//------------------------------// // Chapter 4- Bliss // Story: A Beautiful Lie // by Sorenthehero117 //------------------------------// Chapter 4- Bliss My eyes were shut, my mind was clear, my soul felt at peace for the first time as I laid in bed, and drifted into a long and heavy sleep. I could hear Philomena chirping a little as I let out a slight sigh and smiled as I ultimately found myself asleep for first time in 2 weeks of studying. I feel at ease... I feel blissful... I feel... Happy, but I don't know why. I didn't care... I was happy and in peace, and I can't explain why, but I think Philomena is the cause of my unexplained happiness. Why did this beautiful bird caused me so much happiness? Or better question: where did this bird come from? Many questions were on my mind about the mysterious whereabout of this bird. For all I know, she could belong to someone. A little girl who received her as a present; a bird enthusiast who found her in the forrest; a wildlife preserve employee who accidentally lost her as he was cleaning her cage. Another thing that struck my mind was that this bird looked almost perfectly groomed from head to claw. I don't believe anyone can treat a bird this greatly and just lose it unexpectedly. She might have been stolen from a very rich person and somehow managed to escape from the thieves' clutches. For all I know, Philomena could be royalty. I've been thinking too much about this. I tend to be a bit of a worrywart when it comes to things, especially when its something as serious as this. However, now wasn't the time to worry. Now was the time for me to go to sleep. I wonder what I'll dream about. Maybe I'll dream about hunting with my father again, or maybe I'll dream about questing on an epic adventure, either way, call me crazy, but I was excited to be able to dream again, and couldn't wait to see what I was getting myself into. Even if it were a nightmare, I wouldn't care. I just wanted to dream again; something I feel like I lost the ability to do since my father's passing. Finally it happened! As one would expect, I ended up in the middle of my dream, as opposed to the beginning. Like skipping scenes while watching a movie and starting at the middle of the second act. I found myself in a somewhat, familiar location. I was at the Yunque Rainforest where my mother used to take me as a kid to play. The feeling of being back at this forrest sent chills up my spine from an incident that happened one day when my mother took me here. I was walking around the woods when I fell down a couple of branches and landed on my face. I began to cry in pain as my left cheek started to bleed. Me, being a 6 year old at the time, I was terrified and cried so loud that birds got out of their nests and flew away. I was scared, alone and in pain... I wanted my mother to come back and take me home. It wasn't fun anymore, it was beginning to be a living night terror in the middle of the day. I was stuck there for 5 hours and didn't get rescued until it was already dusk. My mother wasn't there to pick me up. Instead, a ranger heard my cries and carried me to his squad car as I cried wondering where my mother went. That... Was when the ranger stayed silent for one whole minute and told me what happened. 'You're mother's dead son. We found her, a mile near the edge of the forrest, probably looking for you. It seemed she was running and fell down a ditch and broke her neck. I'm sorry son', and thats when my eyes widened. My heart was shattered. I wanted to cry, but more than that, I wanted to strangle this man. I'm just a little kid, don't even know how to tie my own shoes. How could he just lay this on me without even being gentile about it? Needless to say, I was angry; depressed, sad, but mostly angry And the worst part? This wasn't just an incident that left me scarred for life. This... Was the dream I was dreaming. Outside, I was shivering. Inside, I was screaming. As I would have expected, I ended up dreaming of laying on the ground, crying in pain, only here, I was already a full grown adult. 18, long hair, even had the same facial features. What was different, were the cuts and bruises on my face, which felt a little too real, for my taste. The forrest was more dark and sinister looking than I remember. I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping that somebody came to save me... But no one came. In my dream, I was suffering. I wanted nothing more than to put an end to myself. Then... Something unexpected happened... Something... I... I can't explain. What looked like a dark and sinister forrest was soon bathed in light as something was walking in front of me from a great distance. It looked like... A horse... Like a full grown horse walking towards me, or trotting towards me. It appeared to be a horse from a distance, but as it got closer, I began to notice something odd: a long horn on its forehead. I couldn't see it clearly. The extreme brightness made the creature look like a silhouette. I could only assume that this was a unicorn, which would explain the horn on a horse's head. Then I saw something that not even my father in his stories have ever heard about: this... THING... Had a horn AND A PAIR OF WINGS. I immediately began to cower as it grew closer and closer until all I could do was grovel on the ground. Expecting the worse, the shadowy horse-like creature stood in front of me as all of a sudden I could hear a voice: 'Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you'. My eyes went, from shut tightly, to opening widely. This voice that I heard, who said it? Where did it come from? 'Are you... Okay?' The voice spoke again. It was the most beautiful voice I've ever heard: kind, gentile, and sweet. I reluctantly opened my eyes and looked at the horse-like creature and then... My heart stopped for a second. In front of me was, what I believed to be a 6 to 7 foot tall crossbreed between a pegasus and a unicorn. It looked... Like a she... Her body was pink and her mane looked like it had 3 different colors: gold, pink and purple. And she had... What I can only describe as a tattoo of a blue, crystalized heart and her eyes were violet like most of her mane. She was really beautiful from head to hoof, and actually looked somewhat regal for a horse. Her appearance took my breath away as I slowly worked up the nerve to speak.... 'W-What are you?', was all I could say. It sounded rude, but honestly, this was the first thing that came to my mind. Before she could even say anything, she leaned close to me with a smile. 'Does my appearance startle you?', she said in her beautiful, gentile voice as I looked at her, curiously, but intrigued. 'N-No... But... What are you? You're neither a horse, nor a pegasus, nor a unicorn, not that any of the last two exist. No offense', I said to her. She then gave a slight giggle and extended a hoof for me to grab onto and pull myself up. I grasped her hoof softly, but firmly as I helped myself up and noticed her body began to glow in a blinding light and a soft whisper was heard. 'If you want to know me more, come meet me in this exact spot. Please don't wait too long. I'll miss you", she said to me before she began to disappear. 'Wait... Who are you? What's your name? WHY ARE YOU HERE?', I began to scream as I found myself back in my room, in bed, at 10:27 AM on a saturday morning.