//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: EXECUTIONER ONE // by Hurgusburgus //------------------------------// EXECUTIONER ONE, RELEASING HIGH VALUE INDIVIDUAL SEVEN, the machine declared as Celestia stirred, still ill at ease in the medical tank. When she had asked how she could talk to Twilight and others, the mech had diligently explained to them that the wires attached to her head served as a medium of communication, instantly transferring her unspoken words to a screen where Twilight could read them. Then, it had directed her attention to where a couple of lines were attached to her major veins and arteries on her neck – those would be most efficient in distributing the necessary vitamins, minerals and medicine throughout her bloodstream. Though hesitant at being in the tank, her attention was still focused on what she was being told. She had developed a growing appreciation about this technology from distant worlds, truth be told. She had witnessed the bruises and scratches she'd gotten from the duel with Executioner One – the wounds were unmade in a matter of moments and she could only gape in surprise at that. And now, the machine deemed her fit to be released from the tank. She could hear the gurgle of the sanitizing liquid as it was flushed from the tank to be recycled and reused. The machine could endlessly recycle and reuse just about everything. She'd been fruitlessly trying to wrap her head around the mere idea of nano-replicators, too. To copy an item using magic was an exhausting task – you couldn't conjure it from thin air. You needed something to conjure it from. The less complicated the material chosen, the less effort would be required to make a flawless copy. But she was starting to ramble. The last drops of the liquid drained away and she sat there, wet from head to hooves. She heard the faint clicks as the mask, electrodes and lines were detached from her and she scratched her nose, sighing with relief. By Creator, that itch had been driving her insane... She flinched slightly as she saw a hair-thin vertical line appear on the tank's surface and she let out an appreciative 'hmm' as the glass parted before her like doors. She went to take a step, but Executioner One spoke. HIGH VALUE INDIVIDUAL SEVEN IS WET. “I am aware of that fact. I-” Before she could say anything, she heard a strange buzzing noise as net of blue lines enveloped her. She froze, but relaxed as the lights deactivated a couple of moments later, yet she was once more caught unawares – her coat, mane and tail were now completely dry and she could only shake her head in amazement as she stepped out of the tank. As it closed behind her, she leaned close to it, eyes glued to the thin line as it disappeared from the tank's surface. “I presume it's another example of your nanotechnology?” AFFIRMATIVE. ASAHI EMPIRE=ADEPT AT IMPLEMENTING NANOTECHNOLOGY. COALITION=USE OF NANOTECHNOLOGY LIMITED, BUT CREATIVE. HUMAN MIND=INGENIOUS. “Fascinating... Um... where is my jewelry, if you don't mind me asking?” MEDICAL DROIDS DISCARDED OF ITEM=JEWELRY. ITEM=JEWELRY DEEMED UNNECESSARY. “Ah. Well, I thank you nonetheless, Executioner One. You have proven yourself trustworthy. As long as you turn to Twilight if you have any questions, I see no reason why we cannot get along peacefully.” ACKNOWLEDGED. There was little she could do other than nod. Twilight coughed politely. “So, could we get some information, Executioner? You've mentioned all these things and I'd like to know more about where you come from.” MEDICAL FACILITIES LACK SUFFICIENT HOLOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT FOR HIGH VALUE INDIVIDUAL ONE'S REQUEST. “Ah. Where do we go to, then?” COMMAND CENTER. “Okay, then. Thank you, Executioner.” ACKNOWLEDGED. Twilight nodded and motioned for Celestia to follow her. “Let's go, princess. We'll see what we can find out.” “I will admit I am curious, but I am also rather hesitant. Why would somepony build a machine so capable at causing destruction and waging war?” Twilight frowned at that. “I guess we'll find out.” They sat down more comfortably on the not-quite-warm-but-not-cold-either floor as a couple of devices blinked into life. The mech was still ponderously making its way to Ponyville, so they had some time to gather information. ENTER QUERY. Twilight frowned at that, deep in thought. There were many questions that she wanted to ask, yet couldn't decide which one to ask first. Seeing her student's indecision, Celestia spoke. “Tell me of this Asahi Empire, please.” ACKNOWLEDGED. ASAHI EMPIRE=LARGEST ALLIANCE OF ALIEN RACES IN THE UNIVERSE. MOST RECENT COUNT INDICATES ASAHI EMPIRE CONSISTS OF 517 RACES. TERRITORY=THIRTY-FOUR GALAXIES UNDER COMPLETE IMPERIAL CONTROL, WITH TWENTY-NINE UNDER PARTIAL CONTROL. Celestia's jaw dropped in surprise. “B-but a galaxy's huge! Immeasurably so! It would take many eons to accomplish what you speak of!” Twilight was gaping at the hologram, too. ASAHI EMPIRE=ESTABLISHED 38,125 YEARS AGO. EXPANSION RATE=RAPID. MANY MILLIONS OF WORLDS UNDER ASAHI RULE. Celestia nodded wearily, shocked by these news. “O-okay... Are there any significant races in this Empire – do any of them stand above others?” AFFIRMATIVE. LIST FOLLOWS. Celestia looked at the slender alien. It had six wings, glowing eyes and long, flowing hair. There was an ornate blade in its hand. There was little to no fur on its body and she eyed the robes covering the alien. It reminded her of a Diamond Dog, but less burly of build and without fur. ASAHI=IMMORTAL. FOUNDERS OF ASAHI EMPIRE. VAST KNOWLEDGE AND POWER. ASAHI TECHNOLOGY=NIGH-FLAWLESS. UNDER ASAHI GUIDANCE, THE EMPIRE FLOURISHES. Next, the ponies saw a tall, heavily-built biped, clad in heavy armor and hefting a sizeable rifle. ORTALIANS=THE CORNERSTONE OF IMPERIAL MILITARY. LEGIONS OF HIGHLY DISCIPLINED AND TRAINED CLONE TROOPS, PROVIDED WITH ELITE TRAINING AND WEAPONRY. HIGHLY EFFICIENT TROOPS. The Ortalian clone legionnaire disappeared, replaced by a gaunt, yet tough-looking construct of metal with blue-glowing eye slits. XALATHII=A RACE OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES, LAST LEGACY OF ANOTHER RACE LONG EXTINCT. TRUE REASON FOR EXTINCTION=UNKNOWN. IMPERIAL SCIENTISTS BLAME SUPERNOVA RADIATION. SKILLED PROGRAMMERS AND HACKING SPECIALISTS. The machine vanished, replaced by a slender biped wearing simple robes. The most noticeable features about it were its deep black eyes and the ridges along its forehead. TALLAXIANS=MASTER WEAPON DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS. TALLAXIAN WEAPONRY=HIGHLY POPULAR AND IN HIGH DEMAND AMONG BOTH IMPERIAL AND COALITION TROOPS. Next, they were treated to the sight of what looked like a giant grasshopper. RIT'KA=FAMOUS FOR SOVEREIGN-CLASS MEGAWALKERS. THE ENTIRE RACE SHARE A LIKING FOR STRONG DRINKS AND OTHER ASSORTED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Celestia could only stare in shock at the hologram of the massive bipedal machine – an Executioner-class mech was provided for size reference and it seemed so tiny in comparison – it barely reached up to the Rit'ka-built machine's knees. LIST ENDS. ENTER NEW QUERY. Twilight was quick to jump at that. “Who're the Coalition?” TRADE ORDER=DISBANDED TO CREATE THE TRADERS EMERGENCY COALITION. TRADE ORDER FORMED MORE THAN A THOUSAND YEARS AGO AT THE END OF UNIFICATION WARS. LAWS WERE ESTABLISHED AND HUMANITY FLOURISHED FROM TRADE. 327 YEARS AFTER FOUNDING OF TRADE ORDER, THE ADVENT WERE FOUND AND EXILED DUE TO THEIR BREAKING OF COALITION LAWS. THE GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANITY WAS ENDED FOUR YEARS AGO WHEN THE VASARI ATTACKED. TRADE ORDER WAS DISBANDED. COALITION WAS FORMED TO COMBAT THE ALIEN THREAT. 1ST LIBERATION FLEET=DISCOVERED ASLI HOMEWORLD. ASLI=ALSO UNDER SIEGE BY VASARI. ASLI=JOINED THE COALITION. COALITION=CURRENTLY IN A STATE OF CIVIL WAR. “What? Why'd that happen, if you don't mind me asking?” Twilight cocked her head sideways. COALITION POPULACE=WANT REVENGE ON VASARI. VASARI=STRONG ENEMIES. COALITION FLEETS=LITTLE HEADWAY MADE IN LIBERATING THEIR WORLDS. RECENT DESERTION OF RENOWNED COLONEL LIEIA ALADARA GRISOVA TORE COALITION APART. COALITION REBELS=LED BY RECENTLY-CROWNED REBEL QUEEN LIEIA ALADARA GRISOVA. AGGRESIVE MINDSET. WAGE CAMPAIGN OF TERROR AGAINST VASARI. LOYALISTS=LED BY LORD-GENERAL DENAROS WERSIAN. DEFENSIVE MINDSET. CLAIM WORLDS NEED TO BE SECURED IN ORDER TO WEAR THE VASARI OUT BY MEANS OF SHEER ATTRITION. VASARI FLEETS=IN A STATE OF UNREST. MANY VASARI VESSELS DEFECT TO REBELS. COALITION=MANY WORLDS AND FLEETS PLEDGE LOYALTY TO REBEL QUEEN. ADVENT=RETURNED FROM EXILE, BUT STUMPED BY REBELS' TENACITY AND HAVE CLAIMED NO WORLDS OF THEIR OWN. ACCEPTED LATER ON BY THE REBEL QUEEN. LOYALISTS=DUG IN BEHIND FORTRESS WORLDS. NEGOTIATIONS UNLIKELY TO HAPPEN. MANY IMPERIAL FLEETS DEFECT TO REBELS' CAUSE, TOO. WARFLEET 1664 AND LEGION 2954=DEFECTED TO REBELS. SEE REASON IN REBEL QUEEN'S LOGIC. REBEL QUEEN=TENACIOUS, CHARISMATIC AND RESOURCEFUL. Celestia nodded slowly, absorbing the information. “I see... Those must be dark times for the Empire and Coalition.” Twilight was utterly consumed by jotting down notes in her notebook. ACKNOWLEDGED. TENSION=HIGH. REBELS=SIGNIFICANT SUCCESS IN LIBERATING COALITION WORLDS. ANIMOSITY BETWEEN REBELS AND LOYALISTS=HIGH. “How did this rebellion start?” Twilight piped up. JUNE 7TH=BATTLEGROUP 724, COMMANDED BY THEN-COLONEL LIEIA ALADARA GRISOVA, CARRIES OUT A RAID AGAINST A WEAK SPOT IN VASARI LINES. BATTLEGROUP 724=ANNIHILATED, SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND COALITION PERSONNEL=LOST. LIEIA ALADARA GRISOVA=TAKEN CAPTIVE, TORTURED AND EXPERIMENTED UPON BY VASARI. ESCAPED THREE MONTHS LATER AND RETURNED TO COALITION SPACE ON SEPTEMBER 16TH. CLAIMS OF AYRA ALEXI'S TREACHERY WENT UNHEARD AND COLONEL LIEIA ALADARA GRISOVA DESERTED. USING HER STATUS AS LAST REMAINING HEIR OF LIIYAH TAVRIAN, SHE TOOK CONTROL OF LINV SYSTEM, DECLARING HERSELF REBEL QUEEN. NUMEROUS SUB-FACTIONS OF COALITION PLEDGED LOYALTY TO REBEL QUEEN. Celestia nodded slowly at that. “I see... Well, what about the Vasari? The Advent? Asli? What can you tell us about them?” ACKNOWLEDGED. VASARI=NOMADIC ALIENS. ADVANCED USERS OF PHASE TECHNOLOGY. VESSELS OLD, BUT TOUGH AND POWERFUL. VASARI=HISTORY SPANS MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND YEARS. OFTEN USE LOBOTOMISED SLAVES FOR LESSER TASKS. MOST VASARI=ARROGANT AND UNWILLING TO STOOP TO ALLY THEMSELVES WITH OTHERS. ADVENT=ORIGINALLY EXILED BY TRADE ORDER. RECENTLY RETURNED. EXTREMELY DEPENDANT ON PSI-TECH=CAN WREAK IMMENSE DAMAGE WITH THEIR MINDS ALONE. FORMIDABLE ENEMIES. REBEL QUEEN FORGED AN ALLIANCE WITH ADVENT REBELS. ACCEPTED THEM AMONG HER FLEETS. ASLI=PEACEFUL ALIEN RACE. FIGHTING OUT OF NECESSITY. PATIENT AND BENEVOLENT, BUT FORMIDABLE OPPONENTS WHEN IRKED. CARE GREATLY ABOUT PRESERVING AS MANY LIVES AS POSSIBLE. BORN DIPLOMATS. “Ah. They sound like very approachable kind.” ACKNOWLEDGED. ENTER NEW QUERY. Celestia frowned lightly at that. “Are there any more of you?” THERE ARE TEN THOUSAND EXECUTIONER-CLASS UNITS IN ACTIVE USE, EXECUTIONER ONE INCLUDED. Celestia went deathly pale at that. EXECUTIONER ONE DETECTS INCREASED HEARTRATE FROM HIGH VALUE INDIVIDUAL SEVEN. SUGGESTIONS=REMAIN CALM AND DO NOT PANIC. AFOREMENTIONED ACTIVITIES COUNTERPRODUCTIVE TO HEALING PROCESS. Celestia nodded meekly. “T-ten thousands of machines like you?” AFFIRMATIVE. BROOD=VICIOUS ENEMIES. NEW WAYS NEEDED TO COMBAT BROOD SWARMS. “I see… Well, then. Since we have already reached an agreement regarding your behavior, all that is left to say is welcome to-OOF!” She was interrupted as the mech rocked forwards sharply. Alarms started blaring. Twilight pushed Applejack off from her and shouted exasperatedly. “WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?” EXECUTIONER ONE, TAKING DAMAGE. EXECUTIONER ONE, MARKING UNKNOWN ONE AS HOSTILE ONE. EXECUTIONER ONE ENGAGING HOSTILE ONE. Right then, a dark blue blur shot past the windows and Celestia gasped in shock. “It’s Luna!” Twilight blanched in shock. “We have to stop this!” AFFIRMATIVE. EXECUTIONER ONE, CHARGING MATTER COLLIDER. EXECUTIONER ONE, ACTIVATING HARDLIGHT PROJECTORS. EXECUTIONER ONE, ACTIVATING PARTICLE DISASSEMBLERS. TARGETING HOSTILE ONE. TARGET LOCK… ACQUIRED. FIRING FOR MAXIMUM EFFECT. It was seven minutes later that a very bruised and angry Luna was deposited in the medical tank. Ignoring the midnight-blue alicorn’s threats, Executioner One had flooded the tank with tranquilizer. Soon, Luna was snoring everyone’s ears off before the mask, electrodes and lines were attached to her and the tank was filled with light blue liquid. Twilight sighed, trying to stave off a migraine. “This day just keeps getting better and better…” I know what you mean, young one… It 'nodded' in agreement before returning to observing its passengers. Well, this idiotic machine had just assaulted two members of the royalty. Things were utterly splendid. Whoever invented sarcasm was a genius.