//------------------------------// // Luna Fights // Story: Reading Mommy's Books // by articunos bitch //------------------------------// Lauren stepped into the Assistant Principals office and looked at her younger daughter. Luna was seated on her cushion starring at the floor in shame. The Assistant Principle Mr. Powers herself greeted her politely. “Good morning Mrs. Faust. Thank you for coming in on short notice.” “I’m curious as to what exactly happened.” “Luna, would you care to explain what happened between you and Sherry?” Luna kept looking at her hooves and started mumbling. “You’ll have to speak up dear.” She sighed and started over quietly. “I hit Therry because the made fun of my voithe.” “But that’s not all you did is it?” Mr. Powers prodded her to continue. “I knocked out one of her teeth and bruithed her ctheek.” Lauren wasn't too surprised her young Luna had been fighting, but this was shocking. Yes she had always had a bit of a temper, and she was understandably sensitive about her lisp, but this was beyond anything she had done before. “Sherry is in the nurse’s office now. Her parents told me her tooth was already loose but that changes nothing. Your daughter made quite a scene in the lunch line and I suggest she take the rest of the day off to cool down.” “That sounds reasonable.” Lauren looked at Luna again who hid behind her mane and was still staring at the floor. “Have you had trouble with Sherry before now?” Mr. Powers stepped in. “Their teacher tells me Luna has been picked on before and she normally runs the other way. I believe this was the first time Luna’s disability has been mentioned. Is that true Luna?” Luna nodded. Lauren sighed and looked at her own hooves. She had not been reminding Luna to do her speech exercises every day. “Mrs. Green knows not to let you two near each other for a while. If you would kindly go home with your mother and your sister will bring your homework tonight. Have a good weekend. A pleasure meeting you Ms. Faust, I wish it was under better circumstances.” He held out a hoof for her to shake. “So do I.” ** ** ** Sitting in the the first stop-light on the short drive home, Lauren broke the silence. “He said this happened in the lunch line. Did you eat lunch?” Luna mumbled. “No.” After turning left she asked, “Why did you hit her?” “Thou made fun of my lithp! Lithththp. Li-thththsssp.” “That’s no reason to knock her teeth out. If your life was not in danger there is no reason for what you did to Luna.” “What about her?” Luna’s eyes were starting to fill with tears and Lauren could hear it in her voice. “Sherry is not my daughter. You are. You live in MY home, and you will follow MY rules. My rules say ‘No fighting at school.’ Besides, I’m sure she will get punished for picking on you.” “I wath wathh-I waththhhh- waa…” Lauren reached out with her right wing and embraced her gently trying to pull her closer. Slowing down while pulling onto 108 she whispered soothingly. “Okay, okay Luna. Just calm down. Don’t struggle to say it. Just let it go. If you can’t, then you can’t today.” Luna whimpered into and whipped her face Laurens’ wing. “I-I HATE IT! Why can’t I talk right? I don’t wanna be taken from clath and go to that little room in the library. I’m not a Thpecial Thtudent, so why do they do it?” “I did not have this problem when I was your age so I can’t say I know exactly what you’re going through. It’s not because they think you can’t learn. It’s because you have more to learn than others. And they want to surround you with people who also have differences. Luna, it makes you different, and that’s not a bad thing. Okay, Chrysalis is different from you right?” “Uh-hu.” Luna did not notice that they were home. “And not just her body, she’s from a different town and has different friends and acts different. Celestia is your sister but you are very different from her. Every-one is different and that makes every-one interesting. You get to learn about them and they can shape you while you shape them. Your lisp is just one thing about you that many others don’t share. And do you know how it feels to hear you say a word right?” “No,” as Lauren pulled into the driveway and shut the engine off. “It’s like hearing you say your first words all over again. You struggle and practice and try and here you are, all your hard work paying off. I wish you could see it like I do. I love you, your sister loves you, and we want to see you conquer this. I know she picks on you, and you see me scold her when she does, but when she tells you to say ‘She sells sea shells down by the sea shore’ she really wants you to do it. You have nothing to feel ashamed or guilty about for having a lisp. And if Sherry can’t see that it’s an opportunity for you and even her, then it’s her loss.” “I know mommy. I love you.” “I love you too Luna.” She pulled her into a hug with her hooves. “Now, what do you want for lunch?” “Tomato soup” “Sounds good.” Sitting at their table Lauren sipped her cranberry juice while Luna sipped her milk and soup. “Luna, there’s something I want you to practice. Say ‘He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists she sees the ghosts.’ Luna looked at her in disbelief. “Huh? Um, he thruththh, no. He thruthththth, no. I can’t do it mommy.” “Who’s your favorite Cutie Mark Crusader? Slowly…” “Thththssssscootaloo.” “Very good. See, you can say it. Again.” “Sssscootaloo.” “Good. You can say her name because you practice. I want you to practice saying that too. Now I know it will be a challenge but if you keep trying you will get it. Do you believe me?” “Uh-huh. You wouldn’t lie to me mommy.” “I love you Luna.” She whispered taking a bite of her sandwich. Luna would be fine someday. This would not be the last time she lost patience, but they would deal with that when it came.