
by ngrey651


“Fascinating…” Twilight Sparkle whispered as she continued to scribble down translation notes into her special notepad as she sat with Spike at the town’s local diner. Poor Twilight’s eyes were slightly bloodshot from having been up all night writing more translations of the ancient Changeling journal, and she wasn’t even blinking. In fact, one eye was actually involuntarily twitching.

“Twilight, are you so sure this is…a good idea? I mean…” Spike began, nervously tapping two clawed digits together as the waiter brought them some food, nervously flinching as he sniffed the air around Twilight, quickly shimmying away as fast as he could. “…that is…”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“You’ve been up all night. You haven’t bathed in two days. I just…I think you’re kind of wrapping yourself in a life that’s not your own, and it’s taking you OVER.” He insisted, the little purple dragon shaking his head back and forth as Twilight sighed, putting the Changeling journal and her translation notepad down as she put her hooves on the table and munched away at some rolls they’d been given.

“I’ve missed sleep, have I?”

“Well, yeah. And remember when I brought you that plate of vegetables for you to eat? You dipped the carrot in an inkwell and began scribbling with it. Then after I told you were using a CARROT, you bit into it. And SWALLOWED. Spike deadpanned, folding his arms across his chest and shaking his crested head back and forth.

“I suppose this need to learn more of Shimmer’s story has gripped me too tightly.” Twilight admitted. “I am mostly finished with the translation of the journal, though.” She added with a nod as she spread some butter on the nice, warm rolls she’d been given, taking small, deliberate bites of the roll as Spike chewed on one of his own. “To finish my project, I’ll go and visit the land where New Hope once was, the land where the “sky opened up”.”

“The sky opened up…” Spike rubbed his chin, thoughtfully looking up into the air. “…how many magic spells can make an entire city disappear?”

“None. At least, none that could be performed by a single unicorn. If we got everybody in town to contribute, sure, but…why would over a thousand people get together to make their town vanish from out of nowhere?” Twilight reasoned. “Especially when they’d been doing so well economically and socially!...okay, MOSTLY well socially…” She added, nervously tilting her head down and cringing a bit as she rubbed the back of her neck. “…well, actually maybe not so well.”

“Whaddya mean?” Spike asked. “They didn’t have slaves, did they?”

“Oh, CELESTIA, no, that’s barbaric. Absolutely inexcusable. Royal Law prohibits the ownership of any kind of slave or indentured servitude as part of the Magna Libertarum. No, it’s just...” She held the journal up, patting at different sections of it with a hoof, a concerned, almost…frightened look on her face. “The people always had something of an odd series of interests. And it appears that as more and more weeks passed, the interests got more…lurid. Unpleasant.”

“Sleazy?” Spike asked, raising a scaly eyebrow up. “I know you’d said that Mr. Shimmer felt sad that people singing silly love songs were, themselves, looked upon as silly. That the kind of thing was outdated. But did they really go in the opposite direction?”

“I don’t think it’s all their fault. It’s the culture. Times change, people feel the need for things that are new and daring, and to them, all of this was new and daring territory. It fascinated them, excited them.” Twilight reasoned as she tossed some bits onto the table and got up, taking her books with her as she and Spike headed back for the library. “So they stopped being interested in pop music and got into dramas and murder mysteries. Their concern became more about what was “edgy” and “more adult” because they felt that having those interests made THEM look more sophisticated. But…I think it just helped play into the worst parts of them. They start to take things too far.”

“HOW far?” Spike wanted to know. “…come on. What exactly did they make him do, STRIP?” He chuckled, Twilight flinching as Spike immediately felt his cheeks flush and he waved his hands in the air. “Woah, woah, I didn’t…they what? They actually…WHY?”

“…the things people do to be considered “real actors”.” She mumbled. “To be considered “real artists”…what a laugh.”

“Please…tell me who I am.”

“You don’t remember? You’re Eiko Flecht. I’m Dr. Jillian Featherfall. This is my associate, Anderson Abernathy. I was your brother Rei’s psychologist, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Dr. Jill” said as she shook the “patient’s” hand on the set, Shimmer the Changeling sitting in a bed in a patient’s gown as the cameras captured all at the director’s behest. “We wanted to check in on you, see how you’re doing, we know your amnesia is becoming troublesome-”

“Ma’am! Ma’am, there’s been another attack!” An extra exclaimed, running onto the set from the “door” to the next room, waving his hooves in the air as Jillian, Anderson and Shimmer turned to look at the “orderly” that was panting and out of breath. “A diamond dog’s been hurt, almost skinned! He’s barely clinging to life!”

The three looked around at each other, Shimmer blinking slightly, and for a brief moment, a dark, terrible chill seemed to stab deep into his heart.

“CUT! That’s a wrap for this scene!”


Carapace the Changeling groaned, the thick-bodied Keobjil changeling cringing as he held his head in his meaty hooves, shaking it back and forth as Sirocco nursed his wrapped-up hand a bit, frowning over at the manager. “Ugh? Whaddya mean “ugh”? She’s got three shots in her first appearance.”

“That’s just what I MEAN. She went from the star singer in a cheery pop band to a bit player in a drama that has all of ONE line.” Carapace complained as he banged his head against the table they were sitting and watching the dailies at, a run of the show playing on the nearby stereo system surround sound Sirocco had installed next to his own private Source Wall. “This is what Shimmer gave up his dreams of being a singer for? Doing…THIS?”

“I admit it’s not very classy of them to follow up a scene about somebody struggling to regain their identity with a gory close-up of a Diamond Dog who’s skin on his lower body has been peeled away.” Sirocco said, shutting the television set off, the gryphon flinching at the excessive blood on the screen. “But do you know how hard it is to get a role in an up-and-coming drama series like Delirium?”

“I understand all of that…it’s just…” Carapace murmured quietly, tapping his hooves together as Sirocco brushed the sandy feathers atop his head back.

“Lemme guess. “We should be selling Shimmer as a pop star and have him be an oppa again.” He asked with a deadpan expression, moaning as he leaned back in his chair. “He needs to prove himself and establish credibility as an actor. Times have changed since YOU were a pop star, Carapace.”

“…I knooooow.” Carapace admitted as he slumped in his chair, his eyes closed tightly as he cringed. “I know, I know, I KNOW! But don’t pull the “Darn kids gerrof mah lawn” stuff upon me. Excuse ME for not surviving as a singer!”

“Well those who can’t do, manage those that do. Look at me.” Sirocco laughed with a high, slightly squawking series of chortles. “It’s a sad state of affairs Carapace, but pop stars don’t really appeal to the masses with the same kind of innocent charm they once had. We inevitably wait for them to flame out in a blaze of debt, drugs and death. It’s like watching a train wreck. Horrifying, and yet you cannot look away.” Sirocco added as he took a swig of some hard cider, smacking his beaky lips and frowning a bit as his voice became softer, and quieter. “But I admit, it would be nice if they’d use Shimmer a bit more. And soon.”

“There is SOME good news!” A brightly-winged Ilgagsu changeling cheerily announced as she and the rest of “New Wave’s” current line-up entered the meeting room at their producer and manager’s headquarters, holding up a magazine that read “Billboard’s Top 50” and tossing it onto the table. “Would you believe?”

“What is it, Rumi?” Sirocco asked as he opened it up, eyes widening at the page that had been specially highlighted. “…well HELLLOOOOO! What! Have! We! HERE!

“What’s going on?” Shimmer asked as he stuck his head into the room, taking notice of his friend’s cheery faces and the “Billboard Top 50” magazine on the table. “Wait…you mean you made the top 50? Despite our fans, we only got as high as 75.”

“Yeah, we got 45.” The drummer laughed happily, patting his fellow musicians on the back as Shimmer smiled at the sight. “Pretty amazing, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I’m so happy for you all.” He complimented. “You’ve gotten so lucky.”

“We can do this. We got Keobjil, Ilgagsu AND Nabang united, all the Changeling clans under one roof. And why?”

“Because that’s how we get the people to rock!” Their lead drummer proclaimed, the thick-formed “Keobjil” Changeling proclaiming, a brightly-winged and ornate-looking female Changeling eagerly nodding her head up and down as she cheerily clapped her hooves together over the bright pink bra she wore.

“And what’s our motto?” She insisted in her slightly buzzy, high-pitched voice.

“New Wave IS New Hope!”

“We ARE this city. Let’s remind them why our race got to where we are.” Shimmer proudly proclaimed.

“…yeah. Good job, you guys.” Shimmer murmured, turning around and leaving the room, head hanging ever-so-slightly. “Keep up the good work.”

… “Did you get a chance to see it?” The thick changeling with a slightly stubby teeth inquired of his friend as he and the rest of his buddies entered Vallian’s side of the local grocery, having picked up a few magazines and now interested in picking up a few pounds of meat for lunch. Taro’s scaly dragon friend sighed, hanging his long-crested head, deep red eyes slowly closing.

“Yeah, I saw it. “Delirium”. Poor ol’ Shim, he’s got, what, four scenes in the latest episode?”

“Three. And it’s better than two weeks ago when the show STARTED and he only had ONE scene and three shots. Still, it was so…boring! Do all the psycho thrillers have to end that way?” Taro mumbled.

“Somebody’s gotta do something to save poor Shimmer.” The dragon admitted, taking notice of a nearby newspaper that a rather odd-looking pony was looking over. One part had been cut out of the front page. “Er, buddy, you sure you’re allowed to do that without buy-”

Hyacinth held up his receipt…and then the article he’d cut out. “Diamond Dog’s Damage echoes “Delirium” Daily Drama”. Evidently one “Brock the Diamond Dog” had been terribly skinned beginning from the waist down and he was barely clinging to life in the local hospital from what the dragon could tell. The grey-furred pony chuckled a bit as he looked the article in his hooves over, sighing almost wistfully as he trotted out of the grocery, Taro shuddering.

“Some PONIES.” He mumbled. “…though if life was gonna imitate art, why couldn’t it be more like a porno? At least then we’d get to see some action.”

“Don’t give Director Maghreb of “Delirium” ideas!” His draconic friend Heimdall groaned out, slapping his face and tugging down on his muzzle.

…Shimmer made his way towards the exit of the train, hesitating for a moment as he prepared to step off, thinking back to what he’d read on the Source Wall. “It all started when I got off the train left hoof first. I always go RIGHT hoof. He cringed a bit, almost loathe to step off the train before the flow of other people getting off swept him along and he raced down the steps that led up to the train station, making his way towards the street and back home to feed his “Little Buddies”.

He halted at the intersection, stopping in place as he looked up at the sky, rubbing his eyes a bit. For a moment, he thought he’d seen…had that been a stitch mark in the sky slowly opening up?

…ugh. He needed to get a grip. This wasn’t the drama. There were no special effects flying around the room, though-

…there were cameras. Heh. An electronics store across the way showing television screens that were displaying what cameras in the front window were now catching. And what the cameras in the window were catching was him.

“Man, even outside the studio I can’t…” Shimmer murmured. “Never thought I’d be GRATEFUL to get away from cameras pointed at me, and yet…why did I feel jealous over-get over it, Shimmer. You’ve gotta get over it!” He admitted as he made his way down the sidewalk towards his apartment complex, careful not to step on any cracks. “They say if you step on a crack, you shall break your momma’s back!” He sang out, trying to think more cheerily as he bounced his head back and forth, dark blue hair flopping about before he took notice of the cameramen stationed by the front entrance to his apartment complex. He nervously gulped a bit, unsure if he really wanted to talk to them as he trotted towards the complex, noticing a familiar grey face he’d often seen at his concerts with “New Wave”.

“Good morning, Shim! We’ve got so much to ask you!”

“Tell us how things are behind the scenes?”

“Please, what have you been doing?”

What was he going to say? He had overheard what Sirocco and Carapace had spoken over not too long ago. Were these people just interested in a potentially self-destructing former artist? There seemed to be an unusual hunger in their eyes that imitated his own whenever enjoying a daily that gripped his attention. “I’m fine, really. My biggest worry these days is whether my fish are fed…” Shimmer said with a shrug, making his way past the cameramen as they tried to take pictures, looking briefly into Hyacinth’s eyes as he nodded at him, Shimmer heading for the staircase and climbing up the first flight before noticing something was taped to the guardrail of the stairs. A newspaper article.

Wait a minute, Shimmer thought to himself as he picked it up and looked it over. Brock the…hadn’t he SEEN this diamond dog somewhere bef-

“…if I wanted touchy-feely nonsense, I’d watch a daily of afterschool specials.” The leader of the diamond dog gang muttered, about to throw a half-full canteen only for Hyacinth to grab his arm, a dark, deep glare brimming from behind his now-blackened eye, slowly panting in pain.

“…let’s just go, Brock.” One of his friends said, the dogs all slowly walking off as Hyacinth turned to look back at the stage, Shimmer smiling warmly in appreciation at the pony.

Shimmer shuddered a bit, slowly turning around, only Hyacinth remaining as he smiled slightly, waving his hoof in the air before calmly trotting off, leaving Shimmer holding the article in his hoof, which slowly and surely tightened hard around the scrap of paper…

… He sat down on the park bench, Carapace happily getting to work on something that made Shimmer tilt his head. “What’s that?” The changeling wanted to know, the beefy manager who was currently making a “cameo” in “Delirium” holding up what appeared to be a van of some kind.

“Just a little something I’ve been making from building blocks. It is a miniature recreational vehicle.” Carapace, who was playing a homeless friend of “Eiko Flecht” for today, informed the young changeling.

“My brother Rei always said you were good with your hooves, Mister Mizaki. So what’s IN the van?”

“It’s transporting several expectant mothers who are obsessed with the villain from “Brocky IV” from the tip of Southern Collective to a country across the Great Sea over in Southeastern Community whilst enjoying a fine meal of fried food and frozen waffles.” Carapace explained as he held the little R.V up. “Try to grab it!”

“Grab it?” “Eiko” asked as he took it in his hoof.

“Leggo my Eggo-carrying Lego Winnebago full of preggo fans of Drako en route to Equinegro from Canyon del Fuego whilst they’re eating fried potatoes!” Carapace proclaimed as Shimmer laughed and laughed, wiping a tear from his eye, catching the attention of a very attractive-looking young pony who was walking some distance behind them towards a fountain. She took notice of Shimmer’s rather musical laugh and his lovely dark blue locks, an intrigued glint coming to her eye as he patted Carapace on the back, talking to his friend about his recently deceased brother “Rei Flecht”.

“It’s good to remember the bits and pieces I do. It’s a terrifying thing, y’know? Not remembering who you are, losing sight of the person you used to be.” Shimmer sighed as he sat back in the park bench, leaning against it and looking up at the perfect blue sky above…only for a cheery pink pony to stretch into his field of vision.

“Why, good morning to you, good lookin’!” She proclaimed. “Are you currently represented by an agent? Would you be interested in becoming a model? You’ve certainly got the looks for it.”

“Is that why you’re three inches from my head?”

“I don’t want to look away. I’m already lost in your eyes. And you know what they say!” The pink pony giggled out. “If you get lost, stay put!” She chuckled. “So how about it? Come in and meet my staff, see where I work…”

“…hmm.” Shimmer rubbed his chin, a thoughtful expression coming to his face as the pink pony stepped away, clasping her hooves together as she flopped to the ground on her knees before him.


CUT! Good job, Desdemona, good job indeed!” Director Maghreb said of the pink earth pony as she stood up, brushing her light white hair to the side and nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

“I didn’t overdo it, did I?” She asked, a small crowd having gathered behind the cameramen and at the far reaches of the area they were filming in, none taking notice of one particular grey-furred pony who was capturing all of this on his handheld video camera. “I was worried I might be overdoing it.”

“Haven’t I seen that changeling before?” One of the onlookers murmured to another.

“That Ghainahm Style member? The one in the white shirt and shorts, y’mean?” The gryphon asked as he turned to his diamond dog friend, Brockford. Yes, a LOT of Diamond Dogs were named Brock or “Brocklyn” or the like. Blame the “Brocky” boxing drama series for popularizing it. It was much the same way so many other Diamond Dogs had named their children after the famous doggy general whom had repelled a manticore offensive against Collective 53 years ago. Duglas McArthur had delivered a total rout and slain 19 manticores until the Collective Army had arrived to assist his Diamond Dog Emergency Platoon.

Yes, sure, “McArthur” was a nice name. But try telling that to Brockford’s sister, Dug.

“He DOES seem familiar.”

“I gotta tell you, next week’s script is amazing.” Director Magrheb said as he spoke to Moore, the pony’s shiny glasses glittering in the bright light of day as she tapped a pencil’s eraser end against her little notepad. “I didn’t expect any of that. You’re definitely getting better, Moore. And more racier, too.”

“Well if the slop is good, the pigs’ll eat.” She said as she trotted off the set with the director, giggling a bit. “And what I’ve got in store for the next script after that will blow your mind, let me tell you! Although…” She hesitated slightly, tilting her head to the side and shaking it back and forth. “Not so sure if our newest star will like it. Or rather, not so sure her MANAGER won’t blow a gasket over it.”

“Why, what’re you writing?”

“Well, you see…”

… Shimmer looked the script over, holding it in his hooves as he read the lines in his head over and over, eyes carefully scanning the page as Carapace GAPED at the same script before him, Sirocco holding his own copy in the air and gesturing at it with his finally-healed hand. “So in this episode, Shimmer’s character, Eiko Flecht, completely changes personality and begins to lose hold on reality after she’s raped by the customers at a local strip show.”

“A RAPE SCENE?!” Carapace practically screeched out. “Are you BUCKING HIGH?!

“It’s pivotal, Carry. Shimmer becomes more than just a recurring character, but a co-star. In fact, the key character the plot of the drama series revolves around.”

“Pivotal?! Shimmer’s a singer, not a STRIPPER!” Carapace snapped as he grabbed hold of a nearby mug and crushed it in his hooves with a dark growl. “You want him whoring himself out like this?” He snarled, Shimmer drawing in a deep, long breath, drinking in Carapace’s pure rage and horror like a fine wine. It was rolling off of his manager in waves like he was in the middle of an emotional TSUNAMI.

“The art crew is getting antsy, we’re several days behind schedule and they need an answer. How will it look if we start complaining now that we’re halfway IN to the show?” Sirocco reasoned. “To have the key figure in the second half just drop out? Where are they going to find another person to take his place who has his acting talent? His unique skill in invoking passionate responses from the audience?”

Carapace looked like he was going to cry, his lips slightly pouting, a shudder going through his body as he shook his head back and forth. “No, no, no, no, no, Sirocco! We should talk to the director. Get this changed. NOW. This is unbelievable!”

“Because what? A stallion can’t be raped?” Shimmer spoke up, sighing a bit before putting the script down on the table, his friends from New Wave peeking into the room from the hallway, flinching a bit. “I know you’re only trying to protect me, but it’s alright, Carry. I’ll do it.”

“But Shimmer…it’s our job to protect you from things just like THIS.” Carapace said, gaping slightly in surprise.

“Hey now, this sort of thing is common for actors of our time to do. Look at that gryphon actor, Sarah Tobias. I mean, she had to squawk like a chicken for HER role.” Sirocco admitted as Shimmer held up a hoof.

“Shimmer, do you realize just what they’re asking of you?!” Carapace murmured in amazement.

“I know. I KNOW. But I’m an actor now. I made the decision and that’s what I’m going to do. I mean, it isn’t like they’re REALLY going to rape me, right?” He asked of them all, putting his hooves in his lap and chuckling a bit. “Though I guess my parents are gonna be pretty surprised to see the next episode, heh…heh-heh…” He trailed of, sighing slightly, a mournful expression flitting across his face. “Anyhow, I’ve got to give this my best shot.”

Shimmer…” Carapace mumbled out.

…Shimmer stood alone on the train, sighing as he turned his back to the windowed door of the train car, mumbling to himself, thinking back to what the meeting had been about as he rubbed the back of his neck…thinking of what he was now on his way to do, all the way across town to the South side of New Hope.

Was this honestly what he should be doing? Should he really be…

Then again, they were behind schedule as it was, and the director trusted him to do this. But Carapace’s face…it had been so torn up and horrified. Was this right?

“It’s no use worrying about this.” Shimmer insisted to himself as he folded his arms across his chest, shaking his head back and forth, blue hair flopping about as his reflection in the mirror stared back at him, a dark glare stretching across its face, the vest upon its chest bright and shimmering.


Shimmer yelped, twirling around…but the altered reflection was no longer there. He panted a bit, holding a hoof up to the surface of the window, slowly running his hoof down it as he nervously looked around the train. It was empty. Nothing was there. Just like nothing had been there in that reflection. He was just seeing things. He’d be fine. He’d be fine.

He could handle this.


…the night was clouded over, the air thick and humid outside of the fake nightclub the film crew of “Delirium” were shooting in, an almost nonexistent wind blowing through the air as the necessary actors took their places. Shimmer would be atop a stripper stage that led out on a catwalk before a deep red curtain, hundreds of small lights lining up and down the fake stage with a disco ball shimmering high above spotlights beaming directionally down upon his head. The “manager” of the strip club was putting on his tie, Shimmer now dressed in a very slim, smooth outfit designed to show off every curvature of his body, a gold earring clipped onto one ear with every single hole on his Changeling frame filled in. He was now sleek, smooth and suave, dressed in a lovely-looking and soon-to-be-discarded deep blue sleeveless suit that had the faintest light blue sparkles placed with precision all around it, each one combining to form a suggestive image of a lovely set of ribs.

The air was somewhat sweltering inside of the fake nightclub, but that would just serve to make the scene more believable, along with the many discarded alcohol and moonflower bottles lying about the ground near the stage, director Maghreb turning to his editors with a firm nod as he sat in the control booth with Sirocco and Carapace behind in chairs, the two smoking cigarettes.

“Well? Looks good, doesn’t it? Get the mood lighting JUST right. A perfect shade of blue…it will suit the atmosphere so well.” Magrheb insisted, the zebra rubbing his hooves together with a big, broad grin, Moore leaning back in her chair, looking VERY, VERY pleased with herself. “Too bad we couldn’t get a real nightclub.”

“Considering what we’re shooting...” Sirocco began to say as Moore rolled her eyes.

“I know, I know. But look, this will come out amazing, believe me. It helps that our star is so young.” The dazzlingly beautiful pink-skinned Earth pony insisted firmly, scribbling down in her notepad as the fourteen or so female ponies that made up the “strip club audience” stood around, waiting for the director to give them the okay to get in place.

“Everyone ready?” The director called out over the installed PDA system in the fake nightclub, all of them nodding as Shimmer clung tightly to himself, murmuring quietly and taking in deep, deliberate breaths.

Don’t freak out, don’t freak out, you can do this, Shimmer. You can DO this.

“SCENE 48! The manager is dragged down and Eiko Flecht is assaulted by the inhabitants of the strip club! TAKE ONE!” The director roared out as everyone got into position, the sleazy, grinding, pulsating pop music playing as “Eiko” began to position himself suggestively, slowly turning his hair back, carefully wheeling about to show the ladies in the audience aaaall they wanted as he did careful, deliberate stretches across the stage, whooping, hollering catcalls filling the air.

“Oh, yeaaah, YEAAAH, that’s like it!” One pony cried out, waving her hoof in the air as Shimmer leisurely removed his horsehoes, one of the girls catching it and deeply sniffing it as Shimmer smiled seductively at the ladies.

“More, more!”

“Take it off! Take it ALL off!”

“Ooh, he sure loves to please.” The director said in the control room as Shimmer began to remove more of the outfit, soon only wearing his shirt and the tiniest set of tight-fitting pants you could have possibly found. “Guess it helps that we got an ex-pop singer, eh? Oppas sure are good eye candy.”

“AAAA! G-get off me! Leggo, leggo!” “Eiko” yelled out from the stage as “the manager” of the night club tried to whack away female ponies who were climbing atop the stage, trying to grab hold of Shimmer and tug him down as his eyes bugged out in terror, his hooves digging as best they could into the stage. The director snarled angrily, smacking one of the ladies on the head as one of them grabbed hold of his leg and tugged him down, and THWOMP, he slid off the stage as Shimmer desperately swatted at the grasping women around him. “HELP! Somebody help me, somebody-”

Somepony grabbed hold of his arm and he tried to tug it loose, falling flat on his behind as the women around him saw their chance. Now they were all around, leering down at him, a few licking their lips in eager anticipation.

“It’s been so very, very long.” One of them whispered.

“So long since we could enjoy ourselves like this.” Another added as Shimmer’s shirt was stripped from his chest and he began to shake madly, sweat pouring down his brow.

“No! NO! N-NO, get away! NO!” He cried out, one of the women grabbing both his arms, the female unicorn leaning over him. Thick, dark purple fur obscuring his view, her…her breath, it…it smelled like vodka and milk…


Everybody stopped in place as Shimmer took in deep, deep breaths, heaving slightly as the women in the “audience” looked up at the control booth. “Hold your places! We’ve got to get the cameras and the lighting set. Wait for it. Wait for it.”

“Hey.” His “attacker” murmured as Shimmer looked up into her deep indigo eyes, a nervous, mournful expression reflected in them as indigo stared into deepest blue.

“Yeah?” Shimmer asked.

“…I am so…SO sorry for this.” She whispered back, biting into her lip, shaking it back and forth. “SO sorry.”

“It’s alright.” Shimmer said gently. “I understand.”

“Right! Next up, the rape scene!” The director announced. “TAKE ONE! And…ROLLING!”

Shimmer screamed and hollered, shaking his head back and forth, cringing as his attacker held his head in one hoof, looking down at him. “Don’t make this harder on yourself!” She hissed, Shimmer let out a gasp as his crotch was rubbed by the pony’s thick tail only for him be silenced as the slightly wet lips of the purple unicorn were pressed against his own. The pony’s thick, hard tongue rubbed against his as it pressed deeper into the kiss, only for the kiss to be broken as the unicorn sat upright and looked down upon him with an animalistic gaze in it’s eyes. It chuckled a bit, the ladies in the audience letting out a collective “WHOOOOO” as it grabbed one arm forcefully placed his hooves on her firm breasts. They felt so very...warm. The unicorn began to rub it’s crotch against his own as it tilted it’s head back and let out a happy sigh.

“St-stop…” Shimmer whispered out. “P-please, I…please…this is-”

“Oh come, now. You’re going to enjoy this almost as much as we will.” His attacker informed him in a slightly teasing, “matter-of-fact” fashion. “Let’s not deny him any more, ladies.” She said as she grabbed hold of her pants, all the women cheering and hollering, pumping their fists into the air. “Let’s get it started!...dammit, stupid…ZIPPER!” She groaned out.

“CUT!” The director cried out as everybody halted again, Maghreb slapping his face. “What’re you doing?”

“The zipper’s stuck.” The unicorn said apologetically. “Hold on. I’ll fix it.” She said, tugging at the zipper, finally unstucking the thing and giving the director a nod. “It’s taken care of.”

“Good, Jodie. Now we’ll begin again. TAKE TWO.”

Everyone readied themselves again as Shimmer deeply inhaled. He was ready, he was ready. One…two…


His shorts were undone quickly and yanked off to finally release his manhood…in reality, a fake one, a “strap-on” that looked remarkably realistic…to the cold air “ Ooh. Quite a proud male you are.” Jodie chuckled as the women eyed his pulsating meat in hunger as Jodie began stroking it. Shimmer shuddered a bit, biting into his lip, looking away and cringing.

“No…no more, no, no, please, NO…”

He felt the female unicorn’s slip over his manhood and he was soon writhing as his entire length was taken into the warm mouth of the pony. Another one grabbed his head, tugging him down and giving him a deep and thorough kiss after rubbing his head against her breasts, her tongue swirling around in his mouth as his shaft was suckled upon by the unicorn. He felt his underside behind teased by the unicorn’s tongue before it slowly pulled off it, licking its lips.

“I think he’s ready.” Jodie chuckled. Shimmer could feel his length gripped by the naked unicorn’s guided towards her hot wet slit which rubbed against it once more and wetting his own lower region. “Enough toying with him.” His length was instantly enveloped in the tight inner walls of the unicorn’s, pressing deep within it and squeezed tight beyond belief.

“GAHHHH!” Shimmer screamed out. “Y-Y-OU! STOP! NOOOO!” He cried out as the unicorn began to pull out and slam back down on his length, the woman going up and down on his manhood, flexing the unicorn’s womanhood around it with a deep, roughly brutality.

“Well?” One of the audience members asked as the others flitted and giggled, others cheering and crying out in joy.

“He feels GREAT, gals!” Jodie gasped out, gripping “Eiko’s” chest as she began to thrust harder and harder down upon him. Beads of sweat formed on his head as Shimmer became lost in the pleasure. “Unlike anything I’ve ever had!”

“If-if you d-don’t s-stop I’m-I’m gonna…I’m-I’m gonna…” He stammered. “Stop! I-I c-can’t…UUUAAAAHHHH!
