//------------------------------// // Gift of Generosity // Story: The mission of Buzzbot // by Golden Paw //------------------------------//         "My dear Stage Cloak, you don't seem to be yourself. Is something the matter?" Rarity asked Buzz. It had been three days since the welcome to Ponyville party and Buzz was settling into her assumed role of Stage Cloak, but a nagging notion was still lurking in the back of her mind.         When did I begin to feel true emotions? Am I even meant to? She looked into her memories and tried to pinpoint it. As she worked back Buzzbot began to realize that there had been other times when she had felt emotional. Pinkie's party had just been a stronger example of what was already forming within her. These thoughts had been bouncing around her head so much that it was starting to show. "Sorry Miss Rarity, I’ve just got a lot on my mind," Buzz replied. Rarity lifted her hoof to her mouth to hide a small chuckle.         "I can see that darling, you've been awful quiet and you’re stitching that same piece of fabric for the third time my dear," Buzz focused on what her magic was doing and realized Rarity was indeed correct. Buzz was on the third lap along the hemline of the deep blue dress before her.         "Oh Miss Rarity, I am so sorry!" Buzz let out as another wave of emotions came over her, showing up crimson on her face that had little to do with an emulated response. Embarrassment, another one to add to the list, Buzz mentally tallied. How did ponies deal with it? They were so sudden, so raw.         "It's quite alright Stage, no lasting harm done," Rarity added with a little smile. "Would you like to talk about it?" She pressed on while neatly putting down the garment she was working on, taking great care so that it wouldn't crease.         Buzz knew she should decline the offer. She wouldn't know where to begin trying to explain it all to Rarity, even if she could without blowing her cover. But part of her, the one that was becoming more and more vocal, yearned to talk to somepony. She would normally have spoken to future Tinker Track about it, but that simply wasn't an option right now.         All her programming hadn't prepared Buzzbot for this eventuality, Tinker certainly had’nt said anything about it. She was to assume roles and cast them aside, leaving the pretend feelings behind too. But as Buzz spent a greater amount of time in Ponyville and the more she learnt from real ponies, the stronger her feelings were becoming.         "Thank you Miss Rarity, it will pass. I promise I will keep my mind on my work in the future." Buzz answered, pulling herself together again. Logic, programming, that’s what is important.         Rarity didn't look convinced and gave Buzz a long stare. She looked to the overworked dress and then back up to Buzzbot before coming to a conclusion.         "Stage Cloak, I am taking you to the spa. You have been working very hard these last few days and your methods are so precise. I cannot fault your craft until today my dear. However one must take care not to wear one’s self out. You need to unwind sometimes. You have earned yourself that at least darling." Rarity said in a no nonsense tone.         Buzz opened her mouth to assure Rarity that she was fine, but before any words came out the ‘Element of Generosity’ held up her hoof, "I will not be taking no for an answer." With that Rarity lit her horn, and began packing up the day’s projects. Once things were all in order Rarity hustled Buzzbot out the door and locked up the shop with a wink of triumph.         Buzzbot didn't put up much resistance after that and let Rarity lead the way through Ponyville's streets. Well now you’re going to get some alone time with Rarity at least. Chances like this don't come about all that often and it should be jumped upon. But the now increasingly confused machine was finding it hard to know what she was supposed to do with herself. Her heart wasn't in the mission at the moment.         There were a large number of ponies on the streets, it was another fine day in Ponyville and the locals were making the most of it. Rarity wasn't slowed down as she nimbly picked her way through the throng, she was a pony on a mission. The pair arrived at the spa and ‘Lotus Blossom’ was the first to greet the spa’s best customer before Rarity led her guest inside.         "Ah Lotus, Aole! I’m here for my usual, and the same for my new friend Stage Cloak!" The blue spa pony nodded, rushed to get her sister Aloe whispering excitedly to her pink colleague.         Before Buzz really understood what was going on, she found herself resting on a comfortable couch with the beauticians fussing and pampering both her and Rarity with all the delights the spa had to offer.         "So much better. Now Stage please tell me what’s been troubling you. Ever since the party you haven't been your cheerful self I met on that first day?" Rarity asked as Lotus applied Rarity’s face mask. Even after having two cucumber slices placed over her eyes Buzz could feel their focus on her, boring into her like a drill. Buzz was about to give into the urge to just tell Rarity everything when Aloe slapped a mask on pony-bot's face.         Unfortunately for the Buzz, the robot opened her mouth just as the mud arrived. So instead of explaining how hard it was to cope with her strong feelings and how worried she was about failing her mission all that came out was a splutter of turquoise face pack. The results of which peppered Aloe from the waist upward.         Rarity was enjoying herself too much to be worried about the details and nodded with a sigh, "I see darling and how long has this been going on then?" Aloe after a few moments shock, smiled and not wanting to upset Rarity calmly grabbed a towel and began to clean herself up. Buzz finished clearing her mouth, then looked apologetically at Aloe who smiled back with only the slightest twitch in her eye. Buzz made sure to keep her mouth closed this time as Aloe reapplied the mud. This done, Buzz was treated to a matching set of cucumber covers equivalent to Rarity's. Only then did she try to explain once more. By now however Rarity was in the middle of a vigorous massage being performed by one of the spa stallions and so as Buzz talked about feeling and emotions Rarity simply sighed with pleasure.         Aloe attempted to apply the next part in Stage Cloak's treatment, however when she attempted to replicate the massage that Rarity was getting Aloe simply yelped. Buzz was shocked into silence and lifting her the cucumbers, saw Aloe glaring at her. She was cradling a now throbbing hoof and Buzz instantly realised her mistake. Can’t just look like a pony, need to be as soft as one too. How could I have forgotten?         Seeing Buzz watching her, Aloe forced a brittle smile onto her face and began (Far more softly this time) to rub and gently tap Buzzbot’s back.         "Well the thing is Rarity, um, I’m not sure how to put this I have just been very emotional these last few days, and I don't know what’s causing it. I have never been like this before and it's all a bit new to me." Buzz finally managed to get out with a little sigh. "Just when I think I have a handle on things it slips away and... and...." Buzz was lost and Rarity looked around. She finally seemed to be listening for real this time and a knowing grin grew upon her face.         "Oh Stage, that's perfectly normal for a filly of your age, you can't be long out of school and your body will be going through some changes at this time." Rarity said sagely and Buzz suddenly felt panic grip her. “It’s part of growing up my dear, nothing to be worried about,” Rarity assured and Buzz suddenly felt her cheeks grow hot as her mind caught up with what Rarity had said. “Oh no I….” Buzz began only for Rarity to wave an admonishing hoof. "These things all have their natural time and place. It won't last forever, but I do believe you will be taking a greater interest in the Stallions about now. With your looks and poise, we may have to fight them off with a stick." Rarity said, her smile growing wider every moment. Buzz just shook her head at this, “Changes right........” Oh you have no idea how right and wrong you are Rarity.         With their massages finished the next step was the hoof and horn pampering. The two ponies were dressed in soft white robes and led to another set of comfy couches. Rarity, her blue eyes now sparkling with a playful look watched Buzz with a knowing smile. Lotus Blossom began to gently rub Rarity’s hooves with a file, smoothing off the edges and making sure they were presentable.         Rarity practically glowed with self assurance, "This is a special time for you my dear and we need to make sure you’re prepared. You already have the poise and looks as I said before, but there is so much I need to teach you about being a proper mare. Manners and being ladylike are vitally important when it comes to matters such as these.”         Buzz felt a sort of sick feeling welling up within as Rarity’s eyes sparkled, "Idea!, Oh this will be just so perfect. You could model for me! That would give us so much time to get the right look for you and will help my business no end! I've yet to find another mare to properly fill the slot after that Fluttershy/Photo Finish fiasco."         Rarity clapped her hooves together to the frustration of Lotus who was half way done with the hooficure. Buzz watched in a daze as Lotus quickly hid her annoyance with a smile almost as brittle as Aloe’s had become.         It was then that Buzz saw Aloe’s expression as she regarded Buzz’s immaculate hooves. She followed Aloe’s eyes to the file and then back to Buzz’s hooves and nodded encouragingly, far too busy with Rarity to be worried about the uncertain expression Aloe had.         "Oh Miss Rarity," Buzz put on a pleading face, "That's such a nice offer but I don't think that my talents lie in that direction." Both she and Rarity stopped as a grinding sound was heard from below. Looking down Buzz saw Aloe holding the now blunted file in utter astonishment and Buzz’s own hooves were still totally unblemished. The awkward moment stretched out before Rarity broke it with a chuckle, “Must have been a bad batch of files?” Aloe’s suspicious expression vanished and she forced a twitching smile onto her muzzle, “I’m sure that’s it.” Rairty nodded, all worries forgotten in her excitement, "But you must my dear! I could do so much with your mane, tail and your coat is simply perfect." Rarity pressed on as Lotus, giving her sister, a quizzical look moved to work on Rarity's horn. Aloe had stomped out of the room, heading for the back storage areas of the spa.         Buzz was starting to panic, she couldn't change her appearance in here and her disguise was not designed for this eventuality. The look Aloe had given her showed Buzz she meant business this time.         "Well Rarity if it means that much to you I can try for a little bit, in fact why don't we go now? I am feeling much better after our chat." Buzz quickly added. From the storage room the sounds of a power tool being revved up could be heard. "You've really convinced me Miss Rarity and I want to get started right away." Buzz almost shrieked as the sound revving became louder         "Simply marvellous, that's the excited and determined Stage Cloak I hired, it's amazing what a session at the spa can do for your mind. Come Stage we must create!" With that Rarity shrugged off the white robe she was wearing turned to Lotus Blossom to thank her for the delightful stay.         She then hustled Buzzbot out of the spa's door chatting about how Stage Cloak could give her own input with the design, helping to make the very cloths that she would be modelling. This was going to be a great partnership. She and Buzz left through the front door just as Aloe returned from of the back room carrying a power sander. "Where did she go?" Aloe asked her sister, a slightly manic look in her eyes.  Aloe revved to power sander again, “No pony leaves the spa without Aloe working her magic on them! No case of iron hard coat or steel hard hooves is going to stop me.”         "They already left, and paid us well Aloe, don't worry I am sure they’ll come back again. I know Miss Rarity, she can't stay away."         Aloe twitched again and the power sander jumped in sympathy, “Well when she does….”         The Carousel Boutique was a hurricane of activity as Rarity and Buzz threw themselves into their work. When Rarity got an 'idea' nothing would stop her and all but the most urgent projects were put on hold. Buzz was happy for the distraction and she worked as hard as her employer.         Buzz mused to herself that she could probably do a better job as a model if she were able to shape change for Rarity, but that wasn't on the cards. What am I thinking, I’m hear to study not make dresses! The work helped her focus again and though Buzz still felt the emotions at the back of her mind, they were at least not hindering her work any more.         They were well into their second day of hard effort, having drawn up plans for and made at least five outfits when a very different kind of storm swept into the shop. It started off with the sound of many trampling hooves coming from outside, then before either pony could do anything a large number of pink ponies burst in through the door.         Bouncing and spinning their way through the Boutique all the while the background chirpy sound of "Fun, Fun, Fun!" accompanied them. Both Rarity and Buzzbot stared wide eyed as a tide of Pinkie Pies flooded the room, they overturned chairs, tables and the pony manikins in their excitement.         Buzz was outraged. They had worked so hard and now an avalanche of Pinkie Pies was tearing the place apart. The hoard quickly lost interest once everything in the room was in ruins and with little encouragement left through the door, windows and one even departed up the chimney.         Rarity, one eye twitching surveyed the carnage while Buzz felt for the first time in her life real anger. It was not a pretty feeling, it was hot and rushing and Buzz was not really practised in controlling it. She felt like she was going to explode, all their hard work torn apart! All thoughts of Tinker and her mission went out of her head as her eyes narrowed.         The effect was visible right away as Buzz turned an angry shade of white, while her main and tail seemed to catch fire. Rarity stopped looking at the shop and turned to see the inferno building next to her.         "Now, now dear. We can fix this, no need to be like that," Rarity was trying hard to keep the frustration out of her own voice too. Despite Rarity's calming pleas Stage Cloak's fury continued to increase, anger pouring off her like a flame. What was more the pony seemed to shimmer.          Buzz ignored Rarity and began to head for the door of the boutique, vengeance burning in her normally brown eyes, which had become a golden yellow colour throughout. Buzz had heard of Twilight doing something similar during the whole hydra incident, but that had only lasted a few seconds. The fact that it was actually happening to her would have intrigued Buzzbot no end, had her head not been full of raging fire at this moment.         Another Pinkie Pie came to the door way, unlike the others she seemed to be out of breath. She had a very worried look in her normally cheerful eyes. Pinkie looked at Buzzbot and stopped dead.         "Okie dokie lokie, I can see you’re real busy right now I'll come back another time," With that Pinkie Pie about faced and chased after the rest of the swarming pack. Buzz now had a target for the rage in her and broke into a gallop to chase. She ignored the cries of Rarity behind her, she forgot about the shop's state and galloped after Pinkie Pie like a dragon after a beautiful gem.         The warnings echoing in Buzzbot's brain were trying to grab her attention. She was eating up her power reserves at a huge rate and would burn out if she wasn't careful. But Buzz simply didn't care. For the first time she’d really felt happy, as she and Rarity created new art together. Buzz had been able to forget the worries and troubles of the past few days, now it was like the only thing she wanted to do was punish the pony that had ruined it all.         Pinkie Pie had a good head start on Buzz but she could track her easily enough. Buzz put her 'mapping of pony Ponyville' to good use and could see that Pinkie was heading for a dead end. Buzz’s prey turned the corner and Buzz lost sight of her for just a second. Just one second.         Buzz rounded the same corner and prepared to blast the pink nuisance once and for all….but she was gone! Buzz wasn't sure how Pinkie Pie had done it, one moment she was about to catch her then Pinkie was just was gone. It made no sense. There was no way out of the alley. She looked up and saw no pegasi either that could have lifted Pinkie Pie to safety. She’d just vanished.         Buzzbot stomped out of the alley just in time to see Rarity catching her breath through a haze of error messages that fought for Buzz’s attention. She had an apprehensive look on her face and Buzz suddenly felt another emotion, stronger even the rage she had been subjected to. It didn't take Buzz long to decide she disliked this one even more and that only added to her confusion. Buzzbot saw that Rarity was scared of her, that once again Buzz had allowed emotions get the better of her. The was feeling guilt and it felt like tons pressing down on her chest. Buzz’s heart ached and she felt stupid and angry and…. Buzz tried desperately to bring herself under control again, but everything was so mixed up. Programming warred with feelings and those feeling warred with other feelings. Buzz wasn’t sure who she was anymore. The fake ideals of Stage Cloak were pressing their needs upon her while her directives screamed for Buzz to stop this nonsense and get on with her mission. She tried to clamp down on the rage, the confusion and fear, but it was spiralling out of Buzz’s control. "Chillax crazy mare, sure it's a Pinkie storm, dead annoying for sure but Twilight's got it covered!” Buzz looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering over with a triumphant smile, a rain cloud heavy in her hooves. Buzz had only a brief moment before a deluge hit her. As the cold water poured over Buzzbot’s body it turned to steam. Her white hot frame began to cool much faster than it was ever intended too and Buzz felt a small, but important, part of her robot mind "pop" with a fizzle. With a final flashing of 'ERROR' filling her vision Buzzbot, shut down as Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in confused fear.         The first thing that registered for Buzzbot was that she was lying down. The resistance of the surface under her was less than the ground she had been standing on when she was last online. It took her now, much cooler brain, a few moments to realize that she was lying in a bed. It was richly decorated and Buzz had an odd sensation that she knew the owner but, right now it was very hard to think. Buzz tried to turn her head and jumped as a cool flannel slid off. She went to raise herself but felt a gentle hoof pressing Buzz back down again, "Ah my dear you’re awake, we worried about you." Rarity said kindly. Her mane was a little out of sorts but there was genuine concern in her eyes.         Buzz blinked in simulated surprise as she did an internal check of her systems. Her magic circuits had taken the brunt of the punishment. A few vital connections had burnt out but more than the vital components that allowed Buzz to change her disguise were totally shot. She was trapped as 'Stage Cloak' until she could get repairs. That didn't bode well.         "I'm so, so sorry Rarity. Is...is everypony okay?" Buzz shuddered to think what she may have done to Pinkie Pie in her anger fuelled state.         Rarity smiled sadly, "Oh Stage my dear, everypony is alright, though the same can't be said about the Boutique. Between the Pinkie Pie invasion and the small fires started by your, um...... 'episode' it's a bit of a mess." Buzzbot winced at hearing this, another thing she had messed up.         Rarity flicked her mane once again, looking thoughtful and not sure what to say, "So how are you feeling now darling? You gave us all a bit of a scare there." Buzz wasn't okay, things had become a disaster, with her magic burnt out she would have no way of getting her recall signal to Tinker Track and she was stuck in her current form.         "I think I’ll be alright Miss Rarity, I just need some rest. As you said I was working myself too hard. I'll head over to Sugar Cube Corner and apologise to Pinkie Pie at once.” Buzzbot looked to Rarity, her eyes full of genuine remorse.  “I was way out of order." Buzz said hardly needing to fall back on programming any more, she really felt as guilty as a foal after a temper tantrum.         "You will do no such thing Stage, you’re not going anywhere until we make sure you’re all better. You’re in no state to be up and about! Fluttershy and Twilight are downstairs and wanted to speak to you when you awoke." Rarity said in a tone that quashed any argument Buzz had thought of making.         "Also Pinkie is having a rest day too. I don't know, messing around with magic mirror pools and making copies of herself like that," Rarity shook her head as she rolled her eyes. "The amount of mischief that pony gets herself into almost rivals my little sister and her friends."         "So that's what happened then? I have to admit I was a little distracted by things, to think clearly." Buzzbot said in a tired voice as she let her head drop back down on the pillows. She didn't feel pain as it were, but could still register damage to her frame. She gave Rarity a weak smile then saw that the unicorn was staring oddly at her. Rarity looked like she was about to ask something else, but before she could two ponies who Buzz instantly recognised, and what looked to be a nurse came into the room         Looking around the assembled faces of the other ponies, Buzzbot knew she wasn't off the hook yet. The nurse had a perplexed look, ‘Fluttershy’, her yellow face screwed up in concern looked scared and Twilight was.... well the look the purple unicorn was giving Buzz what could only be described as ‘fascinated’. Buzz shifted uncomfortably as the four ponies gazed down on her in an awkward silence. Twilight was the first one to speak using a voice with authority, but not unkindness.         "Stage Cloak we need to talk, there are some questions I need answered and the first of them is what in Celestia's name are you?"