The Harmonic Oath

by mili71

R1: Harmony


*Tap, tap, tap.*

The sound of hoofsteps filled the room, as Twilight walked into the chamber.

The memorial room, for her friends.

They all died years ago, so Twilight was kinda over it. But she couldn't help shedding a tear when she saw their caskets. How did they all die? Well, AppleJack was working in the shed, and it started to collapse. AppleJack didn't get out in time, a beam fell on top of A.J, killing her. Because FlutterShy was so shaken up by the incident, so she never left her house. She simply died of old age. Rarity was looking for an extremely rare pink diamond to complete an outfit, and she wasn't looking where she was going. And then, she fell into a chasm, and she didn't land the right way. Pinkie Pie was walking through the EverFree forest with AppleBloom, to see Zecora, when a manticore attacked them. AppleBloom managed to get away with minor wounds, but Pinkie Pie had wounds that could kill in an instant, and she died. Rainbow's death was perhaps the most tragic of all. After Rainbow had passed the WonderBolt Academy, she went to audition for the actual WonderBolts. But during the audition, she was trying to perform a Sonic Rainboom, she got in a freak accident. When she awoke in the hospital a few days later, she became heartbroken when she found out she could never fly again. But what really destroyed her was the fact she could never join the WonderBolts. She lost her will to live. So, later that day, in the hospital, she died, knowing that the afterlife would be better then this hell of a world.

"Hey, Twilight!" Twilight perked up to the voice at the end of the room. It was Spike, still a baby dragon after these long years, but still useful. Twilight could never forget him. Even after his inevitable death. "It's time to go to the Summer Sun Celebration!" Twilight forgot the celebration was tonight. It would take place in Canterlot this year.
"I'll be there soon, Spike." Twilight said coolly. When Spike left the room, Twilight started to cry. "Why? Why did you have to die the way you did?"


"Good evening, my faithful student." said Celestia. Twilight outgrew the fact she wasn't Celestia's student years ago, but she didn't mind that Celestia calls her that. Celestia is like a mother to her. After all, Twilight's parents died years ago, as well as her friends. But Twilight, nonetheless, didn't want any of them to leave.
"Damn this world!" She thought to herself,"Damn it all to hell!"
It was nearly time to watch Celestia raise the sun, so Twilight quickly shut those horrible thoughts then sat and watched. Watching the sun rise was a spectacular sight, like new beginnings were bound to happen right afterwards.

But only the opposite happened.

A shrill voice spoke,"Well, if it isn't Canterlot? My word, it changed so fast!" Twilight took a moment to gaze at the pony with the shrill voice. This pony was as tall as Celestia, but she was a black alicorn, with a red and black mane and tail. Her horn was sharp-looking, and her wings were like a dragon's. When she opened her eyes, they were red slits, like a dragon's. Everyone was in a hushed, panicked state, wondering if the very worst was going to happen. Celestia curled her lips in a snarl.
"What are you doing here, Eve!?" Celestia shouted.
"Ahhh, Celestia." Eve said," Don't be so harsh, I came here with wonderful aspects!" Murmurs rippled throughout the frightened crowd of ponies. It took a while to figure out what this creature was, but then she realized: She was a dragon pony. Dragon ponies had spectacular physical and magical strength, making it almost impossible to defeat in combat. But with the right technique, a pony could take down a dragon pony. But if the pony didn't deal the final blow, the dragon pony would do so his/herself. Dragon ponies were similar to changelings, but they couldn't change into other ponies.
"Nothing you ever do is wonderful!" Celestia said.
"Ah, Celestia, I'm hurt. I'm really hurt." Eve said., "But in a way, you're right. I've failed to take over Equestria too many times to fail now. This time, I have a little help." Eve stepped aside to reveal an army of dragon ponies. "All of my subjects will eat your precious Equestria alive!" Eve then laughed a sinister laugh. Then she opened her humongous wings, then took off.

But she came charging down, as if gravity itself had strengthened. And she was aiming right for Twilight.

Her magic wasn't powerful enough to withstand such a blow. She prepared to meet her fate, when a figure stopped the blow.
It was Luna, making sure that Eve didn't get her way.
"Luna?" Eve said,"I thought Celestia banished you to the moon!"
"Well, you bitch," Luna said,"I'm back."
Eve snarled, looked around, then looked back at Luna.
"RAGHH!!!" Eve shouted, then she lunged herself at Luna. Luna stood her ground, then flung Eve off. Eve hit the ground with a thud, then stood up.
"Let's see if you can handle this!" Eve said, a red light was emitting from her pointy horn, then a beam shot towards Luna. Luna blocked the beam with a spell of her own, but she was struggling, she was going to release the spell at any time! Twilight quickly rushed over to the aid for Luna, then she used a spell that converts daylight into power, so Luna could hold her end of the battle. With that spell, Luna won the duel, flinging Eve back far away, down into the EverFree forest. Luna then took that time to pass out.
"Thanks, princess." Twilight said.

Hi everyone! I hoped you liked R1 of The Harmonic Oath. R2 will be coming out soon. If you hated the chapter, then fine by me. Just don't share it. But if you loved it, (or just like it.) feel free to express it in any way! Thanks for reading R1 of The Harmonic Oath.