//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 // Story: One Heart's Destiny // by Robobrony //------------------------------// Chapter 16 The girls were now in their guardians of harmony form, the doctor and Derpy were both very impressed with their forms. “Good heavens, you girls look incredible.” The doctor said. “WOW, you all look amazing, how did you do that?” Derpy asked. “Sorry, but there’s no time to explain, doctor, can you take us to Nightmare Moon?” Twilight asked the doctor. “Of course, right this way.” The doctor then led them back to his ship to take them to the throne room where Nightmare Moon was. “Don’t worry Heart Wing, we’ll get you back.” Dash said to herself as they galloped through the dungeon back to the TARDIS. “All right every pony, hold on.” The doctor then started up his ship and they were off. It only took a few seconds before the ship settled again. “Here we are, good luck girls.” “We don’t need luck, we’ll show that meanie Nightmare not to mess with us.” Pinkie said with determination. The girls made their way out of the ship and into the throne room where Nightmare Moon sat at the throne. “WHAT, who are you, how dare you intrude in my castle, you will suffer for this intrusion!” Nightmare said with anger and malice in her voice. “It’s over Nightmare Moon, we are the guardians of harmony, and we are here to set Luna free from your control and restore the kingdom to the way it should be!” Twilight announced as she stood in front of her friends. “WHAT, guardians of harmony, wait, it can’t be, how do you have the elements of harmony, no pony knows where they are!” Nightmare noticed the tiaras each of the girls wore atop their heads. “We don’t have to explain ourselves to you, you monster!” Rarity called out to Nightmare. “Yeah, all you need to know is that we’re here to kick your sorry flank out of here and make things right!” Rainbow followed up. “You pathetic creatures, the elements of harmony are useless against me now, thanks to a friend of mine who helped me gain all I have, he also granted me greater power, your elements alone won’t work! You will pay for your insubordination!” Nightmare glared at them. “In case you hadn’t noticed, we have power of our own, the elements alone didn’t make us into what you see now, it was thanks to a good friend of ours that we have the power we do. And we’re gonna do all we can ta get him back.” Applejack informed. “We’ll see about that.” Nightmare scoffed at them. A smirk crossed her muzzle, her gaseous mane and tail began to swirl around her hiding her form. The cloud grew wider and wider. After a moment, the cloud dissipated and revealed five more Nightmare Moons. “MWAHAHAHAHAHA, Behold my power, you cannot win against me!” The six Nightmares called out in unison. “What in tarnation, which one is the real Nightmare Moon?” Applejack asked. The girls looked in confusion, but tried to keep a determined face. “Catch us if you can!” They all said in unison again before flying off in different directions through the glass windows and out into the night sky. “Looks like we’ll have to split up and take them down one at a time.” Twilight informed the group. “Are you sure we can, she was able to make copies of herself, I can’t fight her alone.” Fluttershy said, despite the power she wielded she was still the same old Fluttershy, afraid to fight. Rainbow Dash then approached Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, think about it, if we don’t do this, then she’ll win, and so will that demon that’s responsible for this mess, and for making us lose Heart Wing, remember.” That struck a cord within Fluttershy. “That……big………dumb………MEANIE!!!” She said with anger growing within her with each word, without warning, she then took off to find one of the Nightmare Moons. “Well that worked.” Dash said with surprise. Twilight then got their attention. “Come on girls, let’s go.” They all nodded in unison and took off in different directions to hunt down and fight the Nightmares. “Come along Derpy, let’s go watch the fight.” The doctor said as he turned to head back into his ship. “Coming doctor.” Derpy said as she followed him in. The doctor started up his ship and took off to find a good position where they could watch the whole event. Fluttershy was now flying over Canterlot, searching for a Nightmare Moon with a scowl on her face. “I won’t let Nightmare Moon or that nasty demon win, I may not like it, but I will have to try and fight to get our friend back and set things right.” She said to herself. Suddenly, a black bolt of magic shot up in front of her, causing her to stop in midair. “WHA!” She cried, she then looked down and saw a Nightmare Moon looking up at her from a rooftop. Her scowl returned. “You big meanie, I won’t let you win!” She called down to the Nightmare. She began a quick descent, divebombing towards her. Remembering all the magic training she received in her alicorn form, Fluttershy began firing magic bolts at Nightmare Moon, the Nightmare then took to flight to avoid the first shot and began to fly along the streets, leading Fluttershy in a chase through Canterlot. “Catch me if you can little mare, HA HA HA HA!” Nightmare scoffed as she easily dodged each of Fluttershy’s blasts. She was toying with her. “Please, you’re so pathetic, once I’m done with you, I’ll be sure to make your friends suffer greatly for this assault on your queen.” One thing you never want to do is threaten a timid little Pegasus with an alicorn form and powerful magic at her disposal. Fluttershy then poured on the speed and, within seconds, was on top of Nightmare Moon, Fluttershy slammed her into the road and grinded her against the stone a few feet. “AAAAGGH!” She cried out in pain. Fluttershy then used her wings to back up a bit off of Nightmare, still looking very angry. Nightmare got up, Fluttershy already had a spell ready and fired a bolt of magic, Nightmare Moon was not ready and was hit square in the chest, she was sent flying backwards at least twenty feet before crashing into a stone house, luckily it was abandoned. Nightmare emerged from the rubble and faced Fluttershy. “You pathetic little worm, I’ll make you pay for hurting me!” Fluttershy didn’t give her a chance to retaliate, she thought of a spell that would be sure to finish her off. Fluttershy quicly cast a spell, sending yellow butterflies at Nightmare at high speeds, like little projectiles. Nightmare quickly put up a shield to protect herself, with each impact the butterflies made, an explosion followed. “NO, Impossible, how can you have so much power?!” Nightmare was struggling to keep her shield up, but it was starting to weaken with each impact. Fluttershy kept up her assault of magical butterflies from her horn, Nightmares shield finally broke and shattered, leaving her vulnerable to the butterflies. “NOOOOO, AAAAAAAAHHHHH!” The magic butterflies each impacted her, one after another, creating a cloud of dust. The smoke finally cleared and Fluttershy approached the downed Nightmare Moon. “You do not threaten my frineds, you got that!” Fluttershy then noticed the Nightmare Moon before her start to fade out into nothing. Her scowl quickly faded and was replaced with one of confusion. “Oh my, this one must have been a fake, I guess I should go and see if one of my friends needs help.” Fluttershy then took off to find one of her friends. While Fluttershy was busy with her Nightmare Moon, Applejack was in the middle of a scuffle with another Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon fired a powerful magical blast at Applejack, who managed to put up an orange apple shaped shield around her to protect herself. “There’s no way I’m gonna let you win this Nightmare Moon, you might as well give up now!” Applejack called to her. “You pathetic creature, I am your queen, you will pay for your insubordination!” Nightmare shot back. Applejack reared up and slammed her hooves on the ground, large apple trees then sprang up around Nightmare Moon from the ground. “Have a taste of some good ol fashion apples!” Nightmare was a little confused by this, she had never seen magic like this, the distracton was enough for her to get hit with an apple that fired from one of the trees and caused a small explosion which hurt Nightmare. “GAH, You’ll pay for that!” Then all the trees started firing apples at her, when one apple was fired from its position, another would immediately take its place. The assault continued for almost a minute. A smoke screen had formed around Nightmare’s position. Applejack ceased her assault and went to look at the damage she dealt to Nightmare Moon. Applejack stood proud. “How’d you like them apples, ya varmint.” She spat. Suddenly, Nightmare flew straight up out of the dust cloud and looked down at Applejack with an angry expression. She was bruised and hurt, but not down for the count. Nightmare Moon then formed a dark shield around herself and charged toward Applejack. Applejack then got an idea, she charged her horn with magic and waited for Nightmare to get close enough. When Nightmare was a few feet away, Applejack made her move, she shot a magical orange glowing rope at Nightmare and lassoed her shield, she used Nightmare’s momentum against her and swung her around while squeezing the shield. Nightmare’s shield broke and Applejack’s lasso managed to wrap itself around Nightmare’s legs. Applejack swung Nightmare around and slammed her into buildings and on the ground. “YEEHAAWWW! Now this here’s a rodeo!” Applejack gave one final slam to the ground with all her might, creating a big crater in the ground. Applejack watched as the Nightmare Moon she fought faded away. “Well, that takes care of that varmint, now ta find the varmint queen.” Applejack flew off to find the real Nightmare Moon. Rarity was currently on the defensive as Nightmare was shooting magic bolts her way, Rarity had a shield shaped like a diamond to protect her. “Come on Rarity think, there must be some way to get the upper hoof on this ruffian.” Rarity thought to herself. “EH HAHAHAHAHA, give it up you fool, you don’t stand a chance against me, I am your queen.” Nightmare cackled as she continued her assault. Rarity then got an idea. “You are not my queen!” Rarity then was able to keep her shield up while she managed to summon up gemstones from the ground. This caught Nightmare Moon by surprise as she suddenly stopped her assault. “WHAT, what this?!” Rarity smirked as she sent the gemstones flying at high speeds towards Nightmare. They moved too fast for Nightmare to put up a shield of her own as they wizzed passed her, she got cut in a few places as she cried out in pain. “GAH, AH, you will pay for that you disgusting creature!” THAT was a bad call. “Oh it…..is…..on.” Rarity created her diamond shield with the points pointing forward and back, she flew at Nightmare Moon at high speed, launching herself like a giant projectile. Nightmare created a cone shield around herself and flew towards Rarity. The two flew closer and closer, who would win this game of chicken. Closer and closer, they were mere feet away. The two finally passed each other, time seemed to slow down at that moment. Who dealt the killing blow, the two combatants came to a stop with their backs to each other. Rarity lifted her head and ran her hoof down her neck with a smirk, Nightmare Moon let out a cry and fell to the ground. “GAH! Uhhh.” “HMPH, never insult a lady.” Rarity gave a whip of her flowing mane and took off as the Nightmare Moon she fought disappeared. Pinkie Pie was having fun with her battle, every time Nightmare Moon took a shot at her, she dodged it easily, it was as if she could sense when and where her attacks were coming, Pinkie’s new alicorn form seemed to increase her Pinkie sense as well. “Hold still you little whelp!” Nightmare Moon was getting frustrated with Pinkie. “You can’t hit me, you can’t hit me!” Pinkie bounced around the field and gave Nightmare a good raspberry. “Hey Nightmare, I’m over here!” she called in a sing song voice. “I’ll get you yet you pest!” “Missed me, I’m over here.” Pinkie then started teleporting around to further annoy Nightmare Moon. “Nope, over here.” “GAAHHHH! HOLD STILL!” Nightmare took another shot and missed again as Pinkie teleported just in time. This time, she didn’t reappear in Nightmare’s field of vision. “Where are you, show yourself you pest!” Nightmare called out in anger as her eyes scanned the area for any sign of Pinkie. Nightmare Moon then felt a tap on her shoulder, she quickly turned around and saw a horrible sight, it was so surprising, it actually caused her to rear up in fear. “AAAHHHH!” Pinkie reappeared behind Nightmare Moon, tapped her on the shoulder and, as soon as Nightmare turned around, she made a very goofy face with her tongue sticking out and shaking her head back and forth. Nightmare reared back in fear which caused her to stumble backwards, she then fell head first intoa light blue cannon with pink wheels and flowers on them. “Hey, you found my party cannon.” “Let me out of here this instant, I command you!” Nightmare’s voice called out muffled by the cannon as her hind legs were waving about in a desperate and futile attempt to get out. Pinkie then came around to the back of the cannon and put her hooves on it. “Nighty night Nightmare.” Pinkie said, then fired the cannon and sent Nightmare Moon rocketing off into the sky. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!” Nightmare Moon’s cry was heard as she disappeared into the night sky. “That was fun, onto the next one. La la la la la.” Pinkie then hopped off to join her friends. Rainbow Dash was up in the sky battling another Nightmare Moon. She had been expertly avoiding Nightmare’s attacks trying to find an opening, or at least come up with a strategy. Nightmare Moon was getting agitated with Rainbow. “You really think you’re a match for me, you are nothing compared to me!” “Do you ever stop talking, man your such a blabber mouth.” Rainbow mocked Nightmare with a smirk. Nightmare did not like that at all. “How dare you insult your queen!” Rainbow took that opportunity to make her move, she started flying around Nightmare Moon as fast as she could, Nightmare tried to shoot at her, but Rainbow was flying too fast. Soon the winds started to pick up around Nightmare, she was starting to lose balance. Rainbow Dash had created a tornado around Nightmare Moon which sent her into a very dizzying spin. “WHA WHA WHA! STOP….THIS…..I…..COMMAND….YOU!” She said as she spun. “You’re the boss!” Rainbow called back mockingly. She halted her tornado leaving Nightmare Moon very dizzy and struggling to keep herself afloat while, at the same time, unable to see straight. Rainbow then flew straight up into the sky and stopped after a a good couple feet. She looked down as Nightmare Moon was still recovering from her spin. Dash then flew down as fast as she could, creating a sonic rainboom right from the start. She plummeted at such great speed, she ran into Nightmare in mere seconds from her takeoff. She slammed into Nightmare Moon’s back and continued to plummet at high speeds. The shock of being spun and suddenly a powerful impact from high speeds was too much for Nightmare Moon to make a move to counter. The two grew closer to the ground with each passing second. Closer, closer, closer, Rainbow and Nightmare impacted in the ground with such force, it created a huge rainbow colored mushroom cloud and a very loud boom that could be heard from all over Equestria. Since it was Rainbow Dash who did this move, she came out unscathed, Nightmare Moon however was down for the count and started to fade out just like the others. “HAH, now that’s was cool.” Rainbow said before taking off to join her friends. “Give it up Nightmare Moon, it’s over, your reign of terror ends here!” Twilight declared as she faced down against the final Nightmare Moon. “I will never relinquish my throne, I am the queen of Equestria, it is mine!” “It belongs to Celestia and Luna, not an abomination like you!” Twilight then fired off a magic bolt towards Nightmare Moon, Nightmare counted with one of her own, the two blasts meet in the middle and cancelled each other out. Twilight then focused on a plot of earth and lifted a huge rock out of the ground. She hurled it at Nightmare Moon who just blasted it with another bolt. Once the rock had been blasted to pieces, Nightmare found a wall of fire heading her way, she quickly put up a shield to protect her from it. The flames struck the shield and dissipated around it. “Where are you you coward?” Nightmare Moon called out when she saw Twilight was nowhere to be seen. A powerful bolt of lightning suddenly struck Nightmare Moon in the back from above. “GAAAHHH!” She collapsed to the ground on her hooves. Twilight was hovering above Nightmare after she launched a lightning spell at her, she then teleported to the ground in front of Nightmare. “You can’t win Nightmare Moon, I was trained by Celestia herself, and I have my friends to back me up.” As soon as she said that, the girls all came together to join Twilight. “Hey girls, I take it your fights went well?” Fluttershy was the first to answer. “Uhm, yes, I was able to beat the mean old Nightmare Moon clone.” “Same her, it was a piece of cake.” Came Applejack’s answer. “I certainly had no problems with my fight, she went so far as to insult my beauty.” Came Rarity’s answer. “Well mine was a lot of fun, I just wish it could have lasted longer so I could have enjoyed it. Oh well.” Was Pinkie’s answer. “Heh, no sweat, I take it you all heard that big explosion earlier, that was me finishing off my Nightmare Moon clone.” Came Rainbow Dash’s answer. “So that leaves this one to be the real Nightmare Moon.” Was Twilight’s response. “You might as well give up Nightmare, you can’t beat all six of us.” “NO, I will not give up my throne, it is mine, I am the queen. My night will last forever!” Nightmare Moon cried out in refusal to give up. “OH give it a rest, you sound so pathetic.” Came a voice out of nowhere. Nightmare perked up her head. “Master Misery, help me, do not let me lose my throne!” A shadowy mass appeared on a nearby wall, it stood a good six feet and appeared bipedal. The shadow emerged from the wall and became a solid black mass. The black finally faded to reveal Misery himself. “MISERY!” The girls all cried out together. “What are you doing here punk?” Rainbow Dash asked angrily. Misery just gave them a side glance, then turned his full attention on Nightmare Moon. “Master Misery, please help me defend my throne.” “Oh do shut up, you are such a spineless worm. Why in the world would I help you, you have failed to defend your own throne yourself.” Misery spoke harshly to Nightmare. “Misery, have I not been loyal to you, have I not done everything you asked? Why would you abandon me now?” Nightmare asked with a bit of fear and desperation in her voice. “Because I gave you great power and you still failed to defeat a bunch of pathetic ponies, that’s why. You have failed me Nightmare Moon, you deserve the fate these ponies have in store for you. Frankly my dear, I just don’t care, you were just a pawn and you have now fallen.” Misery explained to Nightmare. He then turned his attention to the girls. “And as for you, well, you have certainly proven yourselves quite powerful, but still not as strong as me, however, I am feeling merciful, I will let you keep your Equestria when you return things to the way they are.” “Not so fast bub!” Pinkie called out from the group. “You’re not going anywhere, in case you forgot, you and us have some unfinished business, like kicking your sorry flank for messing things up and causing me to lose my stallion!” Rainbow called out in anger. “Oh please, I have better things to do than mess around with a single country, you’ll get your precious Heart Wing back once you turn Nightmare Moon back into Luna. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some delicious misery to create. Ta ta.” Before any of them could do anything, Misery disappeared into the shadows. “Dag nabbit, he got away, that slippery varmint is gonna pay fer what he’s done!” Applejack exclaimed angrily. “We’ll worry about him later girls, right now, we have a Nightmare to dispel.” Twilight said, getting the others attention. “No, you cannot do this to me, I am the queen of the night, I am eternal!” Nightmare Moon called to them in anger. “Oh give it a rest wily a!” Pinkie exclaimed. The girls then gathered around and began to activate the elements of harmony. Their bodies let off a glow with a color to match their element. Two rainbows then shot up from them, forming a double helix, they merged together into one big rainbow above the girls and came down on Nightmare Moon, bathing her in the magic and changing her back to Luna. As soon as it worked, the whole world went white. “Rainbow Dash, hey, Rainbow Dash, it’s time to get up sleepy head.” Dash’s eyes slowly opened as she groaned. “Ooohh.” “Come on sleepy head, get up.” A soothing male voice spoke to her. She opened her eyes wearily and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and looked down. Her eyes then shot wide open when she realized she was in her own bed. “Wha, what the hay.” She then looked to her side and saw a big smile on a face she loved very much. “Morning Dash, did you sleep well.” Rainbow Dash’s face grew a big wide smile as tears formed in her eyes. “HEART WING, YOUR BACK!” She lunged at him with a hug, knocking the both of them out of the bed. “WHOA, easy Dash.” Heart said with Rainbow on top of him, hugging him tightly. “Oh Heart Wing, I missed you so much!” She cried through clenched eyes. She then pulled back and gave Heart Wing a big passionate kiss. “UMPf.” Heart Wing was surprised by this, but he just let it happen and kissed back. Dash finally broke the kiss after almost a minute. “Heart Wing, I missed you so much. I’m so glad your back.” “I’m glad to be back Dash, I love you.” “I love you too.” They started another make out session on the floor of the bedroom. After a few minutes of the making out, they got back into bed and just laid there with Dash resting her head across Heart’s neck. Rainbow Dash decided to ask a question. “Heart Wing, do you remember what happened?” “What do you mean, remember what?” “About how that demon Misery changed history and made Nightmare Moon in charge.” “Oh that, yeah I remember, why?” “Just curiouse.” “Hey dash.” “Yeah.” “I guess this means we’ll have to put our wedding plans on hold until we can finally get rid of Misery once and for all.” “Yeah, I guess so. Do you really think we can?” “Of course I do, we ARE the guardians of harmony after all.” Dash chuckled at Heart ‘s comment. “Yeah, we are.” “HEY DASHIE, YOU UP!” Pinkie’s voice called out to them. “Aww pony feathers, I don’t want to get up yet, I want to stay in bed with you a little longer.” Dash pouted. “Come on, knowing Pinkie, she won’t go away until she talks to us.” Heart said. Dash reluctantly got up out of bed, Heart Wing followed suit. The couple made their way out the door and flew down to see Pinkie and the others all together, along with the doctor and Derpy. “Hey girls, it’s good to OOMPF!” “HEART WING!” The girls all cried out as they jumped him in a group hug, Derpy included. “Oh Heart, it’s sososososo good to see you again! I can’t tell you how much I missed you!” Pinkie cried. “It is such a relief to see you safe and sound darling.” Rarity said. “Oh Heart Wing, we we’re all so worried about you.” Fluttershy cried out. “It’s a real might pleasure ta see ya up and buckin again.” Came Applejack’s cry of happiness. “It’s good to see you back Heart Wing, we should go get some muffins together some time to celebrate.” Derpy cried. Twilight was the last to express her joy. “It is great to see you again Heart, we we’re all so worried about you.” Heart Wing was smiling big to see all his friends smiling and glad to see him. “All right already, I get it, you’re all happy to see me.” “All right, that’s enough, you girls better not break him, or you all owe me a new stallion.” Rainbow joked. The girls all got off of Heart Wing and let him stand up. “Ouch, you mean that if I get so much as a broken leg, you’ll find some other stallion? That’s cold Rainbow.” Heart joked with her. “Well then, just make sure nothing happens to you and you won’t get replaced.” She smiled as she said that. The girls all shared a good laugh. Heart then had a thought. “Hey Derpy, I think we should go with your suggestion, why don’t we all go and get some muffins to celebrate our victory?” “ALL RIGHT, MUFFINS!” Derpy cried out in joy. “Hey doc, you joinin us or what?” Heart Wing asked the doctor. “I’d like that, but I have something to take care of, you all go on and enjoy yourselves.” Derpy took on a confused look as best she could with her eyes the way they were. “You’re not leaving are you, come on doctor you just gotta join us.” “Yeah, come on doctor, you did help us out when we needed it with Nightmare Moon and the whole incident.” Twilight said. “Come on, PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSE!” Pinkie gave him such a pout, begging him to join them. The doctor was helpless before Pinkies sad eyes. “Well, maybe just one muffin.” The group all cheered in happiness. “Come on every pony, free muffins at Sugar Cube corner!” Pinkie cheered. A few minutes later, the group was gathered around a large table eating muffins of their choice, with Dash sitting right next to Heart Wing leaning on him. Heart Wing then decided to just go ahead and wrap his wing around her, holding her close to him. They smiled as they looked at each other after Heart did that. The doctor then cleared his throat to get the others attention. “AHEM, every pony, there is something I need to tell all of you.” “What is it doctor?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s about Misery, I did some research on him and found out something that you should know about him.” “What is it doctor, is it something bad?” Twilight asked. “That depends on how you look at it. Do any of you think it’s strange that he didn’t change things so that he was in charge of Equestria instead of Nightmare Moon?” The girls shook their heads indicating they didn’t. “We didn’t even think about it.” Heart said for the girls. “Why is that important?” “I’ve discovered that Misery feeds on, well, misery. It is what fuels his power, if he were to set foot in an area that has nothing but happiness and joy, he would get weak. Thanks to Celestia and Luna, Equestria is the happiest place in the world, there is practically no unhappiness anywhere, and because of that, Misery would be left powerless. The rest of the world is not so fortunate.” “So, your saying that Misery can’t harm Equestria?” Twilight asked. “Precisely, he will never come here and try to take over, in order for him to have made the changes he did that put Nightmare Moon in charge, he would’ve had to intercept that letter from somewhere outside of Equestria. If you want to go after Misery, you’ll need some way to locate him. Which is what I was about to do before you all talked me into joining you for these muffins.” “You were, oh my, why thank you doctor.” Rarity exclaimed. “Your quite welcome dear, anyway, once I find out where he is hiding, I’ll come back and let you know where he is and take you to him. Until then, I suggest you all enjoy yourselves, Equestria is safe from his control.” Heart then stood up. “Then it’s settled, the doctor will find Misery for us, and we can all relax for now, once he finds Misery we spring into action and get rid of him once and for all. We can’t thank you enough for all your help doctor, we really appreciate it.” The doctor smiled at Heart Wing. “Your quite welcome, Derpy, I won’t need your help for this so you can stay here and hang out with every pony.” “Are you sure doctor, I wouldn’t mind coming with you.” Derpy said. “I know you wouldn’t, but I can do this just fine on my own, you enjoy yourself too.” “Ok doctor, thanks, and good luck.” “I’ll see you all soon.” The doctor gave a wave as he left. “Good bye doctor, thanks again for all your help.” Twilight called out as he left. “When you get back, we’ll be ready and waiting for when you find him.” Heart Wing called. The girls all waved goodbye to the doctor as he left. All that was left now was to enjoy themselves and get ready for when the final showdown comes against Misery, let’s just hope our heroes can pull out a victory.