Ponies of the Beyond


Silver the Seeker

Silver whimpered, cowering in a rough snow-den she had made. She all alone, and her siblings could be anywhere in this storm. She wondered where her feathered sister and river-gifted brother were, but overall cried and wallowed in her own self-pity. The wind rage outside had gone, and now dawn light began to rise over the island of Ga'Hoole. She turned away from it, finding no hope in the new day, and stood. Her belly howled with hunger. Looking around, she sought out tracks of anything edible. When nothing was found, she resorted to searching under rocks for grubs and stripping withered berries off of bushes.
She wined a bit out of loneliness, and sat down, wincing at the cold sting the snow left on her flank. She glanced towards the Outlands. Thunderheart has told her, Raven and Faolan to never go there. But what if her siblings had gone there by mistake? A surge of protectiveness washed over her towards her family. I will find you, then nothing will separate us again!
With that, she lifted her wings and started travelling, going straight into press-paw speed as she headed to the Outlands to find her brother and sister.