When I Cry

by Brony Hectic

Dim Shadow does not negotiate with terrorists.

"No, no no no no! You've got to be kidding me!" Dim slumped over his bed, letting out a long sigh. "How was I that dumb not to check it when I got it back?! I have to get the page back now." Dim began pacing around his room. "But how? There's no way I could find them now, they're probably at their house or something. But who would know where they live? Could Sweetie Belle? Do I have any other options? Ugh, I gotta go now!" Dim, again left his journal at his house, seeing no need to bring it again due to it's extra weight and the last thing he needed was it getting lost or stolen again. He ran out of the front door and sprinted his way to Sweet Apple Acres, in hope that they were still there. He pushed through the pain in his back leg. He bolted past passing ponies on his way and made extremely few sharp turns, almost knocking over every pony in his way. After about seven or so minutes of fast sprinting, he finally got to Sweet Apple Acres, out of breath. "Where would they be?" Dim Shadow looked around the farm turning his head. He noticed a mare bucking a tree and apples falling into a large bucket with ease. He began to approach the mare.

"Huh, who are you?" asked the pony.

Panting, Dim replied. "Where's Sweetie Belle ... and her friends?"

"Uh, why you ask? You a pal of their's?" she questioned.

"Kinda. Now please ... where are they? It's really important." Dim replied, still heavily breathing.

"Well, I don't wanna hold y'all up now. They're in the back, through the woods." she answered.

"Okay, thanks... um, uh."

"The name's Applejack lil' one. I didn't catch your name." Applejack said.

"Dim Shadow." And with that he ran through the field into the woods, searching for Sweetie Belle and her friends. He continued down the path, but now his run turned into a jog. He sprinted through the woods, searching for the club house. He dashed pass large trees and bushes. He finally came upon the club house and could hear voices inside chattering. Dim smiled and began to walk up the ramp, leading to the club house entrance. He then knocked.

"Who could that be?" asked Scootaloo rubbing her head, she got up to answer the door. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Dim Shadow, open. Now." he said panting.

"Okay," Scootaloo opened the door "Why are you here? I though you hurt your leg."

"I did ...that's not important." He continued to breath really heavily.

"Dim are you okay?" Sweetie Belle rushed to his side.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon..." Dim began to cough violently.

"Apple Bloom, get him some water!" said Sweetie to her friend.

"On it." Apple Bloom trotted to the pitcher of water they kept on the table and she poured a glass of water. She then brought the glass over to Dim Shadow. "Sit down for a sec'. Catch your breath." Dim Shadow nodded his head and sat on the floor. He took the glass of water and began to drink it, still breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked again.

"Yes," Dim took two deep breaths. "Hang on." After about a minute the colt could speak clearly. "Okay, long story short they stole a page or two from my journal. I need to get it back."

"How are we suppose to do that?" questioned Scootaloo.

"I was hoping one of you would know here they live. I could take it from there." The three fillies exchanged looks then shook their heads.

"No," whispered Dim Shadow. "Okay then, are you sure?" he asked, disappointed.

"Sorry." They all said at the same time with sad expressions.

"Then I"ll need to get the page on my own."

"How are you going to do that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'll find a way. I always do in the end." said Dim, walking out of the club house. "Okay, how will I get out of this mess?" he said out loud. Then Dim remembered something he once heard in school Four fifths of our problems will solve themselves if we just ignore them. "Okay then, lets see if that's true." He continued to think about out comes of the situation and worse case scenarios leaving the apple orchard. "Yeah Dim, it could only be so bad." he said, trying to calm himself. "What's truly the worst they could do anyway?" he got an answer from his left.

"That's a good question." said Diamond Tiara in a sarcastic voice.

"You know, if the ponies from my other school knew you did something like this, they'd ship you to an insane asylum. Now give me the page. Now." said Dim. He knew he could get the page now, he just had to demand the right way.

"Or what? What's big bad Dumb Shadow gonna do?" she said in the same voice.

"Funny, that's a good question." Dim began to walk towards Diamond Tiara. "Now, give me the page."

"What? You think I'll just give it over to you? Fat chance." she huffed.

"Did Rider and Heavy Weight tell you what I did yet?"

"No, Why?" she asked.

Dim let out a small grin that lasted only a second. "Because I'll do something worse than that to you. Don't test me. Give me the page." he repeated.

"I don't even know what you did, why should I care?" Diamond retorted.

"Oh, you will in a short time trust me." he let lose a small grin.

"Whatever, I don't even have it with me stupid." she snorted.

"Yes you do." Dim said, rolling eyes.

"And how do you know?" Diamond said, annoyed.

"Why else would you approach me like this?"

"You're cute when you're trying like this. It's a shame you'll be the laughing stock of the whole school in a month when I show it to everypony and they know you and Sweetie Belle like each other."

"Don't they know you and Rider like each other?"

"That's old news. Also, they all know better than to mock me." she replied.

"And why is that?" asked Dim.

"Duh, my father's Filthy Rich." Diamond said in annoyance.

"Is that his name or..."

"It's his name you uneducated numb skull!" she hissed.

"Somepony's mad..." Dim chuckled.

"You're never going to see that page again."

"Then I guess we have nothing else to talk about." Dim began to trot off until he was stopped when Diamond out a hoof in front of him.

"Wait," Diamond Tiara said. "I'll give you the page back... on one little condition."

Dim knew he wasn't going to like this but if it would get the page back he'd probably do it. He guessed it would probably be something demeaning or saying something rude or random to a pony. Something stupid like that. "And what would that be?" he asked, sighing.

Diamond Tiara leaned in close and whispered into his ear. "You kiss me. Now."
