//------------------------------// // Peach 12 // Story: PEACH! // by ChromeRegios //------------------------------// Ichigo listened painfully of a plan to track down Aizen, although he’s not attentive he's still able understand bits and pieces of the information regarding on the battle plan. “Seek, capture or kill and food...” Was all that's in his mind right in that moment... “Alright, since the Soul Reapers are going to aid us, we should find them somewhere to stay for the mean time...” Celestia looks at the mane six… knowing Celestia, the Six gets her idea. “Okay, you may all~” Before Celestia can dismiss them properly, Ichigo flash steps out the castle...“Go...” Celestia continued her sentence as she was lost for words... “He does that sometimes in very meeting in the Soul Society he goes, he always runs off right when we say “dismiss” in the room, I apologize for his rudeness, Milady.” Byakuya formally said. “It’s quite alright; he might as well take a break...” Celestia calmly said, as she calls in for the chefs to prepare a feast in their honor... She told the mane six to go and rest up while they prepare the food, as well as the captains of the court guard squad...They left the castle and waited outside to get some fresh air, waiting for the time of the feast... They all stayed at the courtyard, where they found Ichigo laying down on the grassy field. Rainbow Dash is curious about how Ichigo can move so fast. Dash floats to Ichigo and sits right next to him. “Hey,” Dash greets him. “Hey...” Ichigo took a glance and looked back at the sky... “So...nice day huh?” Dash starts a conversation... “Yeah, sunny...” Ichigo simply said. Dash doesn’t know what to say next, she then dug inside of her brain, deeper to find something... anything, to ask or tell him. Then her ears perk, capturing an idea. “How fast can you go, Ichigo?” Dash suddenly blurts out. Ichigo was taken aback by her question and looks at her curiously... “Why?” Ichigo asked her, as she covers her mouth with her front hooves, realizing what she just asked him unknowingly. “I...uhh....I...uhm...” Dash can’t say it directly. “Well?” Ichigo said, waiting for her response. “How can you move that fast, without even trying?” Dash finally asked Ichigo. “Well, I had this ability called the “Flash Step”, I can run tremendous speeds, and go really fast with ease... it’s one of the fastest abilities we have.” Ichigo explains... As soon as Dash hears the word “Fast” and “Speed”, her eyes glittered a bit “Really? The fastest, huh?” “Yeah, why do you want to know, stripes?” Ichigo asked. “My name is not, “Stripes”. It’s Rainbow Dash!” She said, pounding at her chest letting Ichigo who he is talking to. “You’re a boastful winged horse, aren’t ya.” Ichigo said, looking over the flying cyan pony. “Yeah, well you should know. I’m the fastest flier in whole of Equestria! And I have won races dozens of times, and lost to nopony at all...” She said, while looping to mid-air, and showing off her moves. “Really now?” Ichigo stands up, “Tell you what, let’s have a race...” This was what Dash is waiting for... Ichigo points to a mountain farthest from the castle, across from view of a mere pony to see... But Dash quickly understands where he was pointing at. “There! Whoever gets to that mountain first... wins!” “Any bets, Ichigo?” Dash said, nearly in a mocking tone. Ichigo thinks of something “How about, the loser will admit to the winner that He or She is the fastest!” Ichigo declaires. “You’re on!” Dash proclaims. “Oh this isn’t going to be good for Ichigo.” Twilight said, knowing that Ichigo can’t beat Dash... “Really? Is that what you think?” Kenpachi spoke behind them. The six looks over to him, wondering what he means by that. “You don’t know Ichigo much, do you little one?” The six can only watch Kenpachi’s expression, as the race begins... “WAIT!!” Pinkie suddenly shouts. The entire group, including Ichigo and Dash looked at Pinkie as she ran back inside the castle, and came out holding a checkered flag at her mouth as she goes out, and went to the centre of the two racers. “Where did she get that? I didn't saw any checkered flag back at the castle…” Kenpachi raised an eye brow at this. “Trust me, it’s hard to explain when it’s Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said to Kenpachi. “Why is that?” “Because… it’s Pinkie Pie…” Rarity said. Kenpachi doesn't know what these ponies are talking about but he just shrugs it and watched as the race starts. “Okay! You ready?!” Pinkie raised the flag, “3...2...1... GOOO!!!!!” As Pinkie waves the flag, both of the racers disappear in a flash, only seeing dust and a colorful streak as they went off. Pinkie was left spinning and eyes swirling like a top as she falls down on the ground. Beyond the eyes of ordinary ponies, Ichigo moves in a speed which can’t be seen by the naked eye, while Rainbow Dash is streaking up the sky with her rainbow trail flashing from behind. “Heh, You sure know how to keep up.” Ichigo said, looking at dash close to him. “Yeah well, do you expect from me to be a slow poke like you?” After saying that she suddenly lets out a burst of speed, booming as she zips away to Ichigo. “Oh, it’s on now...” Ichigo gains momentum and quickly goes to a blind speed, even the other soul reapers can’t match, nearly as fast as Yoruichi herself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sudden boom from somewhere caught Yoruichi’s ear, as she leaps from tree to tree over to the mountain top castle. “What was that?” She asked, wondering what made that sudden boom. Ishida can’t answer because of his nausea, while Inoue is still knocked out. Yoruichi tends to investigate the happenings on her surroundings every time, but despite of her wanting to investigate, she has to meet up with the other Soul Reapers and get the two on her arms some help first. She quickly shrugs it off and leaps towards the castle once more... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All of the speed, the adrenalin, and the wind in their face... They both never felt this good for a long time, never thought that they could find someone fast enough to keep up... someone not as slow as they think they are... A rival of speed.... “RAHHHH!!!!” “AAHHHH!!!!” The sound of their battle cry echoes to the forest below, as they near the mountain... "I’M GONNA WIN!!” Ichigo shouts “AS IF YOU WILL!!” Dash shot back. Both of them bust their speed to maximum, and reached the mountain. Ichigo nearly flies upon his max speed; Dash goes to her limit as she flies nearly reaching the speed of light... Both of them reached the mountain, but failed to stop and keep going straight... They forgot about the mountain entirely.... “Well... they went overboard...” Kenpachi said, sensing both of their auras passed the mountain and kept heading straight... “They tend to forget things...aren't they?” Toshiro said, face palming himself. “Well it can’t be helped. They’re both speed demons...” Twilight remarks. “Second it...” Rarity agrees... “Agreed...” Byakuya said, as he stood there following Ichigo’s Spiritual pressure as it fades out of range... “Well, ahm gonna go back to mah farm now, got a lot of work to do fer mah family.” Applejack claims as she trots out of the former gate. “Tell the Princess, that I can’t make it to the feast okay?” Applejack said to her friends. “May I come along?” Byakuya said, making Applejack look back. “S’cuse me? What did y’all just say?” She asked, as she wants to be sure she heard it right. “I said, may I come with you?” Byakuya repeated... Applejack stood there confused and bewildered at the same time, wondering why would Byakuya wants to go with her to the farm? “Uhh... Sure, y'all can come along... ah think...” She said, reluctantly. Byakuya took this as a “yes” and walked away with her going down the path to Ponyville... Before anyone could make a comment, Yoruichi arrived in the court yard, along with Ishida and Inoue. "Guys! I found you at last, look, I need them to get to an infirmary and~” Yoruichi stopped and took some time to gaze on some creatures behind them, what appears to be horses... “Well aren't these the most colourful ponies I’ve ever seen...” Yoruichi said, with a cute face... “Why thank you, kind being...” Rarity spoke. Yoruichi’s face changed from cute, to surprised, Yoruichi backed up a bit knowing that a pony just talked back at her. “W-what the~” Yoruichi tried to say something, but her words quickly got swallowed faster than she could say it... Toshiro stepped in and pats her at the back. “Let’s get them to a room first and get them take care of, I’ll explain to you later...” Toshiro assures her, as he leads her inside the castle. Kenpachi picks the two unconscious people and heads inside the castle.... With Yoruichi still a bit shaken up...