//------------------------------// // Machines, Medicines and a whole lot of kindness // Story: The mission of Buzzbot // by Golden Paw //------------------------------//         Buzz's pupils shrunk to dots, "Wha.....what do you meant Twilight? I'm a unicorn like you!" She said with a sinking feeling. Twilight frowned and with a flick of her magical horn pinned Buzzbot in the bed. The magic was strong, but only powerful enough to keep her in place.         Twilight turned to look at ‘Redheart’ who nodded and brought out a sheet of x-ray paper. Twilight kept holding Buzz in place with her magic even as she levitated the proffered sheet up to the window. All the ponies could see what was there and Buzzbot knew what that meant, but it didn't make it any better. The image on the x-ray sheet was not of a pony, well it was pony shaped but instead of the normal bones and muscles were servos and gears.         Buzzbot had to think fast. A fault with the x-ray machine? No they'd never buy that. She couldn't tell them the truth so...... "I don't understand, what’s that an x-ray of?" She made her eyes widen in shock and feigned ignorance. If she could bluff that she was in the dark as much as the rest of the ponies in the room, there may just be a way through this. "Is... is that.....meant to be me?" Buzz went on, putting all her ingenious programming to use.         Fluttershy, Rarity and Nurse Redheart all looked to Twilight who was examining the x-ray with her back to them. If Buzzbot had needed to hold her breath she would have. Eventually Twilight turned around. "Nurse Redheart assured me that it is, I don't know what you are Stage Cloak but you are not a pony. We double checked all the results and this is correct. So I will ask you again, what are you?" Twilight pressed on in the same tone, not harsh but very definite. Buzz would have to make this next act a good one. "I.... I don't know what you're talking about," She let out a little sniffle and caused her eyes to water.         "She's not a changeling is she?" Fluttershy whispered in a very quiet voice. Nurse Redheart shook her head and Buzz made her eyes look pained. Oh great now they think I am some kind of emotion sucking vampire pony, that's not much better than a time travelling robot. Rarity gave a little gasp at the thought that she may had invited a changeling into her home. But Twilight put all their fears to rest:         "No, she's not a changeling. We ruled that out to start with after what happened at Shining Armour's wedding. I read up all I could on them and Stage Cloak doesn't have the tell tale signs.” Twilight’s expression was stern, “That still doesn’t tell us what she is though, only what she isn't." Twilight's voice had taken on a fascinated tone and a small fire of hope sprung up in Buzzbot's mind, the robot could use that curiosity.         Buzz put on her best puppy dog eyes and looked imploringly at Twilight, "You mean I’m not a normal pony? Then what am I?" Look scared and alone. Be on the verge of tears. After several tense moments Twilight’s face softened.         "What's the first thing you remember?" Twilight pulled out a notebook, quill and began writing down Buzzbot's answers. Phew, could have been far worse. Buzz thought as she slipped easily into her prepared story.         "That's why I came to Ponyville," Buzzbot finished up. She’d taken great care in putting together her back history before she had even left her own time. It was a cover story that could hold up to all but the most detailed scrutiny and it would easily be enough to convince Twilight and the others that ‘Stage Cloak’ honestly believed she was real.         Buzz sugar-coated it with a sad smile, implying that she truly wanted to add more but didn't know what to say. Buzz honestly felt bad for deceiving these ponies, they were heroes of her past and their exploits were taught in schools for Celestia's sake. But it was far more important to keep the whole of history intact than to spare their feeling when they finally did discover the truth. The cover wouldn't last forever, but hopefully long enough for Buzzbot to come up with a better plan.         Fluttershy moved up and gave Buzz a hug while Rarity gently patted her hoof. Twilight retained her studious expression while worked the feather of the quill up and down her chin. Buzz could almost see Twilight’s mind racing. Of course there had been stories of pony foals being taken and replaced with something else, but they almost always boiled down to changeling attacks. She’s never seen anything like ‘me’ before.         Buzz was something different, something new. The first thing Twilight should do was to tell some pony in authority, maybe write a letter to Celestia. That would be the wise thing to do. It was what Buzz’s Twilight would have done if there was any unknown creature in Ponyville. Buzz watched Twilight’s expression became one of determination.         "The fastest way to get to the bottom of this is to ask Celestia," Twilight announced before smiling helpfully at 'Stage Cloak'. The machine smiled back with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. One she didn't feel, but buzz was committed to this plan for good or ill so would have to follow through.         "You would? That would be wonderful......" Buzz trailed off on purpose. Gah, time to play the heart strings card again. "But what if they find out that I am something bad? What would would happen then?" Buzz summoned a few more tears into her eyes. "Can't you just give me a few days to recover, I haven't done anything wrong and I want a chance to prove that I am a good.....um whatever I am." For a moment Buzzbot feared she may have over egged it, but slowly Twilight nodded if even a little unsure.         "I guess a couple of days wouldn't hurt. The Princess is very busy and we could have a couple of ponies keep an eye on you. Plus I haven't exhausted all the books that may hold the answers we need," Twilight reasoned out loud. Buzz didn't dare add anything else. She had manipulated the ponies around her too much already.         Buzz would never have gotten away with anything like this with the full alicorn Princess Twilight. That or any of the other Element Bearers from Buzzbot's time she was sure. But these were much younger versions of themselves and though very skilled and heroic in their own ways they still had so much to learn.         The worst threat of all would have been Applejack who was said to be able to sniff out a lie from across a crowded room. Buzz thanked the Princesses Eternal for the small mercy that Applejack wasn't present. Even the younger version of the element of Honesty would have doomed her latest ploy from the word go.         "That's settled then," Twilight looked much happier now she that had a plan of action. "I'll go and see what I can read up on. There must be something about what and who you are Stage Cloak. Don't worry we'll figure this out."  With that parting reassurance Twilight headed out of the door.         "Thank you all so much." Buzz said in a relieved tone. She smiled to Fluttershy who was busy changing the flannel on her forehead. Buzz then focused on Rarity who still looked uneasy, "And especially you Rarity, I don't know what I would have done without your support." This comment made Buzz’s insides turn to ice.         Rarity had done so much for her already and she was genuinely grateful for her help. Deceiving was second nature to Buzzbot yet it was getting harder and harder to keep on at it. As she grew to care for these ponies, each new lie felt more like a betrayal. The ends would justify the means Buzz told herself, plus what else could she do now but play the role she had set up?         Since her 'episode' as Rarity called it, Buzz was never left alone any more. Different ponies would take turns to watch her and it was an uncertain time for all. Neither Buzz nor her minders were sure if she was being guarded or taken care of. With Buzz’s confinement at Rarity's home and her magic burnt out Buzz could do little about this either way. At least she could still model for Rarity. This chafed with Buzzbot but there was nothing for it but to make the best of things.         Buzzbot and Rarity were working on one of these dresses now. Rarity was just readjusting her work glasses for a particularly tricky seam when there was a quiet knock on the front door. Rarity sighed, before putting down her work and opened the boutique’s door to reveal Fluttershy standing meekly with ‘Angel Bunny’ on her back. After some happy greetings Rarity ushered Fluttershy in and Buzz could only smile in greeting. She was busy holding a pose for Rarity’s latest creation. Having let Fluttershy in, Rarity then resumed her work, tugging at Buzz’s hem with a critical eye. Fluttershy waited quietly as they finished last few adjustments. Finally Rarity was ready she smiled and lifted her glasses with a flash of magic before placing them neatly on her work desk.         "I'm so glad you could help Fluttershy, while I love Stage's company I must run some errands in town and Twilight insisted that Stage Cloak should not be left alone." Rarity said in a tired tone. She hadn't slept well since Buzz had been using her bed and been forced to use the spare room. Buzz felt her heart go out to Rarity. She was giving so freely, she wasn't known as the Element of Generosity for nothing.         "Oh it's my pleasure Rarity, I wanted to check in on Stage too, she was running such a fever a couple of days ago. I also brought Angel Bunny along for some company." Fluttershy smiled at Buzz before asking. "Is your magic still not working?" Buzz shook her head sadly. "Oh dear, has Twilight or Nurse Redheart found anything to explain it?"         "Twilight hasn't found anything, I think nurse Redheart would help but her knowledge is with ponies and not, well with whatever I am," answered Buzzbot in a resigned tone. Now I am getting a bit of a taste of what Tinker Track has to go through. Without her magic Buzz was little more than an earth pony with a horn. She now had a newfound respect for the down to earth ponies of Equestria.           At the thought of Buzzbot's creator she felt a fresh surge of annoyance. Buzz had all the data she could want on Rarity and all the data she would willingly risk getting on Pinkie Pie. Buzz was worried prolonged exposure to Pinkie could cause another brain crash.         She still didn't know how Pinkie had escaped that alleyway to this day. Some things just aren't meant to be understood, just believed. Buzzbot didn't really like that idea. It seemed a bit of a cop-out to her. Buzz resolved to discover the answer to that question or ever she got the chance.         With another thankful hug from Fluttershy, followed by a sad wave to Buzz, Rarity set out on her tasks. At least Fluttershy's visit gave the machine a good chance to study the Element of Kindness so Buzz couldn't complain. Buzz had heard of Fluttershy’s legendary capacity for compassion, though now seeing the mare in the flesh Buzz found it hard to believe that this pony had faced down a fully grown dragon and even made it cry.         Buzzbot's attention turned to the little white rabbit accuponing Fluttershy. The bunny seemed to have the pegasus 'under its paw' as it were and Fluttershy clearly doted on her little ‘Angel'. After about half an hour, Buzz personally thought that ‘Angel’ was the worst name ever for the little terror.         The small rabbit had taken one look at her, then in turn Buzz at him then by some shared connection they both knew deep in their souls (assuming either of them had one, at least Buzzbot had the excuse of being a machine. But after spending most of the day with the rabbit Buzz doubted the fluffy animal did either) that they were destined not to be friends.         Not much to Buzzbot's surprise ‘Opal Essence’ (Rarity's pampered cat) and Angel Bunny already seemed to have some sort of mutual understanding, probably their common dislike of Buzz sumised. Opal had done her best to avoid Buzz any time she’d came to the Boutique. Buzzbot being stuck here all day and night hadn't aided relations with the cat. Then again, maybe both animals recognized a fellow spoiled pet as a kindred spirit, either way they were both here and they were doing their best to make Buzzbot's stay as uncomfortable as possible.         Their first ploy was to constantly get under Buzzes hooves so that no matter where she tried to sit or stand they would accidentally be there first. Their second trick was far subtler, Angel and Opal got it into their heads to chase each other, their alliance seemingly to come to an end.         This breakdown of relations lasted just long enough for the soup that Fluttershy had just made for Buzzbot to be knocked all over Buzz. Fluttershy apologized and Buzz assured her it was fine. She could however see both the little mammals with triumphant expressions over Fluttershy’s shoulder.         Right then, that's the way we’re going to play this is it? Buzzbot had lots of practice being underhoofed herself and after the soup, it became a secret war. Any time Fluttershy wasn't watching pranks would be flying back and forth. Opal's food got sneezing powder on it, then Buzzbot's tail got mistakenly caught in the oven door when Fluttershy was making dinner. In response Angel Bunny somehow found himself mixed up in the laundry and ended up being hung outside to dry.         Both sides were veterans of covert warfare and Fluttershy was oblivious to the petty carnage that was being wrought by both forces. Sadly however, as with all secrets, they came to light eventually and this of course happened in the most spectacular way. One that neither party would have wanted. Fluttershy was just setting things out for dinner for when Rarity came home. A tense ceasefire had settled as Buzzbot, Angel Bunny and Opal Essence plotted their ultimate knockout blows.         "Stage Cloak would you please get us the plates then we will be ready for the main course," Buzz nodded in response to Fluttershy while keeping one eye on the pets who were looking far too innocent for her liking. She didn't buy that act for a moment.         Buzzbot stepped around Fluttershy to get the plates from the kitchen counter. With precision and skill Buzz gathered Rarity's dishes, resting them on her back and ready to carry them to the table. Meanwhile Fluttershy had with great care balanced the main serving tray with salad bowl and bread along with dips and sauces on her own back supported by her wings.         Buzzbot was putting most of her effort into making sure the plates remained on her back, but was also doing her best to keep an eye on her nemesi. A job made far simpler with independent camera eyes which can be so handy at times. This left only one eye to focus on where Buzz was going. These facts combined meant that Buzzbot didn't notice Rarity coming in the front door or that Angel Bunny was unaccounted for.         "I'm back girls and my that smells delightful!" Rarity's voice carried into the kitchen diner. She was just making her way in when the pets sprung their trap. All too late Buzzbot realized she could only see Opal Essence and that Angel Bunny was out of her vision.         The small rabbit with deft and cunning had positioned himself to trip Buzzbot up, who failed to catch herself in time and stumbled. As Buzz lost her balance the plates on her back began to totter and fall, but that wasn't the worst of it. Buzz, while trying to regain her footing, stood on Fluttershy's pink tale and she began to fall too.         It seemed almost like slow motion that plates, bread, salad and dips began to fly through the air. With comic timing Rarity's happy face came around the doorway in time to meet the airborne condiments with a 'spluck'. The smashing sound came soon after as Rarity's china met the floor. There was a final tinkle and a 'wum wum' of a spinning plate that somehow survived the journey down before all was silent.         All eyes in the room turned to Rarity who just stood there shaking with her pupils huge in her wide eyes. The mixture of sauces had covered her face, mane and most of her front legs. Rarity's shock was as nothing compared to the volcano that Buzz, Angel and Opal had awoken when Fluttershy got to her hooves. She rounded on the three participants of the fiasco and her eyes had turned dangerous.         "That-is-enough! I have let you play your little games all day and I said nothing! I let you pull those little pranks as no real harm was done! But this, Rarity has let you into her home and given you a place to stay and this is how you repay her!" Fluttershy condemned the guilty three.         The raised voice and anger was terrifying to behold from such a sweet pony, but the stare she gave them was the worst of it. Buzzbot felt like her circuits were being vaporized. All her programming was being unwritten and she was dwindling to nothing but a pile of smouldering ash at the base of an impact crater.           The two animals fared no better as Fluttershy's disapproval bored into them. With a little sound the rabbit collapsed and lay twitching on the floor with paws over his eyes. Opal having a bit more reserve just cowered before Fluttershy all her fur flattened back.         "Now, you will all clean this mess up. Then you will make your apologies to Rarity for letting her down so badly." Fluttershy's voice had lost volume, but none of its authority or impact. It seemed like an age of the world had occurred before Buzzbot could move again and then only to hang her head in shame. Once again she’d been out of order. Buzz should never have let Angel or Opal get under her ‘skin’ like that.         With that final proclamation the normally tender Fluttershy went over to comfort Rarity. Rarity hadn't moved, just standing there as food dribbled down her muzzle. Buzz could just make out Rarity's trembling lip and occasional eye twitch before Fluttershy raced to her friend's aid.                  I will never doubt the reputation of the Element Bearers ever again. Buzz promised herself. She had just assumed that Fluttershy was the push over she’d had first seemed to be. Buzzbot more than most ponies should have realized that what you see on the outside is often far from the truth.         It was also true that a pony or creature who had been on the receiving end of Fluttershy's stare would never forget the experience. There were many of theories about how certain powers such as Fluttershy's infamous 'stare' or a cockatrice's petrifying gaze could have any effect on pony-bots. Buzzbot could certainly put some of that debate to rest after getting both barrels from the irate pegasus.         What was more unsettling for the robot was how Fluttershy was back to her normal timid self so soon after unleashing the wrath of ‘Tartarus’ upon them. It was like opening a door to a blast furnace on full power, then shutting it again, leaving nothing but a burning image and the recipient with frazzled hair.         Once Buzz and the pets were performing their assigned penance Fluttershy had tended to Rarity like a saint. She was in a terrible state, but under the well practised hooves of Fluttershy, Rarity was almost back to her normal dazzling self by the time the kitchen was restored to the same state.         Fluttershy had Buzzbot, Angel Bunny and Opal Essence lined up before Rarity to beg for her forgiveness. It took some time but Rarity assured them all that it was alright. The ordeal of the 'stare' was enough punishment for them all in her opinion. They then sat down to the remains of the evening meal without complaint.         As impressive (and down right mind-numbingly scary) as Fluttershy's stare was, it was the skill at which she could comfort, forgive and help those around her which impressed Buzzbot the most. The gentle filly could be sharp when needed, but after the lesson was learnt she showed even more love.         You wanted to be a better pony around her and didn't want to let Fluttershy down. It took a pony with a special kind of mettle to walk up to a raging manticore to see how you could help it with it's troubles. This despite the fact it was ready to rip you in half a few moments previously.         Buzzbot wondered if that was why Fluttershy had such an effect when she did finally get angry. She truly seemed to believe that deep down every pony (or mythical creature for that matter) was really good at heart, that they were just letting themselves and others down when they were being mean.         Buzzbot watched as Fluttershy fluffed Angel bunny's tail and rubbed his tummy making the little rabbit's foot jiggle. Buzz had reformed her opinion of the little white rabbit somewhat, though still a tiny terror. He had room for improvement and Buzz certainly felt that she did too.         To her surprise Buzz was happy. Despite being stuck here in Ponyville with little to no chance of getting her magic back. The lessons she was learning from Equestria's past were more than she could have hoped for. Kindness was a greatly overlooked talent Buzzbot realised. She wouldn't make that same mistake again.         The next day Pinkie Pie came by to properly apologise to Rarity and Buzzbot for ruining the shop during her Pinkie invasion. She was determined to throw a 'Make it up to all of you' party and Pinkie Pie was also Buzzbot's assigned minder for the day.         Buzz was hesitant at this, she still hadn't had a chance to patch things up with Pinkie Pie either and so wasn't looking forward to having to spend the whole day with her. Plus Buzz wasn't certain that her brain could cope with prolonged exposure to her sheer 'Pinkieness'. Then again on the plus side Nurse Redheart had deemed Buzz fit to go out and about now, so if things got too much Buzz could always make a run for it.         "Okie dokie lokie. This day is gonna be so funarific! What do you wanna do?" Pinkie asked her charge. "I get to spend the whole day with you, won't that be great! We can organize the entire party together!" Pinkie was already bouncing down the street in her merry way, Buzz following with far less enthusiasm. This just caused Pinkie to double back, but nothing it seemed could annoy her as she happily leaped around Buzzbot instead. Having to keep pace with Buzz was no inconvenience for Pinkie at all.         "Um, Pinkie I just want to say how sorry I am for losing my temper the other day," Buzz finally managed to get out over the lump in her throat. Pull yourself together Buzz, you don't even have a throat. These emotions are still really hard to control.         "Aww that's already forgotten Buzz, you didn't really mean any harm and it was kinda funny to see you lit up like a Hearth Warming tree." Both Pinkie and Buzzbot stopped dead at this idle comment. Buzz's eyes full of shock and Pinkie Pie looking confused. Another shudder shook Pinkie and her voice took on that strange quality that Buzz was becoming accustomed to.         "That is very strange, I called you Buzz. But I know your name is Stage Cloak. What a very odd occurrence." Pinkie was looking at Buzz with that distant gaze again. Pinkie then reared up once more and began that strange dance she would do around Buzzbot. It still looked far too 'robotic' for Buzz to be comfortable with. Mercifully her antics didn't draw much attention with Buzz simply hearing the occasional, “It’s just Pinkie Pie..”         The moment passed and Pinkie was her old self again. Given a thousand years I will never understand that pony. The 'Pinkie Sense' was one of the biggest conundrums for theorists of Buzzbot's time and whole schools had been set up to study this 'Chaos theory' in a safe and controlled environment (well most of the time).         The then reformed Discord attended and even taught sometimes as a special guest. There was never a dull moment at the 'College of the Totally Random' or C.T.R. No surprise Pinkie Pie was proudly C.T.R's  first honours student. Buzzbot simply had to keep repeating the mantra to herself: Some things in Equestria just don't make sense. Buzz felt her brain itching and she feared that beginnings of another CPU overload.         "I'm glad you don't hold it against me Pinkie, can we have a fresh start huh?" Buzzbot smiled at Pinkie Pie who nodded. "Yep, new folder [please type file name here] for Stage Cloak and I"  Pinkie beamed and then tried to think about what she just said. Buzzbot just face hoofed, this was going to be a long day.