Equestrian martial art tournament

by Moniker

Meet the competition/first round

Equestrian Martial Art Tournament
By Dancing With Discord
story: Dancing With Discord

Meet the competition/first round


"Welcome one, welcome all, welcome to the Equestrian Martial Art Tournament, I'm Neon and I'm the host of this extraordinary long running tradition I'm here with Princess Celestia and her younger sister Princess Luna, so, Princess Celestia what is your take on this tournament?" asked the announcer.
"I'm excited to see the all the mares and stallions fight and see who can stand in the end," Celestia answered darkly.
Neon nodded "It's certainly going to be amazing, and what about you Princess Luna what is your take?" he asked.
Luna breathed in. "I feel this fighting will be a great way for me and my sister to bond, right sister?" Luna asked.
"Huh, were you saying something Luna?" she asked impolitely.
Neon nodded. "So you heard it here folks the princesses are excited for the possible bloodshed that will happen in this tournament, we'll be back after these advertisements, and remember don't go anywhere," Neon demanded.


"And we're back, hello every-pony, so before we were speaking to the princesses and their thoughts, now we will learn about the competition," Neon said opening a door to reveal the competitors all of them it as a balanced gender. "First we have Applejack, this honest mare told me she is going to win the money to fix her barn and replace her grandmother's hip, she works on a farm in Ponyville, next up we have Rainbow Dash, this loyal Pegasus decided to enter so she could get enough money to get her idols the Wonderbolts to give her a private show she is a weather pony in Ponyville," explained Neon before he spoke again "next up we have Twilight Sparkle, this anti-social bookworm entered to, well get more books for her library in Ponyville, next is a mare named Der...I mean Ditzy Doo, this unique mare wants to earn the money to get a surgery to replace her eyes she is a mail pony in Ponyville, next up is Vinyl Scratch, this record breaking DJ mare who I'm sure you know already from at least one of her twenty hits, next up Pinkie Pie, this party monster entered so she can and I quote "Buy more party decorations there not cheap you know," unquote, next up is a stallion known as Carmel this shy stallion from Ponyville entered to put his name out there, next is another stallion this though is the current champion, please welcome Stronghold, this stallion is here just to defend his title, up next a stallion from Ponyville, welcome Filthy Rich, he is here so he can keep his finances up and have a bigger chance of keeping his company, next is a mare from Ponyville known as Lyra, this human crazy mare wants to earn money to ask the princesses a few questions, finally we have Melody, this pale blue musician is doing this for his job, his finances, and his instrument. so now that you know the contestants let's take a quick break and start up again after these commercials, and remember don't go anywhere," Neon demanded again.


"And we're back, and the fighters are just getting ready for the first fight," a random number was picked by a man. "Applejack, and Lyra," the man called.
Lyra looked over at the announcer "S...So what are the rules?" Lyra asked.
"The rules for a unicorn are no magic, that's it really," the announcer raised a blank piece of paper.
"O...Okay," Lyra shivered.
"Ready?" the announcer looked at each who both got on their back hooves.
"Set...Go!" the flag flew down. Instantly Applejack made impact. Lyra grunted and wiped away some blood, Lyra grinned and pounced at Applejack who had no time to move they both hit the ground simultaneously and both got up at the same time. Lyra touched her cheek which was bleeding from the right hook that Applejack threw at her in the beginning of the match. Lyra with the exceptions of a few cuts and bruises was doing quite well. Applejack then gave her another right hook which Lyra dogged and gave a swift punch to the back of her neck that though only strengthened her. "How...are...you...not...down...already?" Lyra asked taking breaths after every word.
"There...somethin' you don't...know about me...I don't give...up...easily," Applejack jolted forward for one more impact she raised her left arm for one more punch which Lyra was ready for but the true hit was a harsh right punch to the gut. It was hard enough to punch Lyra out of the ring, and make her cough up some blood. Lyra wiped her chin as she looked that she lost the fight. "Wow you seen it here folks Applejack is the winner of the first round what will happen next? Now a word from our sponsors," Neon sighed as he sat down on a chair.


"A...Are we on?" Neon asked
"Yes," the camera pony said.
"Okay, hello Neon here and I am here with the winner of the first round. So Applejack, how does it feel to be the winner of the first fight?" Neon asked.
"Well, it's an honor to be noticed, it's a great feeling overall," Applejack said.
Neon nodded. "I am also here with the loser. So how does it feel to be the Equestrian Martials Art Tournament first victim?" Neon questioned.
"Well, it hurts it might hurt to be a winner, but there is an unbearable pain in my body from all the hits," Lyra explained.
"You heard it here folks, the tournament will begin at seven o'clock sharp tomorrow, so be sure to get bright and early to watch the second fight," Neon told the viewers.


Melody sighed as he looked at Filthy Rich. "That was a great fight wasn't it?" Melody asked.
Filthy Rich nodded "Yeah for a girl," Filthy Rich said.
"That sounds sexist," Melody said.
Rich shrugged. "It was good," Rich said.
Melody sighed as he rubbed his yellow eyes. "I'm not sure about this tournament, I wonder how the female cabin is doing," Melody admitted.


"Thanks a might Twi," Applejack thanked.
Twilight smiled as she blotted blood off of Applejack's face. "Even though we are going to fight sooner or later, let's just agree whatever happens we are still friends," Twilight said.
"I agree," Applejack agreed.


"Good morning folks, and hope you're comfortable, cause you'll be here a while, so Celestia what is your bet?" Neon asked.
Celestia looked at Neon "My bet is on Applejack but that could change," Celestia admitted.
"Did you hear that it could change in a dime," Neon grinned.
Luna looked at her sister. "So sister you’re voting for Applejack too?" Luna asked.
Celestia sighed. "Could you talk less annoying Luna?" Celestia asked.
Luna frowned. "Well this is my voice," Luna said.
"Well it's annoying," Celestia up right said.
"Let's just watch the fight," Luna groaned.
"Alright every-pony, fight two will begin after this message," Neon said.


"Hello every-pony we're back and the fight is just going to be decided," Neon grinned.
The camera pony looked over at the box of all the names of the contestants. A stallion stuck his hoof in the box and called out two names. "Filthy Rich, and Der-Ditzy Doo," the stallion called out.
Filthy Rich and Ditzy Doo walked onto the platform and got into battle stance (On their hind legs only.)


What will happen? Will Filthy Rich win or will Ditzy Doo win? keep in touch to find out.