, and was soon followed by Joystick, laughing all the way. Applejack laughed. "Seems like maybe Apple Bloom found herself a new friend!" she said happily. Ultra turned his head towards the table just in time to see Granny Smith FINALLY reach the table. "Well then, imma here…so let’s get us some food!" croaked Granny Smith. Applejack didn't even miss a beat. She quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed all the food and brought it to the table. "Hehehe, soups on, everypony!" Everypony began to grab food and chow down, while Joystick stared at the vast expanse of food on the table, mouth watering. "Wow!" Joystick moaned, "It all looks delicious! I don’t know what to try first……uhhhh…Apple Bloom, what do you think I should have?" "Hmmmmm….can’t say ah’ve really thought about it ever, I just dig in hooves first!" Apple Bloom attempted to do just that, but was stopped by Granny Smith. "Now hold on there, ya little whippersnapper!…Ya know yer Granny gets ta do that first!" Granny then dug in, grabbing different foods at random, piling them on her plate. Joystick giggled, then waited until she got her chance to eat. When her turn came, Joystick began to eat, eat, eat. In no time at all, Joy had finished and was waiting for Ultra to finish. "Oooooh, boy! I am full! Hey, Ultra, what's taking you?" "I'm not as hungry as you are! Man, you, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith are clearing the table..." Ultra sat back in his chair. "...but I'm pretty much stuffed! How about you AJ?" “Ah’m feelin’ mighty fine, don’t wanna overdo it or else ah’ll be sluggish afterwards!” she replied with a friendly chuckle. Mac patted his belly, showing he had clearly had his fill. They all sat about chattering away, the Apple household not having this much activity since the big family get together they had 2 years ago. --------------------- As things died down a bit, AJ began clearing the table, preparing to wash everything up while Granny went to take a nap. Ultra came back into the kitchen from the living room. "Hey," Ultra said, grabbing Applejack's attention, "thanks a lot for letting us stay for lunch, AJ. Do you need any help with anything?" Applejack smiled and shook her head. ”Don’t fret it, y’all were invited here fer dinner, everypony who visits the Apples get the five star treatment!” she laughed, motioning for him to go back with the others. Apple Bloom seemed to be enjoying the visit herself as well, offering to take Joystick outside to play around with her loopty-hoop. "We'll just be out back! We won't be far." she begged to Ultra and AJ. "Can we? Can we, pleeeease?" pleaded Joystick. Ultra laughed, ruffling up her mane. "I don't see why not!" "Yay!!!" Joystick and Apple Bloom went around back and Apple Bloom handed the loopty-hoop to Joystick. Joystick put it around her waist, but when she tried to spin it, it rolled down around her legs and tripped her up. "Ow! This is a lot harder than it looks." whined Joystick, pouting in frustration. Apple Bloom smiled, helping Joystick back up to her hooves. ”Now y’all just watch closely now!” she said, spinning the loopty-hoop on one of her front hooves. She then worked it from there down to her waist, spinning it around a fair bit before it slipped down her back legs and hit the dirt. She grinned, looking behind her to see if a cutie mark had appeared, only to be disappointed by a blank flank. ”Ah well, one day ah’ll find somethin’ that’ll get me mah mark…” she said, kicking at the dirt with a hoof. Joystick frowned, lifting up her wing to reveal her blank flank. "I know how you feel. I get made fun of at school all the time for not having my cutie mark." Apple Bloom sighed and lifted up the loopty-hoop, giving it another go. ”I know, it’s just…me an’ my other friends are always tryin’ ta find somethin’ to get our cutie marks.” she said, the hoop dropping again as she kicked at the dirt once more. ”But no matter how hard we try, or even how well it goes, we don’t get ANYTHIN’.” she huffed, pouting at the ground. She gave another little snort, then looked up to Joystick with a smile. ”Guess we’ll find out what we’re good at eventually, right?” she asked, smiling wide. Joystick smiled back. "Yeah. And, hey! If you don't get your cutie mark from doing something little, then your talent must be something really cool, right?" Apple Bloom nodded her head rapidly, a grin upon her face. ”That’s what ah’m thinkin’ if so!” she said, hopping up and down in glee. At about that time, AJ and Ultra both came outside the home, both noticing the two fillies having a good time. ”Well, ah’m glad you two are gettin’ along just fine!” she said, smiling wide. ”Not that ah believed y’all wouldn’t, just makes me happy that ya got another little friend in each other!” "Yeah, it's great to see you making lots of friends!" Ultra said, smirking at Joy. Joy smiled confidently. "Was there ever any doubt?" Joystick smiled confidently. She and Apple Bloom continued to play for a very long time, until the sun had begun to set, and Joystick was beginning to look very tired. Ultra placed a hoof on her head. "Well, looks like you've tuckered yourself out from all the fun you've had today!" AJ chuckled as she watched Apple Bloom start to drift off herself, gently placing her neck down under the little filly and lifting her up onto her back. ”Must’ve had a rip roarin’ good time, if’n I say so mahself.” she whispered to Ultra, walking over to the door and gently pushing it open with a front hoof. ”Y’all just gimme a moment, need ta put ‘er in bed to start the day tomorrow.” she winked, slowly walking inside, letting the door softly close behind her. Ultra looked down at Joystick. "Okay, time to go. You'll be a bear in the morning if we don't." Joy let out a huge yawn. "At least let me say goodbye to Applejack..." "Of course." She returned a few minutes later, the sun almost fully down by this point. ”Even after I took ‘er up there, she still wanted a bedtime story!” she laughed, shaking her head. ”So I had to oblige her, else ah’d never get any sleep mahself when the time comes.” AJ leaned in close and rubs her cheek on Joystick’s, a little grin spreading on both of their faces, giving a little giggle. ”It was sure nice meetin’ ya, Joystick! And yer bro too!” she smiled, doing the same back to him, a tiny blush forming on her cheeks. ”Y’all can come back whenever you’d like, yer always welcome in the Apple home!” "Oh...i'll be sure to-" Joystick faded off into sleep before she could finish her sentence. Ultra laughed. "Don't worry." he said, picking up Joy gently and placing her on his back. "She's still here for a few more days, and I get the feeling she'll wanna come back real soon." Ultra turned around, prepared to take his leave. "Thanks again for dinner, AJ! I'll see you later!" “Y’all c’mon back now, ya hear?” she shouted out to them both, waving her hoof in the air as they both left off. She smiled as she watched them down the trail until they vanished over the hills. Suddenly the upstairs window burst open, Apple Bloom dangling out. ”BYE NOW, COME BACK SOOOOON!” she shouted, also waving her hoof around. AJ shot up a stern look at her, meeting Apple Bloom’s eyes, causing her to go back inside. ”Sounds like someone needs another story told ta get sleepin’…!” AJ laughed, heading back inside with a slight hop in her step. Nice kid. she thought, Hope ah see her again.