//------------------------------// // Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! // Story: The Left Behind. // by Prince_Nebula //------------------------------// The young tan skinned girl pointed the cocked shotgun at Spike's head. "The hell do you want?" the Manehatten accent was nearly impossible to mistake. "Babs... it's me... Spike..." He pushed the shotgun's barrel away from his face, not flinching at all at her threat. "S-Spike?.... What are you doin here?" She looked at him completely dumbstruck. "I need to talk to Apple Jack." He said not showing much emotion. "Well.... Ya might wanna change... Ya just missed Twilight and she caused a bit of a stir..." She turned and headed to the gate, then pulling out a sign and holding it high above her head. "So just... Keep ya guns pointed at the ground or in their satchel." She began walking down the dirt path after tossing the sign back to the small booth at the gate. Spike and the others placed their guns on their backs following closely behind. "Hey AJ! We got some visitors!" Big Mac yelled up to her on the cat walk above as she pulled back from the flames busting out. "Who is it?" She yelled back, not looking away from the furnace. "Solar Empire boys!" He grabbed his shotgun and exited the barn, lifting his gun, and walking towards them. "What do yall want? Ya already got my sisters answer." "B-Big Mac! Put the gun down!" Spike rose his hands in defense and taking of his helmet. "I-It's me! Spike!" "Spike?" AJ walked past her brother, pushing his gun down. "What are yall doin here? and why are you in that uniform?" It took her a moment, but she was able to put two and two together. "Spike. You didn't." He gave a slight sigh. "I wasn't going to sit in that hospital forever AJ. You know that." AJ seemed a bit annoyed as she twisted her face, crinkling her grease smeared nose and placed gloved hands on her hips. "That ain't the point Spike, you we're supposed to stay put! Wait it out, survive if the Empire decided to scorch the whole damn continent!" "If I was stuck in the fucking hospital, I doubt I would even be able to get out!" He pushed his shoulders back, and chest and chin forward, hands towards his hips. "Watch your language sugar cube." She retorted in a stern and somewhat threatening tone as she took a step towards him, straightening her back, and standing taller than him. "The point was you were safe there, you had what you needed and you had people who care about you, what do you think is goin' through their minds right now?." She paused for a moment. "What do you think Shy thinkin' right now, knowing that yer out here with the dangers of the war? She's probably sittin' in 'er office right now, bawlin' her eyes out, all because you decided ta go play soldier boy with yer friends!" Spike's head sank as he realized what he did, Fluttershy probably was crying over him, Sweetie too. He held back tears as he looked up at the tanned woman in front of him. "I'm not playing anything. I need to get to Canterlot, and I know you can get me there." AJ returned the gaze. "So that's what it's all about, huh?" She lifted her hand, motioning to the crumbling city that was once the elegant city of Canterlot. "It's all fer Twilight. The girl who's caused all this pain among the people." "She didn't cause anything." "She started a god damned war Spike!" She threw the black stained rag to the ground as she looked him in the eyes. "She caused all this Spike!" She motioned to the wreckage and scorched earth around them. "Everything here, all because she didn't want to do what she knew was right and make sure Celestia stayed in 'er place." Spike remained silent as AJ took his shoulder. "Look at all these people Spike." He watched as the Apple family stopped what they were doing, and looked at him. "Mah family lost everything because of this war." "I know." Spike hid his face under his helmet. "That's why I need to get to Canterlot. To put an end to this. I need to talk to Twilight. AJ looked at him. "So.... This isn't just cause you wanna be with Twilight again?" He nodded and smiled up at her, letting built up tears roll down his face. "I'm doing it so no one has to go through this anymore." She smiled and pulled him into a tight embrace, tears flowing from her as well. "It's good to see ya again Spike."