//------------------------------// // Mah Lil Dashay // Story: My Little Pony: The Lost Episodes Season 2 1/2 // by The Pancake Enigmas //------------------------------// I am sad. I am sad because I don't have parents. I also don't have a Rainbow Dash. I want a Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is cool and, like, Rainbow. Her mane is Rainbow and She breaks the sound barrier when people fall and almost get dead, but they don't because Rainbow Dash is way to fast to watch someone die. Unless their Gilda, because Gilda is another race, and Rainbow Dash is racist. I know that because I'm a Brony, and I like Rainbow Dash. The world is sad because my parents are dead. And I'm colour blind. What does red look like? I dunno cuz I'm colour blind and it sucks. My parents died when I killed them and I cried because they died. I'm a lot like Applejack because we both killed our parents. But nobody likes Applejack except Rainbow Dash because in one episode they complemented each other which means they are in a serious relationship. I know that because I am a Brony. My parents died. I like taking walks because I am sad and really sad because sadness is all I feel because I don't have a Rainbow Dash or Parents and I think I'm depressed because I'm colour blind and Rainbow Dashless. I took a walk one day. They day was sad because it was grey and cold, and it is also sad because I don't have Rainbow Dash. But I saw a box and I cried because boxes remind me of my parents because once they ordered something in the box. I opened the Box and there was baby Derpy Hooves in the Box. I thought there would be a Rainbow Dash and there wasn't, so I used my Wizard powers to teleport the horse to its original dimension. I later found out it was actually Rainbow Dash, but I didn't know because I'm colour blind and they look the same. I then joined a cult.