//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Seven Little Monsters: Equestria // by iMac1998 //------------------------------// It was a spring day in Centerville and the Monster home was preparing for spring cleaning. Mom told them to clean out assigned areas of the house and find toys they do not play with anymore to donate to charity. One was to clean the living room. Two was to clean the basement. Three was to clean the bedroom and bathrooms. Four and Five were to clean the shed and back yard. Six was to clean the closets. Seven was to clean the attic. " Okay my doonkels," Mom said, "Cleaning up now and later will be fun having time, so start clean being and I will be clean being my bedroom, come get me if you are needing me." "Okay mom," said One, "So, everybody know what they have to do?" 'Yes we do" the rest said. "I can't wait to clean the basement," Said Two, "I can finally use the duster that can attach to my nose that I got for my birthday." "A somple chore that involves dusting, little did they know that it will result in tragedy." Three narrorated. "So who are you today Three?" Said Four sarcastically. "I am narrorator Three." He answered. "Stop wasting time and let's get finished, the sooner we finish, the sooner we can have fun, so let's get to it." Said One. So all the monsters began their chores. Seven was talking to himself while heading to the attic. "Oh how exciting, I can't wait to find interesting things in the attic," Said Seven, "I do wonder what's up there?" he asked to himself. About ten minutes later, Seven was placing boxes on the shelves in the attic when he discovered a box labeled "Magical Items". "I wonder what this is?" Asked seven. Seven opened the box and discovered a book entitled "Magical spells and elixers." Seven opend the book and immeadiately read spells. A spell that caught his attention was the dimentional travel spell. Seven was curious and read the spell aloud. "Oh spell written down in a magical book, take me away to explore another world, show me around the univers' whole, and reverse this spell, to return thee home." Seven read. Suddenly, Seven saw a bright blue light in front of him, it surrounded him and made him feel dizzy. After about two minutes, he blacked out. When he awoke, he discovered he was not home. He was in a forest, he unscrewed his head and raised it up to discover that he was near a cottage surrounded by bird houses and ponds full of fish and frogs. Seven was not feeling good and passed out. He was awoken by a soft voice. "Oh... you're waking up...um...ar...are...you okay?" Seven looked up to see te face of a Vanilla pony with a pink mane and blue eyes. "Who...who are you?" Seven asked in a confused and upset tone of voice.