Love is Un-Used

by Total Hound

Tensions Flare

On the way to the throne room, Chrysalis discovered that Matthew had amazing balance on her back, even without his arms holding onto her neck. I'll ask him about it later She thought absentmindedly.

But that was a minute ago, now Matthew was sitting beside Chrysalis, waiting patiently for the first of the night court's visitors alongside his adopted Mother.


She looked to him, "Yes, Matthew?"

"Y-You'll keep me safe right?"

That was a no-brainer, "Of course Matthew."

He smiled. And ran up to her and gave her right foreleg a hug, "Thank you."

The door opened, and the first members of the hive started piling into the throne room.....Wait, first of the hive? Is the whole Hive coming?! Hard to tell, most ponies loose track after the first fifty.


Most reactions when a new member to the ever growing audience for nightcourt were the same. They saw what was sitting beside her, stared wide eyed, then shook their head and found a place to sit. Of course there were a few who's reactions were hilarious. The one that stuck out the most in her head was the last changeling to enter. He saw Matthew, screamed, noticed that everypony else was, instead of screaming, was either glaring at him, trying to hold back their laughter, or looking at him like he was insane, Chrysalis merely raised an eyebrow along with Matthew. At that point he promptly fainted.

With that out of the way, and every life force in the Hive noticeable in the room. Chrysalis began.
"My dear subjects. Judging by the content feeling that you all seem to have, I assume that you appreciated my gift?"

Everypony gave some sort of approval in response. A few even vocalized it. It was a beautiful moment for the new Queen.

"If some of you haven't noticed yet. There is a creature beside me." She motioned to Matthew, who was trying his best not to hide behind her, instead opting for the next best thing, trying to squeeze the life out of her right foreleg.

'Dawwww. NO! You can 'Daww later. Right now you something important to do! "After some consideration. I have decided to adopt him."

A collective gasp was her response. One Changeling in the back spoke up, "Mommy I can't him, lift me up!"

The reluctant Mother glared at her daughter, "Hush now Flare!"

"But Mommy..."

"No but-.." Flare never heard the end of that sentence, as she was already pushing her way through the crowd. Just a little furthe-.... She wasn't able to finish the thought, as she had just slammed face first into something. Upon landing on her flank, she rubbed her nose and looked up, to find a shocked looking Chrysalis staring right back at her.

"…..Hello." Chrysalis said.

The little Changeling just realizing what she had slammed into, quickly scampered backwards, "I'm sorry!"

Chrysalis merely giggled a bit, "No need for apologizing."

This caused her to stop, "…...Really?"

Chrysalis nodded while smiling, "Really."

Realizing she wasn't in trouble, Flare immediately perked up, and gave the Queen a big smile.

"What is your name little one?"

"My name is Soul Flare." she said nervously, Oh please tell me mom didn't hear that...

No such luck, almost a second after she introduced herself, her Mother had managed to push her way through the crowds to her, "She's lying your Majesty. Her name's not Soul Flare. It's Death Flare. Because that's all she is.." She glared at her daughter, who literally, in her first instinctive use of magic, shrunk about an inch.

Chrysalis frowned at the mother. "Ms. Graves."

Graves face immediately paled, she gulped. "....Y-Yes....your Majesty?"

"You are dismissed from court. Please go back to your nest."

Graves nodded spastically, and started to walk to the door, dragging her daughter with her by the tail.

"Mommy! I don't want to go yet! I never got to meet him!" Flare whined.

Graves, tired of her daughter's behaviour, decided it was time to shut her up. So she bucked her in the face. "Shut Up! You ungrateful brat!"

The whole room was dead silent.....

A small thud broke the silence, the thud, was Flare's body landing on the floor.

Chrysalis was in shock, never once has she seen such violence on a young one.....well, only one thing to do now Chrysalis, "GUARDS!"

As quickly as she said it, ten guards went flying into Graves, knocking her unconscious and binding her legs together.

One guard approached the Queen, "What shall we do with here Your Highness? And what of the child?"

"I want Mrs. Graves locked up until I see fit." She stated, "I will see to the child personally."

The guard nodded and turned towards his companions, "To the dungeons boys!" And with that, the guards made their way down to the dungeons. Chrysalis stood up and walked over to Flare, Matthew in front of her.

Once she was close enough to get a better view of the damage that buck did to Flare, it appalled her.

Due to the fact that young changelings had no fur, and their skin more like a shell, Flare's lower jaw had a giant crack in it, she was also missing a bit of her horn as well. Blood was pouring slowly out of both.

Thank the stars she's unconscious. She thought grimly. She began to pour some of her love into Flare, hoping that the damage to her horn wasn’t so bad that it inhibited her ability to absorb love.

Thankfully it wasn’t, because five minutes later, her jaw and horn had stopped bleeding, and were both healed.

Chrysalis let out a small sigh, as did everypony else in the courtroom, when Flare started to stir.

"Ugh....What happened?" She said groggily.

"…..Your mother....bucked you in the face..."

Flare's eyes widened for a second before going back to normal size, "So THAT'S why my jaw hurts..."

Matthew decided to speak up at that point, "….Are you okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, a little sore but..." She got up and stretched out a bit, her body cracking several times, "...I'll be fine."