by ChromeRegios

Peach 11

Rukia stared at Aizen, Ukitake has a surprised face...even Byakuya is looking funny at Aizen... Ichigo with his mouth fell all the way down on the floor, Kenpachi looks ill, while Love and Toshiro is totally out of it...

“Hey look! Ponified Aizen!”Yachiru laughed and fell off from Kenpachi’s back... All of them laughed their heads off except the ponies behind them... Celestia was petrified of this “Aizen’s” Spiritual Pressure, it was unbelievable...

“Holy, Shit! Aizen what happened to you?!” Ichigo laughs and points to him, as Aizen was getting annoyed by their laughter...

“SHUT THE HELL UP!!” Aizen shouts...

All of them stopped and looked at him, seriously this time...

“What are you doing here, Aizen?” Rukia was the first to ask.

“It’s none of your concern! But I want to know I ended up in this Pitiful and Pathetic piece of land...”

“Excuse me?” Celestia spoke... with a hint of fear in her voice.

“I’m simply here for something... to aid me...” Aizen replies smoothly...

“To...aid you?” Twilight said, trembling in her hooves...

But before Aizen could answer...

“Getsuga... TENSHOU!!”Ichigo wasted no time idling... He sends out a crescent slash over at Aizen. But before it even reaches him...Aizen disappeared.

“You’re still a slow mover, Ichigo Kurosaki...” Aizen was near Rukia, and holding a blue vial, which he took from her without Rukia’s knowledge.

“Give that back!”Rukia tried to snatch the vial back, but it was too late... Aizen disappeared before she can get the chance to get it...

Aizen appears in front of them again... then jumps to the top of a pillar, waving goodbye as he disappears beyond the horizon...

“Darn it!” Ichigo yelled, “How the hell did he survive?! Why is he here?” Ichigo demands answers; he turned to Rukia and grabbed her to the shoulders. “WHATS GOING ON, RUKIA!!”

Rukia only replies in silence, as she doesn’t know why Aizen appeared in this dimension or what are his purpose...

Celestia remembered something, and quickly rushed to the other side of the courtyard...

The other Soul Reapers looked at each other, and then followed the Princess...

As they head towards her, they spot Celestia standing on an empty statue pedestal, her expression in shock and pale in complexion.

“Celestia? Is there something wrong?” Ichigo stood beside her, wondering what used to be in that pedestal...

“Were in grave danger,” Celestia started... Ichigo doesn’t know what she means...Celestia continues. “Draconiquis...”

“Draco-what?”Ichigo asked again...

“To be frank... Discord is gone...” Celestia said, with an obvious fear in her voice...

“Whats the big deal? It’s just a harm done...” Ichigo puts his hands on the back of his head...

“Discord, is the mischievous spirit of chaos here... He is one of the powerful yet disturbed creature who ever lived, and can make all sorts of things appear or come out of nowhere...” Celestia explained...

Toshiro starts thinking about something... “Wait, if Aizen said he needs “aid”, then maybe...”

“He took Discord!” Celestia continued Toshiro’s sentence.

“What if this...Discord guy and Aizen teamed up... what then?” Love asked, just out of curiosity...

“Then the entire Equstrian population will fall into chaos and destruction...” Celestia proclaims, the entire Soul Reaper group looked at each other and nods in unison...

“Princess Celestia,” Rukia started... “We, the Soul Reapers, of the thirteen Court Guard Squads, shall lend you a helping hand, to hunt down Aizen, and subdue Discord before any damage will be done...” Rukia proclaims, Ichigo usually objects to this, but seeing Aizen survived... He didn’t put up of an argument, and agrees to silence Aizen once and for all...

“Alright, let’s find that son of a bitch, and pulverize him!” Ichigo proclaims and was about to chase after Aizen, but was stopped by Rukia herself...

“Not so fast hot shot!” She drags him back to the group, “We need reinforcements, we need to go back to Soul Society first and report this to Genryusai before we tackle Aizen.” Rukia suggested, but now Ichigo starts to disagree...

“The longer we wait, the more time he gets to recover and get stronger! WE CAN’T WASTE TIME!!” Ichigo yelled...

“I agree with him.” Princess Celestia backs Ichigo up. “The more time we waste idling here, the more time Discord and that Aizen fellow will have a chance to get stronger...”

“Still...” Rukia starts thinking. Her brother, Byakuya steps in...

“I shall stay with Ichigo, and hunt down Aizen and Discord...” Byakuya suggested...

“I’ll stay too, now way I’m letting you have all the fun...” Kenpachi steps in as well...

“I shall stay as well; after’s our responsibility that Aizen is still alive...” Toshiro joins...

“Rukia, go back to Soul Society and warn the other Captains. If they are willing to go here and help...send for them immediately” Byakuya orders, as Rukia followed him without any fuss, She knows that when his brother had made up his mind, there is no way to change it...

Rukia, Love Aikawa and Yachiru stood there and lets Celestia to transport them back to Soul Society, with her horn glowing and with a great flash, they were all gone... Only Byakuya, Kenpachi, Toshiro and Ichigo are left to deal with this matter...

“Please come to the castle, we have much to discuss...” Celestia goes to the castle, Ichigo and the others followed close behind, as well as the ponies...


At the same time Ishida, Inoe and Yoruichi came out of the portal and appear in Ponyville.

“Ugh...” Ishida groaned as he crawls out of the portal...

“Oh come on, boy. It’s not that bad was it?” Yoruichi said, nearly not as bad as Ishida is...

Inoue on the other hand, had fainted...

“Gee whiz, are you too weak to handle world penetration travel? When you both went to the Soul Society for the first time, you didn’t have that kind of problem then...” Yoruichi said, remembering their first travel to Soul Society...

“Well, maybe because of that blue stuff Urahara made us drink...” Ishida said, before puking on the streets...

“Nice...” Was the only word Yoruichi said, for witnessing something she didn’t supposed to see.

Just when the three was recovering, Yoruichi quickly sensed something coming. She grabbed the two and dodged out of the way, just in time to see a lightning bolt fired to them, Yoruichi looked up and only got a glimpse on who struck that lightning bolt...

“Who was that?” Yoruichi asked her self... Just then she felt a familiar Spiritual Pressure...

“W-what was that?” Ishida asked, and then felt the same Pressure as Yoruichi did... Both of them looked at each other and nods, their hunch is quite on track...they sensed Ichigo, in a castle like-building on a mountain. Yoruichi picked them both and prepares to flash step towards there.

“Oh no... Not aga~” Ishida didn’t finish, as Yoruichi literally flies to the mountain... taking the air out of Ishida...