//------------------------------// // Why Not What? // Story: Wy Naut? // by Dunsparce //------------------------------// It was just another day for Wynaut. He had been exploring a cave four a couple hours now, and he was getting really bored. He had been skipping along the dark tunnels, completely ignoring any Dark or Bug types that may have given him trouble until little ol’ Wynaut eventually came across a swirling vortex in a dark, deep, dead end. He examined the vortex, and the back of his mind, Wynaut had this odd thought to jump into it. He sat on his little rump, staring and pondering his decision. If he went in, he might have a hard time getting back, but then again, he might have a neat adventure to share when he does get back! “Ehh… Wynaut?” Wynaut said as he raised his shoulders. He popped his rear from off the ground and skipped into the vortex with a carefree attitude. What Wynaut didn’t notice was the old and barely legible “Do Not Jump In Or Tamper With” sign to the far right of the portal. Not long after he jumped in, Wynaut was exported out of the vortex, but in a different area. Instead of being in a cave, he ended up on a grassy hill with a town in the distance. In the town, Wynaut could see lively figures wondering happily among the town and sat his rear back down on the ground to ponder a decision once again; the only difference this time being that the ground was less rocky. He was deciding on whether he should head toward the town or attempt to head back home. “Ehh… Wynaut?” Wynaut said as he raised his shoulders again. He jumped off of the ground and began to happily waddling toward the town. On his way to the town, he came across a minor cliff and unfortunately, because of his happy-go-lucky personality, he was skipping with his eyes closed and tripped off the edge. “Wy!!” Wynaut yelled as he tumbled down the steep hill. With every hit of his back, bum, and belly he grunted a part of his name. Poor Wynaut landed on his thick cranium as he hit the horizontal ground and groaned in pain as he rubbed his head harshly. Suddenly, however, all that pain seemed to disappear from existence as Wynaut saw how close he was to the town. He jumped up and down cheerfully as he began to wiggle his little body toward the peaceful town. Before he could enter the town, Wynaut came across some strange creatures hopping around with big ears. Wynaut hadn’t seen anything like them before; animals with big floppy ears and bushy tails sniffing him. They were almost startling to him, but Wynaut bravely kept his ground and stood strong. He suddenly heard a squeaky, high-pitched voice come from the bushes as the creatures looked in the general direction from which it came. From the bushes emerged an even odder creature than the fuzzy sniffers: It had wings, pink hair, and looked like a Ponyta. Wynaut stood with a dumb grin on his face as he stared directly into her eyes. As they met eye to eye, the odd creature gasped. “Oh my!” she started. “What an odd creature! I haven’t seen you around these parts, little guy!” Wynaut stood confused. He was not confused at the fact that he was being talked to by an alien, rather that he could understand her. The odd creature then asked for his name, which he promptly responded “Wyyyyynaut!” and put his arm up to his head as though he was saluting. “Why not? Why not what?” the shy, flying Ponyta asked. Wynaut shook his head. “Wy. Naut!” Wynaut said as he pointed to himself twice. “Yes, why not you what?” she asked. Wynaut hit his head with his arm. He pounded his chest three times. “Wy. NAUT!” Wynaut adamantly shouted. “Oh my, there’s no need to get fussy over it. Well, I suppose I can learn your name later.” The flying Ponyta said with an innocent smile. Wynaut, in all of his frustration, fell backward into the light grass. “Wyyy…” Wynaut muttered to himself. “Why what?” The shy Ponyta asked. “WY! Wynaut, Wynaut, Wynaaaut!” Wynaut stormed as he got up. The Ponyta squealed and dove behind a bush as Wynaut turned to the right and continued his way into town, which could only end well. As Wynaut skipped along the outskirts of the town, he noticed something peculiar: Everybody was a Ponyta! It was as if he had gotten transported to the land of magical, English speaking Ponytas that can for some reason come in different shades! Wynaut cared little about it, though, because from what he had learned, they were very shy and were more scared of him than he was scared of them. Wynaut soon found himself walking casually along a brick sidewalk passing shops and pretty Ponytas. He would wave at passerby Ponytas and give the occasional “Wyyyynaut!” to them. That really only gave him their attention and boggled eyes. A certain pair of Ponytas were so distracted that they ended up running into a bench because of the fascination Wynaut put upon their minds. None of these Ponytas apparently have ever seen a Wynaut, or any other Pokemon for that matter. After a long while of walking, Wynaut noticed something that wasn’t a Ponyta, yet could move and breathe. It appeared to be… a purple Axew without a tusk? Wynaut stood in the middle of town square trying to figure out what the figure he was staring at was. Whatever it was, it was buying something from a merchant. Wynaut sat his bum on the ground to ponder: Should he go attempt to talk to the Axew? He pondered and pondered until the Axew-like figure began to leave with a basket in his hand. “Ehh… Wynaut?” Wynaut said as he raised his shoulders. Purple Axew was heading through quite the crowd of Ponytas and Wynaut was finding it hard not to lose him. Many Ponytas whispered to others as Wynaut wondered by, curious as to know what he was. They weren’t curious enough to follow him, but Wynaut had certainly grabbed the town’s silent attention. Purple Axew eventually got out of the crowd of Ponyta and stopped at the door to what was, legitimately, a tree house. It had a balcony above and everything. Wynaut never thought he would see such a mysterious home that didn’t belong to maybe a Shiftry or something. A door slam snapped him out of his gaze at the house as he noticed that Purple Axew had gone inside. Wynaut plopped on the ground, staring and pondering if he should knock on the door. He didn’t know if it was rude to all of a sudden appear at someone’s front door in this world, and it looked as though whoever lived here was very important. However, he really did want to meet whoever was inside. “Ehh… Wynaut?” Wynaut said as he raised his shoulders. He rocketed back onto his feet and stood at the doorstep. With all the courtesy he could muster, he knocked as politely as he could. As he stood there, he heard very cloppy footsteps get closer and closer to the door. The door knob slowly turned and the door opened to reveal another Ponyta, except this time, she was purple. She was unlike any of the Ponyta Wynaut had seen so far, for she had wings and she had a horn like Rapidash. Wynaut concluded that this Ponyta was actually Super-Rapidash. Super-Rapidash looked left and right before she looked down, and when she did look down, her eyes widened drastically as she gasped. Wynaut had obviously spooked her with his appearance, but he just stood there waving his arms with a dumb smile on his face. “Oh, well, hello!” Super-Rapidash said cheerfully. “What’s your name?” “Wyyyyynaut!” Wynaut said as he put his arm up as though he was saluting. He was banking that Super-Rapidash wasn’t as dumb as the other Ponyta he ran into earlier. “Why-Not? Why not what?” Super-Rapidash asked. With all hope lost of giving away his name with ease, Wynaut struck his face with his arm and fell upon the ground by freefall. He bounced back up and tried it again by pointing to himself. “Wy! Naut!” Wynaut said in syllables. Super-Rapidash blinked for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion. “So, what you’re saying is… your name is the two word question Why-Not?” She asked with a tilted head. Wynaut shrugged with a kind of “you’re on the right track” look. “Ehh… Wynaut.” Wynaut said hopelessly. “So, you’re saying ‘why not’ to your name being ‘Why-Not’?” Super-Rapidash confusingly asked while she scratched her head with her hoof. Wynaut was slowly regretting being born a Wynaut today, for not even the mightiest of the town knows what he’s trying to say, and he’s only tried to explain his one-word name. “Wynaut! Wynaut!” He shouted as he shook his head and sliced his arms left and right. Super-Rapidash smiled out of pure curiosity. “You can only say ‘why-not’ apparently. I guess I’ll never figure out your true name.” Super-Rapidash said as Wynaut facepalmed yet again. “Well, come inside! I’d like to examine you a little closer, as I haven’t seen your kind around these parts.” Wynaut had a bad feeling about the word “examine” that she used, but nevertheless, he went inside with not a care in the world. Wynaut soon discovered that the tree in which he thought was a house was actually a library! He waddled around for a few seconds until Super-Rapidash called for someone. “Spike!” She yelled. “Come down here! We have an unusual guest!” Wynaut wasn’t sure how to feel about being called “unusual”. Then again, he was pretty much an alien being to this odd Ponyta civilization. Wynaut heard light footsteps from the stairway to the upstairs floor as he began to see little, purple feet gradually grow a body as they hopped from stair to stair. “Twilight, I just got upstairs and comforta-“ Purple Axew, known now as Spike, halted instantly to analyze the small, blue Pokemon in front of them. Little Wynaut did nothing but mildly wave at the small, Dragon-like creature. Spike shifted his eyes left and right. “Uhhh… Twilight? Who is this? Rather, what is this?” “Wyyyyynaut!” Wynaut introduced as he put his arm to his head as though he was saluting. “Uhhh…. Why not what?” Spike asked as Wynaut fell backward onto the floor. “Wy…” Wynaut groaned. “Why what?” Spike asked. Wynaut popped up off the ground with his cheeks as red as a rose. “Wynaut, Wynaut, WYNAUT!” He stomped and stormed. Super-Rapidash, apparently named Twilight, stepped into the “conversation”. “Spike, from what I’ve learned, he can only speak those two words, so have some patience with him.” “What? He can only say ‘why not’? Why?” Spike asked. Wynaut couldn’t waste his chance. “WyNAUT?” Wynaut joked with a beaming smile. Spike planted his palm onto his face. “I shouldn’t have asked…” Spike muttered to himself as Twilight chuckled. “Wait… I have an idea.” “What do you mean… idea?” Twilight skeptically asked. “Hey, mister Why-Not? Wanna go on a date with Twilight!?” Spike joked as he grew a large grin. “WYNAUT!?” Wynaut exclaimed in surprise as his cheeks flashed bright red. “Hah! He said why not!” Spike said as an explosion of laughter erupted from his mouth. Twilight sighed deeply. “Spike, that’s enough. He’s a stranger to Ponyville, so we need to make the impression we aren’t all rude.” Twilight morally corrected. “I’m sorry, Mr. Why-Not, Spike’s still just a baby dragon and he’s very immat-“ Twilight stopped when she noticed that Wynaut was nowhere to be seen in the house. He had vanished in a matter of seconds! “Mr. Why-Not?” Twilight asked as she looked around the home. “Where’d you go?” __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Wynaut, while attempting to forget his latest encounter ever happened, was frolicking down the street of what he remembered to be “Ponyville” trying to find something to do or someone to meet. He eventually came across an odd building named “Sugarcube Corner”. It sounded like some sort of bakery to Wynaut, and sure enough when he went inside, it was. The place was decorated with sugary art beyond belief and everyone that he could see working there looked like they had one too many Sweet Poke-Blocks. He walked around for a little bit before being ambushed by someone behind him. “HI THERE LITTLE GUY!” A high pitched voice jumped on Wynaut’s ears from behind him. Wynaut flinched at least a couple inches in the air and nearly lost his balance as he slowly turned around with his heart pumping. He flinched yet again to see a bright pink face right up against his own face. “WY!” He shouted as he nearly fell over. He was staring at another Ponyta, except this one was really, REALLY pink. “’Why’? That’s a weird question to ask after you get scared I’m Pinkie Pie wanna be friends?” The pink Ponyta rapidly spurted from her mouth. Her words were like machine gun bullets. “…Wynaut?” Wynaut said, obviously confused. It was only a few seconds after that he had realized what he had said to the Ponyta. “You WILL? Oh thank you Mr. Blue, Happy, Midget Dude! Hey, what’s your name anyway? I’m Pinkie Pie if you didn’t know already. Oh wait, I told you four seconds ago! Teehee!” Pinkie Pie said as she smiled widely. Wynaut didn’t really want to be her friend, but he could care less because he was too baffled at how fast the Ponyta spit out her words to care. “Wyyyyynaut!” Wynaut introduced loudly with a salute. “Why not what, mister?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Oh joy, here we go again” was the only thing Wynaut could think when he heard Pinkie ask the question. Wynaut shook his head at Pinkie Pie. “Wy. Naut.” Wynaut said in syllables as he pounded his chest. “Why. Not. What?” Pinkie Pie mimed, pounding her chest. This one was more ignorant than the last ones. “Wynaut! Wynaut Wynaut!” Wynaut raged impatiently at Pinkie Pie, who stood there attempting to process the situation. “Umm… because? I don’t get what you’re complaining about, Mr. Grumpy Pants.” Pinkie said. Wynaut was getting more and more frustrated by the minute, but yelling wasn’t exactly helping. “Wy…” Wynaut said disappointingly as he shook his head. “Why WHAT?” Pinkie asked rather loudly and impatiently. “WYYYYYYY!” Wynaut screamed as he charged at Pinkie Pie flailing his arms in the air. Steam was practically erupting from his head and his face was blood red with anger. Wynaut couldn’t feel anything with his arms even though Pinkie was right in front of him; he was holding his head with her hoof just far away enough that Wynaut wasn’t hitting her. “I think you need a cupcake, mister. Be right back! Don’t go anywhere!” Pinkie said as she hopped away to the kitchen. Sweating, Wynaut looked around and saw the door to his right. “Eh! Wy!” Wynaut shouted as he made a break for the exit. He broke through the door as fast as a Ninjask and bolted to the left, flying like a missile down the street as if he knew Quick Attack. Ponytas left and right stared at him as he blazed past them, making them all wonder if they had too much coffee that morning. In panic, Wynaut raced into a random building after running for about a minute and sat down to catch his breath. Once his breath had been recovered and he deemed himself safe to move, he got up and took a gander at the building that he had entered. Classical music was playing, dresses were on Ponyta figures all over the room, and it was all very… violet. Suddenly, Wynaut heard footsteps coming from the stairway just ahead of him, and with those footsteps he heard quiet self-mumbling. Reaching the floor he was on was a white Ponyta with a horn and dark, purple hair and a snazzy mane-style. “Hello? Is anypony- YAAAH!” She squealed as she saw Wynaut. “WYYYY!” Wynaut screamed soon after the white Ponyta began to. “Ech! WHY is there a filthy animal in my shop!?” The white Ponyta complained with a disgusted face and a horrid moan. Wynaut took offense to being called an animal and retaliated with a fierce tone. “WyNAUT!” Wynaut snapped with his arms by his hips. “Well aren’t you just a sassy little thing? Are you Fluttershy’s?” The white Ponyta asked. Wynaut tilted his head to the side in confusion about the name. “Wynaut?” Wynaut asked. “No, ‘why not’ isn’t a grammatically or understandable answer to the question at hand. ‘Yes’ or ‘no’ please.” White Ponyta politely asked. “Wynaut.” Wynaut answered. “No! Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’!” White Ponyta impatiently demanded. “Wynaut!” Wynaut answered again. “No! Okay, let’s take this slow. Say the word ‘yes’.” White Ponyta said as calmly as she could. “Wynaut.” Wynaut answered. White Ponyta slammed her hoof on the ground with anger and frustration. “Why in the world am I even talking to you?” White Ponyta asked, which was more directed toward herself than toward Wynaut. Again, Wynaut saw his chance. “WyNAUT?” Wynaut asked with a gigantic grin. The head of the white Ponyta began to twitch and she smiled as her face began to glow red. Wynaut began to back up a few inches and soon, when he started to hear noises coming from the Ponyta, he slipped out the door behind him with a genuine smile and headed on his way to wherever the road was headed next. “GAAAAAH!” Wynaut heard from the building he had left. Wynaut suddenly and subconsciously began to walk faster until he was running. Wynaut only had one thing on his mind: Get away from the crazy Ponyta. The ground shook lightly under Wynaut as he ran away from the building. The Ponyta’ss voice must have been so powerful that it shook the ground with the power of its anger. The earth shook for quite a long time under Wynaut’s feet, about twenty five seconds, before it came to a complete stop. Even though it had stopped, he continued to hastily run blindly down the road. Wynaut came to a dead halt as he ran into something very flat and smooth. He was looking back, so he had no idea what he had run into. Looking up off of the ground, he saw something round and with a flowing rainbow tail coming out of it. Once Wynaut had figured out what he had run into, he began to wonder why it wasn’t rounder. As the Ponyta turned around, Wynaut felt as though he had just eaten a bag of Skittles and for but a swift moment, Wynaut did legitimately taste the rainbow. It didn’t taste very good… or smell good. “Hey, watch it!” The rainbow Ponyta snapped angrily. She quickly flinched and changed her expression once she saw what she was complaining at. “What the…? What the heck are you?” “Wyyyyyyynaut!” Wynaut introduced and saluted. “Why not? Oooookay, whatever floats your boat, dude.” The rainbow Ponyta said as she took a few awkward steps backward. Wynaut shook his head. “Wy. Naut.” He said in syllables. The rainbow Ponyta squinted her eyes. “I don’t get what you’re trying to say. Why not you what?” Rainbow Ponyta asked. Wynaut was tired of all these Ponyta not recognizing that he was just another Pokemon like them and that his name was what he spoke. Wynaut did wonder why they could talk, though. He sighed deeply and shook his head at the ground as though he had given up. “Wy, wy, wy.” Wynaut muttered to himself. “Why what? Why can’t you say your name?” Rainbow Ponyta asked, tilting her head to the left. Wynaut knew he couldn’t respond with words, so he just shrugged his shoulders. An awkward silence filled the air for a few seconds before the rainbow Ponyta stepped in to change the subject completely. “Well, listen, whatever-your-name-is, I’m gonna be performing a super sick flying move in about half an hour called the Sonic Rainboom and I think you’ll cheer up as soon as ya see it! What do ya think of that?” The rainbow Ponyta encouragingly said, attempting to cheer Wynaut up. It did, of sorts, because he was rather happy to see someone finally being reasonably understanding to him today. “Wyyynaut!” Wynaut said with a very surprising upbeat attitude. “That’s the spirit! All ya gotta do is look to the sky to see it!” the rainbow Ponyta said as she blasted off into the air. Wynaut watched her fly away into the horizon as he set off to continue his day in Ponyville. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ A few minutes later, while he was sitting on a bench in the town square, Wynaut saw an orange Ponyta with a cowboy hat sweating her tail off as she pulled a gigantic wagon full of Apples. With every step she took, the wagon creaked. It must have weighed over a thousand pounds! How could that Ponyta even pull it a few yards? Answer: She couldn’t. With a loud crack, the wagon collapsed under its own weight, sending a bolt of the wheel flying off in different directions and making the wheel pop off several feet away from the gigantic, wooden behemoth. The bolt hit the part of the bench Wynaut was sitting on that was right between his dangling legs. Wynaut didn’t even flinch, rather just glanced at it and looked back at the orange Ponyta, who was very frustrated. “Ponyfeathers!” she shouted as she threw her hat on the ground. “Piece of garbage contraption! How in the hay am Ah supposed to get all these dang apples tah market now!?” The orange Ponyta went over to inspect the wheel by flipping it up and over a few times. “Great. It’s missing the dogone bolt.” She complained. Wynaut looked to the ground to see the large bolt that had almost hit him lying on the ground. Being the nice and generous Pokemon that he was, Wynaut hopped off the bench and picked up the bolt to return it to the grumpy Ponyta. The Ponyta turned to see Wynaut as he was but a mere three feet or so from her. She, like all of the other Ponyta Wynaut had run into that day, flinched as she saw his carefree, happy face waddling toward her. As Wynaut held out the bolt, the Ponyta nervously held out her hoof with a skeptical look glued on her face. “Uhh… thanks, you, uhh, little blue waddlin’ thing.” She said as she took the bolt. “’Scuse me fer askin’, but what are ya?” “Wynaut!” Wynaut casually said. The Ponyta looked very puzzled. “Uhhh… why not what, sugarcube?” She asked. Wynaut immediately dropped to the ground as though he had been shot in the head with a slingshot. “Wyyyy…” Wynaut muttered. “Why what?” The Ponyta asked. Wynaut was about ready to just give up. It was hopeless, for he confused everyone more the more he spoke, and Wynaut liked to talk. It’s like he was being punished for having fun. “What in the hay are y’all sayin’? Is “why not” all ya can say or what?” The Ponyta asked. Wynaut shook his head up and down, hitting his head on the ground every time his head declined in height. “Oh, well, that’s alraght! No problem there, partner!” The Ponyta said with a cheery face. “W- Wynaut!?” Wynaut said as he franticly hopped up. He couldn’t believe his ears at what the Ponyta had said. This was the first time a Ponyta has come to understand him that day, and Wynaut was simply ecstatic. “Sure! Ah like to make as many friends as Ah can, even if Ah can’t completely understand ‘em.” The Ponyta said with a grin and chuckle. “Wynaut! Wynaut Wynaut Wynaut!” Wynaut cheered. “Y’all don’t seem like yer from ‘round these parts. Are ya lost? Mah name’s Applejack by the way.” Applejack asked and introduced. Wynaut did nothing but simply shrug his shoulders, for he had no idea how to respond and for Applejack to understand. “So, ya are lost?” Applejack asked, attempting to decipher Wynaut’s response. “Wyyyynaut!” Wynaut said as he saluted. “Raght. Well, I may know a certain somepony that may be able to help y’all get home.” Applejack happily said as she turned left. “Out there in that there Everfree Forest lives a zebra bah the name of Zecora. Just walk up thatah way and y’all should hit her no problem.” Wynaut glanced at the forest, and glanced back at Applejack, and then at the forest again, and then back at Applejack. He saluted her and began to march away into the woods. Applejack stood very confused about the moment. “I’ve gotta lay off the cider.” She said as she rubbed her hoof in her mane. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ More and more trees began to surround Wynaut as he walked closer and closer to the giant huddle of wilderness that stood about one hundred and fifty yards from him. It wasn’t an unordinary thing for Wynaut, though, for he lived right outside the woods himself and was used to the nature. He was merely strolling along until something distracted him completely; a rainbow streak soaring at mach speed across the sky, going in loops and creating figures. Wynaut didn’t think such a thing was possible until he remembered what the rainbow Ponyta told him earlier. This must have been the Sonic Rainboom that she had been talking about, and it was spectacular. Wynaut watched loop after loop of beautiful color and airy art until something extraordinary happened: An explosion of color filled the sky with a simply hypnotizing sound effect to go along with it. Drool dripped down Wynaut’s chin as he saw it expand like a ripple of a pond, and just like that, it faded away. It was legitimately the most beautiful thing Wynaut had ever witnessed. However, a surprising aftermath began to occur beneath Wynaut’s feet; a similar one. The ground began to shake just like it did earlier that day, except this time, it was harsher and wind violently blew. Wynaut found it odd for the wind was blowing in the direction toward where the explosion came form rather than the opposite direction. Wynaut started to expect that the earthquake was no common shock wave, either. However, after a mere forty seconds, the tremor stopped and the wind calmed. It was quite the odd occurrence, but Wynaut shrugged it off and continued his day as usual. As he walked along, the trees and shrubs became thicker and thicker and the mood of the whole day became dark and mysterious. Wynaut figured that he was heading where he needed to go. The forest was a lot darker than what Wynaut imagined. For the calm name of “Everfree”, Wynaut thought it would be a tad less… not happy. He felt as though Dark types were watching his every move, waiting for him to tire out so they could snack on him. He walked faster and faster until he was practically jogging through the woods. Applejack said that he wouldn’t miss Zecora if he followed the path, so he did his best to stay on it the whole way. He eventually came up upon an odd cottage, clearly foreign, at the end of the road, and it didn’t exactly look friendly at all. Sucking up the air in his chest, Wynaut marched up to the door and knocked on it with false bravery. “Whoever is at the door, please come in; for I am currently occupied by assorting this bin.” A voice came from within the cottage. The door creaked as Wynaut cautiously stepped in and what he saw peaked his curiosity. Masks and potions of all kinds sat on the shelves and a pot sat in the middle of the room. To Wynaut’s right, black and white someone striped was digging through a box. When the person lifted her head, Wynaut was excited that he finally found someone who wasn’t a Ponyta, and instead, a Zebstrika. Even she was rather surprised to see Wynaut before her; so surprised, in fact, that she nearly dropped the herb that she held in her mouth. “And who might you be that has come so near? I don’t believe I’ve seen your face around here.” She asked with her head tilted. Wynaut already didn’t care for her speech pattern. “Wyyyyynaut!” Wynaut introduced with a salute. “Wynaut? That is a name I wouldn’t even have thought! The thoughts in my mind have just unfurled, for it seems to me you’re from another world!” the Zebstrika said as she dropped the herb from her mouth onto a table. Seeing as this person knew Wynaut was from another world and Applejack said she could help Wynaut, Wynaut concluded that who he was talking to had to be Zecora. “It is no wonder the balance of the world feels blue, for the one upsetting it must be you! You must drink this brew as fast as possible before both of our realms become uncrossable!” Zecora said as she began to frantically run about the hut. “WYNAUT!?” Wynaut exclaimed. “Yes! Soon, you may not be able to return and both of our realms will crumble and burn!” Zecora shouted as she scooped a green liquid up from the pot into a glass bottle. “Here! This is what you shall drink to send you back to your world in a blink!” Wynaut began to feel rumbling under his feet, making him nearly lose his balance. He then heard a loud crack from outside as a flash of light blazed his eyes. The earth below Wynaut began to rumble more and more, making the pot of liquid fall over and onto the floor. Wynaut snagged the glass out of Zecora’s mouth, and with barely any hold on it, chugged what of the drink he could without spilling it. Soon, all went black for Wynaut and the sounds and shaking disappeared. It was dead quiet. Not but a few moments later, Wynaut awoke in a very familiar place: the entrance to the cave of which the portal was in. He felt his body to make sure he was one piece, and he was, sitting in the soft, gentle grass as if nothing bad had occurred. Hopping up, he began to skip in the opposite direction of the cave to his snuggly home where he would sit in his chair and nap the day away. It was just another day for Wynaut.