The Romance Of A Pegasus

by bellensnow

Chapter 6~The Engagement

A few weeks ago Crystal and Soarin had both given each other a primary feather. Now as we jump into the present we see what happens when you love somepony like they do. At the next wonder bolt practice Soarin went up to his coach and said "I quit. I found the mare of my dreams and this it to hard to keep doing and be with he at the same time." "Okay." said the coach he was sad to see such a good flyer quit but he had reasons.

At Crystals house she was cooking a meal for her and Soarin's date tonight. She would have never thought about what was going to happen as soon as they finished dinner.

"Okay foods done, house is clean, I think i'm done." Crystal said to herself. *Ding Dong* "Oh the door, that must be Soarin." Crystal thought out loud. She opened the door and let Soarin in."Hey beautiful." He greeted her. Crystal smiled and said "Back at ya." As they ate dinner they talked about things and laughed. After dinner Soarin told Crystal to go sit on the couch. "I'll be right back I have to get something from my saddle bags." He told her. "Okay." Crystal said questionably.
Soarin came back with a small velvet box, opened it and said Crystal Snow will you marry me? "Oh Soarin i'd thought you'd never ask." Crystal said tearing up. "Of course I will." She said as she engulfing him in a hug. "I guess we should get stared on our plans." Crystal said.