A Beautiful Lie

by Sorenthehero117

Chapter 1- End of the fairy tale

"Just because something isn't real... That doesn't mean... It doesn't exist" -Ellis

Chapter 1- End of the fairy tale

The sky is gone. The clouds cover in grey what was once a beautiful Easter Sunday, now blanketed by a dark and depressing rainstorm. Much could one least expect on a day of celebration and faith, but given the circumstances of recent events, what is there to celebrate?

It has always been a family tradition on an Easter Sunday to gather around on a bonfire, roast a pig, have some s'mores and tell stories all ending with the rest of the family reciting a prayer. My father and I would always go out into the woods and hunt down elk and exchange funny jokes at each other over who can hunt the biggest elk in the woods.

Good man, my father was. Wise, kind, strong, brave. Everyone always called him "Jonathan the Bard" because he always had a story to tell and a song to sing. Odd stories. Stories that one would never believe in a million years. Stories told... In the eyes of the dreamer, and not in the eyes of a believer. Stories that he called "fairy tales" and he had hundreds to say if not more. Stories about dragons and knights, monsters and goblins, dungeons and princesses and the famous "and they all lived happily ever after" which I never believed was possible, even by a dreamer.

My father would always laugh at me and tell me that just because something isn't real, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, whatever that meant, but he never failed me or disappointed me in anyway... He was the best at everything and was like a Hero to me... My heart was shattered when I heard news of his passing 2 days before Easter Sunday, the best time of the year for hunting.

Instead of hunting or celebrating, today we mourn and bury the only person who ever loved me and cared for me after the passing of my mother... It was the first Easter Sunday, that I have ever been truly alone, and I believe... It makes the beginning of a life of solitude...

A life without love. His last words to me were "Ellis, never forget: no matter how sad, scary or cruel life is, there will always be a happy ending". My father was right about many things, except for one... Real life has no happy endings... Only pain and sorrow.