My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare

by Lance Skyes

The Swarm

(Back in the saddle, again. Pun intended.)

“Zecora, you have done nothing to try to destroy those Pony Rangers! NOTHING!”
Nightmare was circling Zecora as she scolded the zebra. Gilda and Trixie stood in the corner of the room, watching what was going on. “I apologize, mighty lord of the night, but this time, I have an idea that requires only brains, not might..”
“I’m listening.”
“Those Pony Rangers care much about their town, so my strategy is to bring it down. All we need to do to make them pay is to bring more deadly creatures into play.”
“Okay...” Nightmare then turned to Gilda and Trixie. “Can someone here explain what she’s talking about?”
“She wants to destroy the town the Pony Rangers live in in order to deal a massive mental blow to them, making them weaker than ever using a deadly creature that comes from Equestria,” explained Trixie.
“Very well.” Nightmare then turned back to Zecora. “Now, how do you plan to destroy Ponyville?”
Zecora walked over to her lab. She then held up a heavy cylinder. “This creature is capable of much damage. The entire town, it will ravage. Behold, a creature of untold might. Behold, the powerful Parasprite!” She opened the cylinder and inside was a tiny blue ball with giant eyes and wings. It chirped a little and flew onto Nightmare’s nose.
“That is adorable,” said Gilda. “The zebra wants to play with tiny woodland critters and call them ‘dangerous.’”
Nightmare shook off the Parasprite and got in Zecora’s face. “Do you think this is some kind of joke? Do you see me laughing?”
“I apologize, my lord, for their lack of size, but they have true evil beneath their giant eyes.” She then pulled a basket of muffins off the table.
“Muffins?” asked Trixie. “Somepony won’t like that.
“Not our problem,” said Gilda. “Couldn’t eat more than half a muffin, anyway.”
The Parasprite sniffed at the basket of muffins for a little while, then began devouring the entire basket. In less than two seconds, there wasn’t a crumb of muffin left. Trixie and Gilda fell over, laughing. Nightmare looked on, then turned back to Zecora. “And how, exactly will this help us?”
“They have a voracious appetite, and when they eat enough, they cough up yet another Parasprite. The Rangers will fall, and very soon, Equestria will be your’s, Nightmare Moon.”
“It is impossible to understand you, but that’s a brilliant idea! I want you to send them down immediately!”
“Yes, my lord.” Zecora then walked off to her lab while Nightmare walked off to her throne room.
“This is going to be good,” said Trixie.

Back in Equestria, Fluttershy was trotting around the field just outside Ponyville, picking flowers and humming a cheerful tune. She was about to pick a large yellow flower when she heard a chirping noise. She jumped back a little when she heard it, but then the Parasprite appeared before her. “Oh, aren’t you just the cutest thing,” she said. She then reached into her saddlebag and pulled out an apple. “Are you hungry, little guy?” The Parasprite sniffed the apple a little, then flew around into Fluttershy’s saddlebag and ate every single apple. “Goodness! I guess you were hungry.” The Parasprite flew out of Fluttershy’s saddlebag and nestled itself cozily into her mane and took a nap. “Oh, I’m sure my friends would love to see you. Let’s go meet them right now.” Fluttershy then trotted off back to Ponyville. Meanwhile, Derpy watched from behind a tree.
“What are those?” she asked herself. “Maybe I should go investigate.” She then flew off to Ponyville, trying to get there before Fluttershy.

Back at Sugarcube Corner, Rarity was talking to Pinkie Pie about some upgrades to the zords that the princess’s student installed.
“She said something about upgrades to the tank megazord as well as upgrades to your Pterodactyl zord.”
“That sounds great!” shouted Pinkie, jumping up and down. “Now I can fight monsters on my own like Rainbow Dash?”
“Yes. And we can fight effectively if you’re nowhere to be found, as well.”
“I have no idea who this student is, but I like her.”
Just then, Fluttershy flew into the room. “Rarity! Pinkie Pie! I’m so glad you two are here. I found something and I thought you two might want to see it.”
“Really?” asked Rarity. “What is it?”
“Come on out now, little guy,” she said to the Parasprite hidden in her mane. The Parasprite then popped out and started flying, followed by two more Parasprites.
“Oh, they’re adorable!” said Rarity.
“But I only had one when I came back to Ponyville. I have no idea where these other two came from.”
“I can take one off your hooves,” Rarity replied as one landed in her hooves. “Pinkie, would you like one?”
Pinkie just gagged. “A Parasprite? Are you crazy? Now I have to find a trombone.” She then stormed out of the building.
“A Parasprite?” asked Fluttershy. “And why is she going to get a trombone?”
“It’s probably just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie as usual,” replied Rarity. “Well, I’d better be off.” She then trotted out of the building.
“I guess we’d better get you two home,” Fluttershy said to her two Parasprites.
Just as she had walked out, she heard an all too familiar voice behind her say “Nice day for a little trot, isn’t it?”
Fluttershy turned around and gasped in horror when she confirmed that it was, indeed, Derpy behind her. “Derpy? What are you doing here?”
“Getting a muffin. Why else would I still be in Ponyville?” Just as Derpy said this, one of Fluttershy’s Parasprites flew over and nestled itself into Derpy’s mane. “Hey! What is this?”
“That’s a-”
“It’s adorable! I’m evil and I can’t even refrain from “d’awww-ing.”
“Oh... would you like to... keep it, maybe?”
Derpy was so busy nuzzling the Parasprite that she almost didn’t hear Fluttershy’s question. “Sure,” Derpy finally replied. “I suppose I can take a break from trying to destroy you and your friends to admire this little guy.”
“Okay, sure... I guess? I’ll just be going, then.” Fluttershy then backed away as though Derpy had gone crazy.
“Let’s go back to Cloudsdale, little guy,” Derpy said to the Parasprite. “You must be hungry.”

In Canterlot, Applejack and Spike were discussing how Derpy’s powers and Dragonzord could work.
“I’m sure it isn’t a pure evil energy,” said Spike. “There’s something about her powers and techniques that just doesn’t add up. It’s almost as if... it isn’t Nightmare’s power that holds Derpy. Something entirely different.”
“I’m gonna have to agree with ya, there, Spike,” AJ replied. “Somethin’ just don’t add up.”
Just then, one of the computers began beeping loudly. Spike ran over to see what the trouble was. “Oh no! Nightmare’s sent a monster to Equestria! It’s in Ponyville.”
“I’ll head over there right now. You contact Rainbow Dash.”
AJ rushed out of the room while Spike tried contacting Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash, are you there?”
Back in Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash was spying on Derpy’s house. Suddenly, her Element began buzzing and Spike’s voice was on the other line. “Uh, yeah. I’m here, Spike,” she said. “What’s wrong?”
“Nightmare’s launched an attack and it’s focused in Ponyville. You need to get down there.”
“Sure, I’ll be right there.”
“Dash, are you spying on Derpy, again?”
“No- maybe- yes,” she said, hanging her head in shame.
“Good. Maybe you should stay there. It would be better if you could intercept Derpy before she could join the fight.”
“Will do.” Dash then put her Element away and resumed her spying. Much to her surprise, however, Derpy was flying back to her house, carrying something. “I’ve got you now, Derpy.” She then charged and tackled Derpy.
“Gah! Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?” shouted Derpy. “You could have hurt my new pet!”
“‘New pet?’ What’s that supposed to mean?”
“This little guy,” Derpy said, showing Dash the Parasprite. “Isn’t he adorable?”
“Uh... sure. What exactly is he?”
“I’m not sure. Fluttershy never told me.”
“Oh. You never said Fluttershy gave it to you.” Couldn’t possibly be Nightmare’s monster, Dash thought to herself.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to feed muffins to this guy.” Derpy then stormed into her house and shut the door.
“Well, I guess there’s no real reason to stay-” she was cut off when she heard Derpy scream from in the house. On instinct, Dash bucked open the door and ran in. “Derpy! Are you okay?”
Derpy was laying on the floor, sobbing. “He- he- he ate everything. Every single muffin. Not one left for me.”
Dash ran over to Derpy’s side. “Derpy, what happened?”
“The little creature. He ate every single muffin I had in a matter of seconds. I ran out of the kitchen, but it’s still in there.” Derpy pointed to the kitchen, then resumed her sobbing.
Rainbow Dash slowly approached the kitchen, where she was instantly bombarded by about a hundred Parasprites, knocking her unconscious. Just then, Spike called Rainbow Dash’s Element. “Rainbow Dash, are you there? Rainbow Dash?”
Derpy got up and answered Spike’s call. “This is Derpy. Rainbow Dash is out cold.”
“Derpy? What have you done to Rainbow Dash?”
“Absolutely nothing, I swear. She was knocked unconscious by a bunch of tiny flying things.”
“That’s what I was calling about. Those tiny flying things are very dangerous creatures called Parasprites. They do nothing but eat food and multiply until they have a force strong enough to destroy their enemies.”
“That would explain both the one Parasprite eating all my muffins as well as the hundreds that appeared out of nowhere. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“How can we trust you?”
“They ate my muffins. Isn’t that reason enough for you? How about this? I’ll help you destroy these Parasprites, but after that, I’m back with Nightmare Moon. Call it a cease-fire?”
“Absolutely not,” said Rainbow Dash, getting up. She then walked over to Derpy and snatched her Element out of Derpy’s hooves. “And give me that back. Spike, fill me in.”
“The small creatures are Parasprites, and they’re extremely dangerous. Also, Derpy’s with us for this battle.”
“First, absolutely not. She tried to kill us several times in the past. Second, have you informed the others?”
“That’s just it. The others were who informed me.”

Some time earlier, Rarity was in her shop, using the Parasprite to help her with some things. “You are such an inspirational little creature. Thanks to you, finally got the last few pieces of imagery I need to finish my new dress line. Here have an apple.” She gave the Parasprite an apple, which it devoured in one bite, nearly taking a piece of Rarity’s hoof. “Hey! Be careful! I worked all morning shining these.” As if not listening to Rarity, the Parasprite began to gag a little. It then coughed up what seemed to be another Parasprite. Sure enough, it was yet another Parasprite. “Ugh! I won’t have a creature that does something so unsanitary and impolite! Out with you two! Out!” She tried to shoo the two Parasprites out, but they wouldn’t budge. Rarity then screamed and galloped out of the boutique, trying to call Fluttershy using her Element, but there was no answer. That’s when she ran into Applejack, who was also running through Ponyville, looking for the others. “Applejack? What are you doing here?”
“I came to warn y'all,” AJ replied. “Nightmare’s launched an attack and the monster’s in Ponyville.”
“I just tried calling Fluttershy, but she wasn’t answering. We need to get there.”
“Where are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie?”
“Not sure. I haven’t heard anything from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stormed off awhile ago for some reason.”
“I’ll call Spike after we get Fluttershy so we can have him look for the others. Let’s go.” Rarity and Applejack then raced off to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was hopping along the road with a shining new tuba hanging around her neck and symbols in her saddlebags. However, she wasn’t looking where she was going and took a wrong turn into a dark alley. “Hey,” she said when she finally looked around. “Where am I?”
“A nice day for a trot, Pony Ranger?” a voice asked.
“What? Who said that? How do you know I’m a Ranger?” Pinkie looked everywhere for the source of the voice, but she couldn’t find it.
“Little do you know that your friends are in danger,” the voice continued.
“Show yourself! Come out here and fight!” As if upon request, Zecora stepped out in front of Pinkie. “Who are you? How do you know that I’m a Ranger?”
“I am Zecora, a minion of Nightmare Moon, and my Parasprites will be your doom very soon.”
“YOU sent the Parasprites? I should have known. This one had Nightmare Moon written all over it from the start. You’re not gonna get away with this.” Pinkie tried to pull out her Element, but it was knocked out of her hooves by a Putty Pony that appeared behind her. She tried to fight off the group that came with the first one, but they quickly overpowered her and pinned her to the ground.
“Oh silly little Pinkie Pie. You cannot defeat me, you should not even try. My Parasprites will destroy you all and all of Equestria will soon fall.”

Back in Ponyville, Applejack and Rarity finally made it to Fluttershy’s cottage. “Fluttershy?” Rarity called as she knocked on the door. “Fluttershy! Open the door.” For while, there was silence. Then the two heard Fluttershy struggling and screaming.
“Fluttershy’s in trouble!” shouted Applejack. “My turn to ‘knock.’” Rarity stepped back as Applejack got in position to buck open the door. Just before Applejack could kick the door down, it exploded open, knocking her and Rarity back in a flood of Parasprites. Fluttershy was also thrown out the door. “Fluttershy!” shouted AJ, running to the downed pegasus.
“Applejack, Rarity, these are dangerous creatures!” Fluttershy said as she got up. “I’d be willing to bet they were sent by Nightmare Moon, but I can’t be sure.” Just then, all three of their Elements began beeping all at once. “It’s a distress call!”
“It’s coming from Pinkie Pie’s Element,” said Rarity. “She must be in danger. I’ll try to find her. You two call Spike and have him call for Rainbow Dash.”
“Okay,” replied Applejack. As Rarity galloped off, AJ turned back to Fluttershy. “You call Spike. I’ll try to get rid of these.”
“Got it,” replied Fluttershy.
Applejack then pulled out her Element and put it on. “Y’all will pay for hurtin’ my friend... IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!” She then morphed and charged at the wall of Parasprites, who’s eyes all suddenly turned red. They then began charging back at Applejack. AJ tuck-and-rolled to avoid the charge and recovered to buck the wall of Parasprites from behind. (Get your minds out of the gutter -_-) She didn’t really hit anything, however, because the Parasprites dispersed before she could hit one, causing her to fall.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Derpy had just gotten Spike’s call and were flying down to Fluttershy’s cottage to help with the battle. “Now, Derpy,” said Rainbow Dash, “we’ll be watching you closely. If you make one step out of line, it will be my pleasure to destroy you on the spot.”
“Will you stop worrying, Dashie?” asked Derpy. “I don’t plan on double-crossing you until I’ve avenged my muffins.”
“Well, start with the vengence now. Look.” Dash pointed down to the wall of Parasprites attacking AJ and Fluttershy. “Ready, Derpy?” Dash asked as she pulled out her Element. Derpy pulled out her Thunder Coin in response. “Okay... IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! Loyalty!”
The two pegasi morphed and rushed down to join the other two Rangers in the battle.

On the other side of Ponyville, Rarity was galloping around, trying to find Pinkie Pie when she suddenly bumped into Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle?” asked Rarity. “What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you,” Sweetie Belle replied. “There are a bunch of weird creatures flying around all over the shop!”
“Ah! I completely forgot about the two I left there! Sweetie Belle, go...” Rarity quickly racked her brain for somewhere safe for Sweetie Belle to stay. “Go to Sweet Apple Acres with Applebloom while I try to get rid of the Parasprites.”
“The what?”
“Nevermind. Trot along, now,” she said as she pushed Sweetie Belle away.
“Um, sis? Sweet Apple Acres is that way,” Sweetie Belle said, pointing in the other direction.
“Right, now get going.” As Sweetie Belle trotted off, Rarity galloped at top speed towards Carousel Boutique. When she got to her shop, she remembered why she was in town in the first place. She still needed to find Pinkie Pie. “Oh, those Parasprites are probably in there ruining my shop. Oh, but Pinkie Pie could be in danger. I can’t call one of the others out of battle, but my dresses...” Rarity took a deep breath, then sighed. “Don’t worry, Pinkie Pie. I’m coming.” She then reluctantly galloped away from her shop to continue searching for Pinkie.
She eventually decided to check Sugarcube corner, despite the fact that she figured that was the last place anypony trying to defeat the Rangers would hide Pinkie of all ponies. “Pinkie Pie,” Rarity called when she walked in. “Are you here?” She walked cautiously into the dark room, using her horn to light the area around her. She was about in the center of the room when she heard hooves moving around on the floor. “Pinkie? Is that you?” Rarity reached for her Element of Harmony, just in case. She was right to do that, because as soon as she turned around, a wooden staff was being swung right at her head. She dodged, barrel rolled, and morphed, ready for combat. “Who are you?”
Zecora stepped out from the shadows where she was hiding, carrying a wooden bo staff in her hooves. “Good to meet you, Black Ranger. I’m sure that, to you, I’m a stranger. My name is Zecora, a zebra, as you can see. I am the one who captured your friend, Pinkie.”
“I never would have guessed that Pinkie would be overpowered by somepony who wasn’t even a pony. Let alone somepony who can’t even talk correctly.”
“My method of speech is quite true. I don’t need any criticism from you. But it doesn’t matter how I talk. When I’m done with you, you won’t even be able to walk.” Zecora then charged at Rarity with her staff, narrowly missing her. Rarity tried to use her horn to fire a few bolts of magic at Zecora, but her magic wasn’t strong enough to do any real damage. Instead, Rarity tried using hoof-to-hoof combat and was actually working quite well. Her Element amplified her natural abilities, including her melee combat, so she actually stood a chance against Zecora. Zecora wasn’t completely outmatched, though, because she was the one with a weapon. She swung her staff at Rarity with strength, speed, and consistancy. The unrelenting barrage barely gave Rarity any chance to breathe, but still she blocked the attacks with her hooves and even got several hits in on her assailant. After several hits, Zecora had enough. “You are great at combat, I will give you that. When next we meet, you will be beat.” Zecora then teleported away, leaving Rarity to continue her original mission.
“Now, then,” she said to herself, demorphing, “back to finding Pinkie Pie.” It didn’t take much searching before Rarity heard muffled shouting from a nearby closet. When she opened the door, Pinkie Pie, tied up and beaten, fell out of the closet. “Pinkie!” Rarity shouted, tearing the tape off of her friend’s mouth. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Pinkie replied as Rarity finished untying her. “I’m fine. Where are the others? The parasprites are dangerous.”
“We kind of figured that out, already. Come on, the others need us.”
Rarity tried to pull Pinkie out, but Pinkie stopped just before they left the buliding. “Wait. There’s no way we can take them on. There’s too many of them.”
“Don’t worry, Derpy’s with us for this battle.”
“No, I mean Rangers won’t be enough to take on a constantly growing force.” Pinkie stopped for a moment, thinking. Then, she suddenly had an idea. “Go help the others. I’ll be along in a moment.” She then galloped off away from where the others were.
“Pinkie! Wait!” However, Pinkie was already too far away to hear Rarity’s calls. “As though her antics didn’t get us in enough trouble.” Rarity just rolled her eyes and galloped off towards Fluttershy’s cottage to help the other Rangers.

Meanwhile, the other Rangers weren’t exactly having a picnic with the Parasprites. They were outnumbered at least 478 to 1, and the Parasprites were taking advantage of this. “We can’t keep doin’ this for long,” Applejack shouted, getting knocked back and forth by several groups.
“Derpy!” Rainbow Dash shouted, flying away from one attacking group. “Don’t you know how to beat these things?”
“Does it look like I have the solution, here?” Derpy shouted back, trying to dig her way out of a pile of Parasprites. “Fluttershy, aren’t you good with animals, or something?”
“Yes!” Fluttershy squealed back, trying to wave some Parasprites away. “But these aren’t ordinary animals! I have no idea what to do!”
“We’d probably stand a chance if we weren’t down two ponies,” Rainbow Dash said just before getting knocked out of the sky by several kamakaze Parasprites. “Where are Rarity and Pinkie?”
Just then, several pieces of debris were launched at the Parasprites, scattering them all over the place. “Did somepony call me?” asked Rarity from down the path, morphed and ready for action. She then galloped over to join the other Rangers, who were now in a tightly-packed circle. “So, what’s the situation?”
“My count is about 1,912 Parasprites,” Derpy replied. “With you here, our odds are about 382.4 Parasprites per Ranger.”
“Derpy,” Rainbow Dash said, “you realize Pinkie Pie’s the comic relief in the series, right?”
“I know,” Derpy replied, “but she wasn’t here, so I figured I’d fill in for now.” Just then, a Parasprite flew by and smacked Derpy in the face. “Hey! No attacking during a 4th wall breach!” But the Parasprites didn’t seem to listen and instead started dive-bombing the Rangers, who were pretty much defenseless and getting pummeled by the Parasprites.
“We can’t hold out much longer!” Fluttershy shouted. “Where’s Pinkie Pie? She’d make our odds a little better with about 318.666667 Parasprites per Ranger.”
“You two, Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy just gave a nervous smile befere getting knocked to the ground by several Parasprites and being de-morphed. “Fluttershy! Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Fluttershy replied. “I’m still alive. LOOK OUT!” Before Rainbow Dash had any time to react, she got knocked to the ground past Fluttershy and was demorphed, herself. Applejack, Rarity, and Derpy suffered similar fates.
“Looks like we’re finished,” said Rainbow Dash. “Nightmare’s won. There’s no hope.” Just as she said this, the Parasprites reared up for the final blow. But before the Parasprites charged, the Rangers heard a noise in the distance almost like a screeching. The Rangers looked up to find the Pterodactyl zord dive-bombing the Parasprites, who were scattering all over the place.
“Hey!” Pinkie Pie called from the cockpit. “Who told you you could throw a party and not invite me?”
“Pinkie Pie?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“So that’s what you galloped off to do,” said Rarity. “Sorry I ever doubted you.”
“I forgive you, Rarity,” Pinkie called. “Now, back to these Parasprites.” She then turned the Pterodactyl zord back to the Parasprites and started firing the Pterodactyl’s flamethrower, completely incinerating the fleeing Parasprites. “Roasted Parasprite, anypony? Sorry, but it’s a little burned.”
“Great job, Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash called as Pinkie flew the Pterodactyl zord back to its volcano hangar. Dash then turned back to Derpy. “And same to you, Derpy.”
“Me?” asked Derpy. “What in Nightmare’s name are you talking about?”
“I knew you had some good in you.”
“Oh, you think I have good in me, do you?” Derpy then pulled out her Thunder Coin and used it to summon the Dragonzord. “Let me be the first to tell you. I don’t.” She then flew up into the cockpit of her zord.
“Should have seen that coming,” Dash said, rolling her eyes. The other Rangers galloped up into combat position, but Dash stopped them. “I’ll handle this myself.” She then took out her Element of Harmony and used it to summon the Tyrannozord into combat. She then flew into the cockpit of her own zord and moved the Tyrannozord to face the Dragonzord.
“Ha!” Derpy laughed. “You think you can beat me?”
“Well, sure,” Dash replied. She then moved the Tyrannozord to strike the Dragonzord with its tail. The Dragonzord stumbled a little, but Derpy wasn’t about to give up that easily. She fired the Dragonzord’s fire breath, striking the Tyrannozord square in the chest. Rainbow Dash struck back with a laser blast from the Tyrannozord’s eyes. Derpy tried to block this attack, but the Dragonzord wasn’t strong enough to defend or fast enough to evade. The Dragonzord was knocked to the ground and comepletly defenseless. Derpy teleported away in defeat and frustration. “One day, Derpy, I promise to show you the light.”

Later at the moon base, Nightmare was scolding Zecora and Derpy. “Zecora, I honestly expected a little success from you. You had one of the most dangerous species on Equestria under your control and you let them get incinerated.” Nightmare then turned to Derpy. “And you. How dare you help the Pony Rangers foil yet another plan. I should launch you into orbit right now for doing such a thing.”
“They attacked me,” Derpy said, not looking up at Nightmare.
“Did they now? Now there’s an interesting development.” Nightmare then turned back to Zecora. “Care to explain?”
“In my defence, Lord Nightmare, I lost control of them, once they got there,” Zecora said. “As they multiplied, my control would divide. This complication was unforseen, but the blame still lies on the Ranger of green.”
“That’s it!” Nightmare shouted, getting frustrated. “Both of you are to blame, but I’m in no mood to punish either of you.” The then trotted out of the room.

Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were all sent there by their sisters. “Does anypony know why your sisters sent you here?” Applebloom asked.
“I dunno,” Scootaloo said, “but Rainbow Dash has been acting kind of strangely, lately. Applejack and Rarity, too?” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle nodded their heads.
“I think I might know what’s going on,” Sweetie Belle said.
“Really?” asked Scootaloo. “What is it, then?”
Sweetie Belle paused for a moment before speaking. “I think our sisters are the Pony Rangers.”