//------------------------------// // ♛ // Story: Don't Stand Too Close To The Sun // by MidnightDancer //------------------------------// Her final words to her mother that day, repeated eons later, rang out across the glade. Head bowed slightly, she glanced up at the brown pony, reading his reactions with a vague sense of anxiety. If he handles this, he might be able to handle the next part... though heaven knows I couldn't. The Chancellor merely sat perfectly still, brow furrowed as he eyed the bright patches of grass at his hooves. Eyes slightly unfocused, his mind worked slowly at what he had been told. After another pause, he glanced up at the Princess with new understanding. "I'm sorry, Your Highness." Inclining her head slightly, she smiled. "She was right, you know. About all of it. I was just too foolish to listen." The Chancellor, being far from a stupid pony, turned those middle words over in his mind as he eyed his ruler. "All of it?" "All of it." Watching him intently, she waited for the connection to be made. "Balance," he breathed, almost reverently. The Sun Princess nodded. "A lesson I did not take to heart until well after my mother was gone." Silence reigned over the two for a time, the darker pony worrying his hoof against the soft grass even as his mind worked. He was a reasonable pony, for all his excess in wealth and minor fame afforded by his house, and even he was having trouble understanding his Princess. Brow relaxing finally, he glanced at the sky, and then back at Celestia. "You went a bit mad, didn't you?" A faint chuckle reached his ears, tingling over his senses and causing him to shiver involuntarily, briefly wondering if an unscheduled trip to the lunar surface was in order. Thankfully, it was not. Celestia stood, stretching her great white wings before allowing the downy feathers to refold at her sides. A hint of mischief in her voice, she eyed the Chancellor. "Care to take a trip with me? I promise to have you back before nightfall." Catching those glinting rose eyes with his own, he nodded back, rising to his hooves. "I think I might like that, milady." Smiling her assent, she drew the other pony closer to her, lighting her horn with a soft golden glow that enveloped them both with a silent flash... and they were gone. "I am a Princess of Equestria, and I shall do as I please, sister." The haughty words were delivered through clenched teeth, a snowy white muzzle nearly pressed to a darker blue one. The owner of the latter backed a few steps, wings splaying instinctively. Putting space between herself and her older sister, Luna cast her eyes down shyly. "I... I simply meant to say that perhaps you are not thinking clearly? It has been scarce two months since he passed, and not a month since Harmony has moved on from this plane. Surely, you must still be grieving. I see it in your eyes, Celestia." Raising her own pleading teal eyes to her sister's rose ones, she took a step forward, shakily. "I am here, if you need to talk..." Huffing, Celestia turned her back to her sibling. "I can handle my own emotions, Luna. Worry more for your own." With that, the white alicorn extended an unshod hoof to her door. "Now, if you please. The night is falling, and your responsibilities call to you. What I do with myself while not prostrating myself for these mortals is not your concern." Wincing as though struck, Luna merely bobbed her head with a sigh, backing slowly. "As you wish, my sister, but..." "But what." "I merely wished to ask if perhaps this week we could have a cup of tea together? It has been quite awhile, and I... I miss my big sister." Scuffing the marble with a hoof, she tilted her head back up to meet her sister's form, still turned from her. Unseen, Celestia simply closed her eyes, mind and heart warring with each other. With a nod, she forced her voice to remain steady and clipped. "Perhaps, Luna. I cannot promise this, though." Heart heavy, the younger sister nodded and turned for the door. "Of course." Pausing as she slipped through the crack, she turned back once more. "Celestia?" A white hoof stamped the floor in irritation. "Yes?" "Please... be careful." With that, she slipped like dark water from the chambers of her sister, leaving Celestia to bite her lip and squeeze her eyes shut. Composing herself with a watery breath, she glanced out the castle window at the newborn night. The lights of the city were few and far between, but her eyes focused on one in particular--one belonging to an alehouse of little to no repute. The perfect place for a princess to unwind. And, as she believed, the perfect place to begin to heal her heart. "Nothing for it, then," she muttered, weaving the spell around herself her mother had taught her before leaving. Ribbons of light wrapped around her, mixed in with broad, flat ribbons of darker magic, leaving in its wake not the alicorn princess but a simple pegasus mare. Checking that her spell had worked, she admired her new form--white still, but with a blaze of orange-red upon her head instead of her usual candy pink. Her tail was similarly colored, and both had lengthened considerably, tail dragging on the floor and mane reaching for the same. A simple cutie mark of a blaze of flame finished her transformation, and she finally found it in herself to smile. Thus disguised, she trotted for her vanity, pulling out her gilded case of toned makeup. Dark clays adorned her eyes, giving the still rosy irises a smoky look, while she used a dark kohl to outline and define her eyes further. Harmony would have a fit, I'm sure, if she saw me like this. Rolling her eyes at her own thought, she set her kit back into the vanity drawer, making for the window and unlatching it quietly. Glancing behind her once, she unfurled her smaller wings and slipped away through the opening, leaving just an empty room and echoes of sadness behind her. The quiet pop of finished teleportation heralded their arrival to nopony but the forest animals, all of which stayed far from the Sun Princess. Shaking his head to clear it from the sudden transportation, the Chancellor squinted through the dissipating golden strands of magic to get his bearings. Glancing upwards, his breath caught in his throat. Crumbling ruins stood before him, destroyed but somehow still having a quiet dignity. The forest floor encroached upon it, spreading across in small tufts of grass and winding vines that seemed to somehow add to the architecture rather than diminish it. A giant archway stood before him, heavy oaken doors still somehow intact, while to the left and the right rosebushes grew wild. Tearing his eyes away, he glanced behind himself, seeing a gorge with a rickety bridge spanning it. Looking up finally, he saw Celestia in a similar state of observation, a small smile playing at her lips still. "Welcome, my little pony, to my home." Her voice, hushed though it was, seemed to reverberate still in this quiet place, and the other pony found himself back in awe of her. "This is where you lived originally? The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters?" The Chancellor tilted his head, still eying the door and the strange runes inscribed upon it. Gentle laughter reached him once more as Celestia brushed past him, laying one hoof upon the door. "Indeed. Care to see it as it truly was, before the War of the Sun and Moon?" Glancing back with an impish, if bittersweet smile, she pushed gently on the door with a hoof, runes lighting briefly as she allowed it to swing open. Peering out behind her and following with reverent hoofsteps, the Chancellor's awestruck visage tugged at Celestia's heart. Just like the first day I brought Crimson over. Composing herself quickly, almost automatically, she led him down the corridor at a stately walk, at the same time allowing her mane and tail to lose their ethereal quality and go back to a flat candy pink. Hearing his gasp at that, she smiled to herself privately, and began weaving her spellwork in earnest. Golden light flowed from her horn and pooled on the floor, seeming to repair the cracks and buckled stones that made up the main corridor. Tinges of blue joined the gold, snaking around with it up the ruined walls and flowing over the tattered tapestries, repairing them temporarily to their former glory. Their walk slowed as the Chancellor stared in awe, watching as the roof re-formed itself above their heads and ghostly candles in long-abandoned scones in the wall lit themselves once again. Celestia herself seemed to be nearly glowing, white coat giving off a light of its own that healed the very air itself, changing it from stuffy to light and airy. As the tendrils of light coated the castle's structure, Celestia's own glow intensified as they reached the end of the corridor. Ribbons of light bounded ahead of her, almost joyously, restoring the banquet hall they stood at the threshold of. The Chancellor passed Celestia, almost in a trance, eyes tracing the path of the light and marveling at the magic as his hooves stirred up dust that was immediately dissipated and removed. Behind him, a smiling Celestia allowed her eyes to slip shut, before snapping her wings outwards. Scatters of golden light flew from the tips of her primaries, and a joyous laugh escaped her finally as the pins of light came to rest. Before his shocked eyes, each pinprick of golden light formed itself into a pony--ethereal, ghostly, but very much there. Bounding into the room fully, Celestia grinned happily down at the brown stallion, wings still extended. "Welcome." She regarded his shocked face, and giggled, bringing one hoof up to close his mouth gently but with an audible clack of teeth. Sweeping one foreleg out, her grin fell into a wistful smile. "This is my home, as I remember it. The ponies here are quite real, as far as we are concerned. They are echos, but still my little ponies all the same." "I. Yes. Of course. This is... amazing..." He trailed off, taking a slow trot around the room. Golden eyes roamed every inch, lighting up with each new discovery, until he came upon the banquet table. It was a strangely intimate affair for such a large room; a round stone table draped with a fine cloth, set towards the back of the room. Velvet cushions appeared as if from nowhere--one violet, one gold--and he turned, one eyebrow quirked at his princess. Dropping lazily onto the purple cushion, Celestia waved a hoof at the golden one. "Come. Sit with me. Dine with me. There is still much to hear, if you are willing." The realization hit him, then. He could deny her, claim matters of the House to attend to, and go directly back to Canterlot right then. He knew that if he chose that, he could continue with his life as it was, continue to bring petitions before the Sisters, and still be highly regarded and treated with the same respect all ponies were by Celestia. Overwhelmed as he was, he still knew, in his heart of hearts, that he could just go home, climb under his covers, and continue on as a subject of Princess Celestia. He also knew he didn't want that. Before him sat a pony. White, with a cotton candy mane and tail. A gentle, impish smile lit up her rose eyes. And in that moment--against all indications of his upbringing and station in life--there was nowhere he wanted to be than beside that pony, listening to her talk, dining with her, being with Celestia the pony, not Celestia the Princess of the Sun. He sat down upon his golden cushion, smiling gently at Celestia as he finally removed that awful cravat. And with that, she resumed her tale. The alehouse was dark, and she found herself again pleased she could suppress her natural glow as she would surely stand out otherwise. Dusty rose eyes scanned the bar she knew so well, finally falling upon the back of a stallion. He was sitting alone, a bit to one side, with a free seat--as always--open beside him. Lifting his head and turning slightly, his clear azure eyes fell on her, and a slow smile wound across his face. Wordlessly, Celestia slipped through the crowd, wings pressed to her sides nervously as she approached. Settling on the seat beside him, she shot him a teasing glance, hooves resting primly on the bar. "Silver. It's wonderful to see you again." She was thankful for the low lights that hid her blush from him, but a shy smile escaped all the same. "Blaze. As formal as ever, I see," he teased, waving one gray hoof to the barkeep. Rolling her eyes, she took the proffered drink from the returning bartender. Cider, her usual. A long gulp later, she glanced at the other pony. "Hardly. Being careful with one's words does not imply formality, merely caution." A low chuckle rumbled from Silver, who took a healthy swig of his own cider. "I see. And what is there to be cautious about here, Blaze?" He raised his nose slightly, indicating the rest of the bar, the other patrons far off from them. "Perhaps I should be cautious of you," she giggled, but with an edge behind her words she did not mean to let slip. Her eyes drifted back to her cider as she berated herself, wings fluffing nervously. Perhaps Luna was right... "Oh, aye. You've only been comin' to see me every night for how long, now? Two months, give or take?" A twinkle in his eye, he moved a bit closer to Celestia, silver arm snaking around her shoulders and pulling her closer, warming her body with his own. "I think you know I'm hardly the type to hurt a gentlemare such as yourself." Luna's words fled her mind as the electricity of his touch wound through her body, warming her from her mane to her hooftips. Sultry smile resurfacing, she raised her head to meet his gaze, their muzzles inches apart. "Perhaps that is true. Remains to be seen, does it not? And I hardly came here for you in the first place, it was merely to find a place to clear my head after... after some things... happened... and I just..." She trailed off, sipping her drink once more as she pushed the image of a scruffy, adorable young stallion from her mind, laying cold and quiet in his coffin. Not here. Not now. No. Pull yourself together, Celestia. Pulling her closer in a half hug, he nodded, still smiling slightly. "That's what brings most of us here, love. But," he put his muzzle to her ear, causing the sensitive appendage to flick slightly with every word, "maybe we can help each other forget." Plates of magically conjured food were carried by ethereal servants, gaily laughing and prancing off after gently placing the bowls before their Princess and her guest. The angelic sound of an expertly plucked lyre filled the air, and some of the echos began to mingle and to dance in the wide banquet hall. Celestia paused in her story, watching it all with a nostalgic, wistful look in her eyes, hooves tapping out the cadence of the music. Swallowing his mouthful of conjured daisy salad, he eyed Celestia carefully. "I... Celestia, I am a stallion. I know... I mean, you don't have to continue if you do not wish to." Quirking an eyebrow at him, she smiled and nodded. "Chancellor, this entire trip is completely your call, including the story. If you do not wish to hear more, I shall not trouble you further, and we can return to Canterlot." "I know. But I remember what you said, about needing somepony to understand, and to listen... and I am willing. I just do not want to see you distressed." Eyes searching hers, he got back only the most beatific sense of peace radiating from the other pony. With a chuckle, she drew closer. "You must understand... this was literally thousands of years ago. These wounds are not so fresh as to cause me undue distress. I live with everything I've told you, and more, every day. For thousands of years. At that point, the options are to either go insane, or to cope. I chose to cope." She fixed him with a serious stare. "I cope, but I cannot let it go. I am hoping that if another could hear, could understand, that I could." She sat back, sighing. "I know, it sounds terribly selfish. I'm a bit of a selfish pony at times, I must say." Nosing her supper morosely, she nibbled at a lettuce leaf as her eyes scanned the room, a bit duller than before. Shaking his head, he smiled. "No. I'm the one that petitioned for your hoof in marriage. I know you've denied me, but learning more about you isn't scaring me off. If I can't be your husband, I think I'd like to be your friend." Startled, she dropped her food, the dark green leaf of romaine landing gently on her plate as her eyes widened. A warm smile started then, seeming to break down the last of the facade of The Princess of the Sun, and she drew the startled pony into a gentle hug. "Thank you, Chancellor." "Please... call me Dusky Brush. Especially if you want me to call you 'Celestia'." The two shared a warm glance at each other; eyes meeting and tangling as Celestia felt her heart lift, rising up and shedding the weight she'd been scarcely aware she was carrying. Taking her hoof gently, he smiled. "May I at least have this dance, milady?" "Of course, my friend." Leading him to the floor, the two crossed necks, white to brown, swaying gently to the light notes of a harp. Turning and spinning across the stone floor, surrounded by the echos of ponies past, Celestia set her mouth to his ear, and spoke. Hoofsteps echoed perhaps a bit too loudly as the two ponies made their way through the darkened streets. Flinching internally at each clop of her hooves, Celestia glanced nervously from the flagstones to the road ahead. To the right side of the street, small and dark houses stood in rows, standing as the only mute witnesses to the two souls stealing past. Silver strode with a confidence she lacked at that moment, drawing closer to a small, unassuming home two blocks from the alehouse. Nosing the tarnished handle on the weathered wooden door, it swung open to reveal an unassuming sitting room. Trotting in behind him, trying desperately to keep her legs from shaking, Celestia's attention was drawn immediately to the right. A small arched doorway led to an even more cozy room, and her eyes could pick out a small bed through the gloom. "Blaze." Her head whipped around quickly, coming muzzle to muzzle with the earth pony stallion. Smirking, he shut the door behind him with a rear hoof, stormy eyes catching hers for just a moment before he leaned forwards, pressing his lips to hers. Celestia melted into the kiss, letting her fears flit out of her mind like so many escaped birds from an opened cage door, pressing back just as eagerly as his mouth opened slightly to allow her entrance. Slowly, deliberately, he pressed her further back, towards the small room with the unkempt bed. She knew, and allowed it, backing slightly on legs that seemed to shake more and more until it was a blessing to feel her hocks hit the bed. Sitting heavily, the kiss broke, and Silver placed a forehoof to either side of her body. A glint in his eye, he nipped her ear gently. "Blaze," he breathed into her alabaster ear, a low growl nearly audible at the edges of his voice, "roll over." She did. A flock of crows took off, startled a few moments later at the moans that sounded, strangely, like crying. Twirling once, the two ponies came face to face again in the ancient hall, both sets of somber eyes upon the other. "I see." Celestia shook her head, pink mane flowing slightly with the magic to maintain the illusion. "That wasn't the end." Dusky came up beside the princess, leading her back to the small table, now partially populated by ethereal ponies. Sitting back on his cushion, he smiled and nodded to the spectral stallion beside him before turning back to Celestia. "I take it he became your... consort? Did you ever tell him who you were?" Sighing, she sat, quietly collecting her thoughts before turning to him once more. "No. I never saw him again after that night. Nor did I return to that alehouse." Tilting his head in confusion, he tapped a forehoof nervously on the table. "Can I ask why?" She nodded. Huddled on the side of the bed, Celestia tucked her tail between her legs, relishing the coolness of it against her body. She shivered slightly despite the heat, turning to look for Silver. Roving her eyes over the room, she spied him standing by a low wooden table, clearly busying himself with something she couldn't quite make out in the light. She laid her head back on the pillow, resting gratefully and feeling a strange mix of sorrow tinged with happiness. It'll be okay. I'm going to be fine. Other ponies can love me... this I know now. Her internal monologue was cut short by a clanging sound followed by a weight landing on the bed beside her. Confused, she opened her eyes lazily, expecting to see Silver on the bed beside her. He's still over there, though. But then, what...? She glanced down finally. A small, brown sack sat beside her. She prodded it with a hoof, gorge rising as she heard the unmistakeable clank of golden bits in a bag. "Wasn't sure how much to give ya, since we'd not discussed it, Blaze, but since it was your first time and all that, figured I'd give you a little extra." Something broke inside Celestia, in that deep and fundamental part of her that was normally impossible to reach and even harder to harm. Standing on shaky legs, she shied away from the bag of bits that seemed to almost leer at her from its place on the bed. Anger welled up inside of her, finally, deep and true, and she whirled with new determination in her eyes as she forced herself nose to nose with the stallion once more. Fire blazing in her eyes, she glared at him. Taking a sudden step back in confusion, he blinked. "Ah, if that's not enough, I get paid again next week..." Trembling, she very nearly obliterated the confused stallion right then and there. Options whirled in her mind as she gritted her teeth against her rage, wings fluffing in agitation as she looked into his clueless blue eyes. Harmony's words drifted back through her mind once more. Balance. With a scream fit to break the heavens, Celestia shot from the stallion's home at a gallop. He turned, following as she ran. Opening his mouth to call out to her, he clicked it shut immediately as they reached the outdoors and he saw her spread her wings, true fire dripping from each feather as she blazed across the sky. As her cry echoed across the city, he backed slowly into his house once more, deciding that he had been lucky enough for one evening and to not gamble his life away. The streak of fire that was Celestia barreled towards the Everfree Castle, reaching speeds near unheard of in pegasus communities. She barely cared that she was going too fast. Almost hoping in her heart of hearts that she could simply obliterate herself against the castle walls, she screamed again, eyes squeezed shut as burning tears finally escaped her. Instead of the unforgiving stone of the fortress walls, she thumped, hard, against something soft and warm. Fire dying inside, she opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by downy soft, midnight wings. She looked up, finding the warm and caring face of Luna looking down into hers. Teal eyes swept over Celestia's face, cataloging her smeared makeup, mussed hair, and damp fur. Meeting her sister's eyes, Luna wrapped her forelegs around Celestia in midair, both sets of wings keeping them afloat. Nuzzling her gently, the darker alicorn spoke in a hushed voice. "'Tia, would you care for some tea? I'd love to have a cup with my big sister right now." Nodding wordlessly, fresh tears fell as Celestia buried herself against her sister's shoulder, allowing her to ferry her back to the castle.