FriendlyFire: Rainbow Dash's long lost brother

by FriendlyFire

One - The colt named FriendlyFire

One- The colt named FriendlyFire

A long time ago there were two ponies, Lightning Blitz and Sunset Breeze. Lightning Blitz lived in CloudsDale and Sunset Breeze lived in ManeHatten. Lightning Blitz met Sunset Breeze at a Summer Sun Celebration. When Lightning Blitz saw Sunset Breeze, it was love at first sight. They dated for a long time and after a year of dating, Sunset Breeze gave birth to a young filly named Rainbow Dash. After Rainbow Dash was born, Lightning Blitz and Sunset Breeze's relationship grew unsteady. They started fighting and things were looking ugly. Lightning Blitz starting having a secret affair with Fire Lilly(SpitFire's mom). Fire Lilly lived in Canterlot. No one knew about their affair and Fire Lilly didn't knew Lightning Blitz was cheating on Sunset Breeze with her. A couple of weeks later, Lightning Blitz and Sunset Breeze solved their relationship problems and got back together. Lightning Blitz left Fire Lilly, without knowing he impregnated her.

A few months later, Fire Lilly gave birth to a little Pegasus colt named FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire was born with an orange coat, and a red and yellow mane. FriendlyFire was born with night vision eyes. The doctor said to avoid eye damage, he'd have to wear a blind fold in the day. Over the years, FriendlyFire learned to listen and feel the vibrations of the Earth. He could see in the day by listening to his surroundings, and by feeling around. He COULD see... just not with his eyes.
Fire Lilly never told him about Lightning Blitz. She forgot about Lightning Blitz. They never dated long enough for her to really know Lightning Blitz. She was always confused on who FriendlyFire's father was. FriendlyFire would always ask questions about his father, but Fire Lilly never had an answer. FriendlyFire just assumed that his father was dead.

Today, FriendlyFire wanted to fly. He'd never flown before and today he was going on his first flight. SpitFire was training to be a Wonderbolt. She's been training ever since she was a filly and she was guaranteed to be a Wonderbolt. She just had to be in better shape.
When FriendlyFire and SpitFire were outside, SpitFire Bent forward and stretched out her wings.
"Come here, FriendlyFire and get I this stance" Said SpitFire. FriendlyFire walked up and got in the stance beside SpitFire.
"Like this?" Asked FriendlyFire.
"Perfect. Now push your wings downward and back up again. Just keep doing that, its easy." Said SpitFire, hovering in the air in front of FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire did as he was told. His wings pressing down on the air made him see everything, it made him smile.
"Move your wings a little faster, once your in the air, you can slow down a bit." Said SpitFire. FriendlyFire moved his wings a little faster and before he knew it he was up in the air. FriendlyFire made a big smile.
"I'M DOING IT! LOOK, LOOK! I'M DOING IT! MOOOOOMMM!" FriendlyFire yelled in excitement. Fire Lilly walked out of their house.
"What?... Oh my gosh. Your flying!" Said Fire Lilly in amazement. FriendlyFire was flying all around. In loops, zigzags, barrel roles. He was doing everything he could.
"Hey, FriendlyFire! Wanna race?" Asked SpitFire.
"You Bet!" Said FriendlyFire competitively. They both landed and arched their backs in the air.
"Tell us when, mom." Said SpitFire.
"Ok. On your marks, get set...GO!" Shouted Fire Lilly as SpitFire and FriendlyFire both shot up in the air. FriendlyFire was right beside SpitFire. SpitFire kept going faster and faster, but FriendlyFire never fell back. SpitFire was going her fastest and FriendlyFire still didn't fall behind.
"Wow Friendly, your really fast!" Shouted SpitFire with the wind in her face.
"I can go faster!" Shouted FriendlyFire as he sped up. He was going faster and faster. SpitFire's eyes were wide open and her jaw was dropped. FriendlyFire was going REALLY fast. He was leaving SpitFire in the dust. SpitFire stopped flying and just hovered in amazement of how fast FriendlyFire was going. Fire Lilly was watching with her jaw down as FriendlyFire was about to do a sonic rainboom. FriendlyFire was flying fast. The air was getting ticker and thicker. He felt like he was getting squeezed through a cone of air. Then an explosion happened. FriendlyFire was colorblind in the day, but it felt like he just did a sonic rainboom!
Fire Lilly and SpitFire watched in horror and amazement. FriendlyFire just performed a sonic rainboom. But instead of a rainbow, it was FIRE! There was a giant flaming halo in the sky and there was a trail of fire following FriendlyFire. FriendlyFire landed next to SpitFire and Fire Lilly.
"DID YOU SEE IT! DID YOU SEE IT! I DID A SONIC RAINBOOM!" FriendlyFire said excitedly.
"A sonic rainboom? A SONIC RAINBOOM?! MORE LIKE A SONIC FIRE-BOMB!" Yelled SpitFire, horrified and filled with jealousy.
"What?" Said FriendlyFire. He felt the jealousy inside SpitFire, but he was confused on what she meant by sonic fire-bomb.
"Honey... you um... in...instead of a rainbow, you made fire." Said Fire Lilly.
"What?!...THAT'S AWSOME! I" FriendlyFire was trying to think of a way out of this. Then a horrible thought came to mind.
"DID ANYONE GET HURT! I DIDN'T HEAR OR FEEL ANYTHING! I SWEAR, I DIDN'T KNOW I'D CREAT A SONIC FIRE-BOMB! I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM! I...I..." Panicked FriendlyFire. But before he could panic more, his mother spoke.
"No, no you didn't hurt anypony. How's your tail? Are you burnt" Asked Fire Lilly.
"Mom, I can willingly set my tail on fire without feeling pain. I'm sure I'm fine" Said FriendlyFire.
"Look!" Yelled SpitFire. Fire Lilly looked at the fire halo in the sky and FriendlyFire listened. Some fire fighting Pegasus flew up to the fire and sprayed it with a fire extinguisher. But the fire didn't go out. They sprayed it again, still wouldn't go out. One pony scratched his head and stuck his hoof in the fire. He brought it back out, it wasn't on fire, it didn't hurt, and a few seconds after he touched the fire, it turned to sparkles and sprinkled downwards.
"What the...?" Said FriendlyFire
"I thought it was fire?" Said SpitFire
"Apparently, its an allusion...Hey, Friendly, Look!" Said Fire Lilly poking FriendlyFire on his thy. FriendlyFire couldn't see anything till his mom moved her hoof. Darkness rippled away and he could see everything again. And he saw his cutie mark. It was a flame with a smiley face. FriendlyFire had a big smile and got excited. He flew up in the air.
"MY CUTIE MARK!" He yelled. He could feel the jealousy on SpitFire's face. Not only was he faster than her, but he got here cutie mark before her. FriendlyFire was so happy he flew up in the air and did another Sonic Fire-Bomb. He just kept flying, nonstop. He was doing loops, twists and turns, and lots of other tricks.
"Hmmmph!" Grunted SpitFire as she stomped into their house. Fire Lilly, with a puzzled look on her face followed her inside.
"SpitFire, what's wrong?" Asked Fire Lilly.
"It's just not fair! I've been training my whole life and FRIENDLYFIRE'S FASTER THAN ME." Complained SpitFire.
"I know, but you should be proud of your brother. I bet he's the fastest pony there is."
"But I wanted to be the fastest! It's just not fair!" Said SpitFire as she walked in her room. Fire Lilly started thinking, "Nopony in my family can be that fast. I bet he gets it from his father."

FriendlyFire didn't notice his mom and sister go inside, nor did he care. He was to busy flying and making Sonic Fire-Bombs in the air. He was having so much fun. Then he stopped, he could feel someone watching him. He heard a fire pony flying towards him. When the fire pony got to FriendlyFire he said:
"Boy, your one fast son of a gun, but you gotta stop with the explosions in the sky. I know its harmless, but its freaking the other ponies out."
"I'm sorry. I just learned how to fly and I got a little excited." Said FriendlyFire. They both sat on a cloud.
"I understand. I remember when I was just a little colt. My mom and dad were holding me up in the air and said when we drop, you flap your wings. And they dropped me and I flapped my wings" Said the fire pony.
"Geese. My sister told me to flap my wings and I started flying,"
"That works too. I gotta go back to work. No more fire, ok?"
"Ok!" Said FriendlyFire as he flew back down to his house. He walked in and went to sleep.

Three years have past, SpitFire's a highly ranked Wonderbolt, FriendlyFire is a well respected weather pony, and Fire Lilly is a very skilled artist . SpitFire is training at the Wonderbolts Academy, FriendlyFire is making it rain, and Fire Lilly is at home, about to go catch up with a friend. SpitFire and FriendlyFire are both moved out. SpitFire lives in a bunkhouse at the Wonderbolts Academy. And FriendlyFire has his own house in Fillydelphia.
When FireLilly arrived at the restraunt, her friend, Silver Sky, gave her a hug. They started ordered their food and started chatting.
"So, did you go to the young flyers competition?" Asked Silver.
"No, but my daughter went."
"Did she mention who the winner was?"
"Yes. A miss Dash won the race."
"Yes. Rainbow Dash. Did she say how she won?"
"You'll never believe it, but, she did a SONIC RAINBOOM! Nopony has ever done it before." Said Silver. After those words, Fire Lilly knew Rainbow Dash was FriendlyFire's sister. Nopony in her family could even get close to the kind of speed Rainbow Dash and FriendlyFire had. Fire Lilly got excited.
"Get this. She's from PonyVille."
"I HAVE TO GO!" Said Fire Lilly as she ran out of the restaurant.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Yelled Silver Sky.
"I HAVE TO FIND MY SON!" Fire Lilly yelled back as she flew in the sky.