Dusk Dawns

by AlphatheGriffin17

Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

He couldn't see. Not even a little bit. Not the trees he ran into, not the stones he tripped over, not even the grass beneath his hooves, which felt dry and dead. All of his surroundings were hidden. Darkness encroached all around him, only a small bead of light providing what little hope he had left. That's what he was going for.

It was his only chance. He could hear him, in the dark behind him. Crashing through the trees, barrelling through bushes. That growling, more like an animal than a pony. He was coming. He had to get away.

Suddenly, he felt something grab his leg, twist and hold it tight. He whipped his head around, something else grabbing hold. The shadows were coming to life, writhing like snakes and holding him in place. The sounds were getting closer. More were coming to hold him down, to keep him there until their master arrived.

But he wouldn't let him. He reached into his magic, sending out a light flare. It obliterated the shadows holding him, providing some light. For a second, he could see the forest around him… he saw his jade eyes, reflected in the dark. That only gave him further motive to run even faster than before, stumbling over his own hooves to get away.

He made tracks for that tiny light again. He didn't know if he'd escape. No matter where Dusk went, or what he tried, he always came back. Angrier every time. Why didn't he just leave him alone? Why was he always tormenting him?

His lungs were burning, his breathing rapid and hard. His heart was pounding against his chest. The sounds were getting closer. But so was the light… yes, he was going to make it! Just a little further and he'd be safe. He could feel the coldness of the shadows trying to capture him again. He moved, not letting them, putting on one last burst of speed.

Dusk galloped on, his hooves pounding against the dirt. Just a little further… almost there! He ran out into a clearing, knowing he'd made it and…

Nothing. There was nothing. The forest was behind him, but all that was in front of him was a wall of rock. Too steep to climb. Too wide to go around. All that was behind him was the monster that made his way closer every second. He was trapped. But… but there had to be another way. Had to be!

"Has faith failed you, brother?" He whipped around. Doom had caught up, a look of triumph on his face. "Nothing to save you?"

"No, NO! Keep back!" He cast a desperate spell, but he easily dodged it.

"As pathetic as your attempts to run." His own horn glowed grey. "My turn!"

The shadows shot towards him, a mass of tentacles like a monstrous octopus. He flared again, trying to keep them back. But there was no end to them and he couldn't keep it up anymore. They wrapped around him, he tried to struggle, but he didn't have the energy.

"So, the end draws near," growled Doom, stepping closer towards him. "You put up a fight, Dusk, I shall concede that much. But your fight is over, my time is now."

"No, no, NO! No, I won't let you!"

"How sad." He leered over him, his teeth as white as his mane of bone. "My face will be the last thing you ever see…"

"Stop!" He could feel those hooves touch his head, possibly to crush it like a grape. "Please, no! DON'T PLEASE!"

But they didn't crush his head. Instead, they began to gently caress his face, like a mother comforting her frightened child. That's all he was here. But… why was he doing this? And why did he feel metal instead of hoof? He dared to open his eyes… and felt utter relief when he saw who was gazing back.

"Luna…" He could already feel tears form in his eyes. "I… I mean you… you…"

"Fear not, Dusk," she whispered, holding him close. "You are safe now. He cannot harm you, not while I am here…"

"I know…" He felt so safe with her, his fear evaporating. "I thought that, this time… you weren't…"

"My student, no matter what, I will never abandon you to this fate," she said gently. "I will always be here, to keep your darkness at bay while you sleep, the light of my stars watching over you."

There was only one thing he could say to that. "Thank you…"

She didn't say anything else, but began to sing instead, a song that carried the peace her night brought and reminded both him and her why she did this to begin with…

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How could you have sent me away?
I sit here and gaze into stillness alone,
The darkness and silence pervade

But here in my prison, my thoughts they won't fade
Of power, and glory, and praise
Till your blinded eyes, can see your own lies
The stars will recount my last days…

Combined with the sun faintly glowing through his curtains and the feelings that his dreams typically brought on these days, Dusk arose from his slumber at the usual time for every morning. His sheets were in some disarray and there was some cold sweat caking his forehead, but he was otherwise fine. He'd had quite a while to get used to waking up to this, not much longer to begin hiding it from anypony who might ask.

Making the habit as usual not to dwell on his dreams, he made his bed, gave Ophelia a few gentle strokes by way of a good morning, donned his hat, glasses and necklace and went to the kitchen to make his breakfast. While he sat down at the table, with a cup of tea and some toast, even though he meant not to dwell on the subject, he did find his thoughts wondering to his dreams.

They'd been filled with the usual. They'd been getting a little worse after the incident in Canterlot, as had his little 'phases' during the day. Doom, chasing or fighting him in some way then, just when things seemed hopeless, Luna would arrive. To save him, to push back his darkness into the depths of his mind where he belonged and keep his dreams peaceful and calm.

That was essentially how things worked with keeping him at bay. When he was awake, he had to rely on his own mental focus and determination not to let his darker self into his mind, not even for a moment. It was only when he might lose control for a few seconds that he might come through, but he always managed to push him back again. Then, at night, Luna would lend her much more capable power to stop him plaguing his dreams and taking over his mind while it was at its most vulnerable.

It was a system and it worked… so far. But he always had the fear that perhaps, one day, it wouldn't be enough. He already had little slip-ups more recently these days, whenever he lost his temper, that would allow Doom a few seconds of access. Somepony or something would usually allow him to regain control and push him back, but it had usually been due to luck that he'd been around others at the time. His friends, Twilight… but what if it happened and they weren't there?

Then, there were the dreams. At first, Luna had continuously urged him to tell the others about Doom, to get it out of the way and get them to help. But he was always adamant in that he just couldn't, for fear of what they might do. In the end, she had stopped bringing up the subject, but still provided a source of comfort and protection for him in the tumult of his nightmares. Perhaps because she knew how he felt where that was concerned…

He always dreaded though that, one day, she might stop, in a bid to get him to reveal the truth. Like the reason she seemed to wait before intervening was to remind him of who, or what, was still present, no matter what her efforts…

But she always came. She was always there and he could keep back Doom during the day, as long as she would do so at night. They both knew what might happen if he returned and were resolved to prevent it happening. They'd manage, of course they would… and the others would never need to know. Never…

It was just when he finished his breakfast and brushed his teeth that he heard a knock at the door. Making sure he was reasonably presentable, he went to answer it and was met by the sight of his partner in sophistication.

"Good morning, Rarity," he greeted politely. "How's my favourite fashion friend today?"

"All the better for seeing you, darling," she returned, with her charming smile. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"I was just on my way out, but if you want to come in for some tea, I'm sure Twilight won't mind my being a little late," he offered.

"What and spoil your perfect record for arriving on time? I wouldn't dream of it. In any case, I've come by to collect you for your marefriend while she saves us a place in the queue," she explained.

"Ah yes, cider season starts today at Sweet Apple Acres," he recalled. "I'd almost forgotten about that."

She tittered a little. "It's a good thing I reminded you then, otherwise you would have arrived at an empty library with possibly no cider of your own. We can't have that now, can we?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." He closed his door and stepped by her side. "After you, madam."

"Why thank you, good sir," she replied smartly. "I am relieved that Twilight is saving us a spot. Apple family cider is simply to die for, as I have no doubt you'll remember."

"I do, yes," he said, calling to mind when they'd celebrated his getting together with Twilight. "I mean no offense, but I'm a little curious that she's not here to… collect me, as it were."

"I thought you might be and none taken. Well, I had remembered that little drink we had to commemorate your becoming a couple and felt insistent on coming to get you," she explained. "I explained to her that I wanted a little one-on-one with you and she does trust me enough not to steal you away, so here we are."

"Well, either way I don't mind. I always like talking to you, as much as I like spending time with her. I mean, in a friendship capacity."

"Aren't you a flatterer," she giggled. "I was a little surprised myself when I realised it. Five, almost six months since you two started out and still going strong."

"I would never have believed we'd have lasted one month myself," he confessed. He then realised what he just said and flinched to prepare for an impact of something.

Rarity, however, did nothing but titter again. "Have no fear, dear. Mr Strike may have recruited some of the others in his cause, but I refuse to raise a hoof against you. How could I even begin to consider such a thing?"

"Right… thanks, Rare."

"I do see the point he has, but there are better ways to raise one's confidence that don't involve the use of blunt objects. I mean, this is one example," she said, gesturing to herself and him.

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand."

"You and I, dear. We complement each other easily, enjoy the other's company and have a good rapport, when before you would have been tripping over what to say to me without sounding foolish." She smiled a little at the surprise that probably registered on his face from how well she knew him. "You've changed quite enough for me, I think."

He felt a smile tug at his mouth from how touched he was. "Thank you, Rarity. That means a lot to me…"

"See, you're even starting to accept compliments now, when before you would have merely blushed and mumbled." A thoughtful look came over her face. "Perhaps I should compare notes with Ray, see if it's down more to me than him and get him to stop hitting you."

"I wish you luck with that." He faced her completely now. "You really think I've changed since then, haven't you?"

"Of course, darling," she insisted. "I'm sure Twilight would say the same. I mean, five months is nothing to sniff at. The love you two must have for each other, I can only imagine it."

For some reason, Dusk found himself surprised by the use of that word. "I… I suppose…"

"What do you mean?" Rarity frowned a little at him. "You have told Twilight that you love her, I presume?"

"Well… actually… no…" he admitted. "I… think I've tried saying it once, but… no."

Rarity widened her eyes in surprise. "No? Why ever not? I would have thought that, after all this time, you would have said it at least once."

"Is that a bad thing?" he asked.

"Not necessarily. I mean, you two seem rather happy even though you've never said it. Either of you?" He nodded in response. "Hm… I wonder if…"

"If what?" He felt a little worried now from this revelation.

"Hm? Oh, never mind darling," she dismissed. "Just be sure to tell her when you have the chance. You don't have to but it's just a suggestion."

"I'll bear that in mind." They lapsed into silence and that got Dusk thinking again.

Why had neither he nor Twilight ever said that they loved each other? They clearly enjoyed each other's company a great deal and were rather intimate. Surely love was a large factor behind that, one that was stronger than love that they had for their friends. What was the ancient Pegasus word for that again? Phileo was friendship, eros was romance, two of the four kinds of love that they defined. Surely the love they had defined as eros.

It was true that he had tried telling Twilight that. It had been on their first date, when everything had seemed so perfect and peaceful. The world around her had ceased to exist, like when they kissed for the first time at Canterlot after Discord was defeated. In those moments, he'd felt something more strong and more powerful than anything he'd ever experienced and he knew that she was the cause of it.

But, then again, she'd never said that either. He recalled some separate occasions when she had been about to say something along those lines, but she would always change it to something else, something more moderate. Like she was tentative about using the word, for some reason, like when she'd reacted when he'd joked about them being husband and wife. Did that have something to do with it? Or was that just him jumping to the worst conclusion again? Maybe she did love him, but wasn't sure whether or not to tell him.

Then again, neither of them had ever experienced anything like this before, so how could they be sure? How could he be sure? Did he love her?

He pushed those thoughts away when Sweet Apple Acres came into view, deciding to think more about it later. He might as well enjoy himself now, especially since it looked like he wouldn't get much of a chance to if he didn't. The whole town had turned out for cider season, the line starting from the end of the picket fence all the way to the barn at the very end. He remembered Rarity saying about how the Apples always seemed to run out of cider. He could certainly see why.

They walked past other ponies in the queue, earning a few displeased looks from those they left behind, until they reached Twilight and Spike near the end. It appeared it was a good thing she'd saved them a spot.

"Isn't this exciting, Spike?" Twilight was saying. "Opening day of cider season!"

"Yeah! That means it's only thirty more days 'til sapphire season!" replied the dragon excitedly.

"If cider season is for ponies and sapphire season is for dragons, that should be quite a sight," remarked Dusk, joining them in line.

"Especially if it's the same turnout." Twilight looked back along the line. "I hear quite a few ponies decided to camp outside the farm, just so they could be further in line."

"I can see why," he agreed. "I appreciate you holding a place for us, Twilight."

"Well, Spike was holding a place for Rarity. I was holding a spot for you," she said, with a wink.

"Then it seems I must find a way to return such a favour," he replied, stepping closer.

"I think I know the best way." She leaned in and allowed their lips to connect for a few wonderful moments of bliss. "There, now we're even."

"Oh, gimme a break," he heard Spike mutter.

"I'll give you something else instead." He heard her lips kissing his cheek. "Feel better?"



"Yes, Dusk?"

It felt like one of those perfect moments again. Why not tell her now? "I… I think I… I lo-"

"Attention, everypony!" They both jumped apart from Applejack's voice through a megaphone. "Cider season is now officially open!"

Though everypony had started talking excitedly, the moment had now been ruined for Dusk. He and Twilight laughed a little awkwardly, returned to reality again.

"I'm sorry… what were you going to say, Dusk?" she asked nervously.

"It's… it's nothing…" He lost his nerve again. It wouldn't exactly spoil his whole day, but it would have been nice anyway…

The queue moved steadily along at the rate ponies were buying cider. He noted Pinkie carrying just under a dozen mugs of the stuff from her transaction. Having tried it before, Dusk knew the appeal but even that seemed a bit excessive. Then again, Pinkie was Pinkie. He, Twilight, Spike and Rarity soon had their own mugs of the beverage, clinking them together before drinking from them.

"To friendship," they toasted, drinking simultaneously.

While he drank, he took notice of another pony helping the apples out, tapping the barrels and lifting them with his magic to Big Mac and went over to speak to him.

"Looks like you're being kept busy," he noted to Ray, while he carted off another barrel.

"You don't know the half of it." He grinned, pretending to wipe sweat from his forehead. "It's a tough job, but somepony's gotta do it."

"You do look tired out to be sure."

"I know, tell me about it." He pressed his hoof to his chin. "If only there was some place to get a drink around here… oh wait."

Dusk chuckled from his joke. "Have you tried it then?"

"Yeah and that is some good stuff right there. I'll be surprised if there's enough go around," he noted tapping the dozen barrels stacked behind him. "We made a lot of it, but there are a lot of ponies here."

"At least they'll be well supplied." He gestured to his general form. "It's just a good thing you're in a fit state."

In the few days it had been since the Dodge Junction incident, Ray's remaining wounds had now completely healed. All bruises and welts were gone, the gash on his eye was non-existent and even his leg was no longer giving him trouble.

"Oh come on, I could have done this stuff with all my legs broken," he said confidently. "Now, I can really show these ponies what I can do."

"It is quite remarkable how you healed so quickly, especially from that broken leg," noted Dusk, remembering when he'd suffered a similar injury and it had taken a lot longer to recover.

Ray just shrugged. "Like I said, I heal quickly. Good thing too, considering how much work here involves the full use of all my limbs."

"Farm work does need that, although it helps to have magic." He gestured to his own horn, though hidden under his hat. "Are you handling the work all right?"

"Ah'll say!" Applejack had come over to join in. "Ah tell ya, if ah didn't know he was from Idahoof, ah'd say this feller's been farmin' his whole life."

"For all you know, I might have been," he returned.

"Yep, he's a real go getter," she praised. "We give him a job, he'll do it, no questions askin'. Muckin' out the pigs, bringin' in the apples, no matter what, he'll do it and dad gum, he does is best."

"Really? Even after your injuries?" asked Dusk, impressed.

Ray smiled proudly. "Hey, what else can you do?"

"He does try ta push himself a lil' too much sometimes." She nudged him playfully. "Like when ya tried ta bring in ten baskets-a apples by yerself?"

"What's wrong with that?" Dusk asked, thinking he'd used his magic.

"He only used his legs an' back." She chuckled from the memory. "He did manage ta hold it up fer about five seconds, 'fore he dropped 'em."

"Hey, I like a challenge," he said, still grinning.

Applejack became a little exasperated. "Yeah, but there's a challenge an' there's tryin' ta stop a herd-a stampedin' cows by standin' and yellin' at 'em."

"I told you, they were like that when I got there!" he insisted.

"Yeah, sure they were." She shrugged. "Still, we managed ta catch 'em and ya do a good job anyways."

"Thanks, pardner," he said, in an attempt at Southern accent.

Applejack just patted his shoulder. "Yeah, leave that ta the experts, Ray."

"Sure thing, boss," he saluted. "Right, here comes Big Mac, best get another barrel ready. We're blowing through these."

Dusk stood back to let them work, noting how they were on their second barrel and there was still a lot of ponies to go around. It didn't look like there was going to be enough to serve all the ponies here. Perhaps he was being premature in his judgement. It turned out, however, that he was right.

Just as Rainbow paid for her drink, the tap spluttered out the drops, indicating that the last barrel had been drained.

"Heh, sorry everypony! That's it for today!" announced Applejack.

The large crowd still waiting to be served all groaned loudly in disappointment. Rainbow was the first to voice it.

"Surprise, surprise. You ran out again!"

"Yeah, you always run out!" put in a stallion.

Fluttershy tried to speak up. "For the record, I don't mind-"

"Why can't you make enough cider for all of us? Or at least for me!" demanded Rainbow.

The crowd closed in around Applejack, all angrily complaining about not getting their own cider, even after standing for so long in line. The farm pony hopped up onto the counter to control them.

"Hold on everypony. We've done our best to improve supply this year-"

"You always say that!" the same stallion cried.

"And it's always true," she countered calmly. "But Apple family cider is made with love and integrity, and only the highest quality apples in Equestria. Sorry, but that recipe takes time." The crowd started to disperse, still complaining, but not saying anything directly to her. "If y'all just be patient, we'll have plenty more tomorrow."

"Yeah, wait till tomorrow. Just because none of you got to taste that sweet, tingly, perfect, mouth-watering, delicious cider and that you have to wait a whole day before you can even have a chance to buy some again, that's no reason to… hm, that sounded a lot better in my head. Can I start again?"

"Ray, yer not helpin'."

"Right, sorry."

"She's right, y'know!" Pinkie was saying to Rainbow. "You can't rush perfection! And this year's batch was perfection!"

"Uh, Pinkie Pie-

She ignored Fluttershy and placed a leg around the increasingly frustrated Pegasus. "I'll never forget the cider I just drank! It was a moment in time that will never exist again..."

He could see Rainbow was at her breaking point and was about to try and help her calm down, when something else got his and everypony else's attention.

It started off with a honking horn, followed by the steady, regular sound of a locomotive engine coming up from down the road. Drawing steadily closer and attracting the attention of those around, was a machine unlike any Dusk had ever seen before. The closest thing he could compare it to was a steam train, but without the tracks. The number of attachments to it, including three separate chimneys, large glass bulbs with electricity buzzing inside it, only added to his confusion.

"What in Equestria is that?" he heard Applejack say, but he honestly had no answer.

Although, for some reason, it struck a chord in his memory. Like he'd seen something like it before…

He didn't have much time to ponder this, because two ponies had jumped down from the platform at the front of the machine. They were stallion unicorns, both of the same height, build and even dress sense. They both wore white and blue striped shirts, black bowties and straw boater hats. The only differences were their cutie marks and the moustache on only one of them.

They took one look around at those gathered and started to sing.

Well, looky what we got here, brother of mine, it's the same in every town
Ponies with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found
Maybe they're not aware that there's really no need for this teary despair

That the key that they need to solve this sad cider shortage you and I will share

The crowd started to excitedly chatter at these new arrivals.

Well you've got opportunity
In this very community

He's Flim

He's Flam

We're the world famous Flim Flam brothers
Traveling salesponies nonpareil

"Non-pa what?" Pinkie asked.

Nonpareil, and that's exactly the reason why, you see
No pony else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you need to be
And that's a new world, with tons of cider
Fresh squeezed and ready for drinking

More cider than you can drink in all your days of thinking

"I doubt that," said Rainbow cynically, though a now excited crowd did share her feelings when they started singing along to them.

So take this opportunity

In this very community

He's Flim

He's Flam

We're the world famous Flim Flam brothers
Traveling salesponies nonpareil

I suppose by now you're wondering 'bout our peculiar mode of transport

I say, our mode of locomotion

And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised cider?

Any horse can make a claim and any pony can do the same

But my brother and I have something most unique and superb
Unseen at any time in this big new world

And that's opportunity

Folks, it's the one and only, the biggest and the best

The unbelievable



I can't believe-

"Okay, ENOUGH ALREADY!" Their singing abruptly stopped after Ray's command. "Enough with the singing! I mean, really? A simple introduction would have done, you don't have to go all Broadway on us."

The crowd and the brothers stared at him, but he didn't seem to care. It was Flim (Or Flam?) who broke the silence, still confident in himself.

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, sir. As me and my brother always say…"

"Why say it, when you can sing it?" finished the other.

"Yeah, just too bad you can't sing it," he countered. "Your fancy machine makes cider. There, did that without a full chorus line and dancing girls. Although…" He looked around for a bit, with an eager smile.

"Is that true?" Apple Bloom asked. "Does yer machine make cider?"

"It certainly does," replied Flam brightly. "And we would be more than happy to demonstrate our creation in action."

While the brothers took liberty of some of the Apple family's crop for a demonstration of what they called the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (Try saying that with a mouth full of saliva), Dusk walked closer to examine it.

It certainly was a very impressive machine. He watched as one of the funnels sucked up a number of apples into the belly of the beast, which started to make a series of mechanical sounds to indicate that it was working, no doubt creating the drink. He saw through a window a conveyer belt that used only good apples, detecting the bad and throwing them away. The result was a barrel full of cider in less than five seconds.

It reminded him of a similar method he'd read in a children's book once, except that was with nuts and used specially trained squirrels.

The more he looked over the machine, the more Dusk got the feeling that he had seen it, or something like it, before. He knew that he had, but just couldn't quite put his hoof on it. He was peering in through the window at the apple detector, when he noted the reflections of the brothers looking through with him, one either side.

"Ain't she a beaut?" asked Flim proudly. "Quite a proud technological specimen, if I do say so myself."

"If we say so, brother?"

"But of course, brother."

"It is very impressive," agreed Dusk. "Did you two design this yourselves?"

"Oh completely. All our own work…"

"All our own profit." Flam leaned his head to one side. "And who are you, sir, that you take such an interest in our machine? You must have a great technical eye."

"Anything but, I was just interested in it." He might as well be polite. "I'm Dusk Noir."

"A fine name, for an upstanding stallion," said Flim.

"Couldn't have put it better myself," agreed Flam.

"Um… thank you," replied Dusk, unsure exactly how to take that.

"You're welcome," they both said. "Now, Mr Noir, I wonder if you wouldn't mind helping us with a little something."

"We have here a sample of cider with a new ingredient we added ourselves," took up Flam after his brother. "Nopony else has ever tasted this before and we would like you to be the first."

"You… want me to try out your new cider?" he recapped.

"But of course. My brother and I can see that you are a pony with a taste for the finer things."

"One who would be more than suited to help us out."

"So, what do you say?" Flim levitated a mug of cider out and handed it to Dusk.

"Fancy helping us out?" asked Flam. "You won't regret it. This could help make cider more delicious and enjoyable for everypony."

Dusk wasn't entirely sure about the assumptions they'd made about him, nor about this apparent new ingredient they'd added. If it had never been tried, did he really want to try it? He could see the cider had a slightly darker quality to it and it only added to his trepidation. They didn't even say what it was.

But then he realised he wasn't really worrying about anything. It was only a new cider ingredient, it wasn't like the brothers were trying to poison him. What would they achieve with that? They might want to keep it secret so that possible competitors wouldn't steal the recipe. Plus, if it was for a good cause, then he couldn't really say no.

"Very well then, gentlecolts, if you insist," he agreed.

"Excellent!" they both chorused. "You're making a valuable contribution to the cider business, I assure you of that."

He took the mug in his hoof, eyed it one more time and took a healthy gulp of the stuff. It had the same kind of taste of cider, but there was a strong, bitter taste that lingered on his taste buds long after he'd swallowed it. He drank it to be polite, but it must have shown on his face, because the brothers looked disappointed.

"No good then?" asked Flam.

"I'm afraid not. It's too… sour," he told them. "I don't mean to sound rude."

"Not at all, young colt. There's plenty more cider we can sell without the bitterness." They hopped back on their transport. "You'll see soon enough tomorrow and we'll make sure you get a cup on the house."

Dusk was a little confused by that statement while he watched them drive off, still trying to get the bitter taste out of his mouth. Surely they had offered to work in partnership with the Apples. He found out from Ray that they had, but had offered an unfair profit split, which the family had declined.

"And I support them too," he added. "I mean, seventy-five, twenty-five? If there's one thing worse than a businesspony that can't sing, it's one who doesn't know what a fair deal is."

This was only made worse by the fact they had also threatened to come into the market as business competitors in the cider sales. Since cider sales were a major part of the farm's profits, even Dusk who wasn't exactly an entrepreneur could tell that this would be a huge undermining of their income. They might even lose the farm.

He started to feel a little angry himself at the prospect, though he made sure to keep it under control. It was only exasperated by the fact that he had to put up with that bitter taste in his mouth for the rest of the day…

The next day, the family had made more cider overnight and the queue was just as long as it had been the previous day. The three librarians still managed to get their own cups and went up to talk to Applejack about it.

"Still worried about Flim and Flam?" asked Twilight.

"Granny Smith says they were just blowing hot air," dismissed Spike.

"Ah'm not so sure. They sounded mighty serious when they threatened ta run us outta business," Applejack said.

"That and we have seen the SSCS 6000 in action," put in Dusk. "If their claims are correct, then they could produce cider at a highly significant rate, with minimum effort."

"That's what ah'm worried about." Applejack hung her head. "Ah jus' don't see how we could ever compete with that."

"Although…" Applejack looked up hopefully from this. "The only apples within a short mile radius are those grown here and since those are on your land, that makes them your property."

He could tell that Applejack was already starting to assimilate what he had just said, just as he heard Apple Bloom from the counter.

"That's it! Last cup!"

"Oh for Pete's sake!" shouted Rainbow from far at the back, added to by the prominent complaining of those gathered.

"C'mon back tomorrow, everypony!" They started to disperse, albeit disgruntledly just as they heard a now familiar clunking.

The crowd's grumbling stopped when they heard and saw it too. The SSCS 6000 steamed into view, the smug faces of the twins along with it.

"What seems to be the problem here?" asked Flim sarcastically.

"Oh my, oh my, out of cider again?" added Flam.

"What have we here?" Flim stood next to a barrel that had rolled down from a ramp at the back of the machine. "Who'd like a cup?"

Dusk had to move himself, Spike and Twilight out of the way of the crowd of ponies that stampeded for a taste of the beverage.

"Don't worry, everypony, we've got the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to make more in an instant!" assured Flam, levitating a cup to an eager Rainbow Dash.

Dusk caught Applejack's eye and nodded to the barrel. She returned it, whipped out her lasso and wrapped it around the barrel, placing her hooves firmly atop it when it reached her.

"You can't sell that cider! That's made from Apple family apples!" she shouted.

The brothers didn't seem fazed. "Don't worry, everypony, there are plenty of apples in Equestria. We'll find some others and make more cider than all of Ponyville can drink!"

The crowd gasped in amazement from this announcement, but it only increased with the challenge that Apple Bloom issued.

"We'll make more cider than you could ever imagine!"

"Now, it ain't about the speed, young'un, it's about quality," reminded Granny Smith, much to the disappointment of those listening.

"But speed is nice, for the record," added Ray.

"Who cares how good the cider is if I never get to drink any?" complained Rainbow.

"Oh, look at these poor, dissatisfied ponies," despaired Flim, using Rainbow as an example.

"Ponyville is Sweet Apple Cider country!" claimed the youngest Apple.

"Our cider speaks for itself!" agreed her sister.

"Yeah! It looks great, tastes great and apparently it talks!" added Ray. "Beat that!"

"Let's put it to the test!" challenged Flim.

"Anywhere, anytime!" matched Apple Bloom.

"Oh yeah, she went there!" called Ray.

The crowd descended into shocked mutters and Granny said something he couldn't quite make out to her granddaughter.

"With our machine, we can make enough cider in one hour to satisfy this entire town!" challenged Flam.

"We'll do it in 45 minutes!" countered Apple Bloom. That really got the crowd talking. Granny Smith looked all the more worried and said something to her again, probably advising caution. It wasn't lost, however, on the brothers.

"What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?" Flam taunted from his couch.

Anger clouded the elderly pony's features. "What did you call me, sonny?"

"If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?" added his brother.

That got her riled up and she accepted their challenge, though it was on terms that Dusk and even Ray seemed unsure about. Whoever won got the exclusive rights to sell cider in Ponyville.

"I can't believe this," Ray was saying to Dusk, once the brothers had left. "They might as well be betting the whole farm for what they've done here."

"I thought you were in favour of the idea," reminded Dusk.

"I know, but it was only to shut those city-slickers up. Sorry, country slang," he added. "It was just hot words before, but now they've got us playing their game, by their rules. And I don't think we can win."

Dusk was surprised at how hopeless he sounded. "I never thought I'd see you look hopeless about anything."

"Hey, even I know when to face the facts." He looked down the road where he had seen the machine go. "From what we've seen of that thing, it can produce more cider than the entire Apple family put together. In my experience, it comes down to synthetic versus organic and, most of the time, synthetic almost always wins."

"Does this unit have a soul?" murmured Dusk, reminded of something similar he'd read in a story. "It doesn't mean you'll lose though."

"But there's a good chance we might," he sighed. "I just got this job. I don't wanna lose it days after I got it, especially if it also means seeing my friend lose her home."

Dusk understood his concerns, but he also knew that he needed all the confidence he could to help them win. The added help from him might give the Apples the extra edge they need.

"Take heart, Ray, there's still hope for this."

"I'm having a hard time seeing it, buddy."

"I'm not. They may have their machine, their speed and their magic, but our side has few things they don't." He pointed to the Apple family. "The first is the best cider makers in all of Equestria, who have lived off this land for generations."

"And the second?"

"They have you." He let that sink in before continuing. "A pony who I've seen is always there for his friends when they need him and who will help them in any way he can. A pony who has been through some of the worst in life, with nowhere to call home and can still come up with a grin and a laugh. If you can work like you can heal from a broken leg, then you can help them win this contest with your eyes shut."

"And all four hooves tied behind my back!" he added confidently, his signature grin back on his face. "Giving up before I've even failed, what the hay was I thinking."

"That's more like the Ray I know," encouraged Dusk.

"You know it!" He smiled gratefully. "Thanks for that, Dusk. I think I needed to hear that."

"I think so too." As a sort of payback, he let an apple drop on his head and smiled. "Did that help too?"

"I think it did," he chuckled. "Right, guess I'd better prepare for tomorrow then. We're gonna kick that Super Squeezy… Cider bean… Super… Speed, need for… thingy back to the scrapyard!"

"I have no doubt of that. Now, if you'll excuse me," said Dusk, walking down the road, "there's some other ponies I need to discuss this with too."

Either nopony tried to stop him or nopony noticed him go, for he carried on down the road without any kind of resistance. If they did see him, they could probably guess where he was going and what his purpose was. There weren't many places the two of them could go that weren't close to Ponyville, so he hoped it wouldn't take him long to find them and that his efforts wouldn't be in vain.

He soon found the SSCS 6000 parked at the end of the lane, at a sort of crossroads at the end of the apple orchards, one leading to Manehattan and the other to Hoofdale. They were situated off the road, facing the road to Ponyville and caught sight of him as he approached.

"Well, well, if it isn't our taste tester," greeted Flam, going to meet him. "Couldn't wait until tomorrow for your cider, so you decided to come and see us personally."

"Something like that," he said, keeping on civil terms, despite the irritation he was beginning to harbour for them. "I actually came to talk to you both about tomorrow."

"Then, by all means, let us discuss it in comfort." They offered him to walk up onto their stage, Flam sitting on the couch with Dusk and Flim leaning on their announcer stand.

"As promised, here is your free, untainted cider," offered Flam, levitating a cup to him.

Flim chuckled with satisfaction from the announcer. "Think of this as a foretaste of what is to come tomorrow."

"Yes, you can get used to this, Mr Noir," added Flam. "Pretty soon, you'll be drinking this daily, not annually. That'll be the first change we make around here."

"The first of many," finished Flim. "I'm sure you'll see it as a significant improvement."

"Possibly, but I'm fairly sure that the Apples won't," countered Dusk levelly. "Sweet Apple Acres is their home."

"They should have thought of that before they entered this venture," replied Flam.

"They had little choice, when you threatened to run them out of business."

Flim shrugged. "That's how business works, Mr Noir. You win some…"

"You lose some," finished Flam. "The public know what they want and what they want is good cider for all, at a reasonable price."

"A price and a service that we are more than happy to provide."

"But the Apple family was already providing it." He did his best to keep his anger inside. "Can't your renegotiate a fairer deal, to work as partners?"

"Our deal was perfectly fair," argued Flam. "We designed and built the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, we deserve the majority of the profits."

"It wasn't easy, you know and we've got to eat too," put in Flim. "With our machine, they could have easily met the demand and still made a sizable profit of their own."

"But they chose to decline, when we could have worked off each other mutually," sighed Flam in a fake way. "We would have been more than happy to work with them, but if they choose to work against us…"

"More for us," they said together.

Dusk didn't know what was worse. The fact that their argument made sense or the uncaring, unfeeling way in which they delivered it. Either way, he was finding it very difficult to keep his rising temper in check now.

"So… you won't be calling off the competition tomorrow?" he asked through gritted teeth disguised as a smile.

The two brothers guffawed at the idea. Flam spoke up first. "Why would we? Our victory is assured."

"With our machine, we're more than a match for anything the Apples can throw at us," said Flim confidently.

"They were the ones who threw down the gauntlet, we merely picked it up."

"If the result is that they lose their right to cell cider, than that's how the cookie crumbles."

"Cookies and cider… do you think we could market that?"

"Possibly. We could market whatever we please, once the farm is ours."

"Indeed we can!" His feelings must have been shown in his expression, for Flam took on a slightly more sympathetic tone. "Oh, I think I see what this is all about. The Apples are friends of yours, aren't they?"

"Yes… very good friends," he muttered quietly.

"Oh, I should have seen it before." He slapped his back jovially and put back on a lighter tone. "Well, cheer up Mr Noir, it's not all that bad."

"Indeed. Soon enough, you'll grow used to having us around."

"Providing as much cider as you can drink. Doesn't that male you feel better?"

"NO!" That was the boiling point, he'd had enough of these two. "No, it doesn't make me feel better that you'll be driving my friend and her family out of their home!"

The twins looked shocked at this outburst and were about to respond, but he didn't want to give them the chance.

"Here's what I think of you and your cider!" He threw it at Flim, who ducked just in time. "Good luck tomorrow."

With that, he stood up and left them before they could say another word. The cider, the money, the profit that was all they cared about, no matter who might get hurt in the process. Perhaps he shouldn't have lost his temper with them but, right now, he didn't really care. All he wanted was to see them kicked out of town by tomorrow and back where they came from.

He made sure to calm himself down though, because of the growling he started to hear again in his head… a little louder than before.

The following day, the whole town had gathered at Sweet Apple Acres. This time though, it wasn't to buy any cider, but to watch the competition unfold between the two cider makers vying for control and supply of the region. The tension and excitement was palpable, but none more so than with the Apple family and guest.

Big Mac was jogging on the spot, goggles perched on his head. Granny Smith was sniffing an apple, judging the quality. Applejack was kicking a punching back to hone her applebucking, while Apple Bloom hung on. Ray, who had been accepted into the contest as a worker at the farm, was practicing interchanging baskets under trees, either by hoof or by magic.

Approaching with Twilight, who shared his feelings about the idea of the contest, approached Applejack together.

"Applejack? Are you sure this is such a good idea?" she asked.

The pony responded between kicks. "Me 'n' the family are... one hundred percent confident... in our cider making capabilities. And Ray… is behind us all… one hundred percent too. Ain't that right?"

"You got it!" he replied confidently. "They've got no chance."

"See… we'll be fine."

"And besides, nopony calls Granny a chicken," added Apple Bloom.

"I hope that'll be enough." He glanced over at the brothers, who were lounging on their couch.

His desire to see them gone only strengthened. Only because he wanted Applejack's family to keep their home, not for any malicious reason… although a small part of him did harbour that. A part that he tried to keep hidden, along with the growls in his head.

"Well, good luck," wished Twilight, after the Mayor called for their attention.

"The same from me," added Dusk.

"Thanks guys. We'll need it," he heard her murmur.

He also heard one other thing before they left, one from a particular yellow Pegasus to a particular unicorn.

"Um, Ray… I just wanted to say… good luck out there," she wished nervously.

"Thanks, Fluttershy." He could hear a slight nervous edge in his voice too. "I'm sure we'll come out on top."

"I hope so. I know you'll be great." There was a moment of silence before he heard her leave.

He had a feeling that might be a big influence too.

They all waited while the Mayor announced the rules of the contest. The teams had one hour to make as much cider as they can, the barrels being added up at the end to determine the winner. Once both teams were ready, the contest was under way, the brothers starting up their machine while the Apples and Ray ran to their stations.

It was quite an organized system. Applejack bucked the apples, while Ray and Apple Bloom caught them in baskets. Once that was done, they deposited them to Granny Smith, who determined by smelling the good apples from the bad ones. She then rolled it down a chute to a presser, powered by Big Mac, which crushed and refined them into cider. It filled up a barrel, which he pushed aside to make way for a new one.

Even from the stat, it was worrying about how things looked. After ten seconds, the Apples had filled one barrel, while the twins had already done six. The family tried their hardest to match their rate of production, but t became dreadfully clear that, even at their top speed, they couldn't match the numbers the twins were putting out.

They all knew this, even after Rarity had pointed it out. That was when Dusk had an idea, one that Twilight apparently shared too. They shared a look with one another, nodded and walked over to the Mayor, with forty-five minutes to go.

"Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?" she asked.

"Well, I'm not sure... Flim, Flam, would you object to honorary family members helping?" she queried.

Flim snorted. "Are you kidding?"

"We don't care if the whole kingdom of Canterlot helps. It's a lost cause," put in Flam.

"Hm, I guess it's okay. Applejack? What do you think?"

Applejack, who was sweating from the effort, looked relieved. "Ah think ah'd love ta have the rest of ma family helpin' out."

Dusk felt hope, not to mention happiness, rekindle as he looked around at the ecstatic mares. Family… they were all like a family. He had to wipe away the beginnings of tears while he stood in line with them, waiting to be assigned his role.

Like a drill sergeant, Twilight marched up to the end of the line.

"Okay everypony, we're not gonna let those smooth talkers take our friend's farm," she said decisively." They all chorused in agreement. "Fluttershy, help Applejack with the trees."

"Got it." He caught her giving Ray an encouraging smile, which he happily returned.

"Pinkie Pie, you're on apple catching detail."

"Yes sir, ma'am, sir!" She threw him another one, though it didn't have quite the same effect.

"Rarity, you've got a discerning eye. Help Granny Smith at the quality control station."

"Of course."

"Rainbow Dash, do you think you can help Big McIntosh press?"

"In my sleep!"

"Dusk, you're with me at the barrels."

"By your command."

"Alright everypony, let's save Sweet Apple Acres!"

Now, the tide was turning. Fluttershy shot through the trees, shaking out more apples than Applejack could have bucked on her own. Pinkie's bounciness was of great help to Apple Bloom and Ray in the orchard. Rarity, with her critical eye, could tell good and bad apples at a glance. Rainbow's added power made the press run faster, giving Big Mac something of a break. He and Twilight alternated on the barrels, taking it turns to seal and stack them.

Once again, utilising efficiency with knowledge of skills. Twilight did some quick maths for these new turn of events, while Dusk worked at the barrels.

"Based on these figures, we're making five barrels for every three of theirs!"

That got their spirits up and it made the brothers worried. He heard them say something about doubling the power, looking to see their funnel suck up entire trees and not just the apples, at twice the speed. He'd be surprised if there was even one good apple in this new batch. Even so, it was worrying the new speeds at which the machine spat out barrels.

The desperation even got to them, Rainbow actually trying to put in bad apples to sacrifice quality for speed of production. Granny Smith stubbornly stood in her way, Applejack agreeing that there was no point in winning if they cheated, prompting them to work even harder than before.

This gave Dusk an idea, a true test for his magic.

He stood at the centre of the production, closed his eyes and concentrated. He put his energy into creating even more colour puppets, one for each of the girls working on the stations. Except these ones were solid, not just projections of light, like Luna had been teaching him to do with his magic. And he controlled all of them.

Go, he told them mentally, do your duty. Under his influence, they obeyed, all adding even more effort and even more output for their team's cider. He didn't know how much of a difference it was making, for the world around him was blanked out, so he could have maximum concentration. He'd never been taxed like this before, he could feel the pounding in his brain, his energy draining from the effort, but he had to keep it up.

Keep going… just a little longer… almost there. This is for the Apples, for Applejack and for Ray. For his friends… his family. Come on, you can do it. Come on!

"Time's up!" The Mayor's words were heard clearly in his ears.

He exited his trance and, with everypony else, exhausted by their efforts, collapsed in a heap. Sweat rolled down his forehead and he fanned himself with his hat, wiping his glasses from how much they'd steamed up.

"I'm proud of you, Applejack," panted Twilight next to him.


"And Dusk… that was incredible, how you did that with your magic," she praised, placing her hoof on his.

"I… I…" He was going to deflect that, but he realised… he wanted this. He liked this. "I suppose… I did. Thanks, Miss Sparkle."

She kissed his cheek and smiled proudly. "You were brilliant. You all were. Integrity like that will always be... rewarded."

But the Mayor's next words were like a stone being dropped in his stomach. "Flim and Flam win!"

The crowd let out shocked gasps, the Apples stared in disbelief at the mountain of barrels the twins had produced and Dusk felt his hopes plummet like a wingless Pegasus. It hadn't been enough, even with all of them working together, at their best efforts. They'd lost… and so had the Apple family.

"We... lost?" Applejack gasped.

"Daww, too bad, Apples," said Flim, in a tone with no sympathy at all.

"Guess you'll just have to find a new line of work that doesn't match your names quite so... perfectly."

"Now should we tear down all these tacky old buildings and put up new ones, brother?"

"I don't see why not, brother. After all, this isn't Sweet Apple Acres anymore. How about 'Flim Flam Fields'?"

"I ought to press you into jerk cider!" Until he got his anger back under control, he felt for an instant like joining her in doing just that.

"No Rainbow Dash. A deal's a deal." Applejack said that like the words had been torn from her heart, while the twins laughed triumphantly. "Congratulations to y'all. The cider business in Ponyville... is yours. C'mon, Apples. Let's go pack up our things."

"Now then, Mr Strike, you're not part of the Apples, are you?" Flim asked Ray. "We'd be more than happy to keep employing you at our new farm.

"An offer I'm sure you'll accept," added Flam.

"I'm happy to disappoint you then." Ray didn't even have to think before replying. "I'd rather be a hoofstool to the elite of Canterlot than work for snake-tonged devils like you!"

"Suit yourself then. Off you go." They mockingly waved goodbye to him, while he walked off with the Apples.

"Fear not, everypony, there's more than enough cider to go around," Flim said to the saddened crowd, laughing with his brother again.

"Go ahead, everypony," Applejack prompted before she left. "Go on, y'all. It's okay."

As they all shared their tears at the family's loss, Dusk placing his hat slowly over his heart and giving an ironic salute to them with it, he got the feeling the citizens of Ponyville weren't so concerned with cider anymore.

"Drink up, Ponyville! Down the hatch!" offered Flim.

They all took cups of their cider, drank them… and immediately spat them out again. Dusk could see why. There chunks of apple, twigs and rock floating in it that looked nowhere near appealing. He was amazed they'd seen fit to drink it in the first place.

"I can't get the taste off my tongue!" squealed one mare.

"Mine's got rocks in it," added another.

"I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!" shouted a stallion.

The brothers didn't look so smug now. "You wouldn't pay even one cent?"

"No!" replied the crowd.

They convened with each other for a moment. "How about two cups for one cent?"


Another quick discussion. "Two bits for a barrel?"


They glanced at each other nervously. "It looks like we've encountered a slight... problem here in Ponyville."

"Nopony wants our product. Next town?"

"Next town. Let's go, Flim!"

"Let's go, Flam."

Their horns glowed and, for the last time, the Flim Flam brothers drove off down the road, leaving an angry crowd and terrible cider behind.

"They're gone," Applejack said with utter relief.

"That means Sweet Apple Acres is still in business!" Twilight exclaimed, throwing her hooves around Dusk, who promptly swept her off them.

"We did it!" he cheered, capturing her lips in hers again.

"And I get to keep my job and my moral high ground!" cheered Ray. "Always a plus."

"Plus we can have high quality Apple family cider!" put in the stallion from before.

"Because of this silly competition, we've made enough of our cider for the whole town!" announced Apple Bloom.

Everypony cheered from this, but it wasn't just because of the cider. It was because Ponyville's favourite family wasn't going anywhere. They were safe and Flim and Flam were gone, certainly not on a high note. They had failed, driven out by anger and distaste…

In the midst of his relief, Dusk was shocked to discover that there was a small part of him that was enjoying the latter more than the former. A part that was accompanied by a growl, as well as a triumphant laugh.