Birthday wishes

by Greenblaze

Chapter 1

Today was the day. The day Twilight hated most of all. It was that one day that Twilight didn’t look forward to the entire year. Today was Twilight’s birthday. Twilight never liked a lot of attention and today was the day that she had the most of it.
It was not only Twilight’s birthday, but it was her first birthday as an alicorn princess, which made the whole situation even worse. Twilight KNEW Pinkie pie was up to something BIG. And to top it all off, Twilight and her friends her travelling to Canterlot to celebrate Twilight’s birthday.
“There’s Canterlot over the horizon!” Pinkie pie shrieked.
“Yea.” Twilight said in a solid voice.
 “Oh come Twillie, it’s your birthday, cheer up… oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” Pinkie pie yelled.

“Thank you Pinkie, for literally the 165th time.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Sorry, but I’m SOOOOO happy for you!” Pinkie pie hugged Twilight as hard as she could.

“Pinkie, I think you’re making too big of a deal over this...” Twilight responded trying not to explode with frustration, as she pulled away from Pinkie.

“Well it is your first birthday as an alicorn princess. IT NEEDS TO BE CELEBRATED!!!!” It was obvious that Pinkie was excited.

“Twilight I think y’all have to lighten up! We’re here!” Applejack cried out.

“Oh my! Canterlot is so busy now..” Fluttershy observed.
As they arrived at Canterlot, Twilight was sick with anticipation. As they reached the Royal palace. Rarity was so excited to return to Canterlot that she almost lost her ‘Lady style’ . Fluttershy was on her way to the Royal garden to frolic with the woodland creatures. Applejack was talking to Pinkie pie about the cake. Twilight sighed she almost felt content about her birthday as it brought her friends together to work side by side.


At dusk the four princesses gathered in the ballroom to prepare for the party. As soon as catching eye site with Princess Cadence, Twilight ran to Princess Cadence and did their traditional:

“Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs awake
 Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

“Twilight you have matured so much since we last saw you.” Luna walked up to the two “I'd say you're an alicorn adult already.”  Twilight blushed at the complement.

“Thank you, Princess.” Twilight thanked. Princess Cadence turned to meet Twilight’s eyes and asked:

“So princess, how do you like being a princess?”

“It’s really hard, but I get the BEST deals at the pony flea markets.” Twilight replied.

“That’s the life of a princess, princess.” Princess Celestia spoke up.

“Where are your friends, princess?” Princess Luna asked.

“They’re getting my party ready, princess.”

“Princesses, if I may have a word with you?” A royal guard asked. The four princesses turn to the guard.

“So this is how all the princesses will enter the party. Princess Twilight will walk in the royal doors. While everypony is distracted, the guards will open the windows on the roof to let the princesses in by the roof. Princess Celestia will flutter down in the middle, princess Luna will be on the left, and princess Cadence will be on the right. Princess Cadence will have her mane done up in the ‘Traditional Royal Ceremonial Headdress’, Princess Celestia will wear the solar dress and Princess Luna will wear the lunar dress.” Princess Celestia looked down to the guard’s name tag.

“Thank you Buch!” Princess Celestia replied kindly .“Now, I think it’s time for the party! Good luck every-princess.”


“Now it’s time for the most dreadful time of the year.” Twilight thought miserably.

“May I present to you the princess of the hour...Twilight Sparkle!” The royal guards oppened the doors to reveal Twilight. Cheering erupted from the ponies all around and while they were distracted the trio of princess arrived through the windows.  The party began like an atom bomb! Pinkie Pie burst out of the garden gates with her ‘Party cannon’ and a parade of animals close in line. The cannon was firing left and right shooting balloons, streamers and confetti all around. The animals were doing the ‘Cancan’, while  Applejack was towing an enormous cake of caramel, apple fritter, and applesauce.


How could I have forgotten?! This is Twilight’s BIRTHDAY!!! This comes once a year! I thought I wouldn’t have forgotten to get her a present. Yet here I am.” Spike thought to himself as he ran to the bookshop down the road. Three fillies followed him. Them and Spike alike have forgotten to get Twilight something for her birthday.

“I don’t get it. I was SURE the ‘Coal shoveling’ cutie mark would have worked.” Apple bloom ran.

“Nevermind THAT. We need to focus on what’s important. Getting Twilight’s gift.” Sweetie belle followed Spike closely.

Spike had lived in Canterlot for years. He knew the town like the back of his claw. The bookshop was arriving quickly, so he ran every single book Twilight would like, in his head. The young dragon and the  three fillies turned the corner to find the bookshop. The four ran in faster than you can say ‘cheese’. The fillies and Spike darted in different directions.

Okay, we’re here. Now to find the book.” Spike thought to himself.


To her surprise, Twilight was having fun at her party. Everypony was nice, fun, calm and loved to talk. Twilight FINALLY caught sight of Princess Cadence. She had been wondering something all night, and was glad to ask it. She spoke up above the crowd.

Cadence! I need to talk to you!” Twilight yelled.

WHAT?!” Princess Cadence replied.

May I talk to you!!!!!!!”

OK! Follow me!” Twilight followed Princess Cadence out of the room.

“Hi Twili, what’s up?”

“Do you know where Shining Armor is?”

“Yea I was wondering that too...He told me he was going to the Crystal Empire... to make sure everything was okay. He told me if he was any later than 8...something when really wrong. What makes me worry is that it’s 7:56, he has four minutes to get here or something’s wrong. I really hope he’s okay.”


        Shining armor ran as hard as he could. The cold of the blizzardy north freezing his very bones. But he didn’t care. All he care about was running. To the crystal empire, to the train tracks, to ANYWHERE safe. Fog as dark as night followed his every step. The fog was large, dark ,and had the foggy face in the  darkness.

“King Sombra! What do you want from me?!” Shining armor yelled as he ran away. No replies. Shining Armor turned around quickly, and used a love and light spell. King Sombra dodged it and came closer. Shining armor felt his heart beating like mad, he muscles killed, and he was low on oxygen.

“ANSWER ME!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!” Shining armor yelled.

“You.” With one quick sweep, King Sombra surrounded Shining armor and knocked him out with isoflurane gas. Shining armor fell to the ground, and the world went dark...


“Hey! Where’d Spike go?” Sweetie Belle asked as they wandered around in circles.

“How in the hay am I supposed to know!?” Apple bloom fired back with anger, “Scootaloo you were supposed to be watching him!”

“Oh sure blame me!” Scootaloo retorted.

“Well if you insist... Scootaloo you’re the one to blame because YOU were supposed to watch him, you are also to blame because-” Sweetie belle was cut off by Scootaloo’s punch.

“Shut up!” Scootaloo said.

“You know you guys are to blame. I was supposed to think of things we can get our cutie mark from.” Apple bloom retorted.

“Spike would have known the PERFECT book for Twilight, but because of Scootaloo we lost him.” Sweetie belle said.

“SHUT UP! IT WASN'T MY FAULT WE LOST HIM!!!” Scootaloo yelled.

“It was because of you TWO that all this chaos is happening.” Apple bloom said. Somepony spoke up.

“Did somepony say chaos?” Suddenly a net appeared under the crusaders and lifted them upwards. To their surprise it wasn’t a pony at all! It was a thing with the head of a goat, one wing of a bat, a horn of an antelope, and the tail of a snake.

“Did you girls miss me?” Zippers appeared on the crusader’s mouths, preventing them to talk.

“But let’s chat later.” With that the filly trio disappeared.


“WHY CAN’T I FIND A BOOK!!!” Spike yelled aloud. The library floor was littered with books and scrolls. But yet nothing caught his eye.

“FIND SOMETHING GOOD PLEASE!!!” Spike yelled again. At the corner of his eye, he saw a mare turn the corner of the bookshelf.

“There you are darling! Spike, if you’re looking for a book for Twilight, then you should consider this one...” The mare was white and had a blue mane and tail.

 “Thanks R-Rarity.” Spike felt his scales turn red with embarrassment.

 “Come closer.” Rarity whispered to him he walked forwards and POW!  The world seemed to get darker every second. He saw Rarity change. She was a changeling but not any changeling it was Queen Chrysalis.

“Night-night, Spikey-wikey.” Then the world went dark...