Believe in the Heart of the Moon

by HeartlessSpartan

Part 2/The Older Pony

Believe in the Heart of the Moon Part II
By Heartless Spartan

Princess Luna wandered the halls of Canterlot Castle, hoping that her long walks would help put her worries to rest. They hadn’t, still lingering in her mind like ghosts, the two souls she’d sent to the past, the two that did not return. She had herself to blame, it was her choice and she took the risk to let everything go. Luna shook her head as she walked into the gardens, attempting even to physically change the subject of her thoughts.

“You seem troubled sister?” Celestia inquired as she entered the gardens and walked with her sister.

“It has been months, and yet I still cannot move on,” Luna said sadly.

“We still cannot be sure that nothing came through the portal, after all, an unpracticed Starswirl spell can be rather unpredictable,” Celestia said with hope.

“It was his promise that worries me most, he would not fail, he promised me he would return,” Luna said, recalling the image of Terra looking back towards her one last time before he left.

“Luna, there is something I must tell you, something that may sink your spirits further, but I also see it as a symbol that the plan was a success,” Celestia said.

“How would you know this?” Luna asked.

“After the old kingdom had fallen, Starswirl and the last surviving guards returned through the portal and closed it, Starswirl told me something strange. I had heard the frightening stories of my citizens, but within the thick of the fight they spoke of two creatures that had come to their aid,” Celestia said.

“You believe it was them?” Luna questioned.

“They spoke of a dark magician and a great phoenix. When Starswirl closed the portal he said one thing to me and walked away. He said, he would be destroyed for those he loved most, the Phoenix Prince would die a hero,” Celestia said.

“So my fears have come to show themselves after all of this time, though I cannot accept that Terra is dead,” Luna said.

“There is no way of knowing for sure,” Celestia said.

“I will know in some way, I will face my fears and find the answer in due time,” Luna said.

“What will you do till then sister, you cannot wander these halls alone forever?” Celestia asked.

“I will do what Terra would, my duty. I will bring forth the night, and I will dream-walk as Terra did. Helping those in need through their dreams at night,” Luna said as she began to leave.

“I took the liberty of having a loyal guard of ours take the role of searching for the answers we seek sister. He is now in the Crystal Kingdom, it took Princess Cadence to release him,” Celestia said.

“Release him?” Luna asked.

“He was solidified in dark crystal by King Sombre for defying him,” Celestia said.

“Who?” Luna asked.

“The captain we sent to follow on the rumor that the Crystal Kingdom had fallen to a tyrant king,” Celestia said.

“Elder,” Luna said quietly.

The Older Pony

Far away within the Crystal Kingdom, a grey unicorn stallion with a white grayish mane and tail, as well as a cracked shield for a cutie mark; walked alongside Shining Armor through the streets of the Crystal Kingdom. It was rather amazing to see the great castle tower in the center of the city rising into the sky. All of the crystal ponies going about their lives freely without fear.

“I find it quite surprising that we didn’t find you trapped in the castle sooner Elder,” Shining Armor said.

“It was a feat just to get in, I distracted him long enough for the Princesses Celestia and Luna to banish that tyrant,” Elder said with the voice of an older officer, yet it still sounded commanding.

“I’ll have you commended for that. A thousand years trapped in dark crystal, the citizens have already begun to call you the Elder Pony,” Shining Armor said as he nodded toward a few ponies waving at him.

“There was an ongoing gag amongst the ranks in my time because I drove my voice hoarse once chewing out a soldier who stole one of my boots. They called me that then as well, just entirely different reasons,” Elder said jokingly, but he still sounded serious even if it was unintentional.

Shining Armor stopped walking with Elder and simply looked at him. Here was a pony from a thousand years ago that had practically the same position he held in Canterlot. This guard, this soldier chose to remain here and stand against King Sombre and paid for it. They are both so much alike, which made Shining Armor wonder about something.

“I understand you have been free for a short time, and have already accepted orders from Princess Celestia. I can’t help myself but to ask, do you miss anyone?” Shining Armor asked, knowing it was rather bold to.

“Shining Armor, I made the decision what seems like just moments ago for me to give everything up. However now it was a thousand years ago, my family, everyone I loved has passed long ago. You are now married, you both saved this kingdom and rule over it together. I warn you now, with the responsibility you hold at this moment; at some point you will be forced to choose between your family, or your kingdom,” Elder said quite seriously now.

“Nothing will lead to something like that!” Shining Armor said, moderately challenged by Elder.

“Then I can all but hope you make the right choice,” Elder said.

“Like Terra did, looked for an alternative and took a leap of faith? I had heard of him from my sister, and the orders Celestia had sent for you. What would be so terrible to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the lives of others?” Shining Armor asked demandingly.

“What is terrible Prince Shining Armor, is that when you are a great Prince of the lands. The symbol of Equestria’s very foundation and the balance of harmony, and you lose a fight against an unmerciful god and live from it. There was nothing right about Terra after he fought Discord, and all that remained was a burning heart and a broken soul. He would find any excuse to die in order to make up for his mistakes in the past,” Elder said, his position and opinion of his orders were clear.

“Say that to Princess Luna, I am sure she would have words of her own for you!” Shining Armor snapped back.

Elder sighed, he did not want to be the bad guy here. He had given everything up and yet he is criticizing Terra for doing the same. Elder is the only one who isn’t royally bound to responsibilities that could look for a fool lost in his time. His orders from Celestia are to seek out and discover what had become of the greatest disappointment in Equestria’s history, but what else does he have here. Besides, he wants to see it for himself the results of what happened.

“With respect Prince Shining Armor, I just want you to be prepared to make decisions that might not save everyone. I am sorry, but I must be moving onward,” Elder said honestly.

“Where would one begin to search for a pony that disappeared over a thousand years ago?” Shining armor asked, as Elder said, moving on.

“Where anyone would, home. I will look within the ruins of the old kingdom. Perhaps I can uncover what became of Celestia’s little Pheonix Prince,” Elder said.

“He’s anything but a coward now from what I was told by my sister Twilight and Celestia’s orders Elder. Terra was a brave stallion for taking the risk to stop what would threaten us today, and you’re not short of such bravery yourself,” Shining Armor said.

“It isn’t bravery sir, it is duty,” Elder said with strength.

“Duty and honor Elder, you would be thanked by many, not just Princess Celestia if you learn what happened and find him alive,” Shining Armor said.

“I’m sorry my newfound friend, but it is unlikely that Terra is still alive,” Elder said sadly.

Shining Armor simply shook of the idea of a lost cause, especially if it mattered greatly to someone as it does to Princesses Celestia and Luna. Even his sister Twilight had spoken highly about this alicorn from the past. Hopelessness is not a possibility for him anymore, he had been on the brink more than once and had seen both times that the determination of one can save many.

“When Cadence and I began to struggle in protecting the Crystal Kingdom when it first appeared, she told me something very important; have faith,” Shining Armor said proudly.

Elder nodded toward the Prince, then made his way out of the city, as he walked through the fields on the outskirts, his mind flooded with memories from the past. Elder remembered when he left home for the final time. Suiting himself in armor within his family home, his wife smiled at him when she walked into the room. His wife, a soft shade of pink with a light red mane and blue eyes that matched the flower she wore in her hair when it was down.

“So you are going out to the Crystal Kingdom?” she asked in a sweet voice.

“There is a rumor that it is endangered by its ruler, so the Princesses have organized an investigation,” Elder said as he layered his armor over himself.

“Are you worried?” she asked.

“I am worried about our home, this kingdom, not theirs,” Elder said.

“Our Kingdom is protected by the alicorns Elder. There is nothing in Equestria that is out of its mind enough to challenge them,” she joked.

“We never know, these are dark times, and Princess Luna and Terra have been quite troubled recently,” Elder said worriedly.

“Prince Terra,” she corrected.

“He told me himself that the title was unnecessary,” Elder said.

“The Prince is shy of the public and doesn’t look for our recognition; we just find it proper to reward those who help us,” she said.

“I find it growing harder to trust him, even Starswirl had mentioned a different mindset about him that just isn’t proper,” Elder said with a growl.

“Love isn’t proper Elder? That wizard goes on about many wild things, but the heart doesn’t lie; and everypony knows the rumors about Princesses Luna and Prince Terra spending their nights sitting together up on the castle ramparts aren’t just rumors,” she said, well knowing of the common gossip.

“It’s foolish,” Elder said coldly.

“Well I think it’s romantic, we shouldn’t judge on such matters,” she said sweetly as she often does.

“I am still unsure if I can know you’ll be safe while I am away,” Elder said with care.

“We’ll miss you while you are away, and do not worry, have faith Elder,” she said.

“I shall be off then,” Elder said as he kissed his wife on the cheek and left to investigate the status of the Crystal Kingdom.

In the present time, Elder stood on the top of a very high hill overlooking the great valley that expands throughout central Equestria. He could see his destination, the Everfree forest, the ruins of the old kingdom hidden deep within. In the plains was the simple town of Ponyville where Prince Shining Armor’s sibling resides, and resting on the far off mountains was the great city and Kingdom of Canterlot.

Elder carried onward knowing that the world had indeed changed, but what he didn’t know was that the Everfree Forest had changed dramatically. In his time it was a symbol of freedom and peace, but now it had long been abandoned. Left only to the evil creatures that had swarmed over and destroyed what he considered to be his home. He knows it will be difficult for him to return to what once was, but it will be harder to let go of what he had chosen to leave behind for the sake of others.