//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 // Story: One Heart's Destiny // by Robobrony //------------------------------// Chapter 14 “Dash, What’s wrong, it’s me, Heart Wing!” “How do you know my name, I don’t know you, you better get the buck out of my house or I’ll mess you up!” Rainbow Dash was glaring menacingly at Heart Wing, Heart just wore a scared and confused look on his face as his wife to be was threatening him. “Dash come on, don’t be like this, you know me!” Heart pleaded with Rainbow to no avail. “GET OUT!” Dash then started taking swings at him, Heart was forced to retreat, he flew out of the window away from his love. “What the hay, how could she have forgotten me, what’s going on here?” Heart hovered in front of Dash’s house as he pondered. Suddenly, Dash’s voice broke his train of thought. “HEY, DON’T FORGET YOUR BAG CREEP!” She then tossed the bag Luna gave him when he first started his journey to Stableton to find out who he was. Heart managed to catch it with his magic, he placed it on his back. “Rainbow, please, you have to know who I am!” Dash just slammed her window shut with an angry glare. Heart slowly descended to the ground, tears threatening to pour out. “I don’t get it, how could she have forgotten me?” He then remembered what he noticed first. “And where is the sun, it should be up by now? Maybe Twilight can help, she might know what’s going on.” Heart decided to head to Twilight’s in hopes she would be able to tell him what was going on, if not, at least be able to help. He then wiped away the tears in his eyes. He came to the library and was appalled at what he saw. “What the hay, what happened here?” The library was a mess, the windows were boarded up, the tree itself looked almost dead, and the front door had planks holding it shut. There was a sign over the original sign of the library, Heart Wing approached the library to get a better look. “Closed indefinitely, what the hay is going on here, where’s Twilight?! I don’t like this, I’ve got to find the others.” Heart decided to try Rarity’s next. He got to Carousel Boutique and approached the door, the sun still hadn’t risen. He entered and called out. “Rarity, are you here, Rarity!” A familiar voice responded. “One moment, I’m coming.” Rarity descended the stairs. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is sheik, unique and magnifique, oh hello, I’ve never seen you before, did you hear my name from one of my clients?” Heart was a little frightened now, she didn’t recognize him. “Rarity, it’s me, Heart Wing, your friend, you have to know me.” he said rather desperately. Rarity just looked at him confusingly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe we’ve met, is there something I can help you with? If you don’t have business here, I will have to ask you to leave, I do have a business to run.” “I don’t believe this, you don’t know me either, what’s going on?” Heart then ran out of Rarity’s shop. “Pinkie has got to know me, she’d never forget a friend.” He then galloped as fast as he could to Sugarcube Corner, still no sign of the sun coming up. He arrived at Sugarcube Corner, only to find that the place didn’t look as cheerful as it normally did, in fact, it didn’t even look like Sugarcube Corner, it just looked like an ordinary baking shop. “I don’t get it, this is where the shop is supposed to be.” Heart Wing made his way inside. He found Cupcake working the counter. “Oh, a customer, welcome to Sugarcube Corner, what can I get you?” Mrs. Cake said with a nervous smile. Heart figured she didn’t recognize him either, he decided to see if Pinkie was here. “Actually, I was wondering if there was a Pinkie Pie here.” Mr. Cake came from the Kitchen. “Why do you need to see her, she doesn’t normally get visitors.” Heart was stunned. He wanted to cry out, but he figured that might scare them. “Please, I have an important message for her.” As soon as he said that, Pinkie was slowly making her way down the stairs, but something was off, her usual poofy mane and tail were all straight and hung down low to the ground. She spoke in a kind of even tone way with no joy in it whatsoever. “Did somepony need to see me.” Heart was aghast at how Pinkie looked, she wasn’t her usual bubbly self with her poofy pink mane and tail, it was like she wasn’t even Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie……is that you, what happened to you, what happened to your poofy pink mane and tail?” Pinkie looked at Heart with a curious expression. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” “Pinkie it’s me, Heart Wing, we’re friends remember, you threw me and Rainbow a party yesterday to celebrate our engagement!” “Who? Who’s Rainbow Dash, I’m sorry but you have the wrong pony, I don’t throw parties, not since they were outlawed.” “OUTLAWED, what do you mean outlawed!? Who would be so heartless as to outlaw parties, what in the name of Celestia is going on?!” The three ponies then gasped and looked horrified. “What? What did I say?” Mrs. Cake explained. “Don’t you know it’s against the law to say her name anymore, no pony is allowed to mention her.” Heart was even more confused. “What do you mean against the law to say her name, she is the ruler here isn’t she?” Mr. Cake then began to explain. “Young man, I think you might be confused, Nightmare moon is our queen, she has been ever since she returned to Equestria and banished…….her, to the sun. And now it’s night forever.” Heart just got more and more confused and frightened. “THAT CAN’T BE RIGHT, what about the elements of harmony, the magical artifacts that Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity used to turn her back to Luna!” Pinkie then spoke up. “I never did anything like that, and who are these other ponies you mentioned?” He couldn’t take any more. “I have to go find Fluttershy, maybe she remembers me.” Heart Wing then left the bakery and made his way to Fluttershy, leaving three confused ponies. He found his way to Fluttershy’s cottage. He approached the door and knocked. “Hello, is any pony home.” He said quietly, just in case. The door slowly opened a crack and revealed a pair of blue eyes from behind the door. “Uhm, hello, what do you want?” A shy timid voice asked from behind the door. Heart began as carefully as he could. “Fluttershy, it’s me, Heart Wing, please tell me you know me.” The timid Pegasus seemed to recoil as this strange pony knew her name. “H-how do you know my name?” “Fluttershy, I’m your friend, you have to know me, please.” He said a little more forceful than he meant. It scared Fluttershy. She then slammed the door closed. “P-please go away now.” She asked timidly. “Fluttershy! Please, you have to believe me, we’re friends.” No response, Heart Wing just hung his head and turned away in defeat. “What is going on here, how could my friends have forgotten who I am, how could they forget each other, and how did Nightmare moon become the queen? This doesn’t make any sense.” As Heart Wing pondered this, a smooth yet deep evil sounding voice spoke out of nowhere. “It does if you consider who’s behind it all.” “What, who’s there, show yourself!” “With pleasure.” The voice said back. In front of Heart Wing, a black hole appeared on the road, it let out a kind of bubbling sound as it moved and bubbled, it then shot up a spout five feet up, it held there and began to form into a dark figure, the blackness faded to reveal a terrifying looking creature, it had large bat like wings, two horns on its head, an elongated snout with sharp teeth, and dark grey skin. It looked like a gargoyle. It’s eyes let off a red glow as it looked down at Heart Wing. “Greetings, I am Misery, at your service.” The creature gave a mock bow. “Misery, are you the one behind all this? What did you do, why have you done this?! And who are you?” “So many questions, you wound me that you don’t recognize me, then again, you were just a baby at the time of my appearance.” Heart just looked up at the creature identified as Misery. “Wait……you aren’t……you can’t be.” “DING DING DING, looks like you’ve figured it out.” Misery said with an evil grin. “You’re the demon my parents sealed away years ago so I could be ready to stop you, but how did you break out so early, you weren’t supposed to break out for another few months!” Misery rolled his eyes. “Oh please, that was just an estimate from your parents, they couldn’t know how soon I would get loose. And now that I am, I am now the absolute ruler of the world. I suppose you’re wondering how all this happened.” Heart Wing just glared at him, he decided to let Misery explain himself. “It’s like this, as you know, I am a powerful demon, when I broke out, I was able to use my powers to go back in time to change certain events that allowed me to take control of the world and gain a powerful ally, well, not as powerful as me.” “Nightmare Moon, you did something to change the outcome of the battle my friends had with her when they used the elements of harmony.” Heart Wing guessed. “Close, I changed it so that the one you call Twilight, never got sent to Ponyville, I used my powers to intercept a letter Celestia sent Twilight and changed what it said so she would stay in Canterlot, since she never came to Ponyville, she never made friends, never went on a quest to find the elements of harmony, thus letting Nightmare moon take control of Equestria. I also made a few changes and erased a few memories for fun. Your so called friends have no idea who you are.” Heart was furiouse at the demon, there was still one thing that bothered him though. “If you changed history, then how come I wasn’t affected?” Misery crossed his arms and put one of his claws to his chin. “It seems your magic is indeed powerful, it acted on its own to shield you from the time line change, I can sense the amount of magic within you, but you still are not strong enough to deal with me, so I have no problem leaving you alone in your misery, besides, it’s not like there’s anything you can do to stop me. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Have fun in your new home, Heart Wing, HA HAHAHAHAHA!” Misery said Heart’s name in a mocking tone and disappeared in a black poof of smoke. “No, this can’t be happening, this has to be a nightmare. WAIT, the bag.” Heart then took the bag off his back and looked inside. “I wonder if……AHA, It is in here.” Heart Wing pulled out his armor, it was still in the bag, which meant the others were too. “I get it, my magic must have protected the bag too, and the bag has a kind of dimensional magical charm which must cancel out time changing, but why didn’t my magic protect Rainbow, I wonder if.” Heart Wing then put the armor back in the bag. “It’s in here too, Dash’s necklace, If what is going on is true, maybe I can get her to remember me with this, it may be a long shot, but it just has to work.” Heart placed the necklace back in the bag and left for Rainbow’s house, hoping that his plan would work. He came to Dash’s front door and knocked. Rainbow opened the door and glared at Heart as soon as she saw him. “What do you want, I thought I told you to get out!” Heart had to act fast. “Rainbow Dash, please let me explain, I’m sorry for breaking into your house, but I had a good reason.” “Yeah right, I’m not interested in any excuses for you coming into my house and getting into bed with me, now beat it!” Before Dash had a chance to slam her door, Heart used his magic to keep it open. “Dash please just listen to me, this isn’t right. Nightmare Moon isn’t supposed to be in control here.” “What are you talking about, she’s always been in control since she came back from her banishment, now why can’t you take a hint and get lost!” Heart tried again. “Rainbow, please just give me five minutes to explain, that’s all I ask, there must be some part of you that believes me, deep down inside, you know what I’m saying is true.” Dash was about to try and slam the door on Heart again, but something told her to hear him out, she knew this pony had to be crazy, but something was telling her to trust him, to listen to him, she finally caved in. “You’ve got three minutes to explain.” She stepped aside to let him in. She led him to her living room where she sat on her couch and crossed her forelegs. Heart stood in front of her and set his bag on the side. He then reached in and brought out the necklace he gave her. “Do you remember this?” He levitated it in front of her for her to get a good look at it. Her eyes softened as she looked at the necklace with her cutie mark made out of jewels. “Wh-what is this, why does it look like my cutie mark?” Heart smiled as he began. “I had it made special for you, I used it to propose to you because I love you, and you love me, I know you remember, you have to, somewhere deep inside, there must be a part of you telling you to remember and believe me.” “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve never seen this before in my life. There’s no way I could love some pony I just met.” Rainbow didn’t seem to believe her own words. “Please Rainbow, you have to remember, I know you do, please just try.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel some sense of familiarity as she looked at the necklace. She nervously reached her hoof out to touch it, her hoof got within an inch before she recoiled it back a bit, then continued to reach for it, once she had a hold, Heart Wing released his magic hold on it. “You……had this specially made for me?” Dash asked as she looked at it. “Yes, and I asked you to marry me with it on a date we went on, I took you to see the wonderbolts in Canterlot, it was before the show that I proposed and you said yes.” “I-I think……….I don’t AGH, my head.” Rainbow suddenly got a major headache, she dropped the necklace and grabbed her head with her hooves. Heart Wing quickly rushed over to her side. “Rainbow, are you ok?” “My head, it hurts so much, what’s wrong?” Dash was keeling over from the pain. “Please hang in there Dash, I know it hurts, but you have to fight through it, listen to your heart, you can fight this.” Heart did all he could to help Dash through her pain with his words. “I’m…trying……but….AAGH AHA AHAH, it hurts so much, I think I’m………..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Her body emitted a bright white flash of light as she cried out. Heart Wing had to shield his eyes. After the glow died down, Heart Wing was finally able to look at Dash as she lay down on her stomach with her eyes closed. “Dash, are you ok, speak to me, please say something.” Her eyes slowly fluttered open. “Uh, Heart, is that you, why does my head hurt?” Heart gained a hopeful smile as Dash seemed to remember him. “Dash, do you remember me, do you remember our friends?” “Heart Wing, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I had forgotten you.” Dash then grabbed Heart in a tight hug as she was about ready to cry. “It’s ok Dash, it wasn’t your fault, none of it was your fault.” Heart said all he could to comfort Rainbow. Dash then pulled her head back to look at Heart Wing. “But what’s going on here, my head is still kind of fuzzy, the only thing I can remember clearly is everything about us, what’s going on?” Heart Wing began to explain. “Dash, that demon my parents sealed away years ago is now free, he’s the one who made you forget me and our friends.” “Our friends, I don’t understand, I don’t remember any friends, just you.” “It must be because of the time line being altered, I was able to fix your memories of me but not of our friends, Dash listen, what all do you remember about us?” Dash did all she could to remember. “It’s weird, it’s like my memories are mixed, I remember I was giving you flying lessons, there WAS supposed to be others there, but they’re all hazy, there was a time when you and I went on a long trip and fought some evil minitaur, and in those times the sun came up for the day, but at the same time, it was always night, it doesn’t make any sense. We came to a castle, we found a giant crystal with a message from your parents, there was something about special armor that’s supposed to increase……..something, but at the same time, it’s like that journey should never have happened. But what I do remember clearly and that seems to stand out strong is that you proposed to me and I said yes.” “Your memory is conflicting because of the time line being altered, maybe I can help further, do you trust me Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow looked at Heart with a smile. “I do, if you feel that you can help me fix how my memories should be, then go ahead, I trust you.” Heart smiled bigger, he lowered his horn to touch Rainbow on the forehead. “All right, just relax and open your mind.” Dash closed her eyes, Heart’s horn began to glow, Heart Wing began to cast a spell to try and straighten out Dash’s memories to how they should be. It seemed to be working, Heart could see all the fog in Dash’s mind begin to fade away, erasing the false memories and being replaced with how things should be. Rainbow felt her head begin to clear up. After a moment, Heart finally ended his spell. Dash looked to Heart Wing. “It worked, I remember how things should be, I remember our friends, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity. I remember all of them. We have to help them remember too and get the elements of harmony so we can stop that evil demon.” “Don’t worry Dash, we will, come on, let’s try and help Pinkie first, I couldn’t stand to see her the way she was.” “Why, what was she like?” “You’ll see when we get there.” The two then left and headed for Sugarcube Corner. Upon arrival, Rainbow was a little surprised to see it like this. “Man, now that I think about it, this place doesn’t look so inviting, are you sure this is the right place?” “I’m afraid so, I just can’t imagine how Nightmare Moon coming back could have changed how Sugarcube Corner would look.” They entered the bake shop and were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Mr. Cake was the first to speak. “Oh great, it’s the crazy one, what do you want now?” Heart Wing wasted no time. “Where’s Pinkie Pie, I need to see her.” Mrs. Cake spoke up. “She’s not in the mood to hear more crazy talk from you, I suggest you leave.” Dash decided to try her luck. “Look here, we’re not leaving until we get to see her, now where is she?” “Easy Dash, remember, they don’t know us, I’m sorry about her, she’s just a little…..on edge over something, it doesn’t matter, can we please see her, I am sorry for all the things I said earlier, I hit my head and had a crazy dream that I thought was real, but I really do have something to tell her for real.” Pinkie then emerged from the bakery kitchen. “What’s going on Mr. and Mrs. Cake?” Heart Wing then used his magic to take hold of Pinkie and levitated her up and over to him. Pinkie cried out in fear. “AAAHHH, HELP!” Mr. Cake tried to say something to defend her. “Let her go you brute!” Heart Wing then called out to them. “I’m sorry about this Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Heart then cast a spell to put them to sleep. Pinkie looked to Heart with fear in her eyes. “P-Please don’t hurt me, I-I swear I haven’t thrown any parties, honest.” Rainbow looked over Pinkie. “It’s all right, were not here to hurt you, were here to help you.” Pinkie then looked confused. “H-Help me, wh-what do you mean.” Heart Wing then set her down in front of him. “Pinkie, you have to know that this isn’t right, this world, the way things are, none of it is right, you’re a party pony, you love to throw parties and make every pony smile.” Heart said as he addressed Pinkie. Pinkie looked more confused. “But, how do you know that about me, I don’t know you.” Rainbow tried to remind Pinkie. “Yes you do, you just need to try and remember, we’re your friends Pinkie, you and me, we’ve had some great times together, like the time when we pranked all our friends, and the time you and the others came to Cloudsdale to see me perform in the best young fliers competition, you have to remember that.” “I-I don’t, I’m sorry but I just don’t. I can’t help but feel like I should but, AAAAGGGH!” Pinkie cried out in pain. “My head, my head hurts so much, what’s wrong with me!” Dash tried to comfort her. “I’m sorry Pinkie, but you have to fight through the pain, you have to.” “My head, it hurts so much, AAH, make it stop!” “Dash, I have an idea, try and hold her head still and press your fore head against hers. I’m going to try and transfer your memories of you two together and some of mine to help her.” Dash nodded, she took Pinkies head and held it in her hooves. “Wh-what are….you doing AAAHA!” Pinkie cried in pain. “Just hang in there Pinkie, you’ll feel better soon.” Dash said to Pinkie, she then did as Heart told her and pressed her forehead against Pinkie’s. Heart’s horn flared up with magic as he moved his horn closer to the two and began the spell. Pinkie felt something happening in her head, the pain was dying down, but her memories were changing. She couldn’t help but feel like she should just let this happen, there was something about them that seemed familiar to her. After a moment, she too was enveloped in light and let out a burst of magical energy from her body which forced Heart and Dash back a bit. “HEART WING, RAINBOW DASH!” She cried happily. Heart and Dash looked at their pink friend and saw she was back to her old self. “Pinkie, you remember us?” Dash asked hopefully, she was answered with a great big bone crushing pinkie hug along with Heart Wing. “OH, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I had forgotten about you two.” She then released them from her grip. “But how could I have forgotten, do you know what’s going on Heart?” Heart gasped for air before answering. “*GASP* It’s….a long…..story….first…..we need…..to help…..the others.” Heart panted out as his lungs begged for air from the tight hug he received. Pinkie smiled. “Okie dokie lokie, but wait, what about the cakes, what happened to them, are they going to be okay?” “Relax Pinkie, I just had to put them to sleep for now, they’ll be ok.” “Of course, I should know better than to think you would hurt somepony.” Dash figured they should get going. “Come on guys, let’s go get the others.” The next stop they made was Rarity’s. After a bit of talking to, Rarity started to feel like things weren’t right either, it was then that she got a headache too, Heart did the same thing for her that he did for Pinkie. Pinkie and Dash but their heads against Rarity’s while Heart Wing used his magic to fix Rarity’s memories too. After some heartfelt apologies and a group hug, they moved on to Fluttershy’s cottage. This one was a little trickier as she was so timid, but they managed to get in her house and fix her memories as well. Finally, it was Applejack’s turn, the group made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Heart Wing was in the back of the group, he was starting to feel tired after fixing his friend’s memories, he did his best not to show it though as there was still two more friends to go. They came to Sweet Apple Acres and Heart did not expect what he saw. There were tall metal black poles scattered amongst the apple trees with bright yellow orbs floating just above the poles where it was flat. “What are those things?” He asked the group. Rarity began to explain. “They’re Nightmare Moon’s answer to the sun being gone, they provide the same kind of solar energy for plants to grow as the sun does, she cared just enough to have these things placed in all the farms so we could still grow food. Thanks to you Heart, we know how things should be, but we also know how things are now when she took over.” “Come on girls, let’s get Applejack.” Dash said to the group. They made their way up to the farm, Dash knocked on the door and waited for some pony to answer it. The door opened and showed a sad looking Applejack. “Hello, welcome to Nightmare Apple Acres, where we grow the best Apples in the name of Nightmare Moon. What can I do fer ya’ll?” Heart Wing was confused when Applejack called the place Nightmare Apple Acres, he figured it was because of the time change as well so he pushed those thoughts aside. Rarity began. “Applejack, we need to talk, may we come in?” Applejack looked at them confusingly. “Beg pardon, but do I know you, I’m not about ta let strangers inta ma house, unless yer here ta buy apples, I’m gonna have ta ask ya ta leave.” Fluttershy tried to talk to her in hopes her gentle voice might persuade Applejack to listen to them. “Oh, please just hear us out Applejack, we know you might not believe us, but were your friends. Please just let us talk for a moment…..if you don’t mind.” Applejack just snorted at her. “Friends, I don’t have no friends, not since Nightmare Moon had her goons take my Granny Smith a prisoner and threatened her if’n we didn’t do what she wanted. Now would ya’ll kindly get off ma property?” Dash then flared her wings and charged at Applejack knocking her to the floor and pinning her down. “Applejack, this is for your own good, you have to listen to us, we’re friends!” She cried out. “GET OFF ME, BIG MAC, I NEED HELP!” Big Mac then came trotting in the room with Apple Bloom behind him. “Just what do ya’ll think yer doin, ya’ll best get outta here right now!” Big Mack pawed the floor with his hoof, ready to charge. Heart Wing quickly cast a sleep spell on Big Mac and Apple Bloom so they couldn’t interfere. Pinkie then trotted up to the two with Rainbow holding Applejack down. “Oh, please don’t be mad, we’re trying to help you, things are all messed up here, you must know this.” “What in tarnation are ya’ll talkin about, get off me!” Applejack tried to fight Rainbow off her, but it was no good. After a few minutes of talking and convincing, Applejack managed to calm down and started to believe them, it was then that she too got a headache, that was their cue, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity touched their foreheads to Applejack’s and Heart cast the same spell he did before. The result was the same as last time and Applejack recognized them. “Girls, I’m awful sorry for forgettin ya, I can’t tell ya’ll how sorry I am.” Applejack apologized. Fluttershy addressed Applejack. “It’s not your fault Applejack, we all had our memories affected.” “Yeah, you don’t need to apologize.” Pinkie squealed. “It’s quit all right darling.” Said Rarity. “All right girls, we’ve got one more friend to find, let’s go get Twilight.” Rainbow said. Heart Wing was feeling a little more exhausted, appearantly, using the spell he’d been using was taking a lot out of him, but he had to press on, for his friends, for Equestria, and for the world. “Come on girls, we need to go to Canterlot and get Twilight.” They all agreed, Heart figured the fastest way was to use the armor so they could all fly there. Heart pulled the suits of armor out of the bag and gave them to the girls, he put on his own armor and they were now ready to go. Let’s just hope Nightmare Moon doesn’t notice them while their there.