//------------------------------// // Staying out of History: The Great and Powerful Trixie // Story: The mission of Buzzbot // by Golden Paw //------------------------------//                 Tinker Track Listened as Buzzbot excitedly recounted her time in Ponyville. She jumped from one topic to another, telling him all her thoughts, impressions and even her ‘feelings’. Buzz, seemingly without noticing, had assumed the form of Stage Cloak. Tinker was greeted by her intense smile and felt thoroughly out of his depth.                       Here was a pony-bot, a machine that Tinker was coming too realize was more advanced than first surmised. Maybe too much, but when he looked into Buzz's eyes and saw brimming joy there that wavering thought winked out. This was something right, he didn't understand but that didn't make it wrong.                       "So um, you got the needed data on Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity then. Still, great news Buzz," Tinker replied, trying to sound professional. Buzz just smiled softly and shook her head in a knowing manner.                       "Tinker, you always get straight to the point. I love that about you," Buzz gave him a friendly chuckle and a playful hoof bump on the shoulder. Tinker winced, it felt like being bucked by fully grown stallion but Buzz was far too excited to pay that any mind. She pressed on as if nothing was amiss. "The next part you may have already heard accounts of Tinker, it's about your grandmother........."                         Pinkie Pie and Buzzbot didn't make it to Sugar Cube Corner as they had planned. As the pair neared the town square Buzz saw that crowds were gathering. Something was ahoof, something was causing a stir.                       "Oooo Oooo they started the party already that will save us the work!" Pinkie bounced happily. Buzz experienced an uncomfortable feeling due to the amount of raw magic in the air. Even with her ability to cast spells burnt out, her other sensors could still recognise the presence a massive amount of power being used nearby.                       "Behold the now even greater and more powerful ‘Trixie’!" Buzzbot recognized that voice instantly, even if it was a far younger version than she had heard before. Buzz let her ears flatten before face hoofing.   Of course, the magical dual between Twilight and Trixie. It was an infamous event in Ponyville history and though Buzzbot had wanted to witness it herself, she was sure it would be just as cringe worthy as the stories made it sound. Pinkie looked at Buzz and cocked an eyebrow.                       "Ah so you've heard of Trixie Meany Boasty Mcboast Pants then?" Pinkie asked Buzz with a concerned frown.                       "I have yet to meet a pony who hasn't heard tell of the biggest show off Equestria has ever known," Buzzbot did a good impression of Trixie basking in her own self inflated ego, standing on her hind legs she spread her fore hooves out as if praising the new dawn. "You’d better get in there. They’ll need your help on this one Pinkie." Buzz advised.                       "Don't be a silly filly Stage, it's just Trixi," Pinkie laughed Buzz's advice off before a quailing cry was heard over the crowds.                       "You beast, this shade of brown should only be used for accents!" Buzz looked at Pinkie who shared her expression of concern. Pinkie saluted before rushing off towards Rarity's anguished call, leaving Buzz unattended for the first time in two days.                       "All the best Pinkie but I really need to stay out of this one,” Buzzbot mumbled as she began to shuffle away.                       Buzz knew she really should keep away. If Trixie saw her there could be any number of complications. Well maybe if I just hang back, I could see the Element Bearers in action? The chances of the power mad-pony being able to recall one face in the crowd were very slim. Even less likely under the mind warping affects the Alicorn Amulet she was wearing…   Buzz wavered before a tiny grin spread across her mouth, “I would never get over it if I missed this chance,” Buzz turned about again and trotted further into the crowd. There was Trixie in all her ‘glory’. There was that ridiculous purple cape and pointy hat covering Trixie’s blue coat, white mane streamed in the magical wind surging about herself and Twilight.                                            The historical account of that day's events didn't hold a candle to just how bad Trixie was, Buzz admitted to herself. The Trixie she knew didn't like to tell the tale as it was a shameful part of her life she was trying to forget.   Buzz managed got a decent view of the proceedings just in time to see Pinkie Pie's mouth removed and put in the ‘recycle bin’. It seemed even with Pinkie's mind focused on Trixie, the 'Pinkie Sense' was still trying to tell her that Buzzbot was a robot by using computer references.                       Buzzbot watched as the spells flew back and forth between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie. She pretended to shiver with cold as the snow formed, covering Ponyville in an early frost before laughing with the others when Twilight gave Trixie a taste of 'number twenty five'. The vision of Trixie with that moustache would be an image Buzz always would treasure.                       The happy moment faded all too soon, Buzz knew how this duel would end and the fact she knew Trixie was cheating didn't make Buzz feel any better about it. The age spell done by Trixie sealed the deal and Buzz groaned as Twilight was cast out by the power-crazed Trixie, leaving the ponies of Ponyville at the mercy of the mad filly.                       Still Buzz was hugely impressed with Twilight's performance and noted how skilled she was even before her alicorn transformation. But it hadn't been enough and now Trixie was in charge of Ponyville. Buzz had held out some hope that she’d been able to do something to alter this sad event. But knowing she mustn't meddle any more than she already had in past stayed her hoof.                       Trixie's rule over Ponyville was short but sour. She took extra care to punish the Element Bearers, feeling that Twilight's friends were also responsible for her previous humiliation. Buzz didn't get much time to study the past heroes as Trixie made them slaves to her every whim and it sickened Buzzbot to see them so ill treated.                       The one small mercy was the time the unavoidable tragedy had brought Buzz. With Twilight banished she couldn't send her message about 'Stage Cloak' to Princess Celestia, having far bigger troubles to deal with. The other ponies seemed to have relaxed their guard around Buzz too, seeing her as just another pony trapped in Trixie's snare.                         Tinker Track stared wide eyed at Buzzbot. "You met her? That mare has been an embarrassment to my family all our lives. The stigma of being Trixie's grandson has caused me no end of trouble!" Tinker Track exclaimed.   “Ponies always say how much I look like her! I’ve been the butt of more 'Trixie jokes' than can I say,” Tinker double face hoofed; even though Trixie was reformed now and he loved her dearly, it was hard to hear first hoof of her previous misdeeds.                       Buzzbot put a comforting hoof around Tinker Track's shoulders. "Aww, come on Tinker. It wasn't that bad." Tinker simply stared at her and Buzz shifted uncomfortably, “Alright it was that bad but ‘The Great and now Humble Trixie' has become a great force for good remember?”                       “Yeah, yeah I know,” Tinker shrugged, “How she’s now head of T.C.A.P’s ‘Pony Relations Department’.”   “She’s an amazing example of how a pony can turn their life around Tinker,” Buzz assured but Tinker’s face remained sullen. A massive part of why Tinker was desperate to succeed within T.C.A.P was to prove the other ponies wrong about his family. They were good ponies and could offer much to Equestria if only given the chance.                         Buzzbot couldn't help herself, the urge to spare her new friends from Trixie’s tyranny was too strong. So she had done her best to form a resistance to Trixie's oppression. Buzz motivated the ponies she met, reassuring them that even though things were hard now they would eventually get better.                       A big part of her prankster side surfaced and she took every opportunity to cause trouble for the 'Great and Powerfuller' Trixie. She had begun the idea that all wheels in the town were out to get Trixie. They certainly had a habit of falling off any vehicle that Trixie attempted to ride thanks to Buzzbot's technical know-how and a small army of willing saboteurs.                       The Cutie Mark Crusaders were also a massive help, they had a way of causing harmless chaos just by being around and Buzz had put the idea in their heads that they could be ‘Cutie Mark Resistance Fighters’. It always got a good giggle when Trixie went to give one of her 'inspirational speeches' only to find her notes coated in sneezing powder or her drink laced with hot sauce.                       As a result instead of her usual 'Trixie was the best thing to ever happen to Ponyville and they should all be grateful for her’ speech, it ended with Trixie on her back in a helpless sneezing fit. Buzz would smile at this; after all it inspired the populous more than anything the corrupted Trixie would have originally said.                       Pinkie Pie, when she got a moment away from the mad overlord Trixie, was especially eager to help. Buzzbot got good advice from Rainbow Dash too, coming up with some truly ingenious schemes together.   It was amazing how Pinkie Pie was able to communicate the plan to the others of the resistance without a muzzle (Secretly Buzz wondered how she could breath but that's Pinkie Pie for you). Their latest prank was to lure Trixie out of town by tampering with the magical barrier She’d erected, whilst leaving a small 'gift' for her to find.                       Buzzbot and the Cutie Mark Crusaders (C.M.C) set their trap on the outskirts of Ponyville in sight of the Ever Free forest. Once all was in place, Buzz trotted up the force field and gave it a good buck. That, of course had been where the plan began to unravel.                         As Buzz struck the force field she remembered too late that she wasn't a normal pony. Being powered by magic had its downsides and was shocked as the barrier spell earthed through her body. She felt the crackling energy course up and along her legs before surging across her vision with a flash.                       Several of the now hated "Error" messages flashed up and Buzzbot felt her limbs lock up as surely as if she’d been petrified. She swayed briefly before toppling sideways onto the grass. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo all rushed up to her crying out in panic.                       Buzz was greeted by passing blurs of white, orange and yellow as the fillies raced in and out of her limited view "Girls, girls it’s okay," Buzz called out, thanking Celestia her mouth still worked. Her charges continued to scamper about, all gabbling at once and paying no heed of Buzz’s reassuring call. "I've just had a bad….um cramp, just pull me over to those bushes before Trixie comes," Buzz called in her most soothing voice.                       She attempted to gesture with her eyes in the desired direction and after a few more wails Buzz called again with more force, “Girls! Get over here and move me!”                       Mercifully they snapped out of their panic and to Buzz’s great relief, finally began the task of shifting her, "Wow you’re heavier than you look Stage," Scootaloo commented, the strain evident in her voice as she pushed her back up against Buzz.   "Hey it's not nice to say that about a mare." Sweetie Belle scolded, all the while pulling on one of Buzz’s hooves.   "But it's true" Scoot snipped back.                       "Rarity says even if something is true, it's not polite to point it out in public especially when it comes to a mare's weight or appearance." Sweetie Belle retorted before Scootaloo just 'snorted' in reply. Buzz began moving ever so slowly across the grass.                       "Yeah, well Rarity is always pointing out things like that to Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo snapped back.                       This time it was Applebloom who spoke up, "Yeah and Rarity's always sayin stuff about A.J too, why's she gets to say things like that if Scoot can't?" Buzz could only see Applebloom’s red bow from the corner of her eye.                       To Buzz’s rising frustration her helpers stopped and began arguing anew. All she could do was roll her eyes madly as the foals debated the finer points of how and when to tactfully point out potential improvements in a ponies appearance. Buzzbot thought she could hear the approaching sounds of trouble and forgetting herself closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath (out of habit) she tried to keep her voice level, "Girls could you please....."                       She was cut off by Sweetie Belle, "But Rarity said that it was bad manners to let some poor pony walk round with messy hair, they need to be told so they can fix it! Like, if I had something stuck in my teeth and no one told me, I would be so embarrassed."                       "But ya don't do it when everypony can hear yer, ya take em to one side and talk to em in private like," Applebloom added sagely, "Applejack says it's the right use of truth, knowin when and when not ter say summit."                       Buzzbot was certain the angry calls of Trixie were on the air so with nothing else for it she bellowed, "Yes I am heavy! I don't mind you telling me, now can you help move my weighty flank into the bushes before the terror that is Trixie comes to see what all the fuss is about!?"                       As one the three foals turned around before their little faces slowly split into huge grins and bursts of giggles escaped them. Buzz rolled her eyes as the three finally recommenced pushing and pulling. Their task concluded just in time, as Trixie's mocking tone could be heard drawing close, "Walk faster you plebeians! Trixie wants to know who had the audacity to try and get through her force field!"                       Buzz peered out of the mercifully enclosing bush and saw that Trixie was seated on a Sedan chair. The two unfortunates she was berating were Snips and Snails, her 'loyal' followers. The uneven height of the young pair (Snails being a good third taller than Snips) caused this to be a very lopsided ride for Trixie. They weaved and wobbled vaguely forward as they approached the planned “prank-site”. The awaiting large blue present sporting a yellow ribbon had been placed close within the barrier’s edge.                       Buzzbot felt her limbs give a tiny bit, but they were still painfully slow. Several system checks and restarting protocols scrolled across her vision, partially obscuring Trixie as she drew near. Ignoring the occasionally whispered “Lead Flank” from the girls Buzz strained to see their prey.                       Trixie paused as she caught sight of the ‘gift’, before preening herself. "What is this, a reward for the Great Trixie? At last some pony acknowledges her triumph and desires to show their gratitude!" Trixie informed the world at large.   Buzz strained to move her fore legs, the urge to face hoof was almost overpowering. It's soooo a trap you megla-mane-iack, good thing that amulet doesn't boost your brains as well as your magic. “Good thing Trixie isn’t the sharpest tool in the draw,” Buzz whispered, spearing a wicked grin to the others who were still giggling quietly.                       "Minions, retrieve this bounty so that the Great and Powerful Trixie may bask in her subject’s tribute!" The two mismatched colts were only too happy to oblige her in putting the Sedan down. Looks like I’m not the only heavy pony around here. Buzz smiled to herself and finally regained control of her limbs. Shuffling about, Buzz peered to look over the girl’s shoulders as she tried to keep them quiet.                       Snips and Snails trotted around before pushing the box over to the triumphant Trixie. Her eyes glinted with excitement and Buzz was certain she caught the slightest of red glows within Trixie’s pupils. Just another sign of how much things have changed, Buzz mused as Trixie began to unwrap the present with vigour.   As the bow came undone and the blue wrapping paper fell away the box inside trembled. With a "blowlp" noise a vast quantity of cake mix engulfed Trixie. “All hail 'the Great and doughy Trixie',” Buzz whispered as the pony in question fumed with anger. The girls sniggered as, with an explosion of magic, the cake mix cooked. The sizzling of cake mix turned into a roar as Trixie was swallowed in fire ball.   Snips and Snails shrank back as the glow receded to reveal and truly incandescent Trixie underneath. Mane alight and eyes burning Trixie roared her anger to the sky and several flashes of lighting played about the clearing. As many unicorns had done before her, she had transformed into an angry white pony with a flame wreathed mane and tail. “Okay, maybe that was one prank too far”, Buzz admitted as the cushions of the Sedan chair turned to ash.                       Normally it took a very powerful unicorn to do what Trixie was doing, but with the Alicorn Amulet lending her strength her seemed to be up to the task. Her seat quickly followed the cushions, the wood charring and crumbling away to leave Trixie standing in a small molten crater. Snips and Snails hid their soot blackened faces as Trixie cast her burning gaze about.                       "How dare you insult the Great and Powerfuler Trixie! Your misdeeds will not go unpunished!" With Trixie began to let loose blasts of red magic that burnt trees and bushes all around.                       Buzz felt a trickle of ice flow through her. Trixie was systematically destroying every piece of cover in the local area, probably surmising that the culprit was watching nearby to see their handy work. It was only a matter of time before their hiding place was obliterated.                       This was Buzz’s fault, they should have been long gone by the time Trixie had come, but now they were in danger and Buzz felt the horrible tendrils of guilt coiling around her insides. Glancing down at the faces of the girls, Buzz saw they were quickly coming to the same conclusion. Well you wanted her angry, guess you got your wish. Buzzbot knew she would never forgive herself if they came to the ‘Crusaders’. She felt her resolve harden even as her mouth set into a determined grimace.                       "Hide here until she's gone," Buzz whispered and didn’t wait for a reply before leaping out of the bush. So much for not letting her see you Buzz, she will never forget this one. Still, better that than any of the ponies she had come to care for getting hurt. Oh well may as well go out with flair.                       "Behold, it is I Stage Cloak! I am the one who has caused you so much trouble the last few days. I could not stand idly by and watch you hurt these ponies!" If this was going be her last line then she wanted it to sound brave. Trixie's eyes went wide and her pupils became red pinpoints of rage. This died down as confused look crossed her face.                       "I....Who, I was sure it was one of Twilight's friends causing me trouble. You’re not one of them? The Great and Powerful Trixie finds it is just some random mare running amok?" The mad pony was totally lost for words, no doubt having planned some impressive speech to berate whichever of Element Bearers had caused Trixie so much irritation.                       Buzz was actually hurt by that comment, yes she had lied to Twilight recently but she had come to think of her as a friend. Ah well can't stop now. Put my hoof in it this far so may as well go all the way. She was surprised how much she even cared about that last comment. Buzz was wildly off her original mission now, but amazingly she didn’t care.                       "I am Twilight's friend!" Buzz declared with more conviction than she had planned and discovered that she really meant it. "I think it's shameful how you have treated her and the rest of Ponyville, all because you were stupid enough to make a great foal of yourself."                       Trixie looked like she was going to explode but that didn't stop Buzzbot, she was riding on the wave of feelings she desperately wanted to express. "Ever since I heard of you 'oh Great and Powerful Trixie' and the foalish acts you've done. I have wanted to say this to you: Get over yourself and do something useful with your magic! You have such potential and you waste it on stupid power plays like this!"                       Buzz wasn't sure if that was a bit of Tinker coming through in her programming or it was all from her own mind. Probably a bit of both were her last thoughts before Trixie's horn glowed and sent a spell crashing into Buzz.......                         "Then what happened?" Tinker Track asked his eyes wide and full of wonder. Buzzbot shrugged and gazed into the distance.                       "I was lucky that the ‘Crazed Trixie’ didn't have much imagination. She banished me from Ponyville too, right into the middle of the Ever Free forest. It was rough a trip but I made it through okay." The robot looked back at Tinker and smiled.                       "The rest as they say is history regarding Trixie. Twilight came back after learning some important lessons about friendship and managed to outwit Trixie, finally getting her to take off that Amulet. Then your grandmother began the long road to becoming a better pony. I wish I could have been there to see that, but I had my own troubles to deal with you see."                       Tinker Track agreed, "You were stuck in the Ever Free forest with no magic, but you still had your internal guidance right?" Buzzbot shook her head sadly.                       "Nope between Trixie's barrier and the bodged teleport she gave me, most of my more complex systems were shot. I was alone with no idea where to go and stuck in the middle of the forest," Buzz said in an almost dismissive manner.   Tinker could only stare in surprise as this quickly changed into a triumphant grin, "I had finally gotten to speak my mind to your Grandmother though, I don't know if she understood any of what I was trying to say to her through that magical madness, let alone her normal egotistical self. But I like to think that in some small way I helped her be the better pony she is today."                       Tinker Track thought of his Grandmother now, although still a bit big headed now and then, overall she seemed to have come a long way from her past self. He saw her in a new light, as a mare having overcome so much opposition (admittedly mostly self inflicted) and had become someone T.C.A.P or even Princess Twilight Sparkle looked to for advice.                       Trixie knew how to work the crowd and get people interested and when pointed in the right direction that was a valuable skill set. Tinker was surprised to find himself chuckling at such a turn of events, he was almost admiring Grandma Trixie.                       He smiled as he thought back over some of his grandmare's more comical moments. The time she’d mistaken…..with an effort he drew his attention back to the robot in front of him. Time for reminiscing later.                       "That still doesn't explain how you got back here Buzzbot. Weren't you even further from completing your mission than ever?" Tinker pressed on, now totally taken in by Buzz’s story.                       "Yep it was pretty dire, I admit that I didn't expect to be here talking with you Tinker," Buzzbot looked at the clock on the wall and nodded again. "Need to finish though, still lots to get through and as I said we’re short on time."