
by pony ink splot

The Forest

After breakfast, Rarity remembered that it was Mothers Day, so she galloped on over to the forest near her house and searched for flowers to put in a bouquet for her mothers present. After a half of an hour, she found some pretty flowers that were light pink with hot pink paint splats. She gripped them tightly in her now sweaty hands and realized what she was doing, so she held them lightly in her hands and skipped along the path she was walking. Rarity soon found several more normal looking flowers.

She was getting very sweaty in the shady woods, so she stuck her tongue out and panted like a dog. She felt silly acting like a dog, so she put her tongue back in her dry mouth. She dad been walking for three hours and suddenly got really tired and walked slower and slower as she walked. Later Rarity was walking along the path, but she ran into a fork in the path, left and right.

She randomly decided to go left. Rarity stopped like she was afraid of something. She dropped her flowers that she picked and her jaw dropped. She saw the most GORGEOUS flowers she had ever seen! There were tens of them! She ran towards them, but only saw one when she got near them. She looked around herself and saw a whole bunch of mirrors. Rarity was trapped.