
by I am not a Dalek


Chapter 11- Realisation
(Note: I'm British so I spell it with an "s" not a "z" :3)

Soarin’s name escapes my lips as I push myself out of the darkness to find that it is just after sunrise. The cannula is still in my nose, sending bursts of oxygen down into my throat. The drip is uncomfortably sticking out of my foreleg, pumping Celestia knows what fluids into my body.

I sigh and lean my head back on the pillow, listening to the tick, tick, tick of a clock in an unknown location within my room. I begin to play a game in which I attempt to locate this clock by only using my ears. It’s nowhere to be found.

A nurse who looks fairly nice bustles into the room pushing a trolley along with her. “Good morning, deary. I brought you in some breakfast,” she says sweetly and I stare at her in confusion.

“I’m allowed to eat now?” I ask, praying that it isn’t some mistake.

The nurse smiles and pushes my table over to me, placing a delicious looking dandelion sandwich in front of me. My stomach rumbles in reply as I quickly pick it up and take a huge bite into it, shuddering in delight as the solid food travels down my throat. I have never been so happy to eat in my life.

Since this nurse seems like a good pony, I decide to ask her the most important question in Equestria: “Can you bring Soarin’ in to me, please?” I ask sweetly, deciding to play the nice card for a change.

“I don’t see why not, sweetie!” The nurse smiles before rushing out of the room again, humming a sweet tune as she leaves. Once she has gotten quite a distance away, I am left alone in my silent joy.

Maybe she doesn’t know that I can’t see him? It doesn’t matter now, he’s still coming! I am not going to say anything to the nurse to ruin my chances of seeing him. Maybe she has gone to confirm it with another doctor, a doctor who knows the situation. Or maybe they all agreed that it’d only be fair to let me see him after such a traumatic event. I stare at the door intently, waiting for the light blue Pegasus with the dark blue mane to walk in, with his goofy smile plastered across his face.

After about five minutes of waiting, I give up and accept that he was probably told that he can’t come. Either that or he was discharged and he left to go back to Cloudsdale. I immediately push the thought from my mind and continue to hope for him to walk in.


A knock at the door snaps me instantly out of my daydream in which I was soaring through the sky with Soarin’ as we raced, but in the end we decided to just fly side by side, not really caring about winning or losing. I wouldn’t do that for just any pony.

“Hey Dash,” a familiar voice fills the room, “Sorry I took so long, I had to go through all the discharge forms and whatnot.”

There he is, with his goofy smile and a saddle bag hanging across his back as he hovers by the doorframe.

“Come and sit down, Soar, I won’t be going anywhere.” I pat the chair which has been pushed by my bedside, and the Wonderbolt flies over slowly.

Soarin’ gently kisses my forehead before he sits down beside me, staring into my eyes with his stunning emerald ones. He takes my hoof in his and holds it tightly as if everything depends on it, and right now it feels like it does. It feels as if his grip is what’s stopping everything from crashing and burning around me. His touch alone sends waves of warmth through my body, in fact, I feel better than I have in days.

“So, it’s been a while,” Soarin’ whispers, a smile playing at his lips.

I nod. “It has been. It’s been really hard too; no pony understands what we’ve just been through. The doctors think that if I don’t see you I won’t get traumatised. But in reality, if I don’t see you I end up freaking out more. I needed you Soar, so bad.” I whisper frantically, tears fill my eyes and I quickly attempt to blink them back before Soarin’ see’s them.

Of course, he’s been looking at me ever since he entered the room so he is obviously going to spot them. He, ever so gently, brushes away my tears with the tip of his hoof.

“What happened to the amazing Rainbow Dash who never cries, you’ve cried twice around me in the past two days, am I doing something wrong?” The Pegasus smirks.

I glare at him for a few moments before allowing a smile to spread across my face. “No, you happened to give me feelings. But I swear to Celestia, if you dare tell any pony that I’m soft, I will tan your hide and kick you to Trottingham and back.

Soarin’ laughs somewhat nervously before nodding. “Capiche,” he replies, smartly. “Wait, I gave you feelings? How?”

I flush slightly. “Well you helped me stay calm throughout the whole thing. You made me realise that I don’t always have to hide my emotions because sometimes it’s better to let it all out. You let me show you how I felt without judging me or saying anything about it,” I whisper, still hiding one thing.

I will never be able to tell him that the main way he gave me feelings was causing me to see him like I have with no other stallion before. I have never felt this way about any pony before, and it has opened my eyes. I’m still not too sure if I like the way this is all going, but I’m going to go along with it. I’m going to listen to my heart for once.

Quite frankly, I don’t understand what emotions I am feeling, I have this warm fuzzy feeling whenever I think about him and my stomach flutters whenever I see him.

One simple word enters my head, leaving me in shock: Love.

Love? I have never loved before; this is a new feeling to me. I have had coltfriends before, but I never truly liked them.

Maybe it is love, it could be. I wouldn’t know since I have never experienced it.

No, it can’t be. I always told myself that I would never love, my training always comes first. Love is too soft and sappy for the awesome Rainbow Dash. Still, when I think about it now, I actually would put Soarin’ before my training without a second thought. In fact, I’d risk my life for him without even thinking, I showed that at the night of the avalanche. Could I actually be falling in love? It’s so strange, it’s scary. This is completely new territory for me, I could completely mess this all up.

Soarin’ is clapping his hooves in front of my face and I realise that I must have zoned out for a good few minutes. “Equestria to Dash? Is any pony in there?”

“Yeah, sorry. I was thinking,” I smile at him as if nothing is bothering me.

“Rainbow Dash is thinking?” He grins goofily, “Wow, you really are an egghead! Seriously though, what were you thinking about, I could almost hear the gears grinding.”

I look up at him and smile sadly. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it, you’ll probably find out soon enough.”

“Okay then...” Soarin’ looks at me with worry evident in his eyes. “I need to go and tell Spitfire that I’ve been discharged then I’ll be back, okay? I also want to give your other friends a chance to see you.”

I nod as he swiftly kisses my forehead again and flies out of the room, waving goodbye as he leaves. He glances back at me so quickly that it’s barely noticeable, but I can tell the he, too, is thinking about a lot.

I’m not sure what to do, I can’t exactly tell him how I feel. I’m not even sure of it myself, am I? No, I am. I’m sure of it. I’m not sure how I know or why this has happened to me, but I know that it’s true.

I know that I’m falling in love with Soarin’, and I’m surprisingly not so scared anymore.