My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare

by Lance Skyes

Derpy's Gambit

Rainbow Dash walked into the computer room where the other Rangers stood, worried and waiting. “Hey, guys,” she said to the other Rangers.
“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie shouted, spriting over and hugging Rainbow Dash. “We were all soooo worried about you! And I’m sooooo happy you’re all right.”
“Pinkie Pie,” Twilight said, walking into the room after Dash, “I can only heal Rainbow Dash once. Don’t go breaking her back for me.”
“Okay,” Pinkie replied, letting go of Rainbow Dash.
“So, how do you feel, Dash?”
Rainbow Dash took a second to breathe again. “I... actually feel pretty good,” she finally replied, though still short on breath. “Aside from a backache.”
“Good. My magic is improving. Maybe I’m close to that ‘destiny’ Princess Celestia keeps telling me about.”
“Speakin’ of Princess Celestia,” Applejack said, “have you found her yet?”
“No, but I do have an idea for bringing her back.” Twilight walked over to the console where Spike was still hard at work. “While I was healing Rainbow Dash, I couldn’t stop thinking about how this time last year, I couldn’t even dream of such feats of magic. Then it hit me, and don’t ask me how. The only way I’m going to counter Trixie’s spell is with a stronger spell. Since her spell affected Celestia’s time warp in this dimension, I figured it was worth a try.”
“So how do you plan on preforming such a spell?” Rarity asked. “Surely Trixie used a very powerful spell if she didn’t even know of a counterspell.”
“I know, that’s just the problem. I’m not even sure my magic is capable of such power. I won’t let that stop me, though. Starting now, I’m going to keep working until I’ve perfected a spell for bringing Celestia back, even if it kills me.”
“Best of luck to you, then, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “Come on, Rangers. We’d better give her some space to work.” The other ponies nodded and folloed Rainbow Dash back to Ponyville.

Meanwhile, at the moonbase, Nightmare trotted around the main room with general worry. “Might I ask what’s troubling you, my lord?” Gilda asked, walking in.
“It’s nothing,” Nightmare replied. “Just Derpy. I’m trying to figure out how she was defeated. Obviously the Rangers didn’t have enough power to finish Derpy in one fell swoop. Something was wrong.”
“That doesn’t matter, my lord. All that matters is that we have removed Celestia from the equation. We need to take advantage of this opportunity.” Gilda walked over past Nightmare. “How about I go down there and stir up some dust? With Derpy out of the picture as well, I have a little score to settle with the red ranger.”
“Very well,” Nightmare said. “Get down there and ‘stir up some dust’.”
“Thank you, my lord. You will not be disappointed.” Gilda then flew out of the room and towards Equestria.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and the other ponies were in Ponyville, awaiting word from Twilight on her spell for bringing back Celestia. Rainbow Dash cloudbusting, Fluttershy working with some bunnies, Applejack trying to sell some apples, Rarity making her “secret masterpiece”, and Pinkie Pie throwing a party as usual. Everypony, however, was performing their jobs fairly half-heartedly, filled with worry about Celestia. Just when everypony was sure they were going to get fired from their jobs, there was a sudden flood of panicked ponies running down the street. Rainbow Dash was the first to notice and used her Element to send the word to the rest of the Rangers. Rainbow Dash flew down to see a group of Putty Ponies being led by her old friend Gilda. (Story notes: Gilda and Rainbow Dash never knew each other. Gilda was Nightmare’s minion her whole life in this story, just like the rest of Nightmare's minions.) “Well, well, well,” Gilda said as Rainbow Dash flew down in front of her. “If it isn’t the Red Pony Ranger, Rainbow Dash.”
“Good to see you too, Gilda,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Is there any chance you came by just because our old friend Derpy is out of the picture? Because I saw how you ran with your tail between your legs last time.”
“Oh, I can assure you that I’m staying to finish the job, this time.”
Just then, the other Rangers ran up behind Rainbow Dash. “Still staying to finish the job?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Oh, I’m staying.”
“So be it.” Rainbow Dash then pulled out her Element of Harmony, followed by the other Rangers. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!”
The now morphed Rangers then charged at Gilda, who commanded the Putties to charge back.

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot, Spike and Twilight were working together to figure out a spell for bringing back Princess Celestia. ,At the same time, Derpy snuck her way inside undetected. Twilight began walking out of the room. “I’m going to go get some more quills for writing these notes down,” she told Spike. “I’ll be right back.” When Twilight left the room, Derpy saw her chance and came up behind Spike.
“Having fun, dragon?” Derpy asked from behind Spike, causing him to instantly jump and at the same time freeze from fear. “I take it that’s a yes.”
Spike slowly turned around to see that his worst fear was confirmed. It was, indeed, Derpy standing right behind him, intimidating as ever. “D-D-Derpy,” Spike barely said, stepping back a little. “Y-you’re alive.”
“Alive as ever,” Derpy replied, advancing a little on Spike. “Also angrier than I’ve ever been before.”
“But... but what are you still doing here in Canterlot? Surely you don’t have anything to do with keeping Celestia gone.”
“You’re right. I honestly don’t care about that, anymore. However...” Derpy paused for a moment, just to advance a little further on the whimpering Spike. “You are going to tell me something.”
“What could I possibly tell you?”
Derpy backed Spike up against the wall and leaned her face in closer to Spike, just to watch him cower. Then she whispered “You’re going to tell me where Rainbow Dash is... so I can finally destroy her.”
Spike didn’t even hesitate before spilling the beans. “Rainbow Dash and the other Rangers went to Ponyville while Twilight and I worked on the spell for bringing Celestia back. They probably won’t be expecting you.”
An evil smile crept across Derpy’s face. She then reached for Spike’s head with her hoof, causing him to whimper louder than ever, and she did something Spike never would have expected. She pat him on the head like she was petting a dog. “Thanks, Spike,” she said. “I guess I’ll let you live... for now.” Derpy then turned around and flew out of the room and towards Ponyville. That’s when Twilight walked back in and noticed Spike cowering in the corner of the room.
“What happened in here?” Twilight asked, but Spike was whimpering so much, he didn’t say anything.

Back at Ponyville, the Pony Rangers were battling Putty Ponies while Rainbow Dash went straight for Gilda, who was happy to have Rainbow Dash to herself. Gilda put every ounce of energy into every swipe and blow that she sent Rainbow Dash’s way. Rainbow Dash was taking a couple of hits, but she was holding her ground pretty well. After a severe volley of tallons, Rainbow Dash took an opportunity and knocked Gilda off balance, leaving her open for attack. Gilda never saw it coming and was bucked to the ground by a single, well-place kick from Rainbow Dash. Gilda crashed, but got back up with a mighty roar. “You think you’re somehting special, Red Ranger?” Gilda asked. “I’m going to enjoy peeling that armor right off your body.” Gilda then charged back at Rainbow Dash, but was stopped suddenly by something flying into her. It was Derpy.
“Back off, Gilda,” Derpy said. “I’m going to finish Rainbow Dash, myself.”
“Derpy? But Trixie said you were finished!”
“Yeah, well, so was Rainbow Dash, and obviously she’s still here.” Derpy then turned to Rainbow Dash, who was slowly decending back to the ground. “Good to see you again, Dashie.”
“Can’t really say the same for you,” Rainbow Dash replied. “What brings you back so soon?”
“You’re still alive. It’s as simple as that.”
“Hey!” Gilda shouted at Derpy. “I didn’t ask you to come by and ruin my battle with Rainbow Dash! Back off.” Gilda stepped up and tried to push Derpy out of the way so she could get to Rainbow Dash.
“Keep your talons off of me, griffon,” Derpy said, knocking Gilda off. “Rainbow Dash is mine.”
“Fillies, please,” Rainbow Dash called, breaking the two up. “There’s no need to argue over me. You’ll both get your chance against me. In fact, I’ll go ahead and take both of you on. How about that?”
Gilda and Derpy looked at each other for a moment. “Fine,” Gilda finally said. “Provided this little filly is content with the scraps.”
“Oh, I think you’re going to be the one picking at the feathers,” Derpy said back, pulling out the Thunder Coin. “I’ll let you have the yellow one, though.”
“Stand aside, Derpy. This is your last warning. I’ll fight you, as well if I have to.”
“Good. I was hoping I wasn’t going to have to say that first.” Derpy then morphed in a flash and flew straight towards Rainbow Dash, followed closely by Gilda. Rainbow Dash leapt out of the way of Derpy’s attack, leaving Derpy to get slashed by Gilda’s tallon. Rainbow Dash took her opportunity and flew straight at Gilda, knocking her to the ground. However, she forgot about Derpy for a split-second and was that much too late to dodge a mule kick from Derpy. Rainbow Dash was knocked over and was open to an attack from Gilda, who had flown right into another attack from Derpy at just the right time. Derpy took this as an advantage rather than a mistake and continued attacking Gilda. “Stand down before you break one of your precious talons,” Derpy said while attacking Gilda. Rainbow Dash flew in between them, knocked Gilda aside, and tried to do the same to Derpy, though she managed to block the attack.
“You both need to stand down,” Rainbow Dash said, turning away from Derpy just in time to block an attack from Gilda.
While these three were fighting, Fluttershy looked up from her battle with the Putty Ponies to se that Rainbow Dash was in trouble. “Girls,” Fluttershy called. “I’m gonna go help Rainbow Dash.”
Applejack threw a Putty Pony over her back before turning to Fluttershy. “Go ahead,” she said, bucking another Putty. “We’ll be all right.”
Fluttershy nodded and flew up to the battle taking place over everypony else. “I’m coming, Rainbow Dash,” she called, charging straight at Gilda. Gilda was caught off guard and knocked several feet back by Fluttershy’s charge. She then turned to Rainbow Dash and gave a nod. Rainbow Dash nodded back and continued fighting Derpy.
Gilda recovered quickly and found Fluttershy hovering in front of her. “Now the Red Ranger is having her teammates fight her battles for her?” she asked. “Pathetic. I would have expected more from her.” She then charged at Fluttershy, who managed to avoid Gilda’s attack and counter with a strong mule kick.
“Just you and me now, Dashie,” Derpy said to Rainbow Dash. “A battle to the end?”
“To your end,” Rainbow Dash said. “All this time, I thought there might have been some good in you, but attacking your own teammates for a little revenge? You aren’t just evil, Derpy, you’re dangerous. Dangerous to anypony around you, good or evil.”
“At long last, you understand that. Congratulations. Either you’ll die with that in mind, or you’ll have to live with that until Nightmare defeats you and your friends. Let’s find out which of those two holes I’m throwing you down.” Derpy then charged at Rainbow Dash, who charged back. Derpy was the first to attempt an attack, but Rainbow Dash saw the attack coming and blocked it pretty easily. She then tried to counter with a kick to Derpy’s side, but Derpy grabbed Rainbow Dash’s hind leg before the kick could make contact and threw her into a nearby cloud. Rainbow Dash recovered and launched the cloud at Derpy. Derpy easily blocked the attack, but it was just a distraction that allowed Rainbow Dash to come up behind Derpy and buck her as hard as possible from behind. Derpy was completely unprepared for this attack and was sent plummeting to the ground. Rainbow Dash took this opportunity and tackled Derpy before she had a chance to recover, forcing her into the ground where the two impacted with a force that was enough to form a small crater. Rainbow Dash stood over the defeated Derpy, who was demorphed and unconscious.
“You’ve brought this upon yourself,” Rainbow Dash said, even though Derpy couldn’t hear her.
Meanwhile, Fluttershy was having a hard time battling Gilda. Gilda’s speed and strength was way too much for Fluttershy to handle, but she had to stay strong and keep Gilda off of Rainbow Dash. “You don’t look so good, Yellow Ranger,” Gilda said, and it was true. Fluttershy was breathing heavily and looked like she could barely stay airborne. As well, her eyes were filled with tears under her helmet, though Gilda couldn’t have seen them. Just as Gilda charged to give Fluttershy the killshot, she was hit by a small blast of magic from Rarity. The shot wasn’t very powerful, but it gave Fluttershy enough time to decend to the ground with the other Rangers.
“I’m all right,” Fluttershy said to the other Rangers. “I just needed a second to breathe, that’s all.”
Gilda flew to the ground to face the other Rangers, who had defeated all the Putty Ponies. “You ponies have some nerve...” Gilda said, extending her talons for combat. “I’m gonna enjoy this.” Just as she said this, she was hit by a massive blast of magic from the sky. It was Nightmare Moon casting the Mega Spell on Gilda, who grew to an enormous size. “Now I’ll crush you Rangers like rodents.”
“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack called. “Mega trouble.”
Rainbow Dash got out her morpher and tried to contact Twilight. “Twilight, are you there?”
“I’m here,” Twilight replied over the comm. “I’m sending the zords now.”
“Go ahead and pilot mine. I’m bringing Derpy back to Canterlot. I think I may have an idea.”
“Okay, I’ll trust you. Everypony else, your rides are here.” Just as Twilight said this, the zords came stampeding in. The Rangers (minus Rainbow Dash) jumped into their zords. “Megazord Formation Spell, go!” Twilight cast the spell and all the zords leapt into place just as quickly as last time. The Megazord stood before Gilda, who wasn’t backing down this time. The two charged at each other, blades (Gilda’s talons and the Rangers’ Power Sword) drawn.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash picked up Derpy and began flying towards Canterlot. “Let’s see what you can do for us, my friend,” she said to Derpy while flying, leaving the battle behind her.
Gilda blocked every attack the Megazord gave using her talons. Once the Megazord was off balance, Gilda sent her talons right into the chest plate or the Megazord. “Hey!” Pinkie shouted. “I just had the Pterodactyl zord repainted!” The Megazord gave another thrust of its blade, hitting Gilda square in the wing and cutting off a couple of feathers. Gilda wasn’t about to let this small injury keep her out of the battle. She leapt back at the Megazord, but Applejack used the Triceratops zord to give Gilda a hard kick to the side, injuring the other wing. Gilda was defeated, but she was reluctant to teleport, at least until the Rangers were about to bring the Power Sword down for the final blow. Gilda rolled over to avoid this attack, but was too badly injured to continue fighting.
“Someday, Rangers,” Gilda said, breathing heavily. “I’ll make you pay.” Gilda then teleported away back to the moon base.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash brought Derpy to Canterlot, where Twilight looked her and the Thunder Coin over. “So?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“‘So’ what?” Twilight replied.
“‘So’ did I bring back anything useful for you?”
Twilight walked over to the Thunder Coin and looked at it for a second. “You just might have. If I can figure out how to get the Thunder Coin to work for me, I might be able to use its power to cast the spell I need to bring Celestia back.” She then turned back to Rainbow Dash. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash. You may have saved us all with your mercy. I can probably patch Derpy up after I separate her power from that of the Thunder Coin, but for now you need to go back to Ponyville and tell the others the good news.”
“Okay,” Rainbow Dash said. “Good luck, Twi.” She then flew out of the room back to Ponyville.
Twilight then turned back to Derpy, who was lying bound to an examination table. “Now, let’s see what secrets you can tell.”