//------------------------------// // Prolouge~Love At First Sight // Story: The Romance Of A Pegasus // by bellensnow //------------------------------// A young Pegasus roams the streets of Canterlot looking for the castle. In the air was the wonder bolt Soarin. He was going for a nighttime flight after a show. He had spotted the Pegasus. He saw that she was a very pale blue, paler than him. Also that her hair was teal with a sky blue streak right down the middle. Soarin then thought out loud. "Whats a young mare like her doing out here so late?" Suprized Crystal Snow jumped and squealed "Please don't hurt me!!!" While slowly walking away backwards. Seeing her fear Soarin told her "I wont hurt you I just want to know where you live so I can get you there safely." Crystal Snow told him that she was living at the castle because she was visiting a friend in the royal guard and that she was looking for it for hours. "Ohhh" Soarin said with empathy. "I can bring you there." On the way to the castle both of the Pegasi started to talk. Soarin was first to speak. "So whats your name?" Soarin asked the Pegasus mare. "M-m-my name." She stuttered. "Yeah." Soarin said. "M-my name is Crystal Snow, but you can call me Crystal." She told him."That's a wonderful name."Soarin told her. When he said that he saw that she was very shy and very kind. A lot like Fluttershy. "So which guard are you visiting?" Soarin asked politely. " "I'm visiting my friend Glory's Sun." She told him. " "We've been friends since grade school." "Nice." soarin said. He hoped they didn't have feelings for each other but he wasn't going to ask that because that would be rude. "Ohh we'er at the castle now." Soarin said sadly. "Awwwww I was having fun." Crystal whined. "I was too, but its late and we both need sleep, maybe we'll see each other again." He said as he flew off. "Dammit." Crystal snow said to herself "I never got his name." The one thing she had never expected was to fall in love and neither did Soarin.