//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: One Heart's Destiny // by Robobrony //------------------------------// Chapter 7 It’s been three days now since Heart Wing left Ponyville, so far, the route his parents provided for him in his head had taken him along a path that had plenty of fruit trees so he wouldn’t starve, but how long would that last. “I REALLY should have thought this out better. No food, no supplies, no nothing, it’s not the first time I’ve traveled like this, but still, I barely survived last time. I just know I’m going to be in as bad a shape when I reached Ponyville once I reach Stableton.” Heart Wing complained to himself. It was starting to get dark and Heart Wing would need to find shelter to sleep. Luck was still on his side as he managed to find big enough leaves and sticks to make a makeshift tent just big enough for him to lay down in and some twigs and rocks for a campfire. Building the shelter was easier for him ever since he learned levitation, he no longer had to strain himself to lift and tighten knots he made from vines to hold the thing together. “I sure hope the others are doing ok,….what am I saying, of course they are, Ponyville is a great place, they’re most likely worrying about me, I just wish there was some way for me to let them know I’m doing ok so far.” With those last thoughts, Heart Wing laid down his head in the comfort of his campfire and fell asleep under the night sky. As Heart Wing dreamed, he found himself hovering in another void, this one was like the night sky, he was surrounded by stars. “Now what’s going on, I swear if my parents show up in this dream again.” He was soon confronted by a familiar form as he thought that. “Greetings Heart Wing, I trust you are doing well?” Heart Wing couldn’t believe his eyes, standing before him was princess Luna. “Princess Luna, your highness, what are you doing here, how are you here?” “I am the princess of the night, thus it is my duty to make sure my subjects have peaceful dreams. But that is not why I am here. My sister received a letter from her student and her friends explaining your sudden departure from Ponyville, needless to say, your friends are quit worried about you. I decided to take it upon myself to see you and make sure you’re doing all right so that your friends would not worry so much.” “I…I didn’t mean to cause them so much worry, but with the way my parents made it sound, this is something that I have to do. I was afraid that this would happen.” “Tell me, are you doing ok?” Heart Wing looked to Luna with a goofy grin as he answered. “Well, to be honest, I didn’t really think this whole trip through properly, I left without any supplies at all. So far I’ve been lucky in finding fruit trees so I wouldn’t starve, but who knows how long that will last. So, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Luna took a moment to think. “I think I can help with that, if you do not mind waiting around in your current location, I can have one of my Pegasus guards deliver a saddle bag with enough supplies to last you until you get back to Ponyville.” Heart Wing was surprised to hear such an offer from a princess. “You’d do that for me, but how would a saddle bag hold so many supplies?” Luna just smiled as she answered Heart’s question. “The saddle bag will be enchanted allowing it to hold more than what it seems it’s capable of. Just stay where you are for a while and in two days, a Pegasus will be by with your new supplies.” Heart Wing stammered. “I….I don’t know what to say, thank you your majesty.” “Please, you may address me as Luna.” “Oh, ok then, thank you Luna, I can’t thank you enough for your help, and I also imagine you’ll tell my friends that I’m doing ok?” “Of course, I’ll let them know of my plans, take care Heart Wing, I’ll be sure to check up on you like this each week so I can inform your friends of how you are progressing.” “Thank you again Luna……and also, I never got to thank you for your beautiful nights, I never knew some pony was behind them, and now that I do, I can express my gratitude for it.” “You are welcome Heart Wing, I do so enjoy knowing that my nights are appreciated. I’ll see you in a week to check up on you in this manner again, until next time.” “Good bye Luna, have a great night.” With the goodbyes said, Heart Wing woke up feeling very refreshed, the sun was just now coming up over the horizon as he crawled out of his leaf tent. “So I just need to wait here for two days and I’ll have some supplies, I can do that.” So heart Wing stayed where he was to await his delivery from the generous princess of the night. Two days flew by as Heart Wing waited in his camp site for his impending gift from Luna. It was now mid-day as he waited and soon, the form of a Pegasus came into view. He waved to the Pegasus to get it’s attention. “HEY, DOWN HERE!” It worked as the Pegasus flew down to him, but as it got closer, Heart Wing was struck with familiarity as he looked upon the form. “What, RAINBOW DASH, I don’t believe it, what are you doing here, not that I’m not happy to see you but………how did you find me?!” Rainbow Dash chuckled a little at Heart’s surprised look on his face. “Heh heh, hey Heart, glad to see you too.” Heart Wing smiled as he looked upon Rainbow Dash, he then quickly rushed over to her and grabbed her in a hug. “Oh my gosh, I’m so happy to see you!” Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes as Heart Wing hugged her, then a smile crept on her face, she was glad to see him, but she didn’t want to let on how much she missed him. “It’s good to see you too.” She reiterated. Heart Wing then broke the embrace and bombarded her with questions. “What are you doing here, why are you here, how did you find me, why-“ His assault of queries was silenced with a hoof to his mouth. “Easy Heart, give me a chance to explain for ponies sake. Look, after your talk with Luna, she informed us of what was going on, when she told us that she was going to send you some supplies that YOU forgot to plan for and pack, we all jumped at the chance to help out. We started making plans on what each of us could send for you, we quickly contacted Luna to let her know that we wanted to send you some things, so she sent a letter back saying that she would send the bag our way so we could pack it ourselves.” “And is that the bag?” Heart Wing noticed a dark blue saddle bag with a crescent moon on the buckle. “Yep, Once the bag came, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack took care of filling it with plenty of food, Rarity put in her two story tent which is easy to set up for us to use, and Twilight-“ “Woa woa woa, US, what do you mean us, don’t tell me your coming with me?” Rainbow smiled as she began to explain. “Well yeah, I mean, we couldn’t let you do this alone, and it would be too much trouble if all of us came along, so I volunteered to go with you, it only makes sense after all, I am the toughest of the group. Well, next to Twilight, but that’s only because she’s so good with magic.” “But what about your job, your home, don’t you have responsibilities back there?” “Don’t worry, I cleared it with the mayor, she said I had enough vacation time saved up and said it was ok, and Fluttershy said she’d watch my pet turtle for me.” “So let me get this straight, you managed to save up six months-worth of vacation time? I find that hard to believe. And how do you have a pet turtle, I kind of find it hard to believe that you would have one of the slowest creatures in the world as a pet.” “It’s kind of a long story, anyway, like it or not, I ‘m coming with you to make sure nothing bad happens to you on your trip. Some ponies gotta keep an eye on you.” Heart Wing smiled at Rainbow. “Guess I don’t have much of a choice then do I?” Rainbow smirked. “Nope, I’m sticking to you like bees to honey. OH, I almost forgot, since Twilight won’t be able to teach you any magic herself, she sent along a bunch of magic books for you to study so you can learn while we travel.” “That’s great, I can’t wait to get started, but I suppose we should get going now, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover, I’ll take the bag then.” Heart Wing then levitated the bag off Rainbow Dash and set it on his own back. “Thanks for coming with me Rainbow Dash, this trip would have felt so lonely without some pony with me, and I can’t think of a better travel companion.” “Hey, don’t worry about it, what are-“ “Friends for I know, you don’t have to keep reminding me.” The two shared a good laugh at that. “So, if there’s nothing else, lets hit the skies.” Heart Wing then flew up with Rainbow Dash right behind him. After a few hours of flying, the sun was now starting to set, they decided to land and set up camp to rest for the night, now was a perfect time to see this two story tent Rarity packed for them. They found a clearing and Rainbow set up a campfire. Heart Wing took the bag off his back and set it on the ground, he opened it up and wondered how he was supposed to pull out what he needed. “Luna told me that you just think about the item you want to pull out when you reach your hoof in and you’ll get it.” Rainbow informed. “Is that all, sounds simple enough.” Heart then reached into the bag and thought to himself ‘Rarity’s tent’ and suddenly, he felt something come up to his hoof, he took hold of it and pulled it out. “Um, Rainbow Dash, I think the charm on this bag isn’t working, this doesn’t look like a tent.” Heart Wing had pulled out a small white cube with a string attached to it. Rainbow Dash chuckled at Heart Wing’s confusion. “Heh heh, just set it on the ground, pull the string and stand back.” Heart Wing looked at Rainbow skeptically but did as she instructed. He found an open space near the camp fire, set the cube down, pulled on the string and took a few steps back, as soon as he pulled the string, a whistling wind erupted from the cube as a massive purple tent erupted from the tiny cube, the tent was decorated with yellow stars and a white crescent moon, with gold lining on the corners, there was even a balcony on the second story. Heart Wing’s mouth hung open at the sight, he couldn’t believe such a big fancy looking tent, could come from such a small cube. Rainbow saw the look on Heart’s face and just started laughing at his bewilderment. “HA HA, you should see the look on your face HA HA HA!” Heart Wing shook his head to regain his sense. “WOW, Rarity is letting us use this, that’s some tent.” “Meh, a little too fancy for my taste, but it is roomy.” Rainbow managed to get control of herself after her laughing fit. She then went over to the bag and pulled out two pies for dinner, one for her and one for Heart Wing. Heart Wing then went over to the bag and pulled out all the books Twilight put in there for him to study. There was at least twelve in total, some covering defensive spells, some covering offensive spells, basically various types of spells for Heart Wing to learn. Before Heart got started on the spell books, he figured that, while he joined Rainbow in front of the fire to eat the pie she pulled out for him, now would be a good time to learn more about his new friends. “So, Rainbow Dash, how did you and the others meet, I’ve only known you all for a few days, so I really hardly know anything about you.” Rainbow Dash smiled with a mouth full of pie, she promptly swallowed so she could speak. “Oh boy are you in for a treat, it’s a harrowing tale of great deeds and adventure.” Rainbow Dash then began to tell the tale of how she and the others first met in Ponyville, about how Luna used to be this evil creature of night called Nightmare Moon, and about how she and the gang defeated Nightmare Moon and turned her back into Luna using these six magical artifacts called the elements of harmony. Heart Wing hung on to every word as Rainbow recounted her first adventure with her new friends, Heart was very impressed by all they did to save Luna from being a tyrant of darkness. “WOW, that’s some story, I wish I could have been there.” “Hey, don’t worry about it, were having our own adventure right now aren’t we?” Heart Wing perked up a little at Dash’s words. “Yeah, I guess we are, there’s no telling what kind of trouble we could find out here, I just hope it’s nothing we can’t handle.” “Are you kidding, with me around, anything we face will be a piece of cake.” Rainbow flew up off the ground a few feet as she boasted. Heart Wing chuckled at Rainbow’s bragging. “I feel so much safer with you around.” He said with a bit of sarcasm, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to pick up on it though as she landed back to the ground and lay next to the fire. Heart finally was able to get to the books Twilight gave him and started reading the book with defensive spells, he would definitely have to try them out some time. After a while of reading, he heard Rainbow give out a yawn. “*YAWN* Well, I don’t know about you but I’m ready to hit the hay.” She went over to the bag and pulled out two sleeping bags. “This is your bag, I’ll set it up for you in the tent. Good night Heart.” “Thanks Rainbow, see you in the morning.” Heart answered back before going back to his book. He continued to read for a while longer until he started to feel sleepy too, he set the books he pulled out back in the bag, levitated it up and took it in the tent with him, inside, he saw a cloth staircase to the side that led to the second floor. He set the bag next to the entrance and found his sleeping bag in the center of the first floor next to a sleeping Rainbow Dash. Being careful not to wake her, he removed his cloak and set it next to his sleeping bag, laid down and got comfortable. Before sleep took him, his final thoughts were how lucky he was to have such great friends, he was really going to have to try and get back to them as soon as possible. He let out a yawn and fell asleep. The next morning came as Heart sat up and stretched his limbs as he let out a yawn. He looked over to Rainbow just in time to see her waking up as well. “Monrin Dash, sleep well?” Rainbow looked over at him with a groggy look in her eyes and a messy bed mane. She smiled as she looked to Heart. “Yep, how about you?” “Like a log, say Rainbow, after breakfast, would you mind helping me test a spell I learned last night?” Rainbow Dash began to look nervous as she responded back. “Uh, what kind of spell?” “I want to try out a shielding spell I found in that book I was going over last night.” Rainbow was certainly relieved to hear that. “Is that all, no problem, but how am I gonna help with that?” “Easy, I’m gonna try and put up a magic barrier and I want you to throw rocks at me to see if I got it down.” “Are you sure about that, I don’t want to hurt you.” “It’ll be fine, I need the practice, anyway, let’s eat.” Heart Wing then levitated the bag over to them and let Rainbow pull out the food for breakfast, she would have to be in charge of the food coming out since she knows what’s in there. Once breakfast was over, Heart decided to leave his cloak in the bag for now for safe keeping, he and Rainbow put their sleeping bags into the bag and exited the tent. Heart Wing looked at it curiously. “So, how do we get it back into the bag?” He asked Rainbow. “Just pull the same string again and it’ll shrink back down.” Heart Looked around the tent and found the same string he pulled to set it up. He gave it another pull and, just like Rainbow said, it shrank back down to a little cube. “Well, this will make things easy. Remind me to thank Rarity for this tent when we get back.” Heart then picked up the now collapsed tent and placed it in the bag as well. “So, you ready to help me with my practice?” “All right then, whenever you’re ready.” Heart noticed a few small rocks scattered about their former camp site and levitated them into a pile next to Dash. He remembered about how the spell went from reading it last night and flared up his horn to put up his first barrier. Soon, he found himself in a white clear dome surrounding himself. “So far so good. Ok Dash, let it rip, give me your best shot.” Rainbow picked up a rock and readied herself to throw it. “Just remember, you asked for this.” She warned. She drew her arm back and threw the rock with all her might at Heart Wing. To both their relief, the rock made contact with Heart’s barrier and fell to the ground. Heart Wing cheered. “HAH, it worked, go ahead, try again Dash.” Once she saw it was working, she had an idea that would be fun to launch them at Heart. “Get ready Heart, I’m about to really let loose.” Rainbow Dash then picked up all the rocks and flung them straight up, she then quickly turned around and started bucking them one after the other towards heart in quick succession. The rocks went flying through the air to Heart Wing and each one made contact with his barrier and fell to the ground. Heart Wing smiled at his success. “Well, I guess I’ve got that down, thanks for helping me with my training Dash.” Heart then let the barrier disappear. “No swat, that was kinda fun, you should let me chuck rocks at you more often.” Now with the training session out of the way, Heart Got their bag and took to the air to continue their journey. The days went on as they journeyed closer to the borders of Equestria, along the way, Rainbow Dash would tell Heart Wing all about the adventures she and the others had before he came along, about how Pinkie Pie had this strange ability to predict sudden and vague events with these twitches she gets and calls it her Pinkie sense, about how Fluttershy was able to reduce a dragon to tears, the time when Rainbow Dash entered the best Young Flyers competition and Rarity, with a pair of butterfly wings Twilight gave her so they could cheer Rainbow on, entered as well, only for her wings to evaporate and Rainbow performed a sonic rainboom to save her and the wonderbolts after they got knocked out when they tried to save her. She went on to tell Heart about the grand galloping galla, Discord’s attack on Ponyville, and many other adventures they had. Heart Wing was more impressed with the whole changling invasion that took place. Without warning, Rainbow started to descend to the ground, Heart Wing saw and followed her. Upon landing, Heart Wing spoke to her. “Rainbow Dash, what’s wrong, why did you stop?” Rainbow Dash looked away nervously. She looked back and began. “Can you keep a secret?” Heart Was a little taken back by the question that came out of the blue, but answered anyway. “Sure, I can keep a secret, what’s wrong?” She hesitated for a moment. “It’s just that, well, I’ve never been outside Equestria, and were about to cross its borders, I’m just a little afraid of what we’ll find.” Heart Wing couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He then thought of a way to try and cheer her up. “Hey, don’t worry, the path in my head is taking us through some familiar places I’ve been to, some of the areas we’ll be going through are unfamiliar to me, but don’t worry, you’ve got me to protect you.” He smirked as he said that. Rainbow Dash glared at Heart upon hearing this. “EXCUSE ME, you protect me?! In case you forgot, I’m here to protect you, I don’t need protection, I’m the toughest pony around!” “That’s what I thought, so are you ready to go now?” Heart Wing kept his smirk on. Rainbow noticed and soon was struck by realization. She smirked back. “Ha ha, very funny, come on tough guy, let’s go.” The two took back to the skies to pass beyond the borders of Equestria, not really aware of what’s to come.